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Greetings fellow students, this is a document prepared by the office of the secretary
general on some of the endeavors, successes and challenges faced under the office of the
LAMUMedSA Secretary General with the hope that it will give both guidance on how to
better address the affairs of the office the Secretary General as well as enlighten fellow
students about the importance of the office of the secretary general in the governance
structure of the LAMUSU –Association (LAMUMedSA).
Before I go any further allow me to offer my sincere gratitude to the students of the
faculty of Medicine for giving me the opportunity to save as the faculties Secretary
General in the Academic year ( 2021- 2022) a privilege I will never take for granted as it
gave me the opportunity to offer both my service to my fellow students as well as a
chance to develop my leadership skills.
Allow me also to render my gratitude to all the people I had the privilege of working
for/with throughout my tenure as Secretary General, I learnt so much from each person
I encountered in my capacity as Secretary General, I learnt valuable life lessons such as
how to better relate with other people amongst other lessons I will never take for
granted as I believe they have made me a better person.
To the rest of the LAMUMedSA executive, my teammates, I am especially grateful to all
of you for being such a unique set of 10 individuals that started off as my campaign
members but, I now consider my friends, my confidants and even more-so my family
members, a family that has seen me grow and experience ups and downs , a family I’ll
ever be grateful for because they got to see me grow and shape me into the man I am
today in their own special way.
To my successor, the next Secretary General of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, I
can but wish you well; I hope you will have even more success than I did in my tenure as
you take up the mantle of being in arguably the best office the faculty has to offer. I
want to inform you that the office you are about to take up is a very busy one, but it is
also one of the most satisfying because you will be at the heart of all LAMUMedSA
activities and as such you should be very proactive. I have labored to state below some
of the successes I had as well as some of the challenges I faced in my tenure as Secretary
General so as to properly guide you the next Secretary General as you take up the
mantle of being Secretary General.
Working with a team as Brilliant as the one I worked with made my work much easier as
Secretary General and I must say, I made innumerable successes. I will however,
mention but few close to my heart.

Firstly, because the office of the Secretary General has to work to ensure other offices
are doing their part, respect is key and maintaining that respect should be one of the
goals of any Secretary General, I am pleased to say that during my tenure, I managed to
earn that respect and not demand it, for me this felt like a win.
Also, as Secretary General, I was at the helm of the unity and success exhibited by the
entire executive as it was my job to ensure the whole team was active and all the agendas
on the Action plan where being met.
I also experienced success working with other secretaries whenever they called upon my
office to help in their offices especially in their absence due to exams and other
engagements in such a way that the absence of one executive member was more often
than not, not felt.
As secretary general I, in conjunction with the office of the Secretary of Academic
affairs managed to successfully organize and conduct orientations throughout the faculty
of note are the first ever clinical orientations for January 2020 as well as July 2020 held
Also, through the office of the Secretary of Academics I managed to successfully
organize academic clinic tutorials for students writing 4 th year 2nd semester exams an
endeavor that proved to be very satisfying.
I, in conjunction with the office of the President and the Office of the Secretary of
Student affairs managed to sign a memorandum of understanding with ISOGRAFT to
help students easily find accommodation through the application.
I worked with the Secretary of Information to circulate information quickly and let
people know about upcoming events organized by the executive.
I managed to represent the Association at external events as well as meeting when called
upon to do just that all throughout my tenure there by promoting relations with other
Associations from other faculties, one such event is the LAMUPharmSA mental health
Seminar held at Chalala campus.
As Secretary General I found it relatively easy to talk to the faculty management and get
their attention which made it possible to get the necessary help on the concerns of the
students when need be.
My office as Secretary General worked tirelessly in conjunction with the office of the
President to Unit the two sectors of the faculty which are pre-clinical and clinical.
As Secretary General, I managed to organize, attend and participate in all inter faculty
activities organized by the Student Union (LAMUSU), by so doing, I promoted the
relevance of having faculty leadership.
Most often than not, All executive members attended LAMUMedSA meetings this gave
me great as it was a sign that we were usually on the same page as an Executice.

Last but not least, As Secretary General I managed to do the most important job of any
Secretary General anywhere which is organize meetings, write minutes and keep records
of the executive on behalf of the entire LAMUMedSA executive throughout my Tenure
as Secretary General.

As Secretary General, the challenges in my tenure where few because every executive
member played there part well, I will however, mention but few that I had and I feel the
next Secretary General should look out for.
-Communication: Prolonged silence from some executive members was a challenge for
me at first, I had a problems with that because I didn’t know if all executive felt like they
are part of the team.
- Monthly executive reports; It might interest you to know that our executive members
where submitting monthly reports to my office. The challenge I had with this is that not
every executive member was submitting these reports on time so it was difficult to keep
track of progress and/or challenges executive members had.
-Also, delegating duties when I can’t handle something personally was most often than
not a challenge as most executive members where usually busy as well.
- Last but not least, having to balance both my academics as well as the duties of my
office was a challenge.

Presented above is the report from the office of the Secretary General for the academic
year (2021-2022) which includes among others, some of the successes I experienced in
my office as Secretary General, some of the challenges I faced as Secretary General as
well as the hope to see the next faculty Secretary General succeed for the benefit of the
entire faculty as well as the School at large. I thank you once more for this rear
opportunity to save the student body of Lusaka Apex Medical University under the
LAMUSU-Association (LAMUMedSA) , I thank you for being part of process of
shaping me into the man I am becoming, it is a gesture I will never take lightly.
In conclusion, let me end by saying, because leaders are not born they are made I believe
this opportunity to be a leader in this great faculty has made me capable of being a
leader in others sectors of society as well as in my own life and for that, thank you. God
bless the faculty of Medicine, God bless Lamu.



LAMUMedSA – Secretary General



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