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Must have skills irrespective of your career field.

The skills and expertise required by an individual differ according to the field and roles.
However, there are some common skill sets that are required and valued in every field.
These skills are often termed as Transferable skills as they are universal and have application
in every kind of job. These are generally soft skills, which are mostly related to behavior,
attitude, and EQ. Below are some of those skills mentioned:

1. Team Player (Espirit de corps): It doesn’t if you’re best at doing a job, you won’t be
able to move ahead with it unless you cooperate with your team. So, employers
recognize this co-operation as a universal skill and recruit on the basis of that.
2. Learnability: Learnability is a distinguished soft skill, as people who are great learners
can adapt to any kind of job and develop themselves in that sector. This skill is more
significant than prowess in a particular field.
3. Decision Making: Decision-making is one of those skills which is not just significant
for getting a job, but in personal life too. Where you’re now is solely the result of
decisions you have made in the past. Many businessmen consider their decision-
making skills as the reason for their success. Owing to these reasons this skill is in
high demand by employers.
4. Initiative: Humanity has completely transformed itself with the up-gradation of
technology. Now in this era of AI, it is very important for an employee to take the
initiative. As even robots can do the work assigned to them, the initiative is one thing
that helps us differ from them. Taking initiatives also highlights to employers how
seriously you’re doing your job.
5. Leadership: Leadership skill is that one thing that helps you to mark your presence.
With leadership skills, you can impress fellow members or superiors by dominating a
meeting or a conversation. With leadership skills, you can influence and motivate
other people to get work done.


Slide 1: Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills are universal skills that an individual must possess to have a good career
or to achieve desired goals.
Slide 2: Espirit de corps
One of the 14 principles of Henry Fayol, that is very important to fit in any organization and
to co-ordinate and co-operate with fellow members.
Slide 3: Learnability: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."
Slide 4: Decision Making: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”.
Slide 5: Initiative: “Initiative is doing the right things without being told”.
Slide 6: Leadership: “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”.

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