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Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Anova: Single Factor

30 27 16
Time taken to reach 32 29 41 SUMMARY
nadiad from anand
acroos 3 routes 27 28 22 Groups Count
35 36 31 Route 1 4
Route 2 4
Route 3 4

Source of Variation SS
Between Groups 26
Here we fail to reject the null hypothesis Within Groups 441
states that all are from same sample
meaning all routes will take on an average
same time Total 467
n 12
Sum Average Variance c 3
124 31 11.33333
120 30 16.66667
110 27.5 119

df MS F P-value F crit
2 13 0.265306 0.772765 4.256495
9 49

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