MCQquiz Info 28.10

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BA102 Principles of Management

MINI-QUIZ in week 9 (Nov 4, 2022)

• All materials covered in week 6 to week 8 lectures
• Materials in PPT SLIDES and the textbook: Chapters 8, 10, 13
• Multiple choice questions
• True or False questions
in following slides
Q. Organizational culture appears in four layers: clan,
adhocracy, market, and hierarchy.

• Q. Reactive change involves making carefully thought-out changes in
anticipation of possible or expected problems or opportunities.

Q. Simply Marketing has a hierarchy culture, which means
focusing externally, concentrating on strategic planning, taking
risks, and preferring flexibility over stability.
Q. Changing organizational culture is essentially a teaching process in
which members instruct each other about the organization's preferred
values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors.

Q. A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who
share norms, share goals, and have a common identity.

Q. Norms are typically explicit and are often discussed openly.

True or false?
Q. Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests
are being opposed or negatively affected by another.
True or false?
Q. Thirty-two new employees from Market Enterprises are attending
orientation, receiving information about company policies, and filling
out various forms. These employees comprise a group.
• Q. An example of a maintenance role is an initiator, someone who
suggests new goals or ideas.

• Q. An example of innovative change is a department store deciding to
adopt a new practice used by competitors by staying open 24 hours a
day and requiring employees to work flexible schedules, a change that
employees are likely to see as moderately threatening.
• Q. Adaptive change is the least threatening type of change and is
therefore least likely to create resistance.

• Q. Routine tasks and paperwork, as well as jobs that help your
subordinates grow, are tasks that
• A) a manager should not delegate, according to Edgar Schein.
• B) should be delegated, according to Maslow.
• C) a manager should delegate, according to Edgar Schein.
• D) should not be delegated, according to Maslow.
• Q. Will, the owner of Will's Landscaping, was talking to a visitor in his
office, telling her that "We are a fun-loving group that believes in
teamwork and a family atmosphere at work, which significantly
affects our work outcomes. Plus, we do things together outside of
work. This is the 'social glue' that binds the members of our company
together." Will was referring to his company's
• A) mission statement.
• B) organizational culture.
• C) code of ethics.
• D) diversity plan.
• Q. Employees and customers are treated like a family at State Street
Coffee House. Jason and Jill, the owners, work to encourage unity to
increase their employees' job satisfaction and commitment. At their
coffee house, Jason and Jill have built a(n)
• A) market culture.
• B) goal-driven agenda.
• C) bureaucracy culture.
• D) clan culture.
• Q. Sidwan, owner of Jacuzzi Warehouse, said, "We have to focus on
our customers and how we can beat the competition, so we have to be
flexible." He encourages his R&D department to develop innovative
products and focuses on being quick to respond to market changes.
Jacuzzi Warehouse has a(n)
• A) market culture.
• B) goal-driven agenda.
• C) adhocracy culture.
• D) clan culture.
• Q. Richard, the store manager at an Old Navy outlet, was speaking
with Brescia, his new assistant manager, about the store's system of
job relationships; he also explained whom she will report to and who
will report to her. Richard said, "This system is one of the things that
motivates our employees to work together to achieve our company's
goals." Richard was telling Brescia about the store's
• A) organizational structure.
• B) organizational culture.
• C) code of ethics.
• D) diversity plan.
• Q. According to the competing values framework, the four types of
________ are clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy.
• A) organizational values
• B) organizational norms
• C) value statements
• D) organizational cultures
• Q. Walmart's implementation of RFID, a type of technology that
allows it to improve inventory tracking, is an example of a(n)
________ change because Walmart already had a very effective
technology tracking system in place before it implemented RFID.
• A) incremental
• B) cultural
• C) responsive
• D) proactive
• Q. The invention of a machine to make plastic corks for wine bottles
has severely affected companies that produce traditional cork. The
invention of the machine for making plastic corks is an example of
a(n) ________ advancement.
• A) market
• B) social and political
• C) technological
• D) demographical
• Q. A team composed of people from different departments who are
pursuing a common objective is called a ________. For example,
Hasbro may bring together employees from manufacturing, design,
sales, marketing, and market research to brainstorm new board games
for adults.
• A) quality circle
• B) problem-solving team
• C) virtual team
• D) cross-functional team
• Q. Studies exploring nurses' perceptions about using PDAs in their
daily patient practice found initial resistance, with some nurses
concerned about the cost and short technological life cycle of these
devices. As part of the ________ stage of change, the nurses' managers
try to instill in them the motivation to change, encouraging them to let
go of attitudes and behaviors that are resistant to innovation.
• A) unfreezing
• B) freezing
• C) change
• D) refreezing
• Q. Fresh and Clean, Inc. is considering implementing a system that
will pay its cleaning workers based on the number of completed
residential jobs, coupled with satisfactory ratings on random
inspections to ensure quality. This system is new to the organization,
and it is an example of ________ change.
• A) adaptive
• B) innovative
• C) familiar
• D) radically innovative
• Q. Amber organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior
painting scheduled for the summer. They looked at several brands and
heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a
color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance,
the teachers made up a(n)
• A) self-managed team.
• B) formal group.
• C) cross-functional team.
• D) informal group.
• Q. ________ is an emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined
threats to an established work routine.
• A) Innovation
• B) OD intervention
• C) Radical innovation
• D) Resistance to change
• Q. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of teamwork in an
• A) increased speed
• B) increased stress
• C) reduced costs
• D) reduced destructive internal competition
• Q. Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given
________ for their task domains.
• A) individual incentives
• B) reduced responsibility
• C) administrative oversight
• D) complete freedom
• Q. When using a self-managed team, a manager should
• A) delegate administrative oversight of work scheduling and customer
• B) control the team's staffing and scheduling.
• C) offer lucrative individual bonuses.
• D) allow members to fire their team members.
• Q. The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's
policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the
power structure is the ________ stage.
• A) forming
• B) norming
• C) performing
• D) storming
• Q. Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who
oppose this plan," is performing a ________ role.
• A) task
• B) social
• C) coordinator
• D) maintenance
• Q. Bruce, whose primary job is supervising a small production group,
is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional
team he leads. In particular, Keylani, a senior marketing manager,
seems to resist his direction and tries to influence team members to go
in another direction. The source of conflict in this case may be
• A) status differences.
• B) a personality clash.
• C) communication failure.
• D) time pressure.
• Q. The Nordstrom department store chain emphasizes the great
lengths to which it goes in customer service. In fact, when it moves
into a mall, all the other stores have to improve their own models of
customer service. How is Nordstrom using norms?
• A) to clarify role expectations
• B) to emphasize the organization's important values and identity
• C) to create cohesiveness
• D) to help the group survive
• Q. Workplace performance is maximized when conflict
• A) is at a moderate level.
• B) is at a very low level.
• C) is absent.
• D) is at a high level.
• Q. ________ is the conflict-handling style in which a person neglects
his or her own concerns and allows the concerns of another to prevail.
• A) Forcing
• B) Avoiding
• C) Accommodating
• D) Collaborating
• Q. Ricky told his team that he is moving forward with a change to the
bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members.
Ricky is using the ________ conflict-handling style.
• A) collaborating
• B) compromising
• C) accommodating
• D) dominating

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