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Arka Dhatu Trenggono Putra/20202241062

1. Teaching spoken English to apes

 In USA, 1916 Furness attempted to teach an orangutan to speak: the animal able to say
papa and cup in the end of the animal’s life
 Gua: the chimp raised with a human ‘sibling’ Winthrop and Luella Kellogg (1933/1968)
raised a female chimp named Gua along with their own son, Donald as a sibling. Result:
a. exceptional ability to learn by imitation b. both have the same problem-solving
knowledge. c. able to response to spoken language by 16 Y.O.
 Cathy and Keith Hayes (1951) raised a baby female chimpanzee from infancy named Viki.
Result: a. learned utter 4 words by 3 Y.O. b. able to obey commands such as go to your
2. Teaching sign language to the chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan
 the case of Washoe (1966) Result: a. able to do sign language “open” b. learned 130
vocabularies in 1 year c. couldn’t advance beyond elementary level.
 The case of Nim Chimpsky (1970): a. able to imitate signed and adding words random b.
producing structured two- or three-word utterances. Ex: ‘more drink’, ‘banana
 The case of Chantek in 1970. Resulting in a. Chantek learned to use a vocabulary of 140
signs that signify objects, actions, proper names, attributes, locatives, and pronouns.
 The case of Koko (1971) resulting in a. could make new words to describe new objects by
combining previously known ones b. Koko had learned 132 sign words after 4,5 years
and 500+ after 10 years.
3. Teaching artificial language to chimpanzee
 The case of Lana (1977) resulting in a. Lana learned hundreds of sentences b. apes have
but a limited ability for language acquisition after artificial language treatment.
4. Teaching language to dolphin
 The case of Lilly (1962, 1965) tried to teach a dolphin to force air through its blow-hole
in such a way that it would allow the dolphin to imitate human speech sounds
 Herman and his associates (Herman and Wolz, 1984) trained a bottlenose dolphin to
mimic computer-generated sounds. The dolphin not only demonstrated that it could
learn to make new whistles but also that it could apply these whistles to the naming of
objects such as ‘ball’, ‘hoop’, and ‘frisbee’.
5. Teaching spoken English to an African grey parrot
Pepperberg (Pepperberg, 1987, 1993; Pepperberg and Kozak, 1986) has worked with a male
African Grey parrot and she calls Alex. She used the speech mode because of the parrot’s
excellent vocal and hearing abilities.
6. Teaching rico the dog to understand spoken English words
Rico is a 91 /2-year-old border collie who has learned to understand more than 200 words
for different objects. He can learn a new word after being shown an unfamiliar object just


 Chomsky argue that animals are born without special language abilities.
 Pro-intelligence theorists such as Piaget, Putnam, and others have argued that animals lack
certain aspects of intelligence necessary to learn complex abilities such as language. It seems
clear that animals do not have much capacity for grammatical-based language.

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