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Контроль читання, 4 клас

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In a café
Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal in a cafe. There are many tasty things there to eat. For
breakfast there are different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam. For
dinner there are always different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup.
Once they go to the cafe they like. It is dinnertime.
«What would you like to have, Bill?»
«What would you like to have, Kate?» mother asks the children.
«Well, I’d like a vegetable salad and some meat», says Bill.
«And I’d like some chicken and banana yoghurt», says Kate.
«Any soup or salad, Kate», Mother asks.
«Oh, no, Mum. Is there any orange juice?»
«No, but there is some cola».
«Great. A glass of cola, please».
«I don’t like cola. A glass of apple juice for me, Mum», says Bill.
І. Circle true or false
1. There are many tasty things in a cafe. T / F
2. For breakfast there are different salads, meat or chicken, fish and soup. T / F
3. For dinner there are always different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs. T / F
4. Once Bill, Kate and their mother go to the cafe. T / F
5. Bill would like a vegetable salad and some meat. T / F
6. Kate would like some soup and salad. T / F

ІІ. Choose the correct answer

1. Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal:
a) in a restaurant;
b) in a café;
c) at home.
2. For breakfast there are:
a) different hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam;
b) meat or chicken, fish and chips;
с) different salads and soup.
3. For dinner there are always:
a) different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs;
b) different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup;
c) tasty cakes and sweets.
4. Bill would like:
a) a fruit salad and orange juice;
b) some chicken and banana yoghurt;
c) a vegetable salad and some meat.
5. Kate would like:
a) some chicken and banana yoghurt;
b) a vegetable salad and some meat
c) some meat and cheese.
6. In the cafe there isn’t:
a) any cola; b) any orange juice; c) any apple juice.

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