We Are Souls in Experimentation On Earth

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We are souls in experimentation on earth

Audio version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v+SEB2c7C8etA

They are telling me:

“As always, we are infinitely happy to be with you, to be among you.”

The person coming is a marvelous Being.

He is telling me:

“I lived in your solar system; I lived on several planets of your solar system, with very different bodies depending on where I was, with
equally very different vibratory frequencies of course depending on what I had to do or to experience, that is to say in all the spheres of
your solar system.

There were some very difficult spheres, in vibration, in the duration, but not only did I succeed in elevating myself beyond the vibration,
like that of the planet Earth among others, but all of the spheres have an extraordinary importance.

I am going to speak to you a little bit of the incarnation I had on Venus, but the word “incarnation” is not correct, but how to tell you…? So,
let us keep this word.

Venus, beyond what you see of it, has another vibration that is so much more elevated, and everything happens in this other dimension, in
this other reality of Venus.

You, human beings, you think that Venus is the planet of Love; instinctively you feel it as such, and this has also been inculcated in you in
a certain way perhaps in the traditions but essentially in feelings because some of you have also made a passage on Venus. Venus is the
planet of beauty, of creativity and obviously of Love, but a Love that is so different from the one that you could live on Earth.

I have learned much on Venus; I have learned another way of loving. It is for this that Love (as the Beings of Light tell you or like we can
tell you) love is infinite and each world, each solar system, even each galaxy, has a very particular way of meeting Love, of experiencing it,
of expressing it.

The beings of Venus have the capacity to travel without a vehicle in the solar system, and well beyond it. Some beings of Venus also work
in the great vessels. But to say Venusians, Earthlings, or Arcturiens, etc., is not exact because for the moment, you our brothers, you are
Earthlings, but when you will have left planet Earth, you will no longer be Earthlings; if you have decided to take a little voyage to Venus,
you will momentarily be Venusians.

Therefore, the experiences that I have been able to have in all the spheres of our or of your solar system, have been a colossal enrichment.

Now, I am coming to you; I am therefore of course Venusian. I am a part of the great vessel of Ashtar (that is no longer called Ashtar, but
you can continue to call it that). I am a part of this vessel and the message that I have to deliver to you tonight is that more and more you
will perceive our presence but in a much more human way, much more real. You will see more and more of the vessels in the sky, and it is
above all the information of our presence that can no longer be hidden!

Those who are not yet totally in the Light…I cannot use the word “evil” I can simply say: those who have not yet integrated the Love and
the Light within; therefore, they still remain on the Earth, but they are leaving the Earth plane more and more, they are leaving the solar
system to return to their galaxy.

You must also understand this:

The passage on planet Earth allows all beings, no matter what they are (evil or good) to enrich themselves in a considerable way at the
level of consciousness, even for the beings who have not yet understood that they have the Love and the Light in them; planet Earth is a
very particular planet and I would like to say that I can compare it to Venus, that is to say that on Earth another way of loving is born but
very powerful in human beings. This way of loving, you do not feel, you do not yet completely have the consciousness, but the fact of
passing into this world is very beneficial in the enrichment of Love.

Therefore, you have the completely obscure side that is found on planet Earth due to those who have not yet acquired the consciousness of
the Light, but you also have the other side, that is to say, the shining Light side, the Love side that is very, very powerful and I insist on
telling you this.

To return to what I was saying, there will be more and more manifestations. In a short while, we will be obliged to (hear this!) obligated to
work openly, that is to say that some of us will manifest ourselves publicly. Many will not believe us obviously; some could say that a film
is being played, that the current technology is so good that it can make you believe that what we are seeing are extraterrestrials, but this is
not the reality.

Therefore, there will always be those who will believe and those who will not believe. And those who will believe will feel us; I am not
speaking about myself, the one who is speaking through this channel, but I say, “us” in the globality of those who we are. Therefore, some
of us will believe and others not, but this is of no importance because our action will be so important that there will come a time when
human beings will be obligated to believe us. And we will intervene just a little before the shifting to accompany it and to clean up to a
maximum planet Earth of certain vibratory frequencies, to liberate it as well in view of the great transition.”

They are showing me some inferior thoughts, all the terrifying behaviors that are currently on Earth, these immense lies, and

He is telling me:

“We are here also to make it so that in a relatively short time now, that all of this obscurity, this immense evil (I am indeed going to use
this word), that all this diminishes more and more and be practically absorbed by the Light and the Love that are going to inundate your
world more and more and all of you.

I would also like to speak to you about the Vibrations, some Energies. For you human beings, “vibration,” “energy,” these are words that
you can feel in a small way or in a bigger way, but you are not aware of what this Vibration and this Energy can really be. I am going to
associate these words because Vibration is an Energy, obviously.
Therefore, these Vibrations, these vibratory Energies (it is more just like this) are going to profoundly transform the consciousness and
matter that you live in right now. It is like a Light (invisible) that is going to little by little enlighten all that you are inside, that is to say is
going to absorb all of your little somber parts and as long as you are in the third dimension, it is obvious that you still have these little
somber parts, for example the doubts with all that makes up the somewhat obscure side of the human personality.

These vibratory Energies are essentially from the Light in several frequencies because we cannot, especially the Beings still much more
evolved than us – as well as the energies that come from the center of the Galaxy and from the Divine breath, etc. – cannot suddenly send
a very important frequency because that would annihilate life.

It is therefore necessary for the vibratory Energies to install themselves little by little without disturbing the life of those who integrate
them. This integration penetrates all that lives, nature, mineral, vegetable, animal, and human, at very different doses because the
Universe is so wise that it is going to give this nourishment (because it must be considered to be more of a nourishment), depending on
those who can absorb it and the quantity depending on what you can also absorb and this for any of the kingdoms. You are not going to
have an indigestion of Energies; we will give you these vibratory Energies depending on your capacity to nourish yourself with that and to
transform yourself through these Vibrations.

We wanted to put a little bit of an accent on this because in your earth language, you often speak of energies and vibrations like us or
other Beings of Light who come through your channel to speak to you; they simplify if you will, and I wish to give them a more ample
significance so that you can better understand and nourish yourself more with this vibratory Energy.

Once again, many, many things will happen in your world, in the subtle, as well as in the physical, in the etherical, like in the material if
you will. Your world is in great preparation for the new world that awaits it.

We are trying to prepare as many human beings as possible and even the words “human beings” will no longer have the same significance
in a certain time; we would rather say “souls in experimentation of the Earth.” We are even trying to awaken the souls coming from
elevated planes and who have allowed themselves to be completely imprisoned in matter by fear because when you come onto planet
Earth, you are submitted to all the vibrations emanating from not only the Earth but all of the diverse kingdoms; the kingdom that has the
most fear is the animal kingdom and then it is the human kingdom.

Therefore, there is this impregnation of fear for thousands, millions of years, nourished by those who direct human beings (but who can
also be human themselves), but nourished in order to dominate more and to manipulate beings; that vibration is therefore there and a
being, no matter what he is or where he comes from, when he returns to matter, when he takes on a body of matter, can be so taken up in
this fear that sometimes he is imprisoned in it and he does not wish to liberate himself from it.

Our current mission is to try to awaken and to liberate all of our brothers, and we do mean all of our brothers, who have volunteered and
who are still in a deep sleep caused by the vibratory frequency of the planet, of all that lives and some fears that I have just explained to

Some of our brothers have taken on the mission of going to awaken some marvelous beings who have gotten lost (this is the word), they
have gotten lost in their incarnation. There are not millions and millions of them, but we must not leave these beings in their
imprisonment and liberate them because the moment is so precious and important that all of our brothers, and of course you are a part,
must have this capacity of awakening and not total slumber.

Here is also a little bit one of our missions but they are multiple; we have spoken to you about what we can do by reaching physically, or
telepathically your government leaders.

Our role near the government leader is more and more important and especially in your Europe where the powers of the non-light have
manifested themselves with a great virulence and with a great ignorance in relation to all the leaders of small countries; but we are also
going to work there.

Do not fear a generalized conflict, we are watching over and there is a very, very, very small probability that the conflict between Ukraine
and Russia becomes generalized. There will be a solution brought rapidly to this conflict, we are watching over it and the Alliance is also
watching over it.”

They are also telling me:

“The Terrien and Galactic Alliance is going to work in a considerable way in order to enlighten as much as possible all the beings who are
in the non-light because the Universe does not want useless destruction and every soul who can to return towards the Light is precious to
God, is also precious for those who have the responsibility of managing the Earth at the level of the Great Beings of Light.

Above all remain confident! There will still be some difficult moments, but things are going to happen that will surprise humanity…
surprise humanity! Perhaps those who are open will be much more surprised, but for those who are not, this could create some shocks,
some states of amazement, but even in a state of amazement there can be awakening.

Even if you are impatient, even if you see nothing, even if you see that for the moment everything is deteriorating around you, even if you
see that others wish to manipulate you over and over in a thousand and one ways, know that the time of manipulation and of suffering is
past, that the time of all that you have been subjected to is past, but we, we see it as past, but for you humans, it has not totally past;
however it is going towards the annihilation of all that has made a slavery of humans since the dawn of time; this is the liberation from
those who have procured the slavery of human beings since the dawn of time.

The only thing that we would like to say to you is this: grow in Love, love yourself, love yourself, love yourself! Love those who surround

In your message, you have told us that the evil ones are leaving the Earth more and more because, in any case, they were no longer
tolerated there. From the moment that they are no longer here, will the structures of control that have been put in place continue to exist
or are they going to collapse?

“They are going to collapse! Not all of a sudden because even if there are evil beings who leave planet Earth, they leave their heritage and
as long as there is this heritage of power, money, pleasure, etc., there will always be this large problem of manipulation.

But, all of this is going to collapse by the will not only of the human beings who work with the Alliance but also by the will of the Great
Beings of Light who manage planet Earth, but also by the will of the human beings who no longer wish to be manipulated, who wish to
live in their Divine Essence with the awareness that their body and their soul belong to them and that they must not be subjected to
anything else but their own freedom.

Therefore, the awakening of humanity is going to take place. For the moment, it is opening an eye, but there will come a moment when the
two eyes will open and at that moment those who commanded in a certain way…it is not that they will be destroyed but they will be in a
worse way than you can imagine; they will have lost all power because beings will be awakened (at least a part) to make this outrageous
manipulation fall, that lives in a very, very great part of humanity currently.
But the inferior beings will have less impact; the more that the days and months pass, the less they will have an impact on the human
consciousness and on the world population.

Now we are leaving you.

May Peace, joy, and Love illuminate your lives constantly.

We Love you infinitely and we say see you soon.”

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