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Student A

A. Complete the questions in the past simple or continuous using the verbs in

1. a. Were it raining (rain) when you left home today?

b. Did you have (have) an umbrella?

3. a. When was the last time you (hurry) somewhere?

b. Where did you go (go)?

5. a. When did get (get) angry at someone last?

b. What to make you angry?

7. a. What did you do (do) the last time you broke something?

b. What did you break (break)?

9. a. Where did you go (go) the last time you forgot to bring something?

b. What did you forget (forget)?

11. a. When did you hear (hear) your favourite song last?

b. What were you doing (do) when you heard it?

B. What do you think your partner's answer will be for each question? Write your
guesses in the chart below.

My My Partner's Answers







C. Now, take it in turns to ask the questions to your partner. Write their answers in
the chart and put a tick next to each correct guess. The student with the most
correct guesses wins.
Student B

A. Complete the questions in the past simple or continuous using the verbs in

2. a. What did you do (do) the last time you stayed up late?

b. What time did you finish (finish)?

4. a. What did you do (do) the last time you were surprised?

b. What happened (happen)?

6. a. Have you ever planned a trip you didn’t take (not take) in the end?

b. Where did you plan (plan) to go?

8. a. What were you doing (do) at 10 o'clock yesterday morning?

b. What did you do (do) next?

10. a. When did you meet (meet) a friend outside work or school last?

b. What were you wearing (wear)?

12. a. When was the last time something woke you up when you were sleeping (sleep)?

b. What woke (wake) you up?

B. What do you think your partner's answer will be for each question? Write your
guesses in the chart below.

My My Partner's Answers






C. Now, take it in turns to ask the questions to your partner. Write their answers in
the chart and put a tick next to each correct guess. The student with the most
correct guesses wins.

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