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Impact of Gaming along Architecture

Simran Grover, Gaurav Gaur

For some, these terms might seem poles apart or totally irrelevant together. But to a few these are
two means, while different in nature and execution, converge at the same point in a long run.
User Experience, is the word we’ll use here. Both of these mediums provide a hand to hand
experience which is different for every person, in some aspects. The respective users get a wider
view based on their own input and perception.
Even though for the masses, the first impression of Gaming and Architecture together is VR.
Virtual Reality is a blooming concept and made possible with the current opportunities, Science
has provided us. But this goes way back in time, even before most of our youth were born. Even
if not considering 3D environment, gaming has long been linked with Architecture. The easiest
example can be given as Snake. The widely popular game genre, which has been here for more
than 4 decades. It has from an empty 2D experience to an interactive 3D world. But the concept
hasn’t lost its roots. Spatial manipulation. While in 2D form, it was about how do you move and
utilize given space to go on as long as possible. In 3D evolutions it is now how do you interact
with spaces made available, to be used as tools.
VR is only a new tool in the wake of advent of technology. While gaming is much more than just
a technological marvel. Gaming is a beast, which consumes social, physical, emotional,
psychological and economical aspects of our life. If left unchecked it might turn on to us and can
grow into an addiction. But if tamed correctly, can lead us to a whole new world.

How do we utilize them in architecture is only up to our awareness and understanding?

Keywords: Gaming, Impact, Virtual Reality, Future, Spatial Interaction.

Gaming is rapidly blooming, multibillion industry. Having a deep and lasting impact on a varied
demographics. The ease of access and handling contributes to that. Consoles, handhelds and
smartphones have made that possible to have a long reach. Studies shows that a wide group of
people spend hours on games per week, all over the world. That suggests just how many people
have exposure to games in a very casual manner.

A general belief is, “Games are played for entertainment and are a leisure activity.”
That’s True. But there is also a myth that Games are only played to ease off brain and aren’t a
learning tool. That myth has to be debunked. Games are categorized in many genres. Some are
listed among a no brainer or that require no heavy thinking. But some are specifically designed
to let go of the reins of our mind horses. Let them go wild, as fast, as far, as high possible. They
allow those horses to be Unicorn or better, Pegasus.
Playing games regularly or even casually, opens up a player to varying degree of possibilities
and abilities. Gaming today have evolved too much than it was during the first financially
successful game in the 70s. Pong. A 2D Table Tennis game. The technological advancements
have made available many tools at gamers’ disposal. It’s only up to them, how do they utilize it.
Social: Gamers have a large community dedicated to either one specific game, a genre or a
whole gaming platform. Internet and cross platforming have made it possible for users to interact
with each other across the globe anytime, either while playing or just chatting up. People with
the same mindset and interests can find each other easily, just like any other fandom or
MOGI was such a community-based game, during early 2000s, that promoted social interaction
physically. People had to meet at certain spots to proceed further in game and was an amicable
Cultural: Many developers have found it appealing and investment worthy to showcase the
cultural and traditional values at distant corners of the world to their fanbase and users. Either by
an appearance overhaul of mechanics or just make it an interactive experience. For people who
are sucker for cultures and traditions of world, it’s the next best thing they can ask for without
actually going there.
Listed among the bestselling contemporary games, Assassin’s Creed franchise is quite well
known for the depiction of various cultures, traditions and architecture existing in the course of
Physical: Video gaming can provide an extensive physical experience, was totally unheard of.
And to be honest, people still can’t relate to it even now. But it is possible, the prime example of
it was Kinect. Kinect was a tool, that enabled physical execution of movements in the game.
Even before that, a less known motion sensor game was EyeToy Play. Going with current trends,
there is Pokémon Go, an AR game that promotes walking in order to experience it in the best
Psychological: WHO recently declared Gaming Disorder a mental illness. That severely shows
how strong of an impact games can have if left unrestrained. The popularity and addiction of
PUBG is an evident factor. But given if the direction of this addiction is moved towards a
productive goal, what wonders it can do? Gaming tools has power to shake someone’s
conscience. Only if it will be utilized for the betterment of people and society.
Economical: Although in India the wakeup call was late, the western world had realized the
future of gaming and the scope of investment, way sooner. The employment and job
opportunities it provides to people, including Architects are humongous. But it’s might can be
gauged by the fact that, Investments in Video Gaming industry in US, in the year 2017 was $36
Billion. Which was more than the GDP of Bahrain.
Architecture on Gaming
 In broader terms, architecture is an integrated aspect of games to help choreograph the
way a player understands, interact and moves through the game.
 Spaces; balanced and contrasting alike, reveals an architecture that navigates a player
experience which produces a much powerful emotional impact and reaction to gameplay.
 Promotes development of games that cater to interests of a wider demographics.

Gaming on Architecture
 Games are a medium that can propel architectural capabilities beyond town, city level. To
planetary scale.
 A tool to analyze and simulate global issues based on algorithms and user input as well.
 Possibilities to recreate and revitalize long gone styles of architecture along post-modern

The Way to Adapt

Game designs have evolved enough to be subdivided into several categories and genres. While
some can be broadly labeled as Casual, there are numerous that require dedication and time.
Notable genres that can be corelated with architecture and be used for the development are:

Real Time Strategy [RTS]: It is a strategical type where decisions have to be made in real time,
while the environment or opponents evolve based on the algorithms or choices made by user.
The quick-thinking and the weight of decisions to be made matters. If faced with tough choices,
one’s discretion is tested. Resource management is also an integral part of it. They are limited
and their availability depends on terraforming and geographical features. In Architectural terms
or broader, Global terms, these are the issues mankind faces persistently. In real time, no less.
Notable Games: Age of Empires, Starcraft, Total Wars

Turn Based Strategy [TBS]: Another of the strategy type, it differs in major ways from RTS by
being Turn Based. That means, users are given their time to plan theirs and analyze opponents
moves made. They have to plan their move based on rivals’ choices and their own stratagem
several moves ahead. It’s like a chess against multiple opponents and themselves, all at the same
time. The scenarios that one can be put in, the decisions that they make early on can impact their
plans, their reign several dozens of turns later, in good or bad ways.
Notable Games: Civilizations, Total Wars, XCOM
Simulation: A genre that is also known as God-sim. It gives the user God-like powers, which
they can use to simulate various situations and circumstances to their own amusement. But these
simulations are made accurate and unpredictable based on user input and pre-defined algorithms.
Unforeseeable situations can be generated and effectively dealt with, with the power of
Notable Games: The Sims, SimCity, Cities: Skyline

Role Playing Games [RPG]: These are among world’s most widely popular game genres. Epic
game titles have been made into this genre. In them, player takes up the Role of a protagonist,
and fully immerse in it. Developing their stories, in their own unique ways. The setting, location
and landscapes all are varied and can be interacted at their own discretion and leisure. These
games transcend age, era, time and geography. One can deeply experience them, wrapped in
their own choices.
Notable Games: The Elder Scrolls, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, The Witcher 3

Action-Adventure: Although these games are a wider vision of Shooter, First-Person Shooter,
Exploration and even RPG games, they allow players to be immerse in them, while interacting
with the environment at a fast pace. Users get a broader view of the environment and narrative
offered to them, while exploring every nook and cranny. How to use, how to perceive, how to
blend in that environment all can be achieved by some efforts from the user.
Notable Games: Counter Strike, Grand Theft Auto, Shadow of Mordor

Embracing Architecture
Among the sea of video games, there are several titles that have made a lasting impact on people
and the world regarding architecture. These few noteworthy gems have largely gone unnoticed
and not yet accepted by the Architectural society. It’s so ironic, given that these games have
accepted architecture to their core. Feeble attempts have been made to make the Architectural
world recognize the capabilities of gaming tools. But they’ve been so superficial that they had no
scope other than to be dismissed. World isn’t aware of how strongly gaming can affect or direct
people’s mind and even shake their innards. More so if developed with a benevolent cause, hand
in hand with Architecture. Call it a paradox, but developers want full acceptance in order to
create something that demanding, and Architects would only accept them, if they have created
such marvel first.


“Be careful... seeking a utopian neighborhood carelessly can lead to dystopia.”

It is a trademark quote from the game Block’hood.

Block’hood is a city building simulator video game that focuses on ideas of ecology,
interdependence and decay.

Here players are able to create neighborhoods, that are dependent of factors such as
environmental, social and economic.

Cities Skyline
A free-flowing simulation game where only sky is the limit. This game allows the user to design
a whole city wide urban, rural or countryside area. With Varying landscape, weather, climatic
and population settings. The amount of accuracy and simulation is just simply cringeworthy.

Assassin’s Creed
A whole series of games set in different eras, time periods and locations. While also replicating
architectural, cultural and social features and traditions belonging to that specific time period.
If one must know one game only that can lead to Architectural world, it should be it.

The Way In


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