Gec 104

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PATTERNS AND NUMBERS IN NATURE represented by symbols such as numbers,

AND WORLD letters, other marks, diagrams, geometrical

constructions, or even words.
5. Manipulating Mathematical Statements
How do mathematics expressed,
represented and used? After abstractions have been made and
symbolic representations of them have been
1. Patterns and Relationships
selected, those symbols can be combined
Mathematics is the science of patterns and and recombine in various ways according to
relationships. As a theoretical discipline, precisely defined rules.
mathematics explores the possible
6. Application
relationships among abstractions without
concern for whether those abstractions have Mathematical processes can lead to a kind of
counterparts in the real world. model of a thing, from which insights can be
gained about the thing itself. Any
2. Mathematics, Science and Technology
mathematical relationship arrived at by
Mathematics is abstract. Its function goes manipulating abstract statements may or
along well with Science and Technology. may not convey something truthful about the
Because of its abstractness, mathematics is thing being modeled.
universal in a sense that other fields of
human thought are not. It finds useful
applications in business, industry, music, WHAT DOES MATHEMATICS HAVE TO
historical scholarship, politics, sports, DO WITH THE NATURE?
medicine, agriculture, engineering, and the
social and natural sciences. - In this world, a regularity (Collins, 2018) is
the fact that the same thing always happen
3. Mathematical Inquiry in the same circumstances. While pattern is
a discernable regularity in the world or in a
Normally, people are confronted with
man-made design.
problems. In order to live at peace, these
problems must be solved. Using Patterns in Nature (Wikipedia) are visible
mathematics to express ideas or to solve regularities of form found in the natural world.
problems involves at least three phases: (1)
representing some aspects of things
abstractly, (2) manipulating the abstractions Some examples of Patterns in Nature that
by rules of logic to find new relationships show patterns and regulaties in nature are as
between them, and (3) seeing whether the follows.
new relationships say something useful
about the original things.
4. Abstraction and Symbolic
Mathematical thinking often begins with the
process of abstraction-that is, noticing a
similarity between two or more objects or
events. Aspects that they have in common,
whether concrete or hypothetical, can be
EXAMPLE OF BIOLOGICAL GROWTH B. Number Patterns and Sequences
- Tiger’s stripes - Hyena’s spots
- Zebra’s stripes - Leopard’s spots
- honeycombs - snowflakes
- snail’s shell - sunflower
- flower petals
• A pattern is anything that is repetitive and
follows a rule
• Some examples of mathematical patterns
include the folowing:
A. Symmetry
a. bilateral symmetry indicates that you
can draw imaginary line across an object and
the resulting parts are mirror image.

❑Restaurant Tipping

After you have finished eating at a

restaurant, it is common courtesy to pay your
waiter generous tip. You need to have the
most basic math skills to calculate how much
b. rotational symmetry if you rotate a 15% or 20% tip would be. Tipping your
“something in nature” by several degrees, waiter shows your appreciation for his
and you still achieve the same appearance service and ultimately benefits the
as the original. restaurant, too.

❑Netflix film viewing

Let's say you have approximately one hour

until you have to leave to go somewhere very
important. You really want to fit in a couple
Netflix episodes before you leave, but you
don't know how many you will be able to to meet a personal goal by the end of the
watch. You need math to figure that out! For month. You need math to know how many
example, an episode of Friends on Netflix is more reps to curl, or how many seconds to
about 20 minutes... so you would be able to cut off your mile time, or how many more
fit 3 episodes in that hour. As simple as it is, pounds to lose to achieve that goal.
math just made your hour 100 times better.

❑Handling Money
❑Calculating Bills
Another aspect of growing up into a young
If you aren't already, we will all be home- adult is opening and managing a bank
owners and car-owners one day. With account. It is important to be accurate in
ownership comes the major responsibility of math to care for your precious savings,
staying on top of mandatory payments like making sure there are no mistakes.
taxes, mortgage, and insurance. Math is
required to calculate these payments and
subtract them from your savings.
❑Making Countdowns

For many, this will be the most important

❑Computing Test Scores reason on this list to know math: so you can
countdown the days until school is over and
The school year is coming to an end very summer starts!
soon. That also means final report cards will
be coming out. In order to finish with an A in
that tough class, you need to know what to
❑Baking and Cooking
get on the next test to keep your average up.
You need math to calculate that test score Baking and cooking are hobbies enjoyed by
(and maybe even to ace the test) to know many. In order to prevent unexpected
what your final grade can be. results, you have to know the difference
between a quarter of a cup from a quarter of
a teaspoon. Baking + cooking-fractions-
❑Tracking Career math!

Math is needed for almost every single ❑Surfing Internet

profession in the world. If you want to be a
Ultimately, without math, how would you be
CEO, a real estate agent, a biologist, or even
reading this article online at this exact
a rocket scientist, it is without a doubt that
moment? How would you be able to tweet to
numbers will be utilized. Basically, you will
your friends or post an Instagram from last
NEVER be able to escape math and you
night? We have math to thank for
might as well accept it and have fun learning
establishing technology and the social media
it while your career does not depend on it.
that consumes our lives.
❑Doing Exercise

Getting in shape and staying fit means

achieving your health goals! Maybe you want
APPRECIATING MATHEMATICS AS A • Lawyers argue cases using complicated
HUMAN ENDEAVOR lines of reason. That skill is nurtured by high
level math courses. They also spend a lot of
• Accountants assist businesses by working
time researching cases, which means
on their taxes and planning for upcoming
learning relevant codes, laws and
years. They work with tax codes and forms, ordinances. Building cases demands a
use formulas for calculating interest, and strong sense of language with specific
spend a considerable amount of energy emphasis on hypotheses and conclusions.
organizing paperwork.
• Managers maintain schedules, regulate
• Agriculturists determine the proper
worker performance, and analyze
amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, and water productivity.
to produce bountiful amounts of foods. They
must be familiar with chemistry and mixture • Medical Doctors must understand the
problems. dynamic systems of the human body. They
research illnesses, carefully administer the
• Architects design buildings for structural
proper amounts of medicine, read
integrity and beauty. They must know how to
charts/tables, and organize their workload
calculate loads for finding acceptable
and manage the duties nurses and
materials in design which involve calculus
• Biologists study nature to act in concert
• Meteorologists forecast the weather for
with it since we are very closely tied to
agriculturists, pilots, vacationers, and those
nature. They use proportions to count
who are marine-dependent. They read
animals as well as use statistics/probability. maps, work with computer models, and
• Chemists find ways to use chemicals to understand the mathematical laws of
assist people in purifying water, dealing with physics.
waste management, researching • Military Personnel carry out a variety of
superconductors, analyzing crime scenes, tasks ranging from aircraft maintenance to
making food products and in working with following detailed procedures. Tacticians
biologists to study the human body.
utilize a branch of mathematics called linear
• Computer Programmers create programming.
complicated sets of instructions called • Nurses carry out the detailed instructions
programs/software to help us use computers
doctors given them. They adjust intravenous
to solve problems. They must have a strong
drip rates, take vitals, dispense medicine,
sense of logic and have critical thinking and
and even assist in operations.
problem solving skills.
• Politicians help solve the social problems
• Engineers (Chemical, Civil, Electrical,
of our time by making complicated decisions
Industrial, Material) build products/
within the confines of the law, public opinion,
structures/ systems like computers,
and (hopefully) budgetary restraints.
machines, and planes, to automobiles, name
just a few examples. They cannot escape the • Salespeople typically work on commission
frequent use of a variety of calculus. and operate under a buy low, sell high profit
Geologists mathematical models to find oil model. Their job requires good interpersonal
and study earthquakes. skills and the ability to estimate basic math
problems without the need of paper/pencil.
• Technicians repair and maintain the ❑ Fibonacci is a short term for the latin filius
technical gadgets we depend on like bonnaci, which means “the son of bonacci”.
computers, televisions, DVDs, cars,
refrigerators. They always read measuring
devices, referring to manuals, and Development of Fibonacci Sequence
diagnosing system problems.
❑ In 1202, Leonardo Pisano Bigollo
• Tradesmen (carpenters, electricians,
published his most prominent work the Liber
mechanics, and plumbers) estimate job
Abaci (The book of Calculating). In this book,
costs and use technical math skills specific
he introduced his famous rabbit problem.
to their field. They deal with slopes, areas,
volumes, distances and must have an “If a pair of rabbit is put into a walled
excellent foundation in math. enclosure (room) to breed, how many pairs
of rabbits will there be after a year if it is
assumed that every month each pair
produces one new pair, which begins to
bear young two months after its own birth?”
Fibonacci Numbers
Another in this world that involves pattern
(Grist, 2011)
Fibonacci Numbers

❑ Fibonacci numbers are series of numbers

that often occur in nature.
If you will observe our nature carefully, you
❑ They appear everywhere in nature, from will find out that many plants show the
the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern Fibonacci numbers can also be found in the
of florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, arrangement of the leaves around the
or scales of pineapple. stem, the number of petals on a flower, on
a sunflower seeds, palm trees (show the
❑ In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers number of rings on their trunks). Thus,
are the numbers in the following integer Fibonacci numbers are associated with the
sequence, called Fibonacci Sequence growth of every living thing, including a single
cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of a bees and
even all of mankind.
Fibonacci Sequence

❑ This number sequence was developed in

the middle ages, and it was named after
Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, a famous Italian
mathematician who also happened to
discover Fibonacci.
Fibonacci Sequence Golden Ratio

❑ The series of numbers ❑ Denoted using the Greek letter

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,... is called
Fibonacci Sequence. The sequence begins
with zero or one. Each subsequent number
is found by getting the sum of the two ❑ is a special number also known as the
preceding numbers. Golden Section, Golden Mean, Divine
Proportion or Greek letter “phi”.
❑ A sequence is an ordered set of numbers,
shapes or any mathematical objects ❑ Approximately equal to 1.618033...
arranged into a rule.
❑ used to derived the formula for finding the
❑ The sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is nth term of the Fibonacci Sequence.
defined by the recurrence relation (the next
number is the sum of the previous two

THE LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLS OF POWERFUL - able to express complex
MATHEMATICS thoughts with relative ease
Language of Mathematics Example:

❑ Language of Mathematics is the system ❑ The application of critical thinking and

used by mathematicians to communicate problem solving skill requires the
mathematical ideas among themselves. comprehension, analysis and reasoning to
obtain the correct solution.
❑ Mathematics as a language has symbols
to express a formula or to represent a
Mathematical Expression and
❑ It has syntax to make the expression Mathematical Sentences
well-formed to make the characters and Mathematical Expression vs Mathematical
symbols clear and valid that do not violate Sentence
the rules.

❑ A mathematical expression is the name

Characteristics of Mathematical
given to a mathematical object of interest,
which may be a quantity, variable and
❑ Precise combination of these using different
❑ Concise

❑ Powerful

❑ A mathematical sentence expresses a

PRECISE - able to make very fine
complete thought about the relation of
mathematical object to another mathematical
Example: object.

❑ The use of mathematical symbol is only

done based on its meaning and purpose.
- Like + means add, - means subtract,
x means multiply and ÷ means divide.
CONCISE - able to say things briefly

❑ The long English sentence can be

shortened using mathematical symbols.
Eight plus two equals ten which mean
8 + 2 = 10
Mathematical Convention The order of operations or
BODMAS/PEMDAS is merely a set rules that
❑ A mathematical convention is a fact, prioritize the sequence of operations starting
name, notation or usage which is generally from the most important to the least
agreed upon by mathematicians. important.
❑ Mathematics abide by conventions in ❑ Step 1: Do as much as you can to simplify
order to allow other mathematicians to everything inside the parenthesis first
understand what they write without
constantly having to redefined basic terms. ❑ Step 2: Simplify every exponential
number in the numerical expression

❑ Step 3: Multiply and divide whichever

comes first, from left to right

❑ Step 4: Add and subtract whichever

comes first, from left to right.

Perform Operations on Mathematical

Expressions Correctly

SET, RELATION,FUNCTION, AND If one or many elements of sets are
repeated, the set remains the same.

Finite Set
Infinite Set
It is a collection of well-defined distinct Unit Set
Empty/Null Set
Conventionally denoted by a capital
Use braces to represent. FINITE SET
A set is made up of objects called If the set has definite number of elements,
elements. It can be numbers, people, letters that is, if all elements can be listed and can
of the alphabet, other, sets, etc. be counted up to the last element.

Set whose elements cannot be listed, that
is set containing never ending elements.

Set that has only one element.
The change in order of writing the
elements does not make any changes in the
Set which does not contain any element.
Denoted by { } or ∅
Note: Not all relations are functions but
all functions are relation.
It is a set of ordered pairs.
C = {(1,2). (3,4), (5,6), (7,8)}
It is a relation in which each x – element
has only one y- element associated with it.
Given a set of ordered pair, a relation is a
function if there are no repeated x – value

Using Vertical Line Test, that is, a set of
points in the plane is the graph of a function
if and only if no vertical line intersects the
graph in more than one point.

It refers to joining two values to create a
new one. A binary operation (*) on a set is a
function *S → S denoted by *(a,b) by (a,b), LOGIC
where a, b are real numbers.
❑ is the study of the methods and principles
used to discriminate correct from incorrect

❑ According to David W. Kueker (2009),

logic is simply defined as the analysis of
methods of reasoning. In studying these
methods, logic is interested in the form rather
than the content of the argument.

❑ The two branches of logic are

mathematical logic (also called symbolic
logic or formal logic) and the informal logic.

Branches of Logic

❑ Mathematical Logic (symbolic logic or

formal logic) is, at least in its origin the study
of reasoning as used in mathematics.

❑ Informal logic encompasses the

principles of logic and logical thought outside
of a formal setting (characterized by the
usage of particular statements).
All men are mortal. Luke is a man. Hence,
Luke is mortal.
All dogs like fish. Cyber is a dog.
Therefore, Cyber likes fish.


❑ A proposition (or statement) is a

sentence that is either true or false (without
additional information).

❑ Also called declarative sentence or

statement or logic statement.

❑ A simple statement contains a single

idea. A compound statement contains
several simple statements (ideas). The ideas
in a compound statement are “connected” by

Example of Simple Statement:

Daniel attends the opera concert.
Lyka performs in the opera concert.


❑ is used to combine two or more

QUANTIFIERS ❑Words like “all”, “every” are used.
❑ Express how many “objects” satisfy a
given property or idea.

❑ A quantified statement is a statement with

at least one quantifier.

❑ Note: A variable is a symbol that

represents any unspecified object which can
be chosen from a given universal set.

❑ The words like “all”, “there exists”

“none” are examples of quantifiers.

❑ Two types of quantifier: Existential

quantifier and Universal Quantifier


❑ Existential Quantifier used to emphasize

the existing of something.

❑Words like “there exists”, “at least one”,

“for some” are used.

❑Words like “none” or “no” deny the

existence of something.


❑Universal Quantifier used to stress out Quantified Statement: “All freshmen

every element that satisfies the condition. students are graduates of the K – 12
Negation Statement: “Some freshmen Intuition
students are not graduate of the K – 12
curriculum” ❑ Is similar to guessing.

❑ It is also called reasoning by guessing or

reasoning by common sense.

❑ It requires less mental activity.

❑ An intuition is the ability to acquire

knowledge without proof, evidence or
conscious reasoning or without
understanding how the knowledge was
acquired .

❑ Intuition is highly subjective.

❑ Different people think about problems in

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ different ways.

❑ It is something that is known or understood

REASONING without proof or evidence.

“Mathematics are not just about numbers;
much of it, is problem solving and

❑ Problem solving and reasoning is


❑ The art of reasoning is very important in

mathematics. This is the skill needed in
exemplifying the critical thinking and problem
solving ability.

❑ Logic and reasoning are very useful tools

in decision making.

❑ Reasoning is the practice of stating ideas

clearly and precisely to arrive at a

Kinds of Reasoning

❑ Intuition ❑ Inductive Reasoning

❑ Analogy ❑ Deductive Reasoning


❑ Is form of reasoning in which other

similarities are inferred from a particular
similarity between two or more things. It is a
reasoning by comparison.

➢ Tree is to leaf as flower is to petal.

➢ Hammer : nail :: comb : hair

➢ Finding a Good Man is like Finding a

Needle in a Haystack.


❑ is the process of gathering specific

information, usually through observation and
measurement and then making a
conjecture based on the gathered


❑ is a process of making specific and

truthful conclusions based on general
solvers focus on the opposite. He designed
the following:

1. Understand the Problem. (See)
2. Devise a Plan. (Plan)
3. Carry Out the Plan. (Do)
4. Look Back. (Check)

Understand the Problem. (See)

Read and understand the problem. Identify
what is the given information, known data
and values and what is the unknown and to
be solved as required by the problem.
Consider the following questions:
Can you restate the problem in your own
Can you determine what is known about
these types of problems?

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Is there missing information that if known

would allow you to solve the problem?
Is there extraneous information that if
PROBLEM SOLVING known would allow you to solve the problem?
What is the goal?
George Polya
The Father of Problem Solving Devise a Plan. (Plan)
❑ Problem-solving is the skill of finding a way Think of a way to solve the problem by
out of a difficulty, a way around an obstacle, setting up an equation, drawing a diagram
attaining an aim, which is not immediately and making a chart that will help you find the
attainable. (Polya, 1957) unknown and the solution.

❑ He has had an important influence on To start devising a plan, try doing the
problem solving in mathematics education. following:
He stated that good problem solvers tend to
Make a list of the known information.
forget the details and tend to focus on the
structure of the problem, while poor problem Make a list of the information that is
Draw a diagram.
Make an organized list that shows all the
Make a table or a chart.
Work backwards.
Try to solve similar but simpler problem.
Write an equation, as possible define what
each variable represents.
Perform an experiment.
Guess at a solution and then check the

Carry Out the Plan. (Do)

Solve the equation you have set up and
observe analytical rules and procedures until
you arrive at the answers.
Work carefully.
Keep an accurate and neat record of all
your attempts.
Realize that some of your initial plans will
not work and that you will have to devise
another plan and modify your existing plan.

Look Back. (Check)

In order to validate the obtained value, you Recreational Problems
need to verify and check if the answer makes ❑ Recreational Problems is mathematics
sense or correct based on the situation done for recreation or as a hobby which is
posed in the problem. Label your final correct intended to be fun.
❑ Typically it involves games or puzzles that
Ensure that the solution is consistent with
relate to mathematics, although the term can
the facts of the problem.
cover other material.
Interpret the solution within the context of
the problem. ❑ Typically, recreational mathematics
involves general logical and lateral thinking
Ask yourself whether there are skills, as opposed to advanced mathematical
generalizations of the solution that you could concepts, so that the average person is at
apply to similar problems.
least able to understand and appreciate a
recreational problem and its solution.

❑ Recreational puzzles can also increase

people’s appreciation of mathematics as a


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