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Produktivitas Kerja

Bagian Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Universitas Diponegoro
• a measure of the rate at which output of goods and services are
produced per unit of input - efficiency
• Many factors can affect productivity growth
• Input: labour, capital, raw materials, etc
Productivity and OSH
• Employees are one of the most substantial assets in a company
• the workplace safety risks?
• Public image?
• Good OSH is good for business
• Cost of work related injuries, illnesses and death
Produktivitas dan pekerja
• Kapasitas kerja
• Beban kerja
• Beban tambahan (lingkungan kerja)
Kapasitas kerja
• Ability to perform, kemampuan pekerja dalam melakukan tugas yang
menjadi pekerjaannya
• Faktor yang berpengaruh: usia, jenis kelamin, lama kerja, masa kerja,
riwayat kesehatan dll
• Pekerja seharusnya diberikan pekerjaan/tugas sesuai kapasitas
Beban Kerja
• Pekerjaan
• Tugas
• Job description
• Tanggung jawab/wewenang
• Contoh?
Beban Tambahan
• Beban diluar beban kerja yang harus dihadapi pekerja saat melakukan
• Berasal dari lingkungan kerja
1. Lingkungan fisik
2. Lingkungan kimia
3. Lingkungan biologi
4. Lingkungan fisiologi/ergonomi
5. Lingkungan psikologi
Motivasi Kerja
• the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment and the amount of
creativity that an employee brings to the organization on a daily basis
• “movere” – movement
• Motivasi pekerja: intrinsik, ekstrinsik
• Motivation plays a very important factor in a human’s life
• Menimbulkan semangat, dorongan, tekanan untuk bekerja secara
• Mencapai tujuan
Motivated employees ensure:

• There is a positive atmosphere within the organization

• Co-workers are happy and feel safe at work
• Make sure clients are happy
• They always achieve better results
• Produktivitas sangat dipengaruhi oleh keserasian antara kapasitas
kerja, beban kerja, beban tambahan (pekerja)
• Motivasi, unsur penting yang tidak boleh terabaikan
• Occupational safety and health in the food and drink industries.
• Safety and Health Practices in The Food and Ergonomics
Terima kasih

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