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Our galactic brothers are present and helping us

The french audio version :

They are telling me:

“Brothers of the Earth, Children of the Stars, Children of the Light, it is always with immense pleasure that we come towards you.

We, your Pleiades brothers.

We have come to tell you that you must have a little more patience; even if your life experiences are difficult, you must have a little more

Near you there are many of your Galactic Brothers like Aton, Ilis and us. We come from Pleiades from Vega, from Sirius and other spheres
and have been present for a very, very, very long time in terrestrial time.

You can find us in your religions and certain cultures; we have left many traces of our passage, notably in Atlantis, in that truly marvelous
civilization that was, in a certain way, conceived by your Galactic Brothers.

Other Beings have already told you, and this to give you a little courage, and to ask you for a little patience, that soon you will really see
the effects of the Light. However, you must be vigilant because life in matter through what you are, of what you are experiencing, of what
you understand or what you do not understand, of what is not yet accessible to your comprehension and to your intelligence. There are
many parameters that are not yet very clear for you and that make you doubt sometimes; doubt the reality of our presence, that make you
doubt our action among men, our brothers, but that do not make you doubt the presence of the somber light that is manipulating
humanity. At that level, the doubt is not even a question, at least for the Light Workers, for those whose mission is to awaken the world,
for those whose mission is to help and to help us, we your Galactic Brothers with the profound transformation of this world.

In any case, no matter what you do, the events will take place! Up until now we did not have the right to get involved in the way of living
and evolution of our Brothers of the Earth; now it is asked of us to act in a much more visible way, much more real to your eyes, that we
have not done up until now.

We have this right because on the obscure side, the unfriendly ones have given themselves this inferior right to interfere which they
should not have put into application; they should not have manipulated human beings; however, they have done it.

So, on our side, we have now not only the authorization, but we have the duty to come and help our Brothers of the Earth.

It is now Ilis who is speaking; he is telling me:

“You, my little sister of the Stars, I would like to tell you that you must not be impatient! You are like all human beings who already wish
for this new world; however, too many human beings are not yet ready to live this new civilization this new world that has been much
promised by your Brothers in the Light, by your Galactic Brothers.

Now we are entering into action this is true! The action of each of us is different. My mission is that of Love, the mission of beauty, of the
real awakening of consciences, the mission of helping humans to awaken themselves, but there are those who are in such a deep and
profound sleep that they do not wish to awaken themselves.

Therefore, I will continue my mission for planet Earth or on planet Earth until the end, until the great awakening, until the great shifting
and it will take place, this is certain! Some people do not want to see this but it has already begun in you and around you, but you, Light
Workers, the team on the ground, are still too impregnated with some experiences of the Earth and obviously some doubts; you are too
impregnated with the uncertainty of our real existence, with the uncertainty that we can really help you.

As it has been told you, some extraordinary things will happen in your world, some things that you cannot even imagine the importance
of at all levels.

What the people of the Earth and especially its leaders do not think, those who have no awareness of God the Father-Mother – among
others – who have no awareness of what is good, of what the Light and Love are, is that many things will happen in an approaching time
that will accelerate the process of profound transformation to the inside and outside of beings that is to say very simply in all of the
diverse kingdoms and also in all of your human brothers.”

They are telling me:

“We have often spoken to you about the vibratory change. Some will feel it more than others, but for you, our human brothers, this will
not bring much because it is not an absolute.

Certainly, you will feel that something is happening in you, you will feel that you have been shaken up, you will feel many things, but you
cannot clearly analyze what that represents. You simply experience certain vibratory states, certain unexplained problems for you, but
this vibratory and energy change is going to accelerate itself more and more, and soon you will feel it inside you! You will feel some
profound changes, even in matter. At the level of your thoughts, of your behavior, of your reactions, you will feel some things that are
totally different from those you have experienced up until today.

This has been told you in another way, this will be retold to you in still another way, because you human beings, our brothers, forget so
fast, but in a certain way this is also good to forget in order to be able to act; we ask you to act upon yourselves, to be aware of who you
are, to be aware of the great inner power, the great power of Love.

We also ask you to remain logical, in wisdom, in discernment, in analysis, because there are many disturbing waves. Beings who are a
little weak will never succeed in seeing the truth because it will be so hidden that they will not have the force to find it. However, you,
Light Workers, Children of the Earth, you have the capacity to find this truth in you; we are speaking of the truth that is accessible to you.”

They are also telling me:

“At the level of time, we are going to explain to you what it can represent for a tree, for an ephemeral, for a human and for many beings of
the animal kingdom.

Time does not have the same value, even on Earth, for each kingdom, for each species and human beings. An ephemeral lives time in the
blink of an eye; a tree is going to live much, much longer than a human being and yet they both have the same time.
It is for this that the notion of time is very difficult to really explain, because for each living being, our brothers, you humans, time will be
a little different depending on your work, depending on your inaction, depending on what you are also at the evolutionary level, that is to
say old souls or some much younger souls; therefore you will manage time in a different way; either it will seem to pass will an incredible
rapidity, or it will be longer if there is boredom, etc., and yet time is always the same; on the terrestrial sphere, time is always the same!

Soon, the time will no longer have the same reality at all since you will have a passage into a non-time, a sort of total immobilization of all
life, and then this will really be another time, the time of renewal but especially the new time, that where all will be possible, where the
veils will be removed, where you will recognize yourself as Divine Beings, the time where you will be totally in a true fraternity and in
Universal Love, all united in Universal Love.

All will come! We cannot tell you that it will be “tomorrow” or “the day after tomorrow” but we can assure you that everything is moving
and that there will come a time when even terrestrial time will accelerate itself in a considerable way.

You will constantly have the impression of running after time that you lack, even for the easiest things of your life; for the organization of
your life, the time will be lacking.

So, during this acceleration of time that will take place “in a short while” (once again) at times you will feel lost, you will no longer have
the time to do the minimum that is asked of you and you must rejoice because the faster that exterior time and your inner clock accelerate
the more you can be aware that you are soon going to shift into the non-time and into the new life.

We would at least like to clarify that when we speak about this great shifting, it is not towards what you call “death” it is towards another
way of living, towards another state of being, towards another consciousness, just simply towards another reality.

This other reality will be marvelous for you because you will no longer be a number like you are right now on Earth, all “numbered” in
some way. Man will have his true place; man will be respected as a man.

There are so many errors (desired of course) at the level of the manipulations and of things that we do not even want to say because they
are so terrible that now this is enough! We therefore have the marvelous permission not only to continue to help workers on the ground
much more, but also to help the beings who are opening much more because despite what you may have noticed on the outside, there are
always some beings who continue to open up, to become aware, to position themselves and to advance.

Of course, the great majority is still very asleep, static, they do not want to advance because they do not even think that life can be other
than what they are living at this moment. And yet, life will be so different!

We have often spoken to you, your Brothers in the Light as well, now we are simply going to speak to you a little bit of what is happening
in the great vessels.

Aton is a part of Sananda's vessel, a vessel that is where the commander Ashtar is also located. Ilis is a part of this vessel, but he is not
always there; he can go intermittently onto other vessels, to other parts of your solar system or even to other parts of your galaxy. He is
not permanently in the Celestial Star (or the Blue Star).”

They are also telling me:

“On these vessels, are found many human beings who have been “removed” during their sleep or by other methods; they do not
remember it because the time has not come, but when this will be the case, the veils will fall and all that they have learned on the vessels,
therefore during their sleep and removal…the word “removal” is not correct, it is better to say : their invitation on board…the memory
will come back to them just for the last mission to be accomplished on Earth before the great shifting.

Some of you can go and do go onto the vessels at night, during their sleep, because on the vessels they receive a particular instruction…this
word is not totally adapted, but in a certain way we can say that there is a sum of knowledge that is revealed to them so that you can be
performant when the time comes, and notably at the emotional level, at the behavioral level, at the level of fears and of all that make the
human personality such as the ego, etc., and above all, obviously, wisdom.

It is obvious that those who are a part of the Light Workers and some workers on the ground are brought on board in order to be formed
because when there will be certain events that are a little bit complicated (we are not saying “difficult”, we are saying “complicated”)
because never experienced in a terrestrial incarnation by you the workers on the ground the Light Workers, therefore, there will be a
need to adapt oneself when the time comes. The adaptation will not be difficult since you will already be impregnated and taught about
what you are to do and about the way you must do it.

This being said, we would like to add that more and more you will be offered very powerful energies, energies of Love emanating not only
from the Universe, as you know it, but from us, your Galactic Brothers because we will have more and more the possibility of manifesting
ourselves at the vibratory level near to you, in order to continue the work in the invisible that may have been done simply during your
sleep or when you have been brought aboard the vessels.

Therefore, our work will essentially be to liberate you from certain chains, notably from the past, and this is very important; we will help
you considerably to liberate yourself from the past, from all difficult experiences, so that you can integrate a new vibration of Love, a new
vibration of serenity and of total liberty, of liberty inside yourselves, a liberty and a serenity that no human being, no matter what he does
to you, could ever take away from you.

What we mean to say by “total liberty” is that even if you should go to prison, (which will absolutely not be the case) you would always be
in total liberty because you would have the awareness that no one can touch this liberty, that it belongs to you, that it is a part of you; you
will have greater awareness of what you are through this liberty, this fraternity, this serenity and the gigantic Laws of Universal Love.

We are speaking of the “gigantic Laws of Universal Love” because you are going to know, and this more and more, other ways to feel Love,
other ways to offer it, other ways to grow in Love, and as we have already told you this will be a neutral way and not with exaggerated
emotions; this will take place in you with much more wisdom and much more neutrality. We try to make you understand and this is not
easy but when we speak of “neutrality,” we wish to say that there will be no more excessive emotions. The more you evolve, the more
these emotions will place themselves in you, in the totally positive sense, to help you to elevate your vibratory frequency.

What can we still tell you in relation to the work that we accomplish in the vessels?

We are sending more and more teams of our Brothers in the Light and of our Galactic Brothers to the ground. They have two very
particular missions: a mission of peace and also a mission of projecting more and more a very particular vibration onto the somber light
that is acting and surging right now on your planet, to totally lesson the destructive and negative effects of all the evil beings, whether they
are terrestrial or non-terrestrial, who wish in a certain way to destroy humanity.

The beings who are sent to the ground that is to say your Galactic Brothers, work in a very particular way.”
They are showing me some sort of “commandos” as we say on Earth…

“They are composed of ten to fifteen beings who are going to work, and as has already been told you, they are obliged to return very often
to the vessels to regenerate themselves; however, their action is truly extraordinary.

On planet Earth, there are groups whose mission is to work in one sense or another, to help and especially to watch over the immense
errors that can be committed by groups of humans, in their ignorance and their obscurantism because they are totally under the control
of unfriendly forces.

Some groups are very vigilant; you have the proof with what is happening with the virus; we have delegated a unit of two persons to go do
what they have to do in the laboratories (we have told you since the beginning of this false pandemic) to rectify to the maximum the
negative effects of the virus so that it will not be dangerous because it was planned to destroy a great part of humanity.

Therefore, the work that we accomplish on your Earth is truly very important at all levels, whether it is the scientific level, medical level,
at all the levels there are beings who are coming to help humanity in its diverse specialties.

Of course, you could say, and we understand it: “we do not see too many effects!” We are going to tell you that the work is so important
that before you can see the effects, you must wait a little while. When you will really see them, it will be as if an immense veil that is upon
the human vision ripped apart that is to say that there will be stupefaction at perceiving something else, but above all, for a part of human
beings, to finally perceive the truth and to be aware of how much the countries of the entire world have been manipulated by lies; this will
soon no longer exist because it is a vibration, like fears, that will little by little be eradicated in human beings.

We are vigilant; we are helping you in a considerable way. The Alliance exists! It does not go as fast as it would like because, obviously, it
exists between humans and us, your Galactic Brothers, but humans are not perfect and sometimes fragile; we must therefore reduce their
fragility so that the plan can really accelerate; it is in place, but it must accelerate.

We are also working in a visible or invisible way with your government leaders. We are hoping for much from some of them, certain
terrestrial powers, who will accomplish their mission with the Alliance which is why we are forming them.

In your galaxy, everything is really moving. We have a considerable work on Earth and on other planets; we are certainly very numerous,
but everything is moving in a way that we say is extraordinary, because even we, your Galactic Brothers, your Brothers in the Light, just
as with your Guides as well, are evolving in a considerable way; we do not evolve in the same way as you, but we are evolving in a new
consciousness of Universal Love, in a new consciousness of what God the Father-Mother (it matters little what name you give him) can
represent; know that He is truly the Great Creator of Life, of Universal Life, of the Life of your Universe obviously.

We would like to tell you, always be in fraternity, always be in the Love! Love is an immense protection against all manipulation.

And if you are all present, it is because each of you has understood, in the deepest part of himself, that Love is truly the most beautiful
protection that a human being can have. You constantly create this Love without being aware of it; it forms like an immense cocoon of
Light around you and the forces of the somber light cannot cross over this protection; it is not even a shield, it is a protection that you
create, even without being aware of it.

Every time that you offer Love to your brothers, to those who have need of it, you also augment the power of Love in you, therefore
around you at the level of this cocoon of Light. Love is a Vibration, a very powerful Energy, an Energy of Creation, therefore, little by little
you will succeed in understanding the considerable power of Love.

Now, we are leaving you. We have brought you a gift, guard it preciously. As it is a living gift, make it grow in the deepest part of your

Be blessed, children of the Earth, be blessed Children of the Light, know very simply that you are something else than the aspect that you
see of yourselves, really much more. We love you infinitely and we say see you soon.

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