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In Memoriam


Dragi Radojević was born on the 23rd of April, 1947 in Bitolj, where he lived
until the end of his first grade of elementary school. His family then moved to
Belgrade, where he continued his education in the elementary school “Svetozar
Marković”. Dragi graduated from the XIV Belgrade Gymnasium in 1965, and
then enrolled to study Mechanics at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in
Belgrade, from which he graduated in 1970. In 1992, Dragi defended his PhD thesis,
entitled “On some nonorthogonal relativistic metrics”, with Prof. Ilija Lukacević as
his advisor.
Dragi Radojević spent his entire scientific career, from January 1973 until his re-
tirement in 2012, at the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts in Belgrade. As a very active member of the Department of Mechanics, he
served as its Secretary for almost 20 years. In addition, he served as the founding
Head of the Computer Laboratory of the Institute.
The main research area of Dragi Radojević was general relativity. His papers
are well written, clear, and precise. His PhD thesis epitomizes his remarkable gift
of presenting science in a poetic manner.
For us, his colleagues, Dragi was one of the dearest persons at the Institute,
with his unique charm and a sense of humour. A passionate photographer, he made
visible many of the Institute’s activities.
Dragi Radojević passed away suddenly on the 11th of November, 2015, at the
age of 68. He left us calmly and silently, as he had lived all of his life. His bright
figure will live on as an exemplaire of modesty and merry spirit for us all.
Crazy old hag bleating
Dead horse tows a buggy,
Simple two-word greeting
Radojević Dragi
(Dragi’s famous salute)

List of publications by Dragi Radojević:

Radojević, Dragi: Two examples of pure radiation fields. Theor. Appl. Mech.
(Belgrade) 26 (2001), 83–89.
Radojević, Dragi: The modification of Gödel metric. Nonlinear sciences at the
threshold of the third millennium (Niš, 2000). Facta Univ. Ser. Mech. Automat.
Control Robot. 3(11) (2001), 149–152.
Radojević, Dragi: The metric which allows the pure radiation field. Theor. Appl.
Mech. (Belgrade) 23 (1997), 151–156.
Radojević, Dragi: On some nonorthogonal relativistic metrics (in Serbian), PhD
thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade
Radojević, Dragi: On a conformally flat space-time. Teor. Primen. Meh. 16
(1990), 79–83.
Radojević, Dragi: One example of Einstein spaces. Teor. Primen. Meh. 13
(1987), 77–81.
Radojević, Dragi: Expansion tensor in the metrics of Einstein and Schwarzschild.
Teor. Primen. Meh. 10 (1984), 113–118.
Radojević, Dragi: The tensor of deformation in certain relativistic metrics. (in
Serbian) Zb. Rad. Mat. Inst. Beograd. (N.S.) 4(12) (1984), 175–180.
Radojević, Dragi: Expansion tensor in a modified de Sitter metric. Teor. Primen.
Meh. 8 (1982), 119–123.
Radojević, Dragi: Sur les Valeurs Propres et les Vecteurs Principaux du Tenseur
d’Impulsion Energie de Ferrofluide. Teor. Primen. Meh. 7 (1981), 113–117.
Radojević, Dragi: Eigenvalues and principal directions of the energy momentum
tensor of a perfect charged fluid. Teor. Primen. Meh. 5 (1979), 151–156.

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