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Mahinay, Joe Marvin

BMMA – 203
04#Activity - 1

Read the following items carefully and give what is asked.

Q. For Kant, what is the role of reason in living morally?

According to Immanuel Kant, the role of reason in morality is a conditional

judgment to one’s ethics. In a way Kant perceives that a “Good” reason is preferably more
willful in short it produces a Goodwill to the person for example what’s good and bad.
Another is a good will is the highest of good in the condition of all other goods to
summarize this means that a goodwill is the highest form of reason to one’s self though
some goodwill’s are not always good.

Q. Explain: “What is legal is not always moral.”

The meaning of this mean that even if a higher form of authority legalized certain
aspects of ethics not every one of these are always moral to an individual. Let’s take this
example from the most controversial debates the introduction and preferences about the
LGBTQ+ to many accounts believe that only two genders exist in this world and no such
anomalies can change these two genders and this is seen to many as the moral standard.
For some, sexuality is something that has existed even before the implementation of the
LGBTQ+ community. Many uses the bible as a catalyst of morality as this is the highest
form of ethics to one’s religion. Because of this people under religion is not fond of these
irregular self-prescribe sexualities. Though many countries have legalized same sex
married but to some still sees this as an immoral action.

Q. Differentiate rights from virtue theories.

The difference between Rights and Virtue theories is the principles from one and
the another. The notion of Rights theory is under the influences of control as for the
Virtues theories are voluntary actions that a person can perform and follow a certain
standard. The difference here is the level of freedom of the person as this is pertained

and further discussed in the Rights theory according to Immanuel Kant, rights are the
level of freedom an individual and Rights theory talks about the amount of sacrifice a
willing citizen to give up their freedom for protection. In contrast, Virtues are philosophical
actions that a highest moral person can conduct or assess this is believed to be a person’s
willingness to live well and be ethically correct in situations. For example, a virtuous
person is goodwilled individual who values behavior that are right and correct and avoids
developing bad character traits.

Back to the question the differences of virtue ethics and rights theory is the effects to a
person. Every individual has the rights to live and has the virtues to perform actions the
only differences is the amount of willingness they have. A person can choose to be a
nomad and live of freedom but a person can not live in a land without any resources. It is
the person decision to choose between the true theories of what is preferably beneficial
to him/her.

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