Practice Test 4 Writing

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The three suggestions by the experts are completely disagreed by the lecture. This is
because Torreya is located in a place that is slowly becoming drier. Thus, the experts cannot
reestablish Torreya in the same location because they may continue to extinct or have
difficulties to survive in the areas that have specific microclimate.
Next, moving the tree to a completely different location may cause unpredicted
outcome to happen in the future. This has proven in the lecture which the black locust tree
has affected plants and trees in the new environment after it has been moved to a different
place. The lecture completely disagrees to move Torreya to a new place to avoid the
extinction of other plants.
Research centers do not have enough capacity to keep the large and diverse
population of Torreya trees which will cause trouble for them to survive the diseases for a
long term. Therefore, preserving the trees in the research centers will not solve the problem
of extinction of the trees.
It is crystal clear that reestablishing Torreya trees in the same location, move them
to a different place, and preserving them in a research center will not save the trees from

Students spend most of the time with their friends regardless in school area or
outside of the school. By stating this simple statement, I disagree that students are more
influenced by their teachers than by their friends. I have identified two reasons that support
my statement which will be elaborated below.
First and foremost, students go to school 5 days straight in a week which clearly
shows that we spend most of the time at school than at our own home. We meet our
friends every day at school and continue to keep in touch with them after dismissed from
school. This situation indicates that friends are always by our side no matter where they are.
As a student, I will always search for my friends whenever I need help or want to
communicate with them. By seeing everything they do for almost every second, I can say
that students may follow them as they are easily influenced by exciting things. For instance,
if my friend buy the brand new smartphone, I might buy it too because I am fascinated by
new things. Therefore, I can conclude that students are influenced by their friends more
than their teachers.
Apart from that, friends usually understand us better than teachers do. This is
because we are in the same age group with our friends but different from our teachers that
are older than us. Neurologically, our brains will function in the same way with people of the
same age group; thus, this proves that we may develop similar behavior with our friends.
Friends may also help us to solve any problems in a better way than some teachers. For
example, if I ask an advice from my class teacher regarding my decreasing grades in Biology,
she might ask me to just study harder and do more exercises than usual. However, my
friends might help me to use an effective way to study excellently by suggesting the best
method and time to study smartly. Hence, we can see that friends influenced us to achieve
an excellent goal better than the teachers.
As opposed, teachers might influence their students in some great ways. As we
know, teachers are older than most of their students which means they have more
knowledge and experiences that are useful for the students. For example, teachers can give
some useful tips for students to achieve their ultimate goal in an easy way. They can also
give an early warning of what the students should not do to avoid any problems. This is
because the teachers might want their students to prevent any challenges and hardships
that they have been through when they are younger. In this situation, the teachers may
influence students better than their friends.
Therefore, I can conclude that students are more influenced by their friends than
their teachers because friends are always by their side and they understand them better
than teachers do.

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