Tendernotice - 1 - 2022-11-04T222538.326

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Government of India/ भारत सरकार

Department of Atomic Energy/ परमाणु ऊर्ाा विभाग

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre/ पररितानीय ऊर्ाा साइक्लोट्रॉन कें द्र
1/AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064 / 1/ए एफ विधान नगर, कोलकाता 700064

Notice inviting e-tender

ई-वनविदा आमंवित करने के सूचना

Director, VECC, 1/AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700064 on behalf of the President of India invites online
item rate tender (in two part) from reputed, qualified, experienced, technically and financially sound
agencies for the following work :

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fully intelligent addressable Fire Detection System at
VECC, Kolkata.
वनदेशक, िीईसीसी, 1/एएफ विधान नगर, कोलकाता 700064 भारत के राष्ट्रपवत की ओर से वनम्नवलवित काया के वलए
प्रवतवित, योग्य, अनुभिी, तकनीकी और वित्तीय रूप से मर्िूत एर्ेंवसयों से ऑनलाइन आइटम दर वनविदा (दो िोली में)
आमंवित करता है:
वीईसीसी, कोलकाता में पूरी तरह से बुद्धिमान एड्रेसेबल फायर द्धिटेक्शन द्धसस्टम की आपूर्ति, स्थापना, परीक्षण और



Note :

The tender documents are bilingual. Hindi version of the document can be viewed properly only if
Hindi fonts are installed properly in the computer. In case of difficulty in seeing the hindi fonts
properly, the bidders are advised to install the hindi language font in their computer.

वनविदा दस्तािेर् अंग्रेर्ी और हहंदी में हैं। दस्तािेज़ का हहंदी संस्करण ठीक से तभी देिा र्ा सकता है र्ि
कं प्यूटर में हहंदी फोंट सही ढंग से इं स्टॉल ककया गया है। हहंदी फोंट को ठीक से देिने में करठनाई होने पर,
िोलीदाताओं को सलाह दी र्ाती है कक िे अपने कं प्यूटर में हहंदी भाषा का फ्रंट इं स्टॉल करें ।

Format B-3 20/05/22

1 NIT No: VECC/CIG/NIT/FDS/2022/1695
Dated: 20 /10/2022
2 Name of the work Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fully
काया का नाम intelligent addressable Fire Detection System at VECC,
वीईसीसी, कोलकाता में पूरी तरह से बुद्धिमान एड्रेसेबल फायर
द्धिटेक्शन द्धसस्टम की आपूर्ति, स्थापना, परीक्षण और कमीशननिंग।

3 Estimated cost put to tender Rs. 65,00,000/-

वनविदा की अनुमावनत लागत
4 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Amount : Rs. 1,30,000/-

Further details on preparation and submission of EMD

अनेस्ट मनी विपावर्ट (इ.एम.िी) has been specified in “PART B – Section 4: Submission
of Bids” of this tender document.

रावश : Rs. 1,30,000/- भारतीय रुपया

ई.एम.िी तैयार करने और र्मा करने के िारे में अवधक र्ानकारी

वनविदा दस्तािेर् में “भाग ‘ि’ - धारा 4: िोली का प्रस्तुतीकरण” में
वनर्दाष्ट ककया गया है |
5 Completion period 180 days (Refer to PART-D section 6 for further details)
काम की अिवध 180 कदन (अवधक र्ानकारी के वलए भाग-िी अनुभाग-6
6 Fee of Tender Document Nil / शून्य
वनविदा दस्तािेर् के वलए शुल्क
7 Tender Processing Fee Nil/ शून्य
टेंिर प्रोसेहसंग फीस
8 Security Deposit 2.5% of Gross Value of Work Done /
सुरक्षा र्मा रावश ककए गए कायि के सकल मूल्य का 2.5%
9 Performance Guarantee 3% of the tendered value
परफॉरमेंस गुरंटी वनविदा मूल्य का 3%
10 Date & Time of publish of tender 25/10/2022 15:00 Hr. on CPPP site
वनविदा प्रकावशत होने की वतवि एिं https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
समय Detailed NIT is also available on website
for view only.
11 Tender document download start 26/10/2022 09:00 Hr.
date & time. वनविदा दस्तािेज़
िाउनलोि प्रारं भ वतवि और समय
12 Tender document download end 25/12/2022 15:00 Hr.
date & time
वनविदा दस्तािेर् िाउनलोि करने की
अंवतम वतवि और समय
13 Seek clarification start date & time 26/10/2022 11:00 Hr. on CPPP site
स्पष्टीकरण मांगने की प्रारं भ वतवि और https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app or queries may be
समय sent to <sudhanshu@vecc.gov.in> ,
14 Seek clarification end date & Time 25/11/2022 15:00 Hr.
स्पष्टीकरण मांगने की समावि वतवि

Format B-3 20/05/22

और समय
15 Bid submission start date & time 28/11/2022 09:00 Hr.
िोली र्मा करने की आरं भ वतवि और
16 Bid submission end date & time 25/12/2022 17:00 Hr.
िोली र्मा करने की अंवतम वतवि और
17 Date & Time of online opening of 27/12/2022 11:00 Hr.
technical bid
टेकिकल िोली ऑनलाइन िोलने की
वतवि एिं समय
18 Date & time of opening of financial Will be notified at a later date
bid of qualified bidders
योग्य िोलीदाताओं की फाइनेंवसयल
िोली िोलने की वतवि और समय

1. Department reserves the right to accept or reject the tender(s) in full or in part, without
assigning any reason thereof.
2. Tenders with any condition including conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith.
3. Tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or incomplete in any respect
are liable to be rejected.


1. विभाग के पास विना कोई कारण िताए वनविदा को पूणा या आंवशक रूप से स्िीकार या अस्िीकार
करने का अवधकार सुरवक्षत है।
2. सशता छू ट सवहत ककसी भी शता िाली वनविदाओं को तत्काल अस्िीकार कर कदया र्ाएगा।
3. वर्न वनविदाओं में वनधााररत शतों में से कोई भी पूरी नहीं होती है या ककसी भी तरह से अधूरी हैं,
उन्हें अस्िीकार कर कदया र्ाएगा|

Format B-3 20/05/22

for Online Bid Submission]

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid Digital
Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP
Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP

More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement Portal
(URL:https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app ) by clicking on the link "Online bidder Enrollment" on
the CPP Portal which is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username and
assign a password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class
III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India
(e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSC's to others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder can logon in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the
password of the DSC /e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active tenders
by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID, Organization Name, Location,
Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the bidders may
combine a number of search parameters such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location,
Date, Other keywords etc. to search for a tender published on the CPP Portal.
2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the required
documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective 'My Tenders' folder.
This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e- mail in case there is any
corrigendum issued to the tender document.
3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case they want to
obtain any clarification / help from the Help desk.

1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting
their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the
bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and content of
each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of
the bid.

Format B-3 20/05/22

3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF / JPG formats. Bid
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of
the scanned document.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which are
required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard documents
(e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders.
Bidders can use "MySpace" or "Other important Documents" area available to them to upload such
documents. These documents may be directly submitted from the "My Space" area while submitting a
bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for
bid submission process.
Note:My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the uploading process. If Bidder has uploaded his Documents
in My Documents space, this does not automatically ensure these Documents being part of Technical Bid.


1) Bids shall be submitted online only at CPPP website : https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app

2) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload the bid in
time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other
3) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
4) Bidder has to select the payment option as "offline" to pay the tender fee / EMD as applicable and
enter details of the instrument.
5) The EMD amount has been specified in “PART A: NIT DETAILS”. The bidder should submit the total
EMD amount in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt / Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque issued by a
Scheduled bank in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, Payable at Kolkata.
 The bidder should upload the scanned copy of the EMD document in the CPP portal while
submitting his bids. The original EMD should be sent well in advance to the concerned officials
mentioned in “PART A: Seek clarification start date & time” of NIT so as to reach them before
“Date & Time of online opening of technical bid” mentioned in PART-A of NIT, otherwise the
uploaded bid will be rejected.
 The details of the DD / any other accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with the details
available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time. Otherwise, the
uploaded bid will be rejected.
 EMD in the form of cheque will not be accepted
6) The bidder shall download the pre bid clarification if any for the work and upload the same (scanned
copy) duly signed and sealed. The revised documents (if any) shall be uploaded in e tender portal.
7) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the format
provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a standard BoQ format
with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders.
Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and complete the SKY BLUE coloured
(unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the
bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should
save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by
the bidder, the bid will be rejected.

Format B-3 20/05/22

8) Tenderers are advised to upload their documents well in advance, to avoid last minutes rush on the
server or complications in uploading. VECC, in any case, shall not be held responsible for any type of
difficulties during uploading the documents including server and technical problems whatsoever.
9) Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size
of the scanned document.
10) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders' dashboard) will be considered as the standard
time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The
bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
11) Submission of the tender documents after the due date and time (including extended period) shall not
be permitted.
12) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption
techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized
persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured
Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any
bid document that is uploaded to the server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system
generated symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid
opener's public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.
13) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid
14) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking "Freeze Bid Submission" in the
portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a bid summary will be displayed
with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
15) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the bid.
This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.
16) Intending Bidders are advised to visit this website regularly till closing date of submission to keep
themselves updated as any change/ modification in the tender will be intimated through this website
only by corrigendum / addendum / amendment.

1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein should
be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in
the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.

भाग ‘ि’ : ई-वनविदा के वलए कदशावनदेश [अनुदश

े ऑनलाइन िोली प्रस्तुत करने हेत]ु

िोलीदाताओं को िैध विवर्टल हस्ताक्षर प्रमाणपिों का उपयोग करते हुए, सीपीपी पोटाल पर इलेक्ट्रॉवनक रूप से अपनी िोवलयों की सॉफ्ट
कॉपी प्रस्तुत करनी होगी। नीचे कदए गए वनदेश िोलीदाताओं को सीपीपी पोटाल पर पंर्ीकरण करने में सहायता, आिश्यकताओं के अनुसार
अपनी िोवलयां तैयार करने और सीपीपी पोटाल पर अपनी िोवलयां ऑनलाइन प्रस्तुत करने के वलए हैं।

सीपीपी पोटाल पर ऑनलाइन िोवलयां प्रस्तुत करने के वलए उपयोगी अवधक र्ानकारी https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app पर
प्राि की र्ा सकती है :

1. पंर्ीकरण :

1) िोलीदाताओं को सीपीपी पोटाल पर "Online bidder Enrollment" हलंक पर वक्लक करके कें द्रीय सािार्वनक िरीद पोटाल
(URL:https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app ) के ई-प्रोक्योरमेंट मॉड्यूल, र्ो कक वनिःशुल्क है, पर नामांकन करना
आिश्यक है।

Format B-3 20/05/22

2) नामांकन प्रकिया के भाग के रूप में, िोलीदाताओं को एक यूवनक उपयोगकताा के नाम चयन करना होगा और अपने एकाउं ट के
वलए एक पासििा देना होगा।
3) िोलीदाताओं को सलाह दी र्ाती है कक िे पंर्ीकरण प्रकिया के भाग के रूप में अपना िैध ईमेल पता और मोिाइल नंिर दर्ा
करें । इनका उपयोग सीपीपी पोटाल से ककसी भी सूचना के वलए ककया र्ाएगा।
4) िोलीदाताओं को, नामांकन के िाद, अपने प्रोफाइल के साि सीसीए इं विया (र्ैसे वसफी/एन.कोि/ईमुद्रा आकद) द्वारा मान्यता
प्राि ककसी भी प्रमाणन प्रावधकरण द्वारा र्ारी अपने िैध विवर्टल हस्ताक्षर प्रमाणपि (हस्ताक्षर कुं र्ी उपयोग के साि तृतीय
श्रेणी के प्रमाण पि) को पंर्ीकृ त करना होगा।
5) एक िोलीदाता द्वारा के िल एक ही िैध िीएससी पंर्ीकृ त ककया र्ाना चावहए। कृ पया ध्यान दें कक िोलीदाता यह सुवनवित
करने के वलए वर्म्मेदार हैं कक िे अपने िीएससी को दूसरों को उधार नहीं दें, अन्यिा दुरुपयोग की संभािना हो सकती है।
6) िोलीदाता अपनी यूर्र आईिी/पासििा और िीएससी/ई-टोकन का पासििा दर्ा करके सुरवक्षत लॉग-इन के माध्यम से साइट पर
लॉग-इन कर सकते हैं।

2. वनविदा दस्तािेर्ों की सर्चिंग:

1) सीपीपी पोटाल में विवभन्न सचा विकल्प िनाए गए हैं, वर्ससे िोलीदाताओं को सकिय वनविदाओं को कई पैरामीटर द्वारा सचा
करने में सुविधा हो। इन मापदंिों में वनविदा की आईिी, संगठन का नाम, स्िान, वतवि, मूल्य आकद शावमल हो सकते हैं।
वनविदाओं के वलए एििांस्ि सचा का विकल्प भी है, वर्समें िोलीदाता सीपीपी पोटाल पर प्रकावशत वनविदा की सचा के वलए कई
सचा पैरामीटर को र्ोड़ सकते हैं र्ैसे संगठन का नाम, संविदा का रूप, स्िान, सीपीपी पोटाल पर कदनांक, अन्य की-ििा आकद।
2) एक िार र्ि िोलीदाता अपनी रुवच के अनुसार उन वनविदाओं का चयन कर लेते हैं, तो िे आिश्यक दस्तािेर्/वनविदा कायािम
िाउनलोि कर सकते हैं। इन वनविदाओं को संिंवधत 'माई टेंिर' फोल्िर में ले र्ाया र्ा सकता है। यकद वनविदा दस्तािेर् हेतु
शुविपि र्ारी ककया गया है तो इससे सीपीपी पोटाल एसएमएस/ई-मेल के माध्यम से िोलीदाताओं को सूवचत करने में सक्षम
3) यकद िोलीदाता हेल्पिेस्क से कोई स्पष्टीकरण/सहायता प्राि करना चाहता है तो उसे प्रत्येक वनविदा के संिंध में प्रदाि की गयी
विवशष्ट वनविदा आईिी को नोट करना चावहए।

3. िोली की तैयारी:

1) िोलीदाता को अपनी िोली प्रस्तुत करने से पहले वनविदा दस्तािेर् हेतु प्रकावशत ककसी भी शुविपि को ध्यान में रिना चावहए।
2) िोली के भाग के रूप में प्रस्तुत ककए र्ाने िाले आिश्यक दस्तािेर्ों को समझने के वलए कृ पया वनविदा विज्ञापन और वनविदा
दस्तािेर् को ध्यान से देिें। कृ पया उन किरों की संख्या पर ध्यान दें वर्नमें िोली दस्तािेर् र्मा ककए र्ाने हैं, दस्तािेर्ों की
संख्या - वर्समें प्रस्तुत ककए र्ाने िाले प्रत्येक दस्तािेर् के नाम और सामग्री शावमल हैं। इनमें से ककसी में भी अंतर होने पर
िोली को अस्िीकार ककया र्ा सकता है।
3) िोलीदाता को वनविदा दस्तािेर्/अनुसूची के अनुसार प्रस्तुत ककए र्ाने िाले िोली दस्तािेर् को अवग्रम रूप से तैयार करने
चावहए और सामान्यतया, िे पीिीएफ/एक्सएलएस/आरएआर/िीिब्लल्यूएफ/र्ेपीर्ी प्रारूपों में हो सकते हैं। िोली दस्तािेर्ों को
100 िीपीआई के साि ब्ललैक एंि व्हाइट विकल्प के साि स्कै न ककया र्ा सकता है र्ो स्कै न ककए गए दस्तािेज़ के आकार को कम
करने में मदद करता है।
4) मानक दस्तािेर्ों, वर्न्हें प्रत्येक िोली के एक भाग के रूप में प्रस्तुत करने की आिश्यकता होती है , के उसी सेट को अपलोि करने
में आिश्यक समय और प्रयास से िचने के वलए, ऐसे मानक दस्तािेर्ों (र्ैसे पैन कािा की प्रवत, िार्षाक ररपोटा , लेिा परीक्षक का
प्रमाण पि आकद) को अपलोि करने का एक प्रािधान िोलीदाताओं को प्रदान ककया गया है। िोलीदाता ऐसे दस्तािेज़ अपलोि
करने के वलए उनके वलए उपलब्लध "माइस्पेस" या "अन्य महत्िपूणा दस्तािेज़" क्षेि का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। इन दस्तािेज़ों को
सीधे "माईस्पेस" एररया से िोली सिवमट करते समय सिवमट ककया र्ा सकता है, और उन्हें दोिारा अपलोि करने की
आिश्यकता नहीं है। इससे िोली प्रस्तुत करने की प्रकिया मे लगने िाले अपेवक्षत समय में कमी आएगी।
नोट: My Documents स्पेस के िल अपलोि करने की प्रकिया को आसान िनाने के वलए िोलीदाताओं को कदया गया एक ररपोवर्ट्री है। यकद िोलीदाता ने अपने दस्तािेज़ My
Documents िाले स्िान में अपलोि ककए हैं, तो यह स्िचावलत रूप से यह सुवनवित नहीं करता है कक ये दस्तािेज़ तकनीकी िोली का का एक भाग हैं।

4. िोली का प्रस्तुतीकरण:

1) िोवलयां के िल सीपीपीपी िेिसाइट : https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app पर ऑनलाइन प्रस्तुत की र्ाएंगी।

2) िोलीदाता को िोली प्रस्तुत करने के वलए पहले ही साइट पर लॉग इन करना चावहए ताकक िे समय पर अिाात िोली प्रस्तुत
करने के समय पर या उससे पहले िोली अपलोि कर सकें । ककसी अन्य कारण से ककसी भी देरी के वलए िोलीदाता ही वर्म्मेिार

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3) िोलीदाता को वनविदा में दशााए गए दस्तािेर् अनुसार आिश्यक िोली दस्तािेर्ों को एक-एक करके विवर्टल रूप से
हस्ताक्षररत और अपलोि करना होगा।
4) िोलीदाता को वनविदा शुल्क / ईएमिी का भुगतान करने के वलए "ऑफलाइन" के रूप में भुगतान विकल्प का चयन करना होगा
तिा उपकरण का वििरण दर्ा करना होगा।
5) ई.एम.िी. रावश "पाटा-A: एन.आई.टी. विटेल्स" में वनर्दाष्ट की गई है। िोलीदाता कु ल ई.एम.िी रावश कफक्स्ि
विपावर्ट ररवसप्ट / विमांि ड्राफ्ट / िैंकर'स चेक, र्ो एक अनुसूवचत िैंक द्वारा पे & एकाउं ट्स ऑकफसर ,
िी.ई.सी.सी., कोलकाता में देय के पक्ष में र्ारी ककया गया है, के रूप में र्मा करना चावहए।
 िोलीदाता को अपनी िोवलयां र्मा करते समय ई.एम.िी. दस्तािेर् की स्कै न कॉपी सी.पी.पी. पोटाल पर
अपलोि करनी चावहए। असली ई.एम.िी. एन.आई.टी. के "पाटा ए: स्पष्टीकरण मांगने की समावि वतवि और
समय" में उवल्लवित संिंवधत अवधकाररयों को अवग्रम रूप से भेर्ी र्ानी चावहए ताकक िे भाग-ए में
उवल्लवित "टेकिकल िोली ऑनलाइन िोलने की वतवि एिं समय" से पहले पहुंच सकें । अन्यिा अपलोि की
गई िोली को अस्िीकार कर कदया र्ाएगा।
 भौवतक रूप से भेर्ी गई ई.एम.िी. का वििरण, अपलोि की गई स्कै न की गई प्रवत में उपलब्लध वििरण और
िोली र्मा करने के समय दर्ा ककए गए िेटा से मेल िाना चावहए। अन्यिा अपलोि की गई िोली को
अस्िीकार कर कदया र्ाएगा।
 चेक के रूप में ई.एम.िी. को स्िीकार नहीं ककया र्ाएगा।
6) एर्ेंसी काया के वलए िोली पूिा स्पष्टीकरण, यकद कोई हो, एर्ेंसी िाउनलोि करे गी और उसे विवधित हस्ताक्षररत और मुहरिंद
(स्कै न की गई प्रवत) अपलोि करे गी। संशोवधत दस्तािेर् (यकद कोई हो) ई-वनविदा पोटाल पर अपलोि ककए र्ाएंगे।
7) िोलीदाताओं से अनुरोध है कक िे नोट करें कक िे उपलब्लध कराए गए प्रारूप में ही अपनी वित्तीय िोवलयां को अिश्य प्रस्तुत करें
और कोई अन्य प्रारूप स्िीकाया नहीं है। यकद मूल्य िोली को वनविदा दस्तािेर् के साि मानक BoQ प्रारूप के रूप में कदया गया
है, तो इसे िाउनलोि ककया र्ाना है और सभी िोलीदाताओं द्वारा भरा र्ाना है। िोलीदाताओं को BoQ फाइल िाउनलोि
करने, इसे िोलने और अपने संिंवधत वित्तीय उिरण और अन्य वििरण (र्ैसे िोली लगाने िाले का नाम) के साि SKY BLUE
रं ग (असुरवक्षत) सेल को पूरा करना आिश्यक है। कोई अन्य सेल नहीं िदला र्ाना चावहए। एक िार वििरण पूरा हो र्ाने के
िाद, िोलीदाता को फाइल नाम िदले विना इसे सेि करना चावहए चावहए और इसे ऑनलाइन प्रस्तुत करना चावहए। यकद
िोलीकताा द्वारा BoQ फाइल को संशोवधत पाया र्ाता है, तो िोली को अस्िीकार कर कदया र्ाएगा।
8) वनविदाकारों को सलाह दी र्ाती है कक िे अपने दस्तािेज़ िहुत पहले ही अपलोि कर दें , ताकक सिार पर अंवतम समय में हड़िड़ी
या अपलोि करने में आने िाली र्रटलताओं से िचा र्ा सके । VECC, ककसी भी मामले में, सिार और तकनीकी समस्याओं
सवहत दस्तािेर्ों को अपलोि करने के दौरान ककसी भी प्रकार की करठनाइयों के वलए वर्म्मे िार नहीं होगा।
9) िोली दस्तािेर्ों को 100 िीपीआई के साि ब्ललैक एंि व्हाइट विकल्प के साि स्कै न ककया र्ा सकता है र्ो स्कै न ककए गए
दस्तािेज़ के आकार को कम करने में मदद करता है।
10) सिारटाइम (र्ो िोलीदाताओं के िैशिोिा पर प्रदर्शात होता है) को िोलीदाताओं द्वारा िोवलयां प्रस्तुत करने, िोवलयां िोलने
आकद की समय सीमा को संदर्भात करने के वलए मानक समय माना र्ाएगा। िोलीदाताओं को िोली प्रस्तुत करने के दौरान इस
समय का पालन करना चावहए।
11) वनयत तारीि और समय (विस्ताररत अिवध सवहत) के िाद वनविदा दस्तािेर् प्रस्तुत करने की अनुमवत नहीं होगी।
12) िोलीदाताओं द्वारा प्रस्तुत ककए र्ा रहे सभी दस्तािेर्ों को िेटा की गोपनीयता सुवनवित करने के वलए PKI एवन्िप्शन
तकनीकों का उपयोग करके एवन्िप्ट ककया र्ाएगा। दर्ा ककए गए िेटा को अनवधकृ त व्यवियों द्वारा िोली िुलने के समय तक
नहीं देिा र्ा सकता है। िोवलयों की गोपनीयता सुरवक्षत सॉके ट लेयर 128 विट एवन्िप्शन तकनीक का उपयोग करके िनाए
रिी र्ाती है। सेंसेरटि फील्ि का िेटा स्टोरे र् एवन्िप्शन ककया र्ाता है। कोई भी िोली दस्तािेज़ र्ो सिार पर अपलोि ककया
र्ाता है, वसस्टम द्वारा र्नरे ट वसमेरट्रक की का उपयोग करके वसमेरट्रक एवन्िप्शन के अधीन होता है। इसके अलािा यह की
(key) िरीददारों/िोली िोलने िाले की सािार्वनक कुं र्ी का उपयोग करके असमवमत एवन्िप्शन के अधीन है। कु ल वमलाकर,
अपलोि ककए गए वनविदा दस्तािेर् अवधकृ त िोली िोलने िालों द्वारा वनविदा िोलने के िाद ही पढ़ने योग्य हो र्ाते हैं।
13) अपलोि ककए गए वनविदा दस्तािेर् अवधकृ त िोली िोलने िालों द्वारा वनविदा िोलने के िाद ही पढ़ने लायक हो र्ाते हैं।
14) िोवलयों को सफलतापूिाक और समय पर प्रस्तुत करने पर (अिाात पोटाल में "Freeze Bid Submission"पर वक्लक करने के
िाद), पोटाल एक सफल विि सिवमशन संदश े देगा और िोली संख्या के साि संवक्षि समरी और अन्य सभी प्रासंवगक वििरणों के
साि िोली प्रस्तुत करने की वतवि एिं समय प्रदर्शात ककया र्ाएगा।

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15) िोली का सार हप्रंट ककया र्ाना है और िोली प्रस्तुत करने की पािती के रूप में रिा र्ाना है। इस पािती का उपयोग ककसी भी
िोली िोलने की िैठक में एंट्री पास के रूप में ककया र्ा सकता है।
16) इच्छु क िोलीदाताओं को सलाह दी र्ाती है कक िे स्ियं को अद्यतन रिने के वलए िोली प्रस्तुत करने की अंवतम वतवि तक
वनयवमत रूप से इस िेिसाइट को देिते रहें क्योंकक वनविदा में ककसी भी पररितान/संशोधन की सूचना इस िेिसाइट के माध्यम
से के िल शुविपि/पररवशष्ट/संशोधन द्वारा दी र्ाएगी।

5. िोलीदाताओं को सहायता

1) वनविदा दस्तािेर् और उसमें वनवहत वनयमों और शतों से संिंवधत ककसी भी प्रश्न को वनविदा के वलए वनविदा आमंिण
प्रावधकारी या वनविदा में इं वगत संिंवधत संपका व्यवि को संिोवधत ककया र्ाना चावहए।
2) ऑनलाइन िोली र्मा करने की प्रकिया से संिंवधत कोई भी प्रश्न या सामान्य रूप से सीपीपी पोटाल से संिंवधत प्रश्नों को
24x7 सीपीपी पोटाल हेल्पिेस्क को वनदेवशत ककया र्ा सकता है।


1. The details of the tender requirements for eligibility and various documents to be submitted to the
vendor has been provided in the file “Informationfromvendor.xls”.
2. The excel file has multiple sheets e.g. (a) Information sheet (b) Instruction sheet (c) Bank Gurantee
Format (d) Tender Acceptance Letter (e) Undertaking. The bidders should carefully go through all the
sheets of the excel file.
3. Bidders are required to download the file “Informationfromvendor.xls”, open it and complete the SKY
BLUE coloured (unprotected) cells in the “information sheet” with their respective details. No other cells
should be changed. Bidders are advised to read and follow the “Instruction sheet” of the excel file before
filling up the “information sheet”. Once the details have been filled up, the bidder should upload the “pdf”
version of the “information sheet” along with other certificates and declarations mentioned in the excel
file under the heading “PART IV: Certificates – all are mandatory” as a single pdf file.
4. Bidders are required to fill up the two forms as per the format given in the sheets (a) Tender Acceptance
Letter (b) Undertaking of the excel file “Informationfromvendor.xls” on their letterhead and upload the
scanned copy of the same in the CPPP portal along with other requisite documents.
5. It is bidder’s responsibility to provide the correct information in the excel file and to upload the scanned
copies of the correct files in the CPP portal where ever applicable.
6. The e-mail i/d and/ or telephone/ mobile numbers provided by the vendor should remain active during
the entire tender evaluation process as these information may be used for communicating with the
vendor, if necessary.

भाग ग: पािता के वलए वनविदा आिश्यकताएँ:

1. पािता के वलए वनविदा आिश्यकताओं और िेंिर को प्रस्तुत ककए र्ाने िाले विवभन्न दस्तािेर्ों का वििरण "
“Informationfromvendor.xls” फाइल में उपलब्लध कराया गया है।

2. एक्सेल फाइल में कई शीट हैं यिा, (a) Information sheet (b) Instruction sheet (c) Bank Gurantee Format (d)
Tender Acceptance Letter (e) Undertaking। िोलीदाताओं को एक्सेल फाइल की सभी शीटों को ध्यान से देिना चावहए।

3. िोलीदाताओं “Informationfromvendor.xls” फाइल िाउनलोि करें , इसे िोलें और अपने संिंवधत वििरण के साि "सूचना
पिक" में SKY BLUE रं ग (अनप्रोटेक्टेि) सेल को भरें । कोई अन्य सेल नहीं िदला र्ाना चावहए। िोलीदाताओं को सलाह दी
र्ाती है कक िे "information sheet" भरने से पहले एक्सेल फाइल के "instruction sheet" को पढ़ें और उनका अनुपालन करें ।
एक िार वििरण भरने के िाद, िोलीदाता को "PART IV: Certificates – all are mandatory" शीषाक के तहत एक्सेल
फाइल में उवल्लवित अन्य प्रमाणपिों और घोषणाओं के साि "information sheet" का "pdf" संस्करण एक एकल
पीिीएफ दस्तािेज़ के रूप में अपलोि करना चावहए |

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4. िोलीदाताओं को एक्सेल फाइल “Informationfromvendor.xls” की दो शीट (“Tender acceptance letter”,
“Undertaking”) में कदए गए प्रारूप के अनुसार उनके लेटरहेि पर दो फॉमा भरने की आिश्यकता होती है और अन्य आिश्यक
दस्तािेर्ों के साि उसी की स्कै न की हुई कॉपी सीपीपीपी पोटाल पर अपलोि करें ।

5. एक्सेल फाइल में सही र्ानकारी प्रदान करना और सीपीपी पोटाल में सही फाइलों की स्कै न की गई प्रवतयों को र्हां कहीं लागू हो,
अपलोि करना िोलीदाता की ही वर्म्मेदारी है।

6. िेंिरा द्वारा प्रदान ककया गया ई-मेल आई/िी और/या टेलीफोन/मोिाइल नंिर वनविदा की पूरी मूल्यांकन प्रकिया के दौरान सकिय
रहना चावहए क्योंकक यकद आिश्यक हो तो इन सूचनाओं का उपयोग वििे ता के साि संिाद करने के वलए ककया र्ा सकता है।


1. Tender Rates:
a. The bidders shall quote their rates in the excel file of the price bid uploaded in the CPP
portal only. Refer to “PART B” of this document for further information.
b. The quoted rate should be inclusive of all costs e.g. basic rate, central as well as State
Government taxes & levies, packing & transportation costs, including profit. Also refer to
PART-D and PART-E of this document for detailed information.

2. Performance Gurantee:
a. The tenderer whose tender is accepted, will be required to deposit Performance Guarantee @
3% of tendered value within 15 days from the date of receipt of the work order. Performance
Guarantee can be submitted in the form of PBG (Performance Bank Guarantee), FDR (Fixed
Deposit Receipt), DD (Demand Draft), BC (Banker’s Cheque) etc. issued by any Schedules
bank drawn in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, payable at Kolkata. This period
can be further extended by the Engineer-in-charge on written request of the contractor stating
the reason for delays in submitting the Performance Guarantee, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge. Late fee (@ 0.1% per day of PBG amount) will be levied for the delayed
submission of PBG.
b. The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid up to the stipulated date of completion plus
60 days beyond that. In case the time for completion of work gets enlarged, the contractor shall
get the validity of Performance Guarantee extended to cover such enlarged time for completion
of work.
c. After recording of the completion certificate for the work by the competent authority, the
performance guarantee shall be returned to the contractor, without any interest.

3. Security Deposit:
a. Security Deposit @ 2.5% of tendered value as worked out on the basis of tendered cost will be
recovered @ 2.5% of the gross value of each bill including final bill.
b. Defect Liability Period (DLP) for work order value below 10 Lakhs is 6 months and above 10
Lakhs is 12 months. The Security Deposit will be returned after DLP of the job or passing of
final bill whichever is later.
c. No interest will be paid to the security deposit (SD).

4. Contractor’s responsibility towards his employees:

a. The employees engaged by the contractor for this work will be in the pay roll of the contractor
only and VECC will not be held responsible in any way.
b. The Contract shall comply with all Central, State and Municipal laws and rules and shall be
solely responsible for complying with the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970, and the rules there under and the other enactments that may be applicable

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including the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Factory Act 1948, Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1923 or any other applicable legislation and Municipal Bye-laws or other Statutory rules and
regulations, whatsoever, in force. In so far as these are applicable, any obligations, financial or
otherwise, imposed under any statutory enactments, rules and regulations, there under shall be
the sole responsibility or the contractor.

5. Payment of Bills:
a. Payment will be made by Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC.
b. Payment will be made through RTGS/NEFT mode only.
c. The payment is subject to TDS applicable under Income Tax Act, 1961. As per instructions of
Ministry of Finance, a recovery of Income Tax @ 2% of gross value of work done, will be
made from all the bills in respect of this work and the amount so recovered will be credited to
the Income Tax Authorities and a certificate for the amount so credited will be issued by the
Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, Kolkata.
d. TDS @ 2% or as applicable U/S 51 of GST Act. 2017 will also be recovered from the bills and
TDS thereof will be uploaded in GST portal by Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, Kolkata.
Any other taxes as per Government directives shall be deducted from each bill paid to the
contactor, from time to time.

6. Security & Safety Regulations:

a. All the requirements mentioned in this section are applicable during the execution of work
inside any area within the jurisdiction of VECC.
b. Safety Regulation of VECC should be strictly followed. Engineer in-charge of the work should
get a work permit from industrial safety officer before commencement of work and hand it over
to the representative of the vendor explaining all the safety regulations to be followed.
c. Insurance coverage protecting the agency against all claims applicable under the Workmen's
Compensation Act, 1948 shall be taken by the vendor. The vendor shall arrange necessary
Insurance coverage for any persons deployed by him even for short duration. This Office
(VECC) shall not entertain any claim arising out of mishap, if any, that may take place while
discharging the duties by the personnel employed by the vendor. In the event of any liability
claim falling on this office, the same shall be reimbursed by the vendor.
d. All the persons engaged in the present contract should have valid identity proof / residence
proof issued by the Government of India and should submit attested copies of documents in
support of above to the security section of VECC. However due to security reasons, Security
Section of VECC may ask for specific identity proof / residence proof / certification by local
police as may be required.
e. All the persons deployed in the present contract shall be liable for physical check and checking
of their bags and baggage both at the time of entry and exit by the security staff as per
Department security regulation. The personnel are required to be in possession of individual
identity card, passes, tokens issued by VECC security.
f. Contractor should authorise one person as vendor’s supervisor to be present at the work site
during execution of the job. He is required to have a valid Police Verification Certificate (PVC).
The supervisor will be responsiblee for the following:
i. To receive the token for the workmen from the Security Section at the main
gate of VECC to enable workmen for entry to campus.
ii. To communicate with Engineer-in-charge for the respective work, Security
Section as and when required in connection with the work or security reasons.
The above person is to submit the details of identity proof and address proof
including details of himself to the DCSO, VECC before the commencement of

7. Deployment of personnel:
a. Personnel employed for the job shall be in proper attire. The entire crew shall work under
overall supervision of the Supervisor of the contractor or, his Authorized staff.
b. The Engineer in Charge may ask the contractor to dismiss or remove any person or persons,
who may be incompetent or misconduct himself or has been charged with having committed

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criminal action or negligent in the proper performance of his duties. All such persons shall not
again be employed in executing the job within the scope of the present contract.
c. The vendor shall be responsible for any loss/ damage of property or equipment etc. by their

8. Maintaining the Documents:

a. The Contractor should maintain the following Registers in respect of the work orders placed on
them so that the same may be produced to the Labour Enforcement Officer for inspection when
the same is called for : (a) Attendance Register, (b) Register of Wages, (c) Register of
Deductions, (d) Register of Overtime, (e) Register of Fines, (f) Register of Advances, (g) Wage
Slip, (h) Register of Persons Employed.

9. Contact details related to this tender:

a. Different officers of this Department as well as CPPP will be help you to solve different types
of issues / problems. Contact the relevant officer ONLY, as given in the following table, based
on the nature of the issue /problem.

1 For technical clarifications related to Please refer to part -A, NIT Details, ‘Seek clarification
the tender start date’
2 For any help on CPP portal, trouble Use the website:
with tender uploading https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app

On the top right corner click “contact us” to find the

24x7 phone support and mail support
3 For vigilance related issues Contact Vigilance Officer:
Dr. Anjan Dutta Gupta, Scientific Officer (H), VECC,
1/AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 064.
Tel. No. 033 2318 3206 (O)
e-mail: vigilanceofficer@vecc.gov.in

भाग घ : संविदा की सामान्य शतें:

1. वनविदा दरें :
a. िोलीदाता अपनी प्रस्तावित कीमत के िल सी.पी.पी. पोटाल में अपलोि की गई ‘प्राइस विि’ की एक्सेल
फाइल में उद्धृत करें गे। अवधक र्ानकारी के वलए इस दस्तािेज़ का "भाग िी" देिें।
b. प्रस्तावित कीमत सभी लागतों सवहत होनी चावहए, उदाहरण के वलए, मूल दर, कें द्र और साि ही
राज्य सरकार के कर और लेिी, पैकेहर्ंग और पररिहन लागत, लाभ इत्याकद | विस्तृत
र्ानकारी के वलए इस दस्तािेज़ का भाग-िी और भाग-ई भी देिें।

2. कायावनष्पादन गारं टी:

a. वर्स वनविदाकार की वनविदा स्िीकार की र्ाती है, उसे कायाादश
े प्राि होने की वतवि से 15 कदनों के भीतर वनविदा
मूल्य का 3% कायावनष्पादन गारं टी प्रस्तुत करनी होगी। वनष्पादन गारं टी भुगतान एिं लेिा अवधकारी, िीईसीसी, के
पक्ष में आहररत, कोलकाता में देय, ककसी भी अनुसूवचत िैंक द्वारा र्ारी पीिीर्ी (परफोमेंस िैंक गारं टी), एफिीआर
(सािवध र्मा रसीद), िीिी (विमांि ड्राफ्ट), िीसी (िैंकसा चेक) आकद के रूप में प्रस्तुत की र्ा सकती है। इस अिवध को
प्रभारी अवभयंता द्वारा संविदाकर के वलवित अनुरोध पर कायावनष्पादन गारं टी र्मा करने में देरी का कारण िताते हुए ,
प्रभारी अवभयंता की संतुवष्ट पर, आगे िढ़ाया र्ा सकता है। विलंि शुल्क (पीिीर्ी रावश का 0.1% प्रवत कदन) पीिीर्ी
र्मा करने में देरी के वलए लगाया र्ाएगा।

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b. कायावनष्पादन गारं टी प्रारं भ में पूणा होने की वनधााररत वतवि और उसके िाद 60 कदनों तक िैध होगी। यकद काया पूरा
करने का समय िढ़ र्ाता है, तो संविदाकार को काया पूरा करने के वलए ऐसे िढ़े हुए समय को किर करने के वलए
वनष्पादन गारं टी की िैधता िढ़ानी होगी।
c. सक्षम प्रावधकारी द्वारा काया के वलए पूणत
ा ा प्रमाण पि की ररकॉर्ििंग के िाद, कायावनष्पादन गारं टी संविदाकार
को विना ककसी ब्लयार् के िापस कर दी र्ाएगी।

3. सुरक्षा र्मा:
a. सुरक्षा र्मा @ वनविदा मूल्य का 2.5% र्ैसा कक वनविदा लागत के आधार पर वनकाला गया है, अंवतम विल
सवहत प्रत्येक विल के सकल मूल्य के 2.5% की दर से िसूल ककया र्ाएगा।
b. 10 लाि से कम कायाादश
े मूल्य के वलए “विफे क्ट लायविवलटी पीररयि” 6 महीने के वलए है और 10 लाि से
े मूल्य के वलए “विफे क्ट लायविवलटी पीररयि”
अवधक कायाादश 12 महीने है। सुरक्षा र्मा, “विफे क्ट
लायविवलटी पीररयि” पूरा होने के िाद या अंवतम विल पाररत होने के िाद, र्ो भी िाद में हो, िापस कर
कदया र्ाएगा ।
c. सुरक्षा र्मा (एस िी) पर कोई ब्लयार् नहीं कदया र्ाएगा।

4. अपने कमाचाररयों के प्रवत ठे केदार की वर्म्मेदारी:

a. संविदाकार द्वारा काया में लगाए गए कमाचारी के िल संविदाकर के पे रोल में होंगे और िीईसीसी इसका ककसी भी तरह से
वर्म्मेदार नहीं होगा।
b. यह संविदा सभी कें द्रीय, राज्य और नगरपावलका कानूनों और वनयमों का अनुपालन करे गा और संविदा श्रम (विवनयमन
और उन्मूलन) अवधवनयम, 1970 के प्रािधानों और उसके तहत वनयमों और अन्य अवधवनयमों, र्ो लागू हो, के
अनुपालन के वलए पूरी तरह से वर्म्मेदार होगा। मर्दूरी भुगतान अवधवनयम, 1936, कारिाना अवधवनयम 1948,
कामगार मुआिर्ा अवधवनयम, 1923 या कोई अन्य लागू कानून और नगरपावलका उप-वनयम या अन्य िैधावनक वनयम
और विवनयम, र्ो भी लागू हों, शावमल हैं। र्हां तक ये लागू हैं, ककसी भी संिैधावनक अवधवनयमों, वनयमों और
विवनयमों के तहत लगाए गए ककसी भी दावयत्ि, वित्तीय या अन्यिा, एकमाि वर्म्मेदारी या संविदाकार की होगी।

5. विलों का भुगतान:
a. भुगतान िेतन एिं लेिा अवधकारी, िीईसीसी, द्वारा ककया र्ाएगा |
b. भुगतान के िल आर.टी.र्ी.एस / एन.ई.एफ.टी मोि के माध्यम से ककया र्ाएगा।
c. भुगतान आयकर अवधवनयम, 1961 के तहत लागू टीिीएस के अधीन है। वित्त मंिालय के अनुदश
े ों के अनुसार, ककए गए
काया के सकल मूल्य के 2% की दर से आयकर की िसूली इस काया के संिंध में सभी विलों से की र्ाएगी और इस प्रकार
िसूल की गई रावश आयकर अवधकाररयों को र्मा की र्ाएगी और एक इस प्रकार र्मा की गई रावश का प्रमाण पि
भुगतान एिं लेिा अवधकारी, िीईसीसी, कोलकाता द्वारा र्ारी ककया र्ाएगा।
d. टीिीएस @ 2% या र्ीएसटी अवधवनयम 2017 के अधीन लागू U/S 51 के रूप में, को भी विलों से िसूल ककया
र्ाएगा और उसके टीिीएस को भुगतान एिं लेिा अवधकारी, िीईसीसी, कोलकाता द्वारा र्ीएसटी पोटाल पर अपलोि
ककया र्ाएगा। सरकार के वनदेशों के अनुसार कोई अन्य कर, समय-समय पर, भुगतान ककए गए प्रत्येक विल से काट
वलया र्ाएगा।

6. सुरक्षा एिं संरक्षा विवनयम :

a. इस िंि में उवल्लवित सभी आिश्यकताएं िी.ई.सी.सी. के अवधकार क्षेि के भीतर ककसी भी क्षेि के अंदर काया के
वनष्पादन के दौरान लागू होती हैं |

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b. काया की पूरी अिवध के दौरान िी.ई.सी.सी. की सुरक्षा कदशावनदेश का कड़ाई से पालन होना चावहए। काया के ‘इं र्ीवनयर
इन चार्ा’ को ‘इं िवस्ट्रयल सेफ्टी अफसर’ से ‘िका परवमट’ प्राि करना चावहए और इसे वििे ता के प्रवतवनवध को पालन
ककए र्ाने िाले सभी सुरक्षा वनयमों की व्याख्या करने के िाद सौंपना चावहए ।
c. ‘िका मेन'स कं पनसेशन एक्ट – 1948’ अवधवनयम के तहत लागू सभी दािों के विलाफ एर्ेंसी की रक्षा करने
िाला िीमा किरे र् वििे ता द्वारा वलया र्ाएगा। वििे ता को अपने द्वारा तैनात ककसी भी व्यवि के वलए
(कम अिवध के वलए भी) आिश्यक िीमा किरे र् की व्यिस्िा करनी चावहए। यकद वििे ता द्वारा वनयोवर्त
कर्मायों द्वारा कताव्यों का वनिाहन करते समय कोई दुघाटना होती है, तो यह कायाालय (िी.ई.सी.सी.)
इससे उत्पन्न होने िाले ककसी भी दािे पर विचार नहीं करे गा। इस कायाालय पर ककसी भी दावयत्ि के दािे
के आने की वस्िवत में, उसकी प्रवतपूर्ता वििे ता द्वारा की र्ानी चावहए।
d. ितामान संविदा में लगे प्रत्येक व्यवि के पास िैध पहचान पि/आिासीय प्रमाण होने चावहए और उपयुाि के समिान में
उन्हें दस्तािेर्ों की ‘अटेस्टेि कपीस’ िी.ई.सी.सी. के सुरक्षा अनुभाग में र्मा करनी चावहए। हलांकक सुरक्षा कारणों
के कारण िी.ई.सी.सी. का सुरक्षा अनुभाग आिश्यकतानुसार विवशष्ट पहचान पि/आिासीय प्रमाण/स्िानीय पुवलस द्वारा
प्रशासन हेतु पूछ सकते हैं।
e. विभागीय सुरक्षा वनयमन के अनुसार ितामान अनुिंध में तैनात सभी व्यवि और उनके िैग और िैगेर् की उनकी प्रविवष्ट
और वनकासी के दौरान सुरक्षा स्टाफ द्वारा र्ांच की र्ाएगी। कार्माकों के पास िैयविक पहचान पि अििा पास होने
f. ठे केदार को काया के वनष्पादन के दौरान एक व्यवि को पयािेक्षक के रूप में काया स्िल पर उपवस्ित होने
के वलए अवधकृ त करना चावहए । उसके पास एक िैध ‘पुवलस िेररकफके शन सर्टाकफके ट’ होना आिश्यक है
। पयािेक्षक वनम्नवलवित कायों के वलए वर्म्मेदार होंगे :
i. िी.ई.सी.सी. के मुख्य द्वार पर सुरक्षा अनुभाग से कमाचाररयों के कायाालय पररसर के अंदर प्रिेश के वलए
टोकन प्राि करना ।
ii. काया से संिंवधत ‘इं र्ीवनयर इन चार्ा’ से विचार - विमशा तिा आिश्यकता पड़ने पर सुरक्षा
अनुभाग के साि चचाा करने के वलए । ‘पयािेक्षक’ को काम शुरू करने से पहले िी.ई.सी.सी.
के सुरक्षा अनुभाग में अपने पहचान प्रमाण, पते के प्रमाण और िैध ‘पुवलस िेररकफके शन
सर्टाकफके ट’ का वििरण प्रस्तुत करना होगा।

7. कर्मायों की तैनाती:
a. काया के वलए तैनात कार्माक उवचत पोशाक में होने चावहए। समस्त कार्माक ठे केदार के सुपरिाइर्र या उसके अवधकृ त
कमाचाररयों के समग्र पयािेक्षण में काया करें गे।
b. िी. प्रभारी अवभयंता को उस व्यवि या व्यवियों को हटाने हेतु परामशादाता की आिश्यकता हो सकती है र्ो अयोग्य है
अििा दुराचार करता हो अििा वर्स पर आपरावधक काया हेतु करने का आरोप लगा हो अििा अपने कायों को ठीक
तरह से करने में लापरिाह हो। ऐसे व्यवि को ितामान संविदा के कायाक्षेि में काया वनष्पादन करने हेतु पुन: नहीं वलया
c. वििे ता िी.ई.सी.सी. की संपवत्त, उपकरण आकद के ककसी भी नुकसान/क्षवत के वलए अपने कमाचाररयों के वलए
वर्म्मेदार होगा
8. दस्तािेर्ों का रिरिाि :-
a. संविदाकार को उन्हें कदए गए काया आदेशों के संिंध में वनम्नवलवित रवर्स्टरों का रिरिाि करना चावहए ताकक
आिश्यकता पड़ने पर उन्हें श्रम प्रिातन अवधकारी को र्ांच हेतु प्रस्तुत की र्ा सके ।
ए) उपवस्िवत रवर्स्टर, (िी) िेतन रवर्स्टर, (सी) कटौती रवर्स्टर, (िी) ओिरटाइम रवर्स्टर, (ई) फाइन रवर्स्टर,
(एफ) अवग्रम रवर्स्टर, (र्ी) िेतन पची, (एच) काम करने िाले व्यवियों का रवर्स्टर।
9. इस वनविदा से र्ुड़े संपका वििरण :-
ए. इस विभाग के अलग-अलग अवधकारी तिा सीपीपीपी अलग-अलग प्रकार के मुद्दे/समस्याओं को हल करने में
आपकी मदद करें गे।
वनम्नवलवित तावलका में कदए गए के िल संिंवधत अवधकारी को मुद्दा/समस्या के अनुसार ही संपका करें ।

1 वनविदा संिंधी तकनीकी स्पष्टीकरण हेतु कृ पया भाग-क का संदभ ा लें, ‘वनविदा वििरण
स्पष्टीकरण’ आरं भ करने की तारीि को देिें

Format B-3 20/05/22

2 सीपीपीपी पोटाल पर, वनविदा अपलोि करने में िेिसाइट का प्रयोग करें
समस्या होने पर, ककसी प्रकार की सहायता हेतु http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
उपर के दाहहंने कोने पर ‘कांटैक्ट’ को वक्लक करें
ताकक 24 X 7 कॉल और मेल की सहयता वमले।
3 सतका ता संिंधी मामलों के वलए सतका ता अवधकारी को संपका करें

िॉं. अर्ंन दत्ता गुिा, िैज्ञावनक अवधकारी (एच),

िीईसीसी, 1/ए.एफ, विधान नगर, कोलकाता-700064

टेलीफोन नं.-033-2318-3206 (कायाा.)

ई-मेल : vigilanceofficer@vecc.gov.in

In addition to this tender document and other documents uploaded in the CPP portal in connection to this tender, the
intending bidder must read the terms and conditions as per “SECTION-1 : NOTICE INVITING TENDERS“
OF “CONDITIONS AND CLAUSES OF CONTRACT – 2008” carefully. He/She should only submit his/her bid if
he/she consider himself/herself eligible and he/she is in possession of all the documents required.

इइइइइइ इइइइइइइइइ इस वनविदा के संिंध में सीपीपी पोटाल में अपलोि ककए गए इस वनविदा दस्तािेर् और अन्य दस्तािेर्ों के
अलािा, ‘’सससससस सस सससस ससस ससससस-2008’’ इइ इइइइइइ इइइ इइइइइइ इइ इइइइइइइइइइइ इइÌæ इइइइ
ससस सस ससस सस ससससस ससससस ससस ससस सससस ससस सससससससस ससस सससससससस ससस ससस सससस
सससस सससससससस ससससस

Format B-3 20/05/22

1. Duration of the work / contract period:
a. The entire work must be completed within a period of 180 days from the date of
commencement of contract.
b. Execution of work inside any area within the jurisdiction of VECC can be done
from Monday to Friday between 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM (except holidays). In case
of emergency, work can be planned on any holiday or Saturday, Sunday with prior
intimation and approval by the competent authority.
c. Director, VECC reserves the right to short close the contract partly or terminate
the entire contract, awarded to the vendor, as the case may be, at any time
without assigning any reason thereof.
d. The contract doesn’t contain the provision for escalation clause during the
contract period and also in the event of extension of contract.
2. Payment terms:
a. Vendor has to submit the following documents for processing of payment to the
Engineer-in-charge (EIC) of the work – (i) Tax-invoice (ii) Job completion /
inspection (whichever is applicable) report during the period of the invoice (to be
certified by the EIC). Vendor would also require to sign the Measurement Book
(MB) and RA bill prepared by the EIC for processing of the payment.
b. Vendor should submit the documents mentioned in Sl. No. (a) at the end of the
c. After successful commissioning of the job and acceptance of the job as
and when certified by the Engineer-in-charge, VECC. Payment will be
made by PAO, VECC against submission of bill provided there with no
dispute in respect of rates, quantity and quality of work with MB
(Measurement Book) and job performance certificate duly certified by the
corresponding departmental Engineer-in-charge and Executive Engineer.
Bank details like name of bank, branch, IFSC code etc. may be furnished
for quick payment through RTGS/NEFT/Core – Banking.
3. Penalty clause: During SITC period – Beyond the permissible completion period,
Penalty @2% per day subject to maximum 10% will be levied.
During warranty period- Any breakdown maintenance should be done in such a
manner by the vendor that the system, as a whole, is brought to a good working order to
the satisfaction of the Departmental EIC within three (03) days of occurrence of the fault
that reported by the Engineer-in-charge (EIC) to the vendor, failing which the number of
days beyond three (03) days during when the system is not restored to satisfactory
working order shall be considered as an ineffective period of warranty and these
effective period will be added upon with the duration of the warranty.
4. WARRANTY: - The warranty of supplied items will be applicable as mentioned
a. Minimum One (01) year onsite warranty is required for the fire detection system
after handed over of the system & minimum 10 years warranty & update for GUI
software as well as Fire alarm control panel software.
b. Minimum Three (3) years warranty for 55 inch 24 x7 full LED display.
c. Minimum Three (3) years warranty for CPU & UPS.
d. The warranty for the fire alarm system must be for a period of 12 months after
acceptance test at site. During the guarantee period, the supplier must arrange
quarterly visits and all the recommended tests and services in the manufacturer's
manual must be completed during this period with no extra charge. The
replacements of faulty components during the guarantee period must be in the
scope of the supplier.
5. The contractor shall indemnify and shall keep this office indemnified against acts of
omission or negligence, dishonesty or misconduct of the men engaged for the work and
this office shall not be liable to pay any damages or compensation to such person or to
third party. All damages caused by the personnel shall be charged to the contractor and
recovered from its dues/bills.

6. No other person except Service provider's authorized representative shall be allowed to

enter the office premises.

7. All personnel employed should be well behaved and well mannered. They should have
knowledge of local language and preferably Hindi also. In case any complain and on
demand, contractor has to change their workman promptly.

8. During warranty period competent technical man power should be deployed at VECC
within 24 Hrs. of raising the complaint.

9. Pre-Qualification criterion for bidder

i) The bidder must not be debarred or blacklisted by any State or Central Govt.
Department or its Autonomous bodies to do the business. Declaration should be
given by authorized signatory with stamp at Company Letter head in this regard.
ii) During warranty and for providing AMC after warranty, Vendor/OEM should have
local office/ support service centre through authorized dealer in Kolkata for giving
support within 24 hours of lodging the complaint. (Necessary document must be
attached for the compliance).
iii) The bidder should be the authorized agent of original equipment manufacturer of
Fire alarm panel, Detectors & Devices & related components. A letter of
authorization for this specific tender authorizing for sales, technical support/
service & maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years from Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) must be submitted along with the bid & the whole FDS must
be commissioned by OEM authorised engineer.
iv) The Fire Detection System (FDS) OEM Products i.e. Detectors & Devices should
have spare support certificate from OEM for minimum 5 years from the date of
v) The bidder company must have ISO 9001:2015 or ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 or
equivalent certificates for quality assurance.
10. After opening of technical bid, the technical evolution committee of VECC may visit the
site of “ similar work” mentioned by the vendor to verify the authenticity the work done by
the vendor.

11. The detailed BOQ & Scope of work is given below & the detailed specifications of
all the Items, which have to be supplied under this work, is given in Annexure – 1. The
bidders should thoroughly go through it and submit the compliance report along with
tender documents as per Annexure-1
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)

Description of Materials to be supplied Unit Qty
1 Supply of (A) Fully Intelligent Addressable Fire Alarm Panel (FAP) with 100% Set 01
hardware redundancy(1) by means of duplicated electronics in CPU/Master Control
Unit, Loop Card, Relay and Interface Card, Network card and display electronics.
(B) With appropriate no. of Loop cards to accommodate 668 Detectors and devices.
Each loop card can be used only upto 85%of its maximum capacity.
(C) Network Card having multi/single mode Fibre connectivity, RS 485port & TCP/IP
ports. (Network Card may be onboard type or external type.)
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
The dual circuits must remain connected to the loop all the time with independent fault
monitoring circuits. There must be automatic switchover in case of fault within 02 minutes .
2 Supply of Intelligent Addressable type Multi-Criteria Detector having inbuilt short Nos 592
circuit isolator and with standard base.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
3 Supply of Intelligent Addressable Manual Call Point having inbuilt short circuit Nos 29
isolator & LED indicator with back box.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
4 Supply of Intelligent Addressable loop powered Sounder & Strobe having inbuilt Nos 21
short circuit isolator and with standard base.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
5 Supply of Beam type Smoke Detector with addressable input & output module & Nos 08
accessories. Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
6 Supply of Intelligent addressable type Duct-Detectors with standard sampling Nos 08
chamber & accessories
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
7 Supply of Intelligent Addressable Control Module having inbuilt short circuit isolator Nos 10
and with proper accessories.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
8 Supply of Visual Graphics Software (PC based GUI Software) for minimum 2500 Nos 01
devices to be connected with main fire alarm panel through Ethernet, for monitoring
all individual detectors and devices connected to the main FAP.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
9 CPU for Installing PC based GUI Software with UPS No 01
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
10 Supply of Detector Installation and Removing Kit along with programming Lot 01
software and dongle
11 Supply of Response Indicator with LED indicator compatible with same make Fire Nos 99
Alarm Panel and detectors.
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
12 Supply of 24 V DC,2AMP Power Supply Unit, SMPS type. Nos 08
13 Supply of 55 inch 24X7 Full HD LED Display No 01
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1
14 Supply of MS Box fabricated out of 2mm thick MS sheet duly powder coated No 500
accommodate with detector base & devices.
15 Supply of other accessories like Cable tie, Cable tag, Ferrules, Screw, Nut & Bolts, GI Lot 01
Cable Gland, GI Saddle etc required for installation of the FDS.
16 2core X 1.5 Sq mm FRLS Armoured Cable Mtr 9000
Technical Specification as per Annexure-1 (Supply and Installation of Cable will be
paid on actual. The bidder is requested to assess the cable as per their system.)
Description of Installation & Commissioning
1. Installation of Fire Alarm Control Panel with Loop Card & Network Card Set 01
2. Installation of Multi criteria detectors & devices with proper Accessories. (592 Multi Nos 660
criteria detectors, 10 Module, 29 MCP, 21hooters, 8 Power supply).
3. Installation of Duct detector. Nos 08
4. Installation of Beam detector. Nos 08
5. Installation of Response Indicator Nos 99
6. Installation of 55 inch professional display No 1
7. Integration of 668 Detector and Devices With the Fire alarm Control panel. Nos 668
8. (A)Establishing communication between the network card of FAP and PC based GUI Lot 1
Software through Ethernet.
(B) Preparation of Graphics in CAD format and implement it in Visual Graphics
software to producing alarm reports, diagnostic check reports, fault occurrence
reports, layout graphics of the individual detectors, routing the location.
9. Laying of 1.5sq mm 2core armoured FRLS cable through cable tray, wall surface & Mtr. 9000
ceiling with complete accessories.


1. Supply of Materials

a. The contractor has to supply of all the materials mentioned in the Bill of Quantity.
All the materials will be supplied to VECC premise. All the items should be
supplied in original, un-tampered packing of the Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) along with certificate of conformity / proof of purchase of the product, at the
time of supply for establishing their originality. This office reserves the right to
communicate with the OEM regarding the supplied products to ascertain the
genuineness of the products supplied. After satisfactory compliance of all the
delivered items with the OEM, features, specifications of each item tabulated in
Annexure – 1 of Work Order for SITC of Fire Detection system, inspection and
testing shall be done by our departmental Engineer–In–Charge (EIC). After
satisfactory testing, an Inspection Certificate will be issued by the EIC duly
countersigned by the Executive Engineer for commencing the installation of Fire
Detection system.

b. A document from the original supplier must be submitted for verification of

manufacturing date of components and to ensure that they are not older than 6

c. Supply of Compatible items- All components and devices of FDS must be either
products of a single manufacturer or their compatibility must be guaranteed by the

d. Packaging and Transport – Equipments must be packed and protected so as not

to suffer deterioration, damage or breakage during shipment. All lifting points must
be clearly marked. Each package must be properly labeled to indicate the type
and quantity of material it contains along with the purchase order number,
dimensions and weights and any other necessary data to identify the equipment
and relate it to the contract. The supplier must not ship the equipment without
prior approval of the purchaser’s representative and subsequent written
instructions to do so. If, the supplier needs any storage space within the site, he
must indicate the same along with quotation.

2. Installation & commissioning

a. Contractor must do the site survey to understand complete Scope of Work (SOW)
and site condition.

b. Contractor has to prepare and submit overall general layouts, block diagram,
control wiring, field wiring diagrams/drawings (soft/hard copy in CAD format) on
the basis of locations of detectors, active devices, workstation etc. and also work
schedule before starting the work and take the approval of EIC, VECC and
execute the work accordingly.

c. All the Detectors & devices should be installed with suitable accessories for
mounting it on Ceiling/wall. The contractor should visit the site and take a note of
accessories/ attachments needed to mount the detectors perfectly and get it
approved by EIC, VECC.

d. Wiring- i) The wiring is to be class-A type. ii) The distance of Cable Saddling is
maximum 2 feet between 2 saddles. iii) Proper cable gland must be used on the
cable entry point of the ms circular box & Fire Alarm Panel. iv) On fault like short
circuit, open circuit, or earth fault in the loop, the faulty portion is to be isolated by
the in- built isolator provided with each device. Proper protection must be provided
in the panel for overvoltage and short circuit so that the loop and the panel are
protected on such faults.

e. Implementation of FDS should be done in phased manner in consultation with EIC

to make sure minimum disturbance to the users. The entire cabling of the FDS
must be adaptable for future up-gradation/addition/deletion of the constituent sub-

f. All the detectors & devices must be installed by maintaining proper industry
standard norms and in consultation with EIC, VECC.

g. The contractor has to do the proper electrical earthing of fire alarm control panel.

h. All the cables are to be tagged as per the drawing or as instructed by the EIC with
metallic tag, ferrules by industrial type crimping tool only. The contractor must
complete all connection of all active devices before turning on the new FDS. Any
modification of this work from the approved drawing have to be
incorporated/modified in the as built / final drawing.

i. Before connecting with fire alarm panel, all the active devices like detectors,
Manual Call Point (MCPs), sounders, modules etc. should be configured with an
individual address in consultation with the EIC. The address of each active
detector & devices must be written on its outer body so that it can be seen from
the outside.

j. All the detectors, MCPs, sounders, modules must be integrated with the graphics
of FDS & those should be accessible by computer workstation.

k. Contractor has to provide the software having inbuilt features to control and
configure all the devices like detectors, MCPs, sounders, all type of modules & fire
alarm control panel.

l. Workstations should be installed & commissioned at locations suggested by the

EIC & must be used for monitoring of all detectors & devices. The system should
allow operation with PC keyboard & mouse. The software must be capable of
monitoring, addressing & giving status of detectors & devices in the FDS.
m. After integration of all the components, and commissioning the total system, the
Contractor must demonstrate the entire system, the functioning of all the
constituents of the system part by part at site before finally handing over the
system of the EIC.

n. The vendor has to give an undertaking stating the nondisclosure of any

information related to the location of various devices and their configuration to any
third party under any circumstances without prior permissions from the competent
authority of VECC.

o. Contractor should have its own customer desk where complaint can be
registered at any point of time.

p. The commissioning must be considered as complete only after successful

operation of one month of the integrated system of the FDS.

3. Graphical User interface

The fire alarm management system must be a multi-user graphical management system and
must be used to centrally monitor and operate fire alarm systems. All messages and status
of the connected fire alarm system must display on all easy to understand graphical user
interface. The colour graphic software running on PC must be capable of producing alarm
reports, diagnostic check reports, fault occurrence reports, layout graphics of the individual
detectors, routing and location, especially when there is any alarm or occurrence of fault.
There must be a provision to connect a printer to the PC which can print all the events with
date and time on manual command from the operator.
a. Ethernet connectivity- The software for the fire alarm control system must provide
the configuration and monitoring of the FDS using Ethernet connected PC with
b. License- The supplier must install the FDS application software on any PC if
required. The license of the application software must be portable and the required
code/ lock to run it on a different PC must be provided by the supplier.
c. It Must be possible to run this software application along with other application
software running on the host PC/server PC
d. The software must be compatible in Window 8/10/11.

4. Documentation and Handing Over

Documentation for the handing over must be as follows:

a. All documentation must be written in good, simple and concise English and must be
bounded with hard covers.
b. The document must be updated regularly as the installation progresses. All
changes in the installation layout, wiring, cabling and design must be incorporated
in its final edition. Three copies of every updated edition must be handed over to
VECC, Kolkata.
c. The final edition of the hand-over documents (3 copies) must include installation,
commissioning ,operation and maintenance aspects, technical details of
components, as built drawings & device charts of the system and tests carried out
during commissioning.
d. A set of hard copy manual of FDS training must be submitted to the EIC which
included all the points specified on Part-E (6-b).
5. Testing & Acceptance Criteria

a. Burn in test at site- All the electronic sub-units of the FDS must be subjected to
Burn-in test under rated load conditions. The burn in period must be for a
continuous period of 100 hrs. During this time the FDS must be kept switched 'ON'
under prevalent ambient conditions; the performance of the FDS must be checked
before, during and after the test and there must not be any deviation of the
A very extensive testing of the system under the real –plant conditions must be
carried out to remove the remaining hardware/software bugs for a period of
minimum 1 month. The FDS must be considered as commissioned after 1month, if
it doesn’t develop any snags during above test.

6. Training on FDS

The contractor must provide 5 days free of cost training at VECC premises on the
operation, addressing, maintenance and software configuration of the fire
detection system. Training manuals [2 copies] for this must be prepared and
handed over to the EIC before starting of the training. Schedule of training must
be approved by EIC.

a. For Fire Safety Personnel- A training program must be arranged by the

Contractor with operations (Panel internal buzzer mute, Panel silence & other
functions) of system of fire alarm system & Graphics.
b. For Fire Alarm Maintenance Personnel - A training program must be arranged
by the Contractor with operations (Panel internal buzzer mute, Panel silence &
other functions) of fire alarm system & Graphics. Operations like i) Detector &
device removing and cleaning ii) Detector & device Programming. iii) Detector &
device programming through specified software. iv) Various types of testing like
wiring test, acknowledgement etc. through software. v) Installation & programming
of a new detector & device with installed fire alarm system. vi) Implementation of
various types of logics on fire alarm system through software. vii) Operation,
maintenance & alignment of installed beam detector. viii) Operation, maintenance
& alignment of installed duct detector. ix) Operations & maintenance of modules.
x) Integration of a detector or devices or a full zone of the FDS with graphical user
interface from Fire alarm control panel. Xii) The contractor must provide training
about full features & applications of the fire alarm panel.

7. Warranty:

a. Minimum One (01) year onsite warranty is required for the complete fire detection
system after handed over of the system & minimum 10 years warranty & update
for GUI software as well as Fire alarm control panel software.
b. Minimum Three (3) years warranty for 55 inch 24 x7 full led display.
c. The warranty for the fire alarm system must be for a period of 12 months after
acceptance test at site. During the guarantee period, the supplier must arrange
quarterly visits and all the recommended tests and services in the manufacturer's
manual must be completed during this period with no extra charge. The
replacements of faulty components during the guarantee period must be in the
scope of the supplier.
भारत सरकार/ Government of India
परमाणु ऊर्ाा विभाग/ Department of Atomic Energy
पररिती ऊर्ाा साइक्लोट्रॉन के न्द्र/ Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
1/ए.एफ., विधान नगर, कोलकाता-700064/ 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700064



(Operative Schedules of Individual Tender)

Name of work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fully intelligent addressable Fire Detection
System at VECC, Kolkata.

NIT NO.: - VECC/CIG/NIT/FDS/2022/1695 Dated: 20/10/2022

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre

Sector-1, Block-AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata–700 064.
Telephone: (033) 2318 – 4757; Fax: (033) 2334 – 6871



A Reference to NIT & Tender Documents 5
B Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor 5
C Land earmarked for temporary infrastructures and Tools & plants to be hired to the 5
contractor if any
D Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents for the work, if any 5
E Schedule of component of Cement, Steel, other Materials, Labour, POL etc. for price 5
Reference to book of conditions, work / project and NIT 6
General rules & directions 6
Definitions with reference to the particular project / work 6
Clause-1: Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee from the date of 6
issue of letter of acceptance / WO & Maximum allowable extension beyond the same
Clause-2: Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 6
Clause-5: No. of days from the date of issue of WO for reckoning date of start. 6
Table of Mile Stone(s) 6-8
Clause-6 or 6A : Applicability of Manual or Computerized billing 7
Clause-7: Eligibility for interim payment 7
Clause-10-A: List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site lab 7
Clause-10 B (ii): Applicability of payment of Mobilization Advance 7
Clause-10 C: Component of labour in percent of value of work 7
Clause-11: Specifications to be followed for execution of work 7
Clause-12: Deviation limits for applicability of this clause 12.2, 12.3 & 12.5 7
Clause-16: Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates 7
Clause-18: List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the 7
contractor at site
Clause-42: Theoretical consumption of materials, permissible variation & Recovery 8
Recovery rates for quantities beyond permissible variation 8

Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
Sector-1, Block-AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700 064


i) Name of Work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fully intelligent

addressable Fire Detection System at VECC, Kolkata.
ii) Last Date & Time of 25/12/2022 17:00 Hr.
submission of Bids:
iii) Date & Time of online As mentioned in Notice Inviting E-Tender (PART – A) at 11:00 Hr. on
opening of Technical 27/12/2022 in presence of the Tenderers who may desire to be present.

TENDER DOCUMENTS ISSUED TO M/S. …….. ………………………………………………………..


Director, VECC
Date of Issue: ……………………

I / We have read and examined the Notice Inviting Tender, Salient Governing Features of the Tender / Work
including Schedules A, B, C, D, E & F, Specifications Books *, Drawings and Designs, General Rules & Directions,
General Clauses of Contract, Special Clauses of Contract & other documents and rules referred to in the Conditions
and Clauses of Contract – 2008 * and all other contents in the tender documents for the work.

(*Note: The “Specifications / Conditions and Clauses of Contract books” are available on departmental Web-site
www.vecc.gov.in. The required books as indicated under Schedule “F” and under Clause-11 of this Salient
Governing Feature of the Tender / Work may be downloaded from the VECC’s Web-site and / or the same can be
purchased separately on payment of price as indicated below with the Accounts Officer, VECC, Kolkata-64. If the
agency already possesses or has downloaded this / these book(s), they need not purchase the same again:

1 Conditions and Clauses of Contract – 2008

However, these books, as required / specified in this “Salient Governing Feature of the Tender / Work” herein below,
shall remain part of the tender documents / Contract / agreement to be executed, and signed by both the parties after
acceptance of the Tender.)
I / We, hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within the time specified
in Schedule “F”, viz., Schedule of Quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause - 11 of the
General Clauses of Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such
conditions so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for one hundred twenty (120) days from the last date of its submission and
not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs.1,30,000/- shall be deposited as Earnest Money as per stipulations in the NIT / Tender
documents in the required format on demand from the Government. Consequent to the award of the subject work, if I
/ we fail to commence work as specified, I / we agree that President of India or his successors in office shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money, otherwise the
said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender
documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be
ordered, upto maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule “F” and those in excess of that limit at the rates to
be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form. Further, I / We
agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money as aforesaid, I / We shall be debarred for participation in the re-
tendering process of the work.
I / We hereby declare that I / We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records connected with
the work as secret / confidential documents and shall not communicate information / derived there-from to any
person other than a person to whom I / We am / are authorised to communicate the same or use the information in
any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State.

Signature of Contractor
Postal Address

The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me for and on
behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.................................../-
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement.

Dated …………………………….. For & on behalf of the President of India


Salient Governing Features of the Tender / Work
Proforma of Schedules

SCHEDULE ‘A’ Reference to NIT & Tender Documents
Dated: 20/10/2022
2 Notice Inviting Tender details i) NIT as uploaded on Web Site
Detailed NIT is also available on website
for view only.
ii) NIT as published in Notice Board
3 Scope and location of the work: Enclosed 11
4 List of drawings NIL
5 Time Schedule for the work: Enclosed 16
6 List of changes if any in specifications:
a) Specifications for Civil Works – 2009 : Nil
7 Schedule of Quantities - (Enclosed) 15 pages

Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor : Not applicable for this work
S. Description of item Quantity Rates at which the Materials Place of issue
No will be charged to the contractor
1 2 3 4 5
1. Water Water will be supplied by the Department
free of cost
2. Electricity Electricity consumed for this work shall be
supplied by the Department free of cost.
3. As mentioned in WS - 7 As NA
in WS - 7

Land earmarked for temp. infrastructures and Tools & plants to be hired to the contractor :
S.No Description Hire charges Place of issue
1 2 3 4
1. Area for storage / site office (SCC-11) As per Clause SCC-11 Site premises
2. Temporary Buildings (SCC-12) Not Applicable.
3. Labour hutments (SCC-12) No labour hutment permitted at site

Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents for the work, if any Prevailing security regulation shall
Particularly for Security guidelines, Gate pass, lift, tower crane etc, be strictly adhered to

Schedule of component of Cement, Steel, other Materials, Labour, POL etc. for price Not applicable for this work
CLAUSE 10 CC : Not applicable for this work
No escalation will be paid for this work. No extra payment over and above the quoted price will be paid.

Reference to the Book of “Conditions & Clauses of Contract” to be followed for this work 2008
Name of Work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fully intelligent As per NIT
addressable Fire Detection System at VECC, Kolkata.
Estimated cost of work: Rs.72,30,000.00 As per NIT
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Rs. 1,30,000.00 As per NIT
Performance Guarantee (PG): 3 % of tendered value As per Tender
Security Deposit (SD): 2.5% of Gross Value of Work Done As per Tender

General Rules & Directions :

Tender inviting authority Director, VECC.
Maximum percentage for quantity of Items of work to be executed beyond which rates are to be See Clause-12
determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 below

Clause - 1
i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee (PG) from the date of issue of letter of acceptance 15
/ WO days
ii) Maximum allowable extension beyond the period (provided in - i) above; Maximum 15 days with late fee 15
@ 0.1% on Performance Guarantee (PG) amount per day to be computed for actual period of delay. days

Clause - 2
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 Director, VECC.

Clause - 5
Number of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance / WO for reckoning date of start 15 days
Mile stone(s) as per table given below:
Sl. No. Description of Time Allowed in days Amount to be with-held in case of non
Milestone (Physical) (from date of start) achievement of milestone
1. NIL


Clause – 6 & 6A Clause 6 for manual billing As per clause 6 for Manual Billing &
Clause 6A for computerized billing MB (Measurement Book)

Clause – 7 / Eligibility for interim payment - 7

Gross work to be done together with net payment / adjustment of advances for material : Not applicable
collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to interim payment
1. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment will be done as per following schedule: -

a. Vendor has to submit the following documents for processing of payment to the Engineer-in-
charge (EIC) of the work – (i) Tax-invoice (ii) Job completion / inspection (whichever is applicable)
report during the period of the invoice (to be certified by the EIC). Vendor would also require to
sign the Measurement Book (MB) and RA bill prepared by the EIC for processing of the payment.
b. Vendor should submit the documents mentioned in Sl. No. (a) at the end of the job / at the end of
every quarter / at the end of every six months / at the end of one year for processing of the
c. After successful commissioning of the job and acceptance of the job as and when certified
by the Engineer-in-charge, VECC. Payment will be made by PAO, VECC against
submission of bill provided there with no dispute in respect of rates, quantity and quality
of work with MB (Measurement Book) and job performance certificate duly certified by
the corresponding departmental Engineer-in-charge and Executive Engineer. Bank details
like name of bank, branch, IFSC code etc. may be furnished for quick payment through
RTGS/NEFT/Core – Banking.

Clause - 10A : Not applicable for this work

Clause - 10B(ii) (Mobilization Advance)

Whether Clause 10 B (ii) shall be applicable (If yes, Clause of Tender Condition to be followed) No

Clause - 10C
Component of labour expressed as percent of value of the work 16.69%

Clause - 11
Specifications to be followed for execution of this work Specifications as per attachment

Clause – 12

12.2 & 12.3 Deviation limited beyond which this clauses 30%

Clause - 16
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates Director, VECC.

Clause - 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site:

Clause - 42
(i) Variations permissible for materials issued Not applicable for this work

S. No. Description of Item Rates in figures & words at which recovery shall be
made from the Contractor
Excess beyond permissible Less use beyond the
variation permissible variation
1 Refer Schedule -A NA Nil

1. In the case of any discrepancy between these “Salient Governing Features of the Tender/Work” & the book
“Conditions and Clauses of Contract – 2008”, stipulations given in these “Salient Governing Features of the
Tender/Work” shall take precedence.
2. In the case of any discrepancy found in printed matter of Hard copy and Soft copy of “Salient Governing
Features of the Tender/Work” documents, the matter of Hard copy shall take precedence.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SUDHANSHU
Date: 2022.10.20 16:40:44 IST
[8] Location: eProcure-EPROC

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