P N U M: Hilippine Ormal Niversity Indanao

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Center for Teacher Education
The Multicultural Education Hub
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur




Activity 1

A. Analyze each question. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. You've downloaded a new game to your mobile phone, and it asks you for a credit card. What
risk is associated with providing this information?

a. Your card will be charged for excess minutes or data.

b. Your card may be charged for additional components of the game that you did not request.

c. Your credit card information will be provided to other game publishers.

d. Your device may become infected with computer malware, virus or worms.

2. April gives her friend a Web site address. She recommends that her friend check it out and
possibly sign- up. April explains that the Web site is for a group of friends to use to connect with
each other. Which of the following best describes the type of Web site April is recommending?

a. Social network

b. Online gaming

c. Collaborative group

d. Wiki
3. You receive an e-mail from a good friend. It tells you go look at a website where they found
surf boards for sale. You know your friend is not interested in surfing. The URL looks like this:

What kind of common threat is this message?

a. Phishing

b. Pharming

c. Virus

d. Malware

4. When you are using social networking sites, which information should you never post publicly?

a. Your favorite places to explore

b. Your address or phone number

c. Your high scores on popular games

d. Your favorite athletic teams

5. When technology is used to embarrass, threaten, harass or target another person, what do we
call this practice?

a. Cyberbullying

b. Sexting

c. Cybersafety

d. Netiquette

What is the impact of Covid -19 pandemic in enhancing digital literacy skills of the
professionals, young and  adult citizens? Write your answer on the space provided on
the next page. 

The Covid-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on our lives. The current circumstance encourages us
to do new things that are drastically different from what we have done previously. The epidemic
has had a significant influence on our daily lives, including at home, school, church, and work.
This made things more difficult for us. This made things more difficult for us. This epidemic has
certain benefits, such as bringing families closer together and strengthening bonds, but it also has
some drawbacks, which I must confess. The pandemic has had a significant impact on our
schooling. As a result, we've been forced to make do with what we have in order to finish our
studies. We are able to give and continue our education via the use of many mediums,
particularly technology, even when we are not doing it physically. It also improves students'
understanding on how to use current technology and fosters creativity in their academic work.
Professionals can also continue working with the help of technology. Everyone is affected by the
epidemic, and making money is more difficult at this time. However, thanks to contemporary
technology, such as the internet and social media programs, many people are able to make
money to cover their expenditures and requirements. One of the current trends is online selling;
with the appropriate use of social media, individuals may develop a technique to survive and
make a livelihood from it. However, they are still young, which need direction and the practice
of moderation.

We were increasingly reliant on technology as a result of the pandemic. In whatever we do, we

can't dispute that using such technology makes things easier. It had become a part of our lives,
and we needed to be more careful and informed about how to utilize it properly. We should
practice good manners when browsing, surfing, and utilizing social media, especially. Before
acting on anything, we should be attentive and think critically. Everything has benefits and
drawbacks, which is why we should utilize it in moderation.

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