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Examination System

Objective and Scope

The conduct of examinations and declaration of results is one of the most important activities
of the Chandigarh University. The Examination Section is the backbone of the entire system
of the university. It is of paramount importance that the examinations are conducted with
utmost precision, fairness and objectivity to gain public credibility and esteem. Inorder to
achieve this, all rules and procedures relating to the examinations should be so well defined
as to leave nothing for chance and assumption.

This manual, which is based on ordinances and regulations of the university, is an effort in
that direction. It defines the roles, responsibilities of the people involved, protocols,
procedures to be followed and various steps that have to be taken at all the levels associated
with the conduct of examinations of the Chandigarh University.

1. Tasks performed by the examination Department:

a) Preparation of merit lists and their transmission to appropriate authorities/bodies.
b) Collection and maintenance of statistical data regarding the number of examinations,
number of candidates appeared in each examination, the number of boys/girls regular
candidates and reappear candidates and percentage of pass candidates etc.
c) Arrange for re-checking of valued answer booklets requested by the candidates on the
prescribed application form with due fees.
d) Preparation of lists of lapses and irregularities committed by the Centre Superintendent,
Invigilators, evaluators and other sand forwarding the list to the competent authorities for
consideration and necessary action.
e) Assisting the Vice-Chancellor in constitution of committees to deal with all types of
cases of misconduct/malpractices, detected before, during and after examinations.
f) Announcement of results of examinations, dealing with cases of withheld results for
future announcement and follow up work in cases of any discrepancies.
g) Issue of detail marks card and degrees etc.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

2. Setting of Question Papers
a) The question papers of all the UG/PG classes shall be prepared by the Controller/Dean of
Examination out of the learning materials and standardized question banks provided by
the University Teaching Departments.

b) The question paper should be fairly distributed over the whole syllabus of study and not
concentrated on any one or a few units/portions only. Repetition of a question must be

c) Use of mathematical, physical tables charts, data or hand books, gazettes Calculator etc.
which are permitted to be used by the examinee should be indicated in the instructions.

d) All questions and subdivisions shall be marked clearly as per the pattern provided.

e) Serial number of questions should be given on the top of Question paper, Time allowed,
mentioned on the right hand side of the paper.

f) Direction to the candidates regarding the number of questions to be answered should be

given clearly on the top of the question paper.

g) Noinitialsorsignatureshouldbeputanywhereonthequestionpaper.OnlyUIDnumber should
be written by the candidate.

h) Question paper should be properly sealed at both corners of envelop, so that it may not
give way in transit.

i) The question papers of all the UG/PG classes shall be prepared by the Controller/Dean of
Examination out of the learning materials and standardized question banks provided by
the University Teaching Departments.

j) The question paper should be fairly distributed over the whole syllabus of study and not
concentrated on any one or a few units/portions only. Repetition of a question must be

Examination Rules and Regulations Book


k) Use of mathematical, physical tables, charts, data or handbooks, gazettes Calculator etc.
which are permitted to be used by the examinee should be indicated in the instructions.

l) All questions and subdivisions shall be marked clearly as per the pattern provided.

m) Serial number of questions should be given on the top of Question paper, Time allowed,
Maximum Marks should also be indicated and Marks allotted to each question should be
mentioned on the right hand side of the paper.

n) Direction to the candidates regarding the number of questions to be answered should be

given clearly on the top of the question paper.

o) No initials or signature should be put anywhere on the question paper. Only UID number
should be written by the candidate.

p) Question paper should be properly sealed at both corners of envelop, so that it may not
give way in transit.

3. Handling of Question Papers

All the question papers shall be printed in a classified zone with restricted
entry. The printing process shall not leave any trail which may eventually
result in the leakage of full or part of the question paper.

a) The Controller of Examination shall get all the question papers printed and packed in a
cover and sealed securely for storage under his custody.
b) The sealed envelopes containing question paper should be arranged examination-wise,
paper code number-wise and kept under strict secrecy and vigil. The strong room and
confidential lockers in which these question papers are kept, should be sealed every time
and every day, it is opened.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Relevant sealed envelopes containing the question paper should be taken out of the Confidential
Lockers strictly in accordance with the examination program. These should be counted and an entry
be made in the stock register before these are delivered to the Examination centers.
3.1 Question Banks:
• Do not delete/move the position of chapter and its difficulty level in the below format of question bank.
• Do not repeat the question which may leads to duplicate question in Test.
• To Avoid Similar Questions please do not include same sense questions with different questioning
• Do not repeat the similar question in short and in long answer type question.
• Numerical Subjects must have all the questions based on numerical only, except for short answer
• Type the question by making virtual chapter of the Unit (if unit not divided into chapters) and proper
difficulty level in the appropriate cell so that from each chapter the question may be selected for Tests.
• For long Answer type questions, first decide that how many subparts are required for their course
i.e. 2 subparts or 3, keeping in consideration the level of Question.
• All the sub parts, equations, pictures if any are to be placed in the same cell of the table for the
same question.
• Do not leave any cell blank
• The Question bank is to be designed in such a way that the whole syllabus and all the CO’s are
• There are 2 new columns added this year in the format
• Level of Question according to Blooms Taxonomy i.e. L1/L2/L3/L4/L5/L6
• Which Course outcome is linked with the question i.e. CO1/CO2/CO3/CO4

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Annexure : 1
• Fill the Required details correctly

Course & Branch : Semester:

Subject : Subject Code:

No. of Students: Regular/ Reappear:

• For a Particular Unit please design short answer questions and long answer questions at same
time to avoid similar questions and repetitions

Note:- As in most of the cases Syllabus is divided into 3 Units (40 questions each) therefore the question
bank is also created in that way, If in any department needs any Exemption or Variation then
suggestions are invited for discussion and final approval may be sought from Hon’ble Vice Chancellor.
3.1.1 Short Answer Type Questions
Total 30 Questions(10 from each unit)
All the short answer type questions are to be from level 1/ level 2 according to blooms
Level of Linked Question
Sr. No Question course Location/ Question
in blooms Outcome Topic

Examination Rules and Regulations Book


L1 CO1/CO2/C
1-10 Unit -1
L1 CO1/CO2/C
11-20 Unit -2
L1 CO1/CO2/C
21-30 Unit-3

3.1.2 Long Answer Type Questions

Total Questions 90 (30 from each unit): Division Planned for Each Unit:-10 Questions from
level 2 and level 3
20 Questions from level 4, Level 5 & Level6
Level of Linked course Questio
Sr. Question in Outcome n
No blooms Locatio
taxonomy n/ Topic
L2/L3 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -1/
3 Topic
L4/L5/L6 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -1/
3 Topic
L2/L3 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -2 /
3 Topic
L4/L5/L6 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -2/
3 Topic
L2/L3 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -3 /
3 Topic
L4/L5/L6 CO1/CO2/CO Unit -3/
3 Topic

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

3.2 Standards for Setting of Question papers
• Question banks received from the departments are sent to IQAC for Vetting.
• Question banks are inserted in the software.
• Three sets are generated by the software.
• Randomly chosen question paper is printed one day before the examination.
• Printed question papers are packed and sealed along with the signatures and stamps of the COE in
the envelopes.
• Question Papers are delivered in the center of exam only 30 minutes before the commencement of
• Sealed envelopes of the question paper are opened by the center superintendent in the presence of at
least one Flying squad Members and one invigilator.

4. Guidelines and Formats to design Rubrics for Project, Field & Industrial
Training etc.
Stage 1
Identification of Performance task and criteria
1. Splitting the project or industrial training report into phases
2. Phases into steps a student is expected to follow to successfully complete the project
3. Development of steps into performance tasks
4. Clearly depicting the performance criteria for each performance tasks

An example is given to illustrate above steps relating to Design projects.

You can develop your own parameters depending on subject or program
under question
Table 1.1
Simple design problem
Examination Rules and Regulations Book
Example How to determine Phase, Steps, performance criterion and
performance task
Phase Steps Performance criteria Performance task
Problem Identify open ended, challenging and Determination of open ended,
recognition innovative problem challenging and unique design
Collection of Survey and analysis of related and Informational analysis and
Information up-to-date information investigation related to
Identification problem
Problem definition Define problem including A gap Analysis,
requirements constraints and problem definition,
specifications requirements and constraints
Idea generation Develop alternative solutions by Climate and attitude,
applying creative idea generation creative methods
methods with team members Number of ideas
Optimal Solution Selection of optimal solution based Idea evaluation
selection on originality and applicability Originality
Solution Elaborate on selected optimal Prototypes and drawings
improvement solution with drawings and Completeness
prototypes Perfection
Validation Verification of compliance with Evaluation of requirements
requirements and constraints Constraints and specifications
Report writing Preparing report with engineering Preparation of comprehensive
design process, results and writing report
indicating individual contributions

Phase Steps Performance criteria Performance task

Presentation Technical contents Complete and clear in all respects Technically impressive report

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Logical coherence Innovative authentic and provocative Comprehension and
and Development structure development of presentation
Oral presentation Presented with mastery syntax, Fluent speaking, correlation
skills diction, tone, and non-verbal with visual aids
Presentation visual, audio, or other presentation Selection and connectivity of
Materials materials meet professional standards presentation material
Response to Prompt and rational articulation and Effective query handling
queries reasoning

Stage -2
Development Assessment Rubrics based on above information
1. A blank common rubrics table is provided where departments can develop and
enter the information regarding project or industrial training rubrics Format for
2. Table is a two dimensional having vertical column for performance task and rows
for performance quality levels (5 levels).
3. In addition to this two additional columns are also provided for time schedule and

weight age for each task so that students are clear about the expectations for
assessment. (Please see the Blank table T 1.1)
Table 1.2
4. Common Blank format of rubrics
Phase Performance Performance Quality level Time Weightage
task and marks Schedule
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
2 4 6 8 10

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Example is illustrated below (Note: -time schedule is provided in week of completion
from1st day of the semester)
Phase Performance task Performance Quality level Time Weightage
one Two Three Four Five Schedul
2 4 6 8 10 e
Problem Determination of open 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1st 4
identification ended, challenging and
unique design problem
Informational analysis and 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2nd 5
investigation related to
A gap Analysis, 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4th 5
problem definition,
requirements and
Solution Climate and attitude, 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5th 6
creative methods
Number of ideas
Idea evaluation 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6th 10
Implementati Prototypes and drawings 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8th 10

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

on Completeness
Evaluation of requirements 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 10th 10
Constraints and
Preparation of 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 11th 10
comprehensive report
Presentation Technically impressive 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 12th 10
Comprehension and 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 12th 5
development of presentation
Fluent speaking, correlation 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 13th 10
with visual aids and query
Selection and connectivity 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 13th 5
of presentation material

Stage 3
Define the performance level for each task and quality levels
Level Assessment Rubrics
9.1 Lack of sufficient technical content and sophistication is evident in several components of
the project
9.2 Project analyzes an insufficient amount of technical information in the development of a
few feasible solutions to meet the project objective.
9.3 Project analyzes a sufficient amount of pertinent technical information in the development
of a few feasible solutions to meet the project objective
9.4 Project analyzes a significant amount of pertinent technical information in the
development of several feasible solutions to meet the project objective.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

9.5 Project analyzes a diverse and significant amount of pertinent technical information in the
development of several feasible solutions to meet the project objective. Project also
incorporates and analyzes possible solutions that seem counter-intuitive, surprising, or
contrary to conventional approaches
10.1 A few ideas in every section are logically connected, but they are not linked to the main
point of the section. Sections lack focus, organization, and transitions.
10.2 Some ideas in every section are logically connected and linked to the main point of the
section. Transitions are present but are inconsistent.
10.3 Most ideas in every section are logically developed and directly linked to the main point of
the section. Most ideas in every section are connected by transitions
10.4 Almost all ideas in every section are logically developed and directly linked to the main
point of the section. Almost all ideas in every section are connected by transitions.
10.5 Almost all ideas in every section are logically developed and directly linked to the main
point of the section; furthermore, the presentation identifies non-obvious, surprising,
and/or counter-intuitive aspects of the project in an appropriate section. Almost all ideas in
every section are connected by transitions.

Level Assessment Rubrics

11.1 Oral presentation skills exhibit one major problem in syntax, diction, tone, and non-verbal

11.2 Oral presentation skills exhibit only minor problems in syntax, diction, tone, and non-
verbal elements.
11.3 Oral presentation skills exhibit clear and appropriate syntax, diction, tone, and non-verbal
11.4 Oral presentation skills exhibit clear, varied, complex language, employed for effect.
Diction is precise and appropriate to the situation. Tone is mature, consistent, and
appropriate for topic and audience. Non-verbal elements (attire, mannerisms, etc.) do not
distract from the presentation

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

11.5 Oral presentation skills exhibit masterful syntax, diction, tone, and non-verbal elements
that are appropriate for the topic and audience.
12.1 The visual, audio, or other presentation materials fail to meet professional standards, are
poorly integrated, or are too heavily relied upon.
12.2 Some of the visual, audio, or other presentation materials fail to meet professional
standards, or are not integrated into the presentation, or substitute for oral components
12.3 The visual, audio, or other presentation materials meet professional standards, are
integrated into the presentation, and do not substitute for but instead balance oral
12.4 The visual, audio, or other presentation materials meet professional standards, are well-
integrated into the presentation, and balance and reinforce oral components
12.5 The visual, audio, or other presentation materials exceed professional standards, are well-
integrated into the presentation, and balance, reinforce, and enhance oral components.


Scheme Name of the Subject: Project -2( Design of Product L T P C

Process and System)
B.E ( Branch) 0 0 6 3

Subject Prerequisite: List of subject Total hours = 70 Hour

code Objectives
1. To enhance the capability of young engineering students to comprehend social
needs and design efficiently working product, process and system based on
various constraints
2. To lead and work in an interdisciplinary teams in most coordinator manner
3. Capable to prepare, write and present technical reports with a logical and
innovative skills
4. To exhibit the sense of creativity and innovation in exploring and developing
new products, processes and system with in the given resources and constraints.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Subject Outcome
1 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability..
2 Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-
disciplinary settings.
3 Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and
with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

(Note 1: - Problem has to be selected from given basket. Two dimensional Rubric based design
project process is provided below along with the time frame, weightage, assessment levels and
associated marks for the rubric based execution of project. )
(Note 2:- It is an example just for illustration every department will develop its own rubric system
to be produced below depending on their own requirements)

Subject to Program outcome Relationship

Program A B c d E F g H i J K L
Subject mapping X X
Unit mapping


Department Respective Engineering Departments
Subject Code-

Teaching Learning Process

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

1. Two dimensional rubrics will be used to conduct and assessment of the project work.
2. One period will be allocated to impart learning and practice on Design thinking and
assessment of weekly work done by each group.
3. Internal assessment will carry 60 marks and final assessment will be 40 marks.

5. Instructions to be followed for Evaluation of Answer Books in End Semester

Theory Examinations

a) Either Section wise or question wise subject expert faculty appointed by HoD for each subject to
evaluate all the answer sheets of that subject.
b) Answer books marking scheme should be prepare by Subject coordinator and verified by
HoD/coordinator of each subject before start of evaluation.
c) Prepared scheme of each subject should be uploaded on CUIMS and same copy to be submitted
in Secrecy branch.
d) On next day of exam scheduled evaluation must be started.
e) Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in secrecy branch during evaluation.
f) Teachers should ensure fair marking and correctly recorded on the scored marks on title page in
figures and in words clearly.
g) HoDs are required to monitor evaluation process of their department.
h) If any evaluator take long leave or resign during evaluation then HoD will be responsible to
appoint another faculty in that place to avoid evaluation delay.
i) Final year answer books are to be checked on priority basis within 3 days of conduct of the
examination. It is most urgent.
j) The faculty evaluating the answer books will make the necessary correction pointed out by the
checking assistants.
k) Answer books should be shown to the students by the teachers who have done the evaluation so
that he/she can clarify the quarries of the students easily.
l) It is expecting that a group of 4 teachers will checked around 100 answer books per day along
their invigilation duty if any.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

m) All the OMR sheets are to be filled within minimum 4 working days prior to showing date and
try to avoid mistakes during filling.
n) All evaluators are required to write Emp-ID along with signatures everywhere on the answer
sheet required.
o) Strict action will be taken against defaulter evaluators.
Rules for evaluation
Minimum no. of sheets to be evaluated per day by each faculty:

No. of evaluators if Min. no. of sheets to be

evaluated in half day(3
hours duty)
2 50
4 100
10 250

No faculty member will be allowed to sign out from evaluation centre before the completion of
minimum required evaluation.
6. SOP for Answer sheet Showing and Grievances
Showing dates will be shared by the examination department well in advance through CUIMS and
a) All the HODs/Principals/Directors have to plan the answer sheet showing of their respective
departments in the Blocks/ classrooms defined by the examination department.
b) Answer sheets as per the showing schedule attached have to be collected by the departments
from the Secrecy Branch on the respective morning & have to be returned in the evening.
c) No Department is authorized to keep the answer sheets with them more than the stipulated time
in any case.
d) The transportation will be provided by the Secrecy Branch
e) Peons for loading & unloading of the answer books are to be arranged by the department itself.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

f) Examination Branch will upload the Marks on UIMS atleast one day before showing date.
g) Grievances of the students shall be taken only in the prescribed format and submitted in the
secrecy branch the same day, these can be of four types:

Type A- Totaling mistake

Type B- Questions Unmarked
Type C- Rechecking required
Type D- Marks not matching the UIMS Marks
h) All the grievances will be handled by the three member committee constituted by the controller
of examination and the members of the committee shall be
i) One teacher who evaluated the Answer sheet
j) Senior Subject teacher/ Subject expert
k) HOD/ Academic Coordinator
l) The outcome of action taken on their grievances shall be informed through their UIMS only.
m) Once schedule is missed no second date of showing, so please plan the timely evaluation.
n) If there is more than or equal to ten percent changes in the marking of any faculty then he/ she
will be liable for disciplinary action.

7. Roles and Responsibilities of Checking Assistants

Checking Assistants will be provided by Controller of examination to verify and recheck unchecked
answer, totaling mistake etc.
Checking assistant is required to recheck the sheet in order to correct the discrepancies like:

1. Totaling mistake by again calculate all scored marks

2. Unmarked question if any
3. Mismatch of marks awarded inside the answer sheet and on front page.
4. Mismatch in marks written in figures and words

• Entry in register is compulsory for all the neter and leave the secrecy branch
Examination Rules and Regulations Book
• Mobile phones should be either on silent or switch off mode during checking.
• All are required to write EMP-ID along with signatures in sign column present on front page of
• Never ignore the discrepancy found in answer sheet you are required to immediately contact
concerned evaluator.
8. Guidelines During conduct of External Practical Exams
a) Practical Files of all the students must be checked (Experiment wise) with proper index having
evaluation & date-wise signatures.
b) Internal and external faculty members must be present in the labs during the mentioned time slot.
c) All the Performa given by your respective practical exam coordinators must be filled and
submitted same day.
d) Examiners are supposed to give practical problems to students which they will execute on
respective computers allocated to them. After execution they have to write that program on
answer sheets provided to them.
e) Faculty on duty will evaluate the students one by one on allotted computers.
f) Evaluation marks for external is out of 40 for which marks breakup already have been provided
to you by respective exam coordinators. Examiners will prepare this during viva process.
g) Leaves during practical exams will only be sanctioned after getting approval from Exam


Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Annexure No. 2

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Annexure No.3

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Regular/ Reappear Confidential Practical Examination Awards
[External Awards]
The Registrar,
Chandigarh University,
Gharuan, Mohali.

Name of Examination ……………………May/Dec.,20___

Date of Exams:………………………………. Session [Morning/Evening]……………… No. of Students
Date of Dispatch……………………………………………. Date of Receipt in

Signature of the Examiner-1 Signature of Examiner-2 Signature of


Note: [1] Awards in file should be properly forwarded with signatures of examiners.
[2] Instructions for Conduct of Examination as issued by University to be strictly compiled with.

Signature & Stamp of Head of Department

Signature & Stamp of Director/Principal
Annexure No.4

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

1. Centre of Examination:_____________________________________________________
2. Course:_________________Examination ______________________Practical [External]
3. Branch:______________________________________Semester:___________________
4. Subject:_________________________________________Subject Code:_____________
5. Date of Practical Examination:_______________________________________________
6. Total No. of Candidates in Allotted:_____________________________________
7. U.I.D No. of candidates actually examined by the Examiner:_______________________
8. U.I.D No. of Absentees_____________________________________________________
9. U.I.D No. of Detainees_____________________________________________________
10. Name of Lab staff:_______________________________

Signature_________________ Signature_________________ Signature_________________

Name of Examiner:-1 Name of Examiner:-2 Name of Examiner:-3
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Emp. ID No.______________ Emp. ID No.______________ Emp. ID No.______________
M.No.___________________ M.No.___________________ M.No.___________________

Head of Department
Chandigarh University
Gharuan, Mohali
Annexure No.5

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

9. Instructions for Reappear Practical Examinations
a) Blank Practical Answer Books, if required can be procured in advance from the Head of the
Department, Unused Practical Answer-Books must be deposited with the Head of the
Department after the Practical Examination is over with details of used and unused Answer-
b) Important Note:- The Examiners concerned are required to get signatures of the candidates
concerned against the respective UID Numbers as a proof of the candidate appearing in Practical
c) All corrections in the awards or Practical Answer-Books must be signed by all the examiners
concerned. UID Numbers must be entered serially and marks obtained in words and figure must
be written correctly. The answer sheet must be signed the Examiners.
d) “Absent”/ “Detained” should be indicated in the award list against the UID Numbers concerned
and also against the signature sheets.
e) For Project/ Seminar/ Indl. Training/ Thesis etc. departments should send only the final grades as
per the notification issued earlier.
f) Award Lists may be sent in a file as per the prescribed formats to the Assistant Registrar
(Conduct & Examination Branch). The record of Practical Answer-Books after the completion
of the Practical Examination must be sent to Assistant Registrar (Conduct & Examination
g) Find required formats from Annexure No. 2- Annexure No. 5.

10.Instructions for Submission of Award Files

Internal Awards(Theory & Practical):
• Attach Attested copy of current consolidated scheme of the particular semester.
• Submission of Awards (format attached)
• Arrange subjects in sequence as per the Scheme(clarify if any changes)
External Awards(Practical):

• Submission of Awards (format attached).

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

• Arrange as follows Confidential Format, Forwarding Memo, External Awards(Handwritten),
Attendance Sheet and then External Awards(UIMS Print)
Grade Awards: Re-appear only For Project/ Seminar/ Indl. Training/ Thesis etc. departments should
send only the final grades as per the notification issued and format attached. Subjects having GRADES
may be placed at the end (details along with Attendance Sheet). , kindly provide hard copy in file to
Conduct branch and forward the Softcopy of these subjects with Grades

Regular:- Please upload on CUIMS from HOD login only (no excel sheets will be

Repeat/Spl. Permission/ International Semester Exchange Cases If any student is allowed/ permitted in
the current session for International Semester Exchange/ semester repeat/special classes in subject(s),
his/ her details i.e. approved letter, fee details and Internal/External Awards as per the format may be
forwarded separately.
If in any case student data was not visible on CUIMS, send whole Theory(Internal) &
Practical(Internal/External) awards of such students as per the format component wise. Kindly submit
hard file to Conduct branch and forward the Soft copy of these students at

All the performa provided must be properly filled and placed in the file along with the Awards duly
verified and signed by the Head of Department.
The file for a Branch must be prepared Semester-wise and properly flagged.
Kindly ensure that awards of each and every student who have appeared for the examination Regular/
Reappear is sent. Files for Reappear candidates to be sent separately. If there is any discrepancy the
HoD will be responsible for the same. All the Attendance Sheet & Award list(hand written) pages are to
be scanned and its pdf files to be forwarded to Conduct & Exam. branch (
with subject line – “Awards PDF files”

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Annexure No.6

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Annexure No.7

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

11. Instructions to be followed to Evaluate Answer Books in hourly Tests
a) Answer sheets are to be evaluated in a common place in supervision of HOD/ Coordinator, No
faculty is allowed to take answer sheets home.
b) Kindly prepare the answer key and upload on CUIMS in Resource Library Tab before starting of
c) Course Instructor would ensure that the second evaluator has readily available answer key before
he/she starts evaluation.
d) All the answer sheets are to be evaluated according to the university rules and also ensure the
timely evaluation i.e. within three days from the exam.
e) Division of sections for evaluation is to be done by HOD/Coordinator.
f) Kindly evaluate the answer sheets accordingly with proper comments wherever
required and some random answer sheets may be called for verification, as we did for some
branches in last semester, however it is recommended that HOD/coordinator must verify all
the evaluated answer sheets.
g) Proportionate marks can only be put from us (Proportionate Marks can only be given with the
permission of Hon'able Vice chancellor/ Pro- Vice Chancellor so all the applications are to be
routed to the office of undersigned).
h) Evaluation must be completed within 7 days of exam , and update marks on or before last date
shown on CUIMS for uploading marks.
i) Marks for Online exams will be automatically uploaded in the student's CUIMS account.
j) Question papers are to be discussed along with full solution and evaluation plan by the subject
teacher in the class.
k) Element wise detailed marks analysis is available on UIMS which contains all the fields i.e max
marks, min marks, average , standard deviation, absent students, proportionate students etc is
available and HOD can make full use of it to verify the current scenario of the class.
Regular classes are recommended on same day after last shift for the courses whose exams have ended.
If the Block is occupied for exams of branches other than home branch of the block then it is
recommended to prepare a special timetable i.e special labs are to be conducted till the availability of
block (idea is not to waste a academic day of the students).

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

12. Functions of Flying Squad
a) The Flying Squad will inspect the Examination centres in the University and submit the report to
the University authority on the same day.
b) There should be at least one male and one female in flying squad team.
c) The Flying Squad will reach the Examination centres before the commencement of the
Examination and will remain there for the total duration of the Examination.
d) The Flying Squad on their visit to the centres may search the candidates physically and can also
check inside and outside the premises of Examination centres.
e) The Flying Squad detects the case and fills in the Performa in respect of each case of Unfair
Means caught by the Flying Squad.
f) The Convener Flying Squad will sign if the case has been detected by the Flying Squad.
g) If a case of impersonation is detected in the Examination Centre, the Flying Squad will get the
impersonator photographed, obtain finger prints of the impersonator and photocopy of signature
chart/ seating plan/ UID No. slip duly certified in the presence of witness of Centre


a) The Superintendent at each Examination Centre shall be personally responsible for the safe
custody of Question Papers and the Answer-Books sent to him/her and shall render to the
University office a complete account of used and unused Question Papers and Answer-
b) He/ She shall sign the requisite certificate with reference to receiving Question paper packets
with intact seal and also for opening and delivering correct packets of Question papers to the
examination centre.
c) Question papers packet should be opened in the presence of other 1 or 2 members of
supervisory staff, Flying Squad members should be present at this time.
d) The Superintendent shall supervise the overall working of Faculty/Staff members deputed at
his/her centre and shall conduct the examinations strictly according to the instructions issued
to him/her by the University.
Examination Rules and Regulations Book
e) The Superintendent of the Examination shall, whenever necessary send a confidential report
to the Registrar about the conduct of examination, mentioning therein the performance of the
invigilators and the general behavior of the examinees.
f) He/She shall send a daily report on the number of examinees attending each of the
examinations, absentee UID numbers and such other information relating to the examinations
being held at the Centre as may be considered necessary, along with any other matter which
he/she thinks fit to be brought to the notice of the University.
g) The Superintendent shall be responsible for smooth functioning and discipline at the Centre
and ensure exams starts on time. They will report any delay in start of examination.
h) He/She will ensure satisfactory arrangement of seats one day before commencement of
Examination and such arrangement will be displayed on notice Board placed at the entrance
of Centre.
i) In case the Centre Superintendent has to leave the station on urgent work, he/she shall
appoint the senior most member of his/her staff as Centre Superintendent during his/her
absence with intimation to the Registrar/Registrar/Controller of Examination.
j) All Unfair Means cases will be sent by Centre Superintendent directly to the Assistant
Registrar (Conduct& Exam. Branch) on daily basis.
k) It shall be the duty of the Centre Superintendent to ensure that an examinee is the same
person who had filled in the form for appearing in the examination, by way of checking the
photograph on Admit Card.
l) He/ She may replace any member of the staff if his/her conduct during the examination found
unsatisfactory and report the matter to the Registrar/Registrar/Controller of Examination.
m) Centre Supdt. ensure that all absent in marked clearly against student UID number and sent
to Conduct & Exam. branch.
n) Hall Arrangements & Seating Arrangement in the Examination
o) The Examination Hall/Room(s) should have adequate light and ventilation. It should be clean
and tidy .Sufficient furniture, viz desk, chairs, tables, benches should be provided to the
candidates. It should be ensured that the atmosphere around the Examination Hall remains
calm and quiet.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

p) The examination section shall prepare well in advance, the statement regarding seating
arrangements for the candidates.
q) Each Candidate shall be allotted a definite seat for each paper of the examination. It is NOT
necessary to allot the same seat for a candidate for his entire examination. The seat allocation
for reappear candidate may vary for each of the paper due to logistics and administrative
r) Sufficient space is given between two examinees so that the neighboring candidates may not
peep into each other’s Answer booklets. As far as possible, two adjacent candidates shall not
be writing the same subject/ paper. If necessary, a candidate of a different subject or paper
shall be seated between two candidates of the same paper.
s) Seating charts should be displayed on student’s UIMS login about the classroom and notice
board should prominently show the position of candidates (according to their register
number) in each room for each day accessible place for the examinees (inside/ outside the
room) and copy of the same shall be retained for the sake of documentation and record
t) On the first day of Examination, the Examination Hall(s) should be opened half an hour
before the commencement time in order to enable candidates locate their allotted seat. On the
remaining days of the Examination, the rooms should be opened 15- minutes before the
commencement of examination.
u) Special care may be taken in providing a seat to a candidate who suffers from any infectious
disease, so as not cause an adverse effect on the other candidates. Candidates who cannot
climb staircase due to their physical condition shall be provided sitting arrangement in a
room in the Ground floor.


a) The Deputy Superintendent shall help the Centre Superintendent. The Deputy Superintendent
will be an additional hand; over and above the ratio of 01:30. On a day when the number of
candidates does not exceed 30, he will perform the duties of the Assistant Superintendent.
b) He/ She will assist the Superintendent in opening of question papers properly, maintaining
discipline in the Centre and specifically, in the supervision of side rooms. If necessary he/she

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

shall have to perform any of the duties of the Centre Superintendent temporarily under his/her
instructions and is also expected to take charge of examinations, in case of any emergency to the
Centre Superintendent.
c) He/ She will not leave the Centre without the permission of the Registrar/Registrar/Controller of
Examinations. If required, he/she will have to send his/her request through the Centre
d) He/ She will report to the Registrar/Controller of Examinations cases of gross irregularity in the
Conduct of examination, if any, through the Centre Supdt.
e) He/ She will prepare the daily seating plans in accordance with the student cut lists in
consultation with the Centre Superintendent.
f) He/ She will check that the candidates have written their UID No. on the Answer books
correctly. He/she will also be responsible for the maintenance of the record of answer books and
question papers.
g) He/she will receive the Answer-books duly folded and stapled at the place specified in the
Answer book, from the Assistant Superintendent/Invigilator concerned daily. After the
examination is over, consolidate and supervise the proper packing and dispatch of the Answer
Books to the University.
h) He/ She will check photographs/UID slips of the candidates and realize the dues, if any.
i) He/ She will help the Centre Superintendent in physical search of the candidates, whenever
j) He/ She must report to the Centre Superintendent at 09.00 a.m. on the day preceding the
examination at the Centre of examination. On the days of examination he/she should reach the
Centre, when on duty, at least half an hour before the commencement of the examination.
k) Mobile phone is not allowed at the time of duty in the Centre of examination.


a) The duties of the Invigilators are to assist the Centre Superintendent in the opening of Question-
papers properly, in the general control and maintaining discipline in the Centre.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

b) He/ She shall be appointed for every 30 candidates but the Centre Superintendent will have the
option to appoint an additional invigilator with the approval of the Registrar/Registrar/Controller
of Examinations to meet any emergency requirement.
c) He/ She will not leave the Centre without the permission of the Registrar/Registrar/Controller of
Examinations for which application should be sent through the Centre Superintendent.
d) He/ She will report to the Registrar/Registrar/Controller of Examinations cases of gross
irregularity in the Conduct of Examination through the office of Centre Superintendent.
e) He/ She may be required to do all examination related admin work under the directions of the
Centre Superintendent.
f) Invigilator shall remain in the Examination Centre during the time allotted for each paper and
shall not leave the Centre without the permission of the Centre Superintendent.
g) In case an Invigilator is unable to be present on account of unavoidable circumstances, he/she
shall give at least 24 hours notice to the Centre Superintendent and provide replacement for the
h) The Invigilators are required to help the Centre Superintendent in the distribution of Question-
papers, Answer-books etc. to the candidates and in collecting the Answer-books from the
candidates after the examination is over. He/she will serially arrange the Answer-books and fold
&tape the same as per specified place/as demonstrated.
i) The Invigilators shall help the Centre Superintendent in preparing a list of the candidates present
at the examination centre and in verifying their identity by comparing their signatures with those
on the UID numbers slips. Student shall sign in their presence, no attendance will be circulated.
Invigilator shall cross verify UID number, Subject Code/Name before signing OMR/Answer
book. No error is allowable under any circumstances.
j) They will also dispatch the answer books by rotation when nominated by the Centre
k) No Invigilator can supervise at a centre, where a relative or a candidate privately coached by
him/her is taking the examination. In such cases he/she must inform the Centre Superintendent
about this fact a day before the commencement of the examination to make necessary

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

l) Invigilators must announce at least 03 times the following to the candidates before the start of
Examination: (A)That every candidate takes his/her proper seat. (B)Check Answer Book given
for No. of pages/ damage etc. If it is damaged or torn then it should be get replaced. Further No
extra sheet will be provided. (C)Writes his/her correct UID No. as well as other particulars
required of him/her on title page of the Answer book. (D) Ensure that Correct Question paper is
in your hand as per the Date Sheet. (E)For Codes/ Data books etc. only printed material is
permitted. Anything handwritten in it will be treated as Unfair Means case.
m) The Invigilator shall not allow any candidate to bring in the cardboard, fountain pen or ink pot, if
a candidate is using ink of a colour other than blue/black; candidate should be stopped from
doing so and the matter be reported to the Centre Superintendent.
n) He/ She is expected to see that the candidates are promptly supplied with blank answer books.
He/ She shall distribute blank answer book to the candidates after they had taken their seats. No
candidate should be allowed to leave the seat after he/she had received the answer book until the
expiry of the half the time after distribution of the question papers. Only one answer book will
be issued to a candidate for attempting the examination.
o) Before distribution of question paper to the candidates, the invigilator should see that the correct
paper according to the date sheet is given. If he/she finds a wrong question paper, it should be
returned to the Centre Superintendent immediately without reading.
p) The Invigilator cannot allow a candidate into the Examination Centre after the question paper has
been distributed, except with the special permission of the Centre Superintendent.
q) No Invigilator should speak or allow anyone else to speak to any candidate in his/her room.
After the question paper has been distributed.
r) No Invigilator should disturb candidates by unnecessary halting near them and trying to read
their answers except in a case of suspicion of unfair means.
s) No question paper is to be taken from any candidates for reading it. As soon as he has finished
distributing the question paper, he/she should return the remaining, if any, to the Centre
Superintendent without reading them. No question paper is to be given to any outsider under any
circumstances. No candidate will be allowed to write anything on the question paper except UID

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

t) He/ She shall see that no candidate makes use of notes, attempts to copy from another candidate
or has in his/her possession/ desk any book or paper not issued in the examination centre. If
he/she happens to find a candidate using unfair means, he/she shall take possession of any book
or article so used and report the matter to the Centre Superintendent and sign the Answer book
and any other articles as the Centre Superintendent may direct.
u) If a candidate is found to create disturbance or act in any manner so as to cause inconvenience to
the other candidate, the Invigilator shall at once report the matter to the Centre Superintendent.
v) In case of any other difficulty or emergency not covered by the above instructions, the Centre
Superintendent may be consulted and decision be obtained.
w) Mobile phone is not allowed at the time of duty in the Centre of examination.
x) He/ she must not make any comment where a candidate believes that there is an error or
omission on the question paper. However, in this situation, the Invigilator must refer the matter
to the Centre Superintendent, who should send a report to Registrar/Controller of Examination.
y) He/ she must not give any comment on the content of the question paper and give any
information to candidates about possible mistakes in the question paper, unless there is an
erratum notice.


a) The Centre Clerk will be required to do all the clerical work under the direct supervision of the
Centre Superintendent.
b) He/she shall not leave the Examination centre or do any other work not assigned to him/her by
the Centre Superintendent.
c) He/she shall help the Centre Superintendent in the dispatch of answer books.
d) He/she shall keep a record of the attendance of the supervisory staff and the candidates in
addition to the duties assigned by the Centre Superintendent from time to time.


• The door of the Examination Hall will be opened at least 30minutes before the commencement of
the examination.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

• All candidates must be in their seats 15-minutes before the distribution of the Question papers.
• Each candidate shall show his/ her UID Card for admission to the Examination Hall on demand.
• No extension of time shall be granted to candidates, on ground of late arrival. Any candidate
coming late even by a second will have to wait for 10 minutes and will be allowed in batches.
• The candidate should occupy only the seat allotted to him/her accordingly to the seating plan
• No mobile phone even switched off to be carried during examination, if found it will be
treated as Unfair Means case.
• No written notes/book/bag/laptop/electronic gadgets or any other related material to be
carried in the examination hall. If any unauthorized article or material found, it will lead to
Unfair Means case as per University rules. The candidates are advised to check the
surrounding space around their seat for above said things. If anything is found later on it will be
treated as Unfair Means case.
• For Codes/ Data books etc. only printed material is permitted. Anything handwritten in it will be
treated as Unfair Means case.
• Candidate should check the Answer book given to her/him i.e. for No. of pages, damage etc. If it is
damaged or torn then it should be get replaced. Further No extra sheet will be provided.
• Ensure that Correct Question paper is in your hand as per the Date Sheet.
• Before attempting question paper each candidate shall write his/her U.I.D on the top of the question
paper & fill the detail properly on the title page of Answer Book.
• All candidates are requested to use ball pen of Blue/Black ink. Answer shall be written on both side
of the answer book supplied to the candidates. No candidate shall tear a leaf out of an answer book.
• Every candidate is required to carry their own accessories (Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Scale etc.), no
exchange of accessories will be allowed in examination hall.
• No candidate will be allowed to leave the Hall before expiry of half time after the distribution of the
question papers.
• Unless specially permitted by the Centre Superintendent, no candidate shall temporarily leave the
seat or the examination room until the examination is over.
• Talking in Examination hall is not allowed in any circumstances. No candidate will be allowed to
speak any word after the Question paper is distributed. In case it is necessary for the candidate to

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

communicate with the Centre Superintendant, he/she should stand & the Centre Superintendent/
Invigilator will attend to him/her.
• Any candidate who creates disturbance of any kind during the examination or otherwise,
misbehaves in or around the examination hall or refuses to obey the Centre Superintendent/
Invigilator or changes his/ her seat with another candidate shall be liable to expulsion from the
examination hall as well as disqualification, according to the seriousness of the offence, he/she shall
be liable to make good the loss etc. if any, caused by him/her.
• At the expiry of the time allowed the Answer book be delivered to the invigilator even though the
candidate may not have answered any question or a part of the question paper.
• Candidate should make sure that his/her answer book has been duly signed & stamped by the
• Candidate should ensure that he/she has signed the attendance sheet for the paper in which
• No paper except the question paper shall be taken away from the examination hall.
• Programmable calculators are not allowed, otherwise permitted as per the rules.


• All candidates must be in their seats 15-minutes before the distribution of the Question papers.
• All candidates should wear UID cards. In case of misplaced/left UID card candidate should take
duplicate UID card from registration section.
• The candidate should occupy only the seat allotted to him/her accordingly to the seating plan
• No mobile phone even switched off to be carried during examination, if found it will be treated as
Unfair Means case.
• No written notes/book/bag/laptop/electronic gadgets or any other related material to be carried in
the examination hall. If any unauthorized article or material found, it will lead to Unfair Means case
as per University rules. The candidates are advised to check the surrounding space around their seat
for above said things. If anything is found later on it will be treated as Unfair Means case.
• For Codes/ Data books etc. only printed material is permitted. Anything handwritten in it will be
treated as Unfair Means case.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

• Candidate should check the Answer book given to her/him i.e. for No. of pages, damage etc. If it is
damaged or torn then it should be get replaced. Further No extra sheet will be provided.
• Ensure that Correct Question paper is in your hand as per the Date Sheet.
• Before attempting question paper each candidate shall write his/her U.I.D on the top of the question
paper & fill the detail properly on the title page of Answer Book.
• Calculator: The Scientific Calculator (Non programmable) will be allowed to all Engineering
students and Simple Calculator will be allowed to students of all other Courses.
• Subject Code on OMR Sheet: Students appearing in Reappear Examinations will mark the Subject
Code on OMR as mentioned in the ADMIT Card issued irrespective of the subject codes specified
on the Question paper.


• All candidates must be in their seats 15-minutes before the start of the online exam as per seating
plan shown on cuims.
• No mobile phone even switched off to be carried during examination, if found it will be treated as
Unfair Means case.
• All candidates should wear UID cards. In case of misplaced/left or lost UID card candidate should
take duplicate UID card from registration section before start of exam.

19.1 Steps For Accessing Your Exam Online:

• Close all programs, including email.

• Login CUIMS with correct username and password. If entered wrong password five times then
CUIMS login blocked for 20 minutes.
• Click on the exam tab to open the exam available on CUIMS login.
19.2 During the exam :

• The student may not use his or her textbook, course notes, or receive help from a invigilator or
any other outside source.
• Students must complete the multiple-choice questions within the 60-minute time frame allotted
for the exam in MSTs and 12-minute time frame in end semester examinations .

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

• Students must not stop the session and then return to it. This is especially important in the online
environment where the system will "time-out" and not allow the student or you to reenter the
exam site.
• After every attempt click on save button to save answers.

19.3 What to do if your online exam is interrupted

• If your online exam is interrupted, click the “Back” button on your web browser to see if you can
return to the exam.
• Click on Refresh button, the test will resume from recent attempt.
• If internet connectivity fails then again reconnect to the Internet and login back into CUIMs
• If exam not completed due to technical issue then immediately report to invigilator and exam cell.
• Sometimes due to heavy load on server your exam process becomes slow. Don’t get panic wait
for 2-3 minutes or refresh the page.

19.4 Minimum Browser Requirements

Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 1, or Google Chrome are required to log into the exam

19.5 Support
If you have any questions, please contact the examination cell block-9 basement at least before one day of

20. Instructions for Offline Objective Type Test on OMR

The following points to be kept in mind while conducting Offline Objective Type Test on OMR
• All objective test timing will be of 2 Hour Duration.
• Only OMR Answer Sheet is to be distributed first not the question paper.
• Give 20 minutes time to fill the details on the OMR sheet. Invigilator should announce the Test
ID to the students to fill it in OMR sheet.
• Distribute the question paper at 9:50 am for the morning session and at 1:50 pm for evening
• Center Supd should prepare the seating plan based on TEST ID. The Test ID is consisting of 5
(FIVE) digits. For every exam there would be four different TEST ID's. The last digit of Test ID

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

represent the SET. For Example. The test ID's for B.E. 1st Sem Re-appear PDT-101 exam would
be 50121, 50122, 50123 and 50124. So SET - A would have 50121 test-ID; SET - B would have
50122 test-ID. SET - C would have 50123 test-ID. SET - D would have 50124 test-ID.
• Seating plan should be in such a manner that in one row there should be only six students having
TEST ID (50121, 50122, 50123, 50124, 50121 and 50122).
• Before distributing question paper to the students, the invigilator should ensure the correct UID
and TEST ID is to be filled by the student and the same question paper having same test ID is to
be given to the student.
• No Break is to be allowed in this objective type test.
• If any student wants to leave early, let him/her go by taking his/her OMR sheet along with
question paper. Please ensure his/her attendance.
• No use of marker or white fluid should be there on OMR Answer Sheet.
• No separate/additional sheet will be issued.

21. Instructions for filling OMR sheet of Final End Semester Theory
OMR Sheet for Final End Semester Theory Exam.: All the students appearing for Regular/Reappear
examination will be given this OMR Sheet along with the 32 pages Answer Book. The following
points to be kept in mind while conducting these exams.

• Announce to the students Do read the Instructions given on the bottom right hand of
the OMR Sheet.
• The OMR sheet is to be filled with blue/black point pen only. Do not fill the sheet
with Gel pen or with pencil.
• Circles should be darkened completely and properly.
• Do not use marker or white fluid to hide already filled mark.
• The UID and Subject Code is to be filled with proper care as any wrongly filled circle
in UID and subject code would result in rejection of sheet and there may be delay in
result declaration. The numeric values in these tags are starting from 0 to 9. Therefore,

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

the invigilators have to ensure the correctness of UID and subject code before signing
at the appropriate box.

• This OMR Sheet is to be collected within 30 minutes after start of Examination by the
• The Centre Superintendent will get these OMR Sheets collected from the rooms and must be
stamped (Date and CEO) before packing.
• The OMR sheets are to be packed in separate envelops for Regular & Reappear examination
Branch/Semester/Subject-wise and must be arranged in serial order of UID. These envelops
are to be sealed with tape and submitted to Secrecy along with Answer Book packets
immediately after the examination in morning and evening shift.
• The total count of OMR sheet is to be matched with the total present students.

22. Guidlines for conducting written examination for Students

with Benchmark Disabilities
a) There should be uniform and comprehensive policy across the country for persons with

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

benchmark disabilities for written examination taking into account improvement in
technology and new avenues opened to the those persons.
b) Policy should have flexibility to accommodate the specific needs on case-to-case basis.
c) The facility of scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant should be allowed to any student with
benchmark disability.
d) The provision of scribe/reader/lab assistant can be allowed on production of a certificate
to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write and scribe is
essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil
Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of government health acre institution as per performa at
Appendix- I.
e) The disability certificate issued by the competent medical authority at any place should be
accepted across the country.
f) It shall be ensured that qualification of the scribe should not be more than the minimum
qualification criteria of the examination. The qualification of scribe should be one step
below the qualification of the candidate taking examination.
g) The student should require to submit Appendix-I performa (Duly completed) at least three
days before the exam in examination cell Block-9.
h) There should be no provision of own scribe. University will provide the writer/scribe for
persons with benchmark disabilities for written examination.
i) The "compensatory time" should not be less than 20 minutes per hour of examination for
persons who are allowed use· of scribe/reader/lab assistant. All the candidates with
benchmark disability availing the facility of scribe may be allowed additional time of
minimum of one hour for examination of 3 hours duration. In case the duration of the
examination is less than an hour, then the duration of additional time should be allowed
on pro-rata basis. Additional time should not be less than 5 minutes and should be in the
multiple of 5.
j) Proper seating arrangement (preferably on the ground floor) should be made prior to the
commencement of examination to avoid confusion or distraction during the day of the
exam, The time of giving the question papers should be marked accurately and timely
supply of supplementary papers should be ensured.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Certificate regarding physical limitation in an examinee to

This is to certify that, I have examined Mr./Ms/Mrs ______________________ (name

of the candidate with disability), a person with______________________ (nature and
percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability),
S/o/D/o___________________, a resident of _____________________________
(Village/District/State) and to state that he/she has physical limitation which hampers
his/her writing capabilities owing to his/her disability.

Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/medical Superintendent of a Government health
care institution

Name & Designation

Name of Government Hospital/Health Care Centre with Seal
Note: Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/disability (eh.
Visual impairment - Ophthalmologist, Locomotor disability–Prthopaedic
Any Candidate found having in his possession or accessible to him any paper, book or note written or
printed or any kind of material whether the papers, books or the notes related to the subject of the
examination of that day or not, writing during the examination hour on any paper other than the answer-

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

book, any portion of the question paper or answer or note relating to any question, talking to another
candidate or to any other then the supervisory staff or outside the examination hall, consulting
notes/books outside the examination hall, receiving help from another candidate with or without his
consent or giving help to him/her or receiving help from a person who is not a candidate for the
examination of that day, disclosing his identity deliberately or making any distinctive mark in his/her
answer book for that purpose of making an appeal to the examiner through the answer book or using
abusive or obscene language in the answer book if he is a candidate for examination for Science or some
other subject. Presenting the Examiner a Practical or class work note book which does not belong to
him, communicating or attempting to communicate directly or through a relative, guardians or friend
with the object of influencing him in the award of mark or making any interpolation thereto,
swallowing/destroying any note paper etc. found with him, making deliberate pervious arrangement to
cheat in the examination, as mentioned below.
1. Smuggling in another answer book or taking out arranging to send out an answer book;
2. Impersonation;
3. Obtaining admission to the examination or a false representation;
4. Forging another person’s signature;
5. Failing to deliver his answer book to the person incharge before leaving the Examination hall.
Refusing to obey the Centre/Dy./Asstt. Superintendant of the Examination or creating disturbance of
any kind during the examination or otherwise misbehaving in or around the Examination hall or
threatening or assaulting any official connected with the Examination at any time before or after the
Examination , shall be disqualified according to the Ordinance.

23.1 Special Instructions for Reporting Unfair Means Case

A Performa has been sent to all Examination Centre’s for reporting Unfair Means cases to University.
1. Whenever a case of use of unfair means is detected in the Center, the Center Superintendent is required to
ask the candidate to sign below column No.11 of the Performa & also make a statement. In case he/she
refuses to do so this is to be stated “the candidate refused to sign”& signature of another member of staff
certifying these facts are also to be obtained.
2. Similarly, if a candidate refuses to take the 2nd Answer Book this fact is also to be recorded by the Center
Superintendent on page No. 2 of the Performa.
3. The Sr. No. of Answer-book issued to candidate must be written in space provided for the purpose.
Examination Rules and Regulations Book
4. Complete correspondence address of the candidate be mentioned in the form at column No .7, Name,
paper, nomenclature etc. should be filled up legibly. In the absence of above information, the UMC
committee finds it difficult to punish the guilty students. To avoid legal complications in future & to see
that guilty students do not get un-due advantage, it is requested that while reporting Unfair Means cases to
the University complete information on page No. 1 & 2 of Performa on both sides may be recorded so
that necessary action against the guilty student may be taken by University. In case of any failure to
supply the above information, the matter will be viewed seriously.
5. It has been further observed that the invigilator on duty in a room does not impose proper supervision as a
result of which examinees use malpractice on large scale during the Examination. It is, therefore,
requested to ensure that each invigilator would remain vigilant so that no examinees use any malpractice
during the Examination. If Unfair Mean Cases are reported by the Flying Squad i.e. other than invigilator
on duty, the invigilator will be held responsible & he/she will be liable for disciplinary action.
6. In case an impersonation case is detected in the Examination Centre, steps be taken by the Supervisory
staff on the duty to get the Impersonator photographed, obtain finger prints of impersonator & obtain
photocopy of signature chart/seating plan/UID no. slips duly certified in the presence of witness of
Center Superintendent, Dy. Superintendent, Flying Squads. The photograph must be signed by the
impersonator. It is obligatory for all the Supervisory staff/ Flying Squad to enquire the truth of the case
before registering an FIR or proceeding to the higher authority. The Supervisory Staff on the duty will be
responsible in future to lead evidence as proposed at the time of lodging an FIR and also in the court.
They should give the evidence in the court with honesty and truthfully. In case any person backs out from
his/her stand in the court, the University shall initiate the action against the person concerned as per
service rules.

23.2 Procedure for Detection & Reporting of Unfair Means Cases

1. Everyday, before the examination begins the Centre Superintendent Or Deputy Superintendent
shall call upon all the candidates to deliver him / her all papers, books or notes which they may
have in their possessions or accessible to them. He shall also warn the candidates that if any of
them fails to do so, or adopts any Unfair Means, he/she shall be liable to punishment as provided
in the rules. Instruction will be read out daily during each session. Any late comer who is
admitted to the examination hall will also be apprised of instructions regarding UMC.
2. No student is permitted to have in his/her possession or accessible to him/her during the
examination hour any paper, book or notes written or printed, any kind of material on body

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

clothing etc. relating to the subject of the examination of that day. Similarly, taking the mobile
phone or any I.T gadgets/such instruments that may help in leakage of Question Paper/ seeking
any kind of help from outside or use of programming calculator/palm computer etc, at the
examination centre is not permitted.
3. If any candidate is found having in possession or access to any kind or incriminating material a
case for use of Unfair Means shall be made out against him/her.
4. The Flying Squads on their visit to the Centers may also search candidates.
5. A member of the flying squad or Supervisory staff who detects case shall fill in the Performa in
respect of each case of Unfair Means caught by him/her. The Centre Superintendent will then
obtain the statement of the candidate as per direction given in the Performa & forward the same
to Assistant Registrar (Conduct& Exam. Branch) under confidential cover. The envelope
containing Unfair Means Case should be sealed properly & in no case the envelope without
proper seal will be entertained.
6. The seating plan must be sent along with each case of UMC detected at the Centre. If more than
one case of Unfair Means are detected at the Centre on a day, the separate seating plan
should be attached along with each case.
7. The place and the distance at which the incriminating material has been found or the mode of use
of Unfair Means adopted by the candidate should be clearly mentioned in the Performa while
reporting Unfair Means Cases to the University.
8. It should also be specified if the candidate refuses to make a statement or to accept the second
answer-book. The incriminating material found must be attached with the case. The
incriminating material should be got signed by the candidate & also by the detector & the Centre
Superintendent. The Convener Flying Squad will also sign if the case has been detected by the
Flying Squad.
9. In case a candidate is detected having written some material on his/her palm or any other part of
the body, steps be taken to get the relevant part of the body containing hand written material
photographed or get the said material reproduced on a pieces of paper and duly certified in
presence of witness. This must also be got signed by the candidate.
These instructions may be got noted from all concerned who are appointed for examination
duty for strict compliance.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

10. Case of Unfair Means must be forwarded to the University on the same session & day.



To be filled in by the person who detected the case and to be forwarded bythe Centre Superintendent to the
Assistant Registrar (Conduct& Exam. Branch) under confidential cover, on the day of the detection of the

1. Centre No._________________________________ Building Block

2. Course/Branch
3. Subject____________________________________________ Subject
4. Date:____________________ Timeof detection:__________________ A.M./P.M. Room No.
5. Name of the
6. U.I.D
7. Correspondence
8. Total number of incriminating papers recovered____________________________________________
(a) No. of printed papers_______________ (b) No. of handwritten papers_________________
(c) Torn Ans-Book pages________________ (d) Any other
Note: -

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

(i) The detector, the Centre Superintendent and the concerned candidate should sign. the recovered
incriminating material.
(ii) If a case is detected by the Member of the Flying Squad, the Convener Flying Squad,the
incriminating material and other documents etc. must be signed by them.
9. The incriminating material has been recovered from the candidate under reference as indicated below.
Please tick the columns which are applicable.

(a) In candidate’s Hand (b) in candidate’s Pocket

(c) in candidate’s shoes or socks (d) Under the clothes worn by the candidates
(e) on / in candidate’s table/desk (f) in candidate’s Answer Book
(g) under candidate’s Answer Book (h) under candidate’s question paper
(j) near his seat on the ground at a distance of
(i) under his feet
(k) Any other place

10. The candidate U.I.D. No:____________________ was found giving/receiving help to/ from Candidate,
U.I.D. No._______________________ who was sitting just in front/behind/left or right of the candidate,
U.I.D. No: _______________________.
11. Any other mode ofuse of Unfair Means (If it is a case of misbehavior, please give full details of the
incident and also get the statements of the witnesses.-

Signature of Candidate & Mob. No. Signature of the detector with date
In case of his refusal to do so, Name in
Signature of another member of
Staff certifying this fact______________

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

Dated:____________ Emp.ID____________ M.No.



NOTE: - The superintendent will give a hearing to the candidate and record his statement.He may allow
the student to question the detector and the questions and answer will also be recorded and enclosed with this
form. If the candidate refuses to make any statement this fact will be recorded by the Superintendent.
Comments of the Detector (Invigilator/Asstt. Supdt./ Supdt./ Member of Flying Squad):
_____________________________ __________________ __________________
Sign. &Name of Detector Building Block Room No Date

Comments of the Deputy Supdt. / Centre Superintendent:

_________________________________ ____________________________________________
Sign. & Name of Dy.Supdt. Sign. & Name of Centre Superintendent Date

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

I am enclosing the following evidence in support of the allegation of the use of unfair means by this examinee in
the University Examination.
Attached (Yes/No)
(i) The incriminating material recovered from the candidate as mentioned in column No. _________________
9 on page –1--.
(ii) No. of Answer-Books:………….. (Enclose both A/Books- if 2nd A/Book is issued) _________________
Sr.No. of 1st A/Book …………………… Sr.No. of 2nd A/Book(if
(in case the candidate refused to have second answer-book, this fact be stated
(iii) A copy of the Seating plan (to be attached without fail): _________________

(iv) Copy of Question Paper _________________

Further observation if any:____________________________________________________________

Date______________ Sign. of Centre Superintendent
Name in Full __________________________________
Centre o._____________________________________
Department __________________________________
Emp. ID ___________ M.No.

Examination Rules and Regulations Book

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