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Dept of Administration and Management,

Crawford University,
Faith City, Igbesa,
Ogun State.


Dear Respondent,

I write to request for your assistance to help and fill this questionnaire. I am a post-graduate
student of the above university currently undertaking a research on the Reward System and
Employee’s Performance in WIHU International Limited, Ojodu Berger, Ogun State.

This questionnaire is designed to gather relevant data that will facilitate my study and this
research is a pure academic activity. All information provided will be treated with utmost
degree of confidence and regards.

Thank you for your understanding and anticipated cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Odeyemi, Damilola Christiana

Demographic Information
Instruction: Please tick (√ ¿ as most appropriate
1. Gender: Male [ ] Female [ ]
2. Marital Status: Single [ ] ; Married [ ]; Divorce [ ]; Widow(er) [ ]
3. Age: 18-25 years [ ] ; 26-35 years [ ]; 36-45 years [ ]; 46- 55years
[ ] ; 56 years and above
4. Highest Educational Level: SSCE [ ]; NCE/OND [ ]; BSc./HND [ ];
M Sc./MBA [ ]; Ph.D. [ ]
5. Length of Service: 1-5 years [ ]; 6-10 years [ ];

Instruction: Please read the statement and thick (√ ¿ in the corresponding column.

SA = Strongly Agreed; A = Agreed; U = Undecided; D = Disagreed; SD = Strongly


Employee Performance
S/N Items SA A U D SD
1 I always meet up with the set target
2 I often dedicate great effort to my work
3 My desire is to achieve best result for the bank at less cost
4 I can do my job without supervision
5 My job is automated
6 I have adequate freedom to try my own method of doing the job
7 I have sufficient control of my job

Work Condition

S/N Items SA A U D SD
1 I have adequate facilities to do my job
2 Work atmosphere is hazard free
3 My job does takes much of my time
4 I observe every holiday as at when due
5 I regularly observe my leave
6 There is adequate support for every employee that sustain
accident during the course of the duties.

Job security
Items SA A U D SD
1 High rate of unemployment is a threat to my job.
2 My department is current over staff
3 My organization can terminate my appointment any time
4 My contract will expire soon
5 My contract may not be renewed
6 Change in operation may not accommodate my skill

S/N Items SA A U D SD

1 My pay commensurate with the amount of work I do

2 I received praise for doing a good job
3 My superior often talks to me about my progress and encourage
me to do more
4 My pay comes regularly

5 I always receive my pay on time

6 I regularly enjoy incentives for good performance
7 There is adequate insurance scheme for every employee in my

S/N Items SA A U D SD

1 My salary is enough for me to continue working with this

2 I receive my salary as at when due
3 I have been enjoying regular salary increase since I joined this
4 My current salary is okay for my grade level

5 My organization has a generally acceptable salary scale

6 I receive my wage regularly
Salary and Wage


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