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Seven Steps

First thing we need to do is when something is wrong is we need to check our attitude, because being an
independent spirit is the basis of being betrayal, and a criticize spirit is a foundation of bad personality,
lastly a lazy spirit is the basis of dishonestly and poverty. All these wrong attitudes can be harmful. That’s
why God trying to reveal to us when we think is something is wrong. To which we think that do we have
an independent spirit. Second thing we should do is heal our soul and correct those attitudes which have
offended the person, next thing what we should do is fulfill the requests and unfulfilled commands of
the powerful. Next thing we need to take is to confess our error and beg for forgiveness from the other
person. This step is something unique about a Christ-like love that shows itself through forgiveness. In
fact, it has been said that choosing forgiveness is a choice between paradise and damnation. It has an
impact on our connection with God both now and forever. And the fourth thing you can do is make a
replacement which is needed, example for this when we broke something that can be replaceable just
like for example, I broke my friend toy I will say sorry, and I will replace the toy the I’ve broke. the fifth
thing is learning “deference” which means limiting freedom to avoid offending another’s taste. Every
people have different taste, for example my music taste is different from others that’s why you don’t
need to force others to like your taste. next thing we must learned Discern Basic Intentions, pay
attention to different cues, approach our decision-making with prayer, and finally make wise decisions
considering our religion and our circumstances.

Remove any resistant spirit to be creative, it serves as a reminder that creativity enters all part of our
existence and is the energy of our life force. Being creative is something you are, not something you can

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