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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J.

Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

1.9 Dynamic loading:

In the last lectures only static loadings are considered

A static loading is:

• the load does not change

• the load change per time
Unit is …… ≈ 10 / sec

⇒ Load case Ι: static load (case I acc. to Aug. Bach)

Limit stress for this case are:

• RP 0,2 : yield stress of material (tension)

• σ by : bending yield stress (bending)
• τ ty : torsion yield stress (torsion)
• τ sy : shear yield stress (shear)

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Fluctuating / swell loading: load case ΙΙ

a) fluctuating / fully released

pure swell – loading
b) fluctuating not released

Fully released, pure swell loading: sign of stress is not changed during cycle

Limit stress for this case are:

• σ tsw : tension swell strength

• σ bsw : bending swell strength
• τ tsw : torsion swell strength

Case ΙΙΙ : reversing loading

a) fully reversed stress

b) non – zero reversed stress

Reversing loading or alternating loading is a very frequent kind of loading:

Fully reversing loading: the sign of stress is changing during each cycle

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Most applied testing device for alternating (bending) stresses to evaluate the fatigue
strength of materials is the rotary bending test machine.

Rotating shaft with bending moment: rotary bending = reversing bending

A rotating section with applied bending moment undergoes fully reversed loading
from tension to compression during 1 revolution.

Limit stress for this case are:

• σ tR : Tension / compression reversing strength < RP 0,2

• σ bR : reversing bending strength
• τ tR : reversing torsion shear strength

The load, which a material can hold for a very long time (for ever) under these
loading conditions (case Ι, ΙΙ, ΙΙΙ) is the fatigue strength or endurance strength

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Cyclic stresses:

Cyclic stresses with non zero mean stress

Definitions for cyclic stresses:

Mean stress: σm

σ max + σ min
σm =

Stress range: σR

σ R = σ max − σ min

Stress amplitude: σa

σR σ max − σ min
σa = =
2 2

Stress ratio: RS or κ

σ min
RS = κ
σ max

Amplitude ratio: Aa

σ a 0,5 i (σ max − σ min ) (σ max − σ min ) 1 − RS

Aa = = = =
σ m 0,5 i (σ max + σ min ) (σ max + σ min ) 1 + RS

1 load cycle: when the same load characteristic starts again:

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Most used patterns of cyclic stresses:

Load case Ι: static loading

RS = 1 ; σ max = σ min = σ m = const ; σ a = 0

Aa = 0

Load case ΙΙ: fluctuating / swell loading

a) Common case:
1 > RS ≥ 0
b) Released tension / swell tension loading:
σ max
σ min = 0 ; RS = 0 ; Aa = 1 ; σ m =
Released compression / swell compression loading:
σ min
σ max = 0 ; RS = ∞ ; Aa = −1 ; σ m =

Load case ΙΙΙ: complete reversing loading: σm = 0

σ min = −σ max ; RS = −1 ; Aa = ∞ ; σ m = 0
σ min = σ max = σ a

Common case: σ m ≠ 0 reversing loading

0 > RS ≥ −1 ; σ m = 0 ; 1 ≤ Aa ≤ ∞

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

First fatigue tests by August Wöhler ( ≈ 1864 )

Reason: Fractures of rail road wagon axles, even when loaded far away from any
Materials show a limited number of load cycles under certain stress levels

Fracture of a shaft with fatigue fracture area (Dauerbruchfläche) and spontanous

fracture area (Gewaltbruchfläche) and marks (Rastlinien).

Results of fatigue tests are shown in so called Wöhler-diagrams:

Fatigue strength vs. cycles to failure (so called Wöhler – curve),

a) for ferrous alloys: steels and alloyed cast steels

Fatigue stress ratio is : S f / Rm = S f / SUT ; Sf = fatigue strength ; Sut = Rm

Steel are considered fatigue resistant if at a certain load (stress) more than 10 i106
cycles are conducted without a failure.

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Steels show a clear endurance limit:

a) short cycle fatigue
b) medium cycle fatigue
c) long cycle fatigue, endurance strength

Fatigue strength for: b) aluminium alloys, no exact or distinct endurance limit

Endurance limit as a function of tensile strength of materials:

1000 psi = 6.895 MPa ; 300 kpsi = 2068.5 MPa

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

Empirical relations for endurance limit Se for steels :

Se´ ≅ 0,5 i Rm For bending

Se´ ≅ 0,45 i Rm For axial loading (tension, compression)

Se´ ≅ 0,29 i Rm For torsion

Approximate endurance limits Se´ for various materials

Magnesium alloys n = 108 Se´ ≅ 0,35 i Rm

Copper alloys n = 108 0,25 i Rm < Se′ < 0,5 i Rm

Nickel alloys n = 108 0,35 i Rm < Se′ < 0,65 i Rm

The magnitude of alternating stress depends of the mean stress level for cyclic

Alternating stress ratio as a function of mean stress ratio for axial loaded cast iron.

All of these fatigue stresses/endurance strengths for the different load cases must be
determined by special fatigue tests and the mean stress level are influencing the
To evaluate all data for a material is a difficult and time consuming task.

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

The data are tabulated in data lists for materials:

From this data we get a new set of limit stresses for materials:
Load cases:
I = static loading,
II = released fluctuating (swell) loading,
III = dynamic reversing loading
Limit stresses according to the load cases:
I static loading:
RP0,2 = tensile yield strength (0,2% strain),
σCf = compression flow stress,
σBF = bending flow stress,
τ TF = torsion flow stress,
τSF = shear flow stress,
II = released fluctuating (swell) loading:
σTCS = tension, compression swell strength,
σBS = bending swell strength,
τ TS = torsion swell strength
III = dynamic reversing loading:
σTCR = tension, compression reversing strength,
σBR = bending reversing strength,
τ TR = torsion reversing strength

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

The combination of fatigue strength of a material for different load cases together
with different mean stresses a shown in the Smith-Goodman diagrams:

x = Rs = κ : stress ratio ;
I, II, III load cases acc. to Aug. Bach:

- III: full reversing loading

- II : full released swell loading
- I : static loading

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

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IAM-DT-I : SS2005 Prof. Dr.- Ing. P. J. Mauk
Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Angewandte Materialtechnik

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