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TJE - Thematic journal of Education

ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433



Djalolova Sevara
Samarkand State University Preschool and primary education Faculty Theory
and history of pedagogy (by type of activity) Master's degree in master's degree

Resume. The development of creative qualities in the formation of

innovative pedagogical activity of future teachers, the important pedagogical tasks of
the organization of this work in a new interpretation, the essence of competence, the
state of formation and content tariffs of types of competence and the process of
improving professional competence in future teachers.
Keywords: competence, intelligence, types of intellectual-corporate,
technological, social psychological competence, creativity, qualities of creativity,
Despite the creative work carried out in the field of education and a number of
positive changes, further increase the pace of development of educational efficiency
and effective use of the opportunities and conditions created will create a competitive
future for educational institutions. 'Animal training is one of the most important
issues right now. The development of young people as individuals in higher
education institutions is characterized by such conditions as creative thinking,
independence, enrichment of active relationships, growth of worldviews, the
formation of needs for self-control and upbringing. For future teachers, the process of
education in educational institutions creates the most favorable conditions for
development and self-improvement on the basis of professional knowledge, quality of
education, competence and criteria, which are important for the successful
implementation of human labor. The implementation of the concept of independent
thinking is a key task of the system of continuing education, in which the formation
of professional pedagogical creativity of future teachers and their professional
competence is an important factor. Familiarity with the content of theoretical sources,
study of the activities of higher education institutions and analysis of the evidence
showed that there are a number of contradictions in the formation of professional
competence of future teachers, in particular: the level of education, the normative
requirements for the modernized content and scope of the State Education Standard,
as well as the level of realization of its individual capabilities; - Traditional and
innovative methods used in the formation of professional competence of future
teachers in higher education institutions; - The mechanism and laws of development

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

of the process of training students as future teachers through the activities of higher
education institutions aimed at pedagogical support in the formation of the teacher's
personality and his professional competence; - integration of scientific and technical
progress, general pedagogical and specialized disciplines in the formation of the
future teacher's personal and professional competence of the skilled pedagogical
disciplines of the renewed society; - Insufficient use of opportunities; - The growing
demands on the personality of the teacher and the unwillingness of future teachers to
work in the context of self-development, a key part of the formation of professional
Formation of professional competence of future teachers, higher education
necessary to ensure their professional and personal development in their institutions
creation of pedagogical conditions, training of future teachers modernization of
content and structure and quality control and defines the main goal of forming
specialist competence through the development of an evaluation mechanism.
"Competence" is a constantly evolving classification of an individual, the ability to
solve problems in real life situations, the ability to mobilize their knowledge, learning
and life experiences, values and interests. In today’s age of information technology,
techniques and technologies are accelerating had to live and work in a developing
The future teacher must have the following basic qualities: - be able to
independently observe critically, to see the difficulties that arise in life and to use
modern technologies in the search for ways to solve them successfully, new g. to be
able to realize dreams, to think creatively; - to be able to independently acquire the
necessary knowledge to find their place in the future life and to use them skillfully in
solving various problems in practice, to adapt quickly to changing life situations; - be
able to work with information, that is, the problems needed for research, the ability to
collect facts, analyze them, solve problems, make assumptions, generalize and
summarize the necessary information be able to make comparisons of similar or
alternative options, to identify statistical laws, to draw reasonable conclusions and to
identify and solve new problems based on them; - be able to work independently to
improve their personal, moral, intellectual and cultural level; -Able to communicate
easily in different social groups, prevent various conflicts and be reasonable in such
situations be able to go out and work together in different areas. Also, in a
modernized content-based education system, everyone the theoretical knowledge of a
future teacher in the field of education professionalism in the implementation and
upbringing of a harmoniously developed generation modern pedagogical, which
allows the formation of competence effective use of technology is required.1
. Muslimov N. A. et al. Technology for the formation of professional competence of teachers based on the
modernization of the content of vocational education. - Tashkent: Science and Technology, 2013. - P. 26-28.

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

The professional competence of the future teacher should be focused on a

specific goal and in order to achieve this goal, the following conditions must be met:
- The future teacher must have a specific goal and in a certain order should form the
following qualities, i.e., learners aspirations, deep sense of interest, understanding,
their spirituality be able to take into account their needs and communicate with them
emotionally, to actively influence the aspects of their mental, moral and practical
activities; - The content of independent training should be adapted to the specific
conditions of the classroom and workshop of the educational institution where the
pedagogical practice in the specialty of vocational education teacher, the conditions
of practice, students; - The future teacher must choose the most effective methods
and ways of working on improving their pedagogical skills, as well as the correct
choice of technological processes and technical objects; - The future teacher should
independently study the list of questions in general pedagogy, psychology, youth
physiology and hygiene, general engineering; - It is expedient for the future teacher
to use practical forms of knowledge development, individually or collectively, taking
into account the specific conditions and in accordance with them; - The future teacher
should organize the development of their knowledge in the form of constant creative
research and focus on a specific goal. To do this, he: - pedagogical, creative
management of creative research; -Remember that the effectiveness of creative
research depends on the psychological and theoretical training of the teacher.
The professional competence of teachers is reflected in all aspects of
pedagogical activity: in professional activity, in the development of personality in
everyday relationships, as a result of a complex of work and its requires that all
components be formed. It should be noted that The most important task of a teacher
in higher education is to educate students stabilization, replenishment and transfer of
professional competencies step-by-step training of management capabilities of
mechanisms to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for Make them2
The stages of development are as follows: - Teacher's management of student
activities; - joint management of the mechanisms of professional competence by the
teacher and the student; - Self-management of professional self-development of the
future teacher.
Subsequent research approaches vary however, in the work of a creative
person, freedom is a priority is emphasized. Because “a lot of researchers are
creatively accepted volunteers the key that forms the basis of his creative ability in

Реан А. А., Бордовская Н. В., Розум С. И. Психология и педагогика. – Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2010. – С.

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

the example of the individual tried to describe the quality. Though opinions differ,
they are they all have similar ideas: a creative person is a free person, a free person
and a person who can only be himself, who can listen to his "me" Problems of
formation, development and socialization of the person research areas - sociology,
pedagogy and psychology Along with the concept of "creativity", the term
"creativity" is used and expressed as the basic qualities of perfection. In most sources,
the concepts of creativity and ingenuity are closely related, accepted as synonymous
concepts representing a particular situation being done. In order to be able to create a
creative product, a person needs an external (object, object, thing, event) or inner
(emotional experience: enjoyment, delight, grief, sadness, etc.).3
An “expert” means “creative” external and internal factors in the process of
organizing professional activity by to put forward unexpected ideas without
influence, to oneself in problematic situations finding original solutions, creating
unique products ability. That is, success for the creative person is external (object,
object, thing, event) or internal (emotional experience: enjoyment, joy, sorrow,
sadness, etc.) are important rather, it possesses the qualities of a high degree of
competence to such an outcome can only succeed because Creative Imagination, first
published by Ray M. Simpson in 1922, first used the concept of "creativity" as a
high-level intellectual process. expressed. It is well-known that every personality trait
is based on certain characteristics. 4 In the fields of pedagogy and psychology,
researchers focus on identifying and systematizing the qualities that determine a
person's creativity. In particular, O. V. Butorina has been put forward by various
authors based on ideas, follows the characters that are reflected on the basis of
creativity systematized: creative ability, intellectual creativity, originality, originality,
indirect association, integral system structure restructuring of information in an
unusual way (secrecy) coding, divergent thinking (thinking migration), the result of
internal conflicts (or the absence of internal conflicts) go beyond knowledge; the
ability to quickly resolve a problematic situation giving unconventional thinking and
so on.5 According to Patti Drapeau, creative thinking is, first of all, comprehensive
thinking on a particular issue. Creativity requires intellectual freedom. 6 Person
thinking for this describes the initial interpretation without focusing on the analysis in
the process need to take.

Зауторова Э. В. Развитие творческих способностей курсантов в процессе обучения.
Simpson Ray M. Creative Imagination //
Буторина О. В. Кросскультурное исследование креативности в управленческом потенциале руководителя //
Психология XXI века. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции студентов и аспирантов.
– Санкт-Петербург: СПбГПИ, 2003. – С. 277.
Drapeau Patti. Sparking student creativity (practical ways to promote innovative thinking and problem soving).–
Alexandria –Virginia, USA:ASCD, 2014. – P. 9.

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

According to the established requirement, learners understand the

essence of the process, object, subject or event on which they are based not on the
concepts of denotation (directly related), but on the terms of connotation
(representing figurative meanings) (e.g. ”,“ Coward ”when a rabbit appears,“ greedy
when talking about a wolf ”,“ loyalty ”when a swan is illuminated). According to
foreign experience, creativity is manifested at different ages. This quality is
especially strong in children aged 6-7 years, because they do not face internal
resistance in thinking. That is, when you see an object, an object, an event, you do not
hesitate to express an idea, an idea (association) that is formed in the thought
They express their opinions without analyzing how right or wrong they are.
One incident involved 20 children of the same age if so, they have 20 different
interpretations of the event. For example, the cloud in the sky is pictured by
elementary school students concepts, connotation (not a relevant concept, a quality of
it or terms denoting a sign, such as "ship," "running father," "fish," "inverted cap,"
"leaf flying in the wind," and so on. In short, the interpretation of what happened is
represented by at least twenty concepts. L. M. Petrova analyzes the creative thinking
process of primary school students, focusing on figurative symbols in the nonverbal
creativity of children aged 9-106.
If a person does not develop as he grows older, the quality of creativity
"fades", so the theoretical knowledge of the acquired mastery develops the ability to
evaluate the object, the subject, the event, to understand, analyze and comprehend the
essence. As a result, when an object, subject, event (e.g., a cloud) is observed by a
class of students, almost all assessments are approached by denotation (by stating a
clear concept that is directly relevant) (i.e., “cloud is water vapor rising from the
ground”. (trying to explain the formation (accumulation) of ice as a result of
collisions with ice crystals in the cold air layer falling from the upper atmosphere).
Adolescents and adolescents should be taught to think creatively, taking into account
their level of knowledge and life experience. Although they rely on reality and
denotation in responding to the object of assessment according to their level of
knowledge and life experience, they consistently take a comprehensive approach to
finding a solution to a problem, encouraging them to find different solutions,
substantiating their views on the solution. 'watt, issues
creating at least five logical solutions to the problem
going helps them to effectively develop their creative qualities.
Patti Drepeau follows the development of creative qualities in the person
shows you ways:
- formation of creative thinking skills;
- development of practical creative skills;

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

- organization of creative activity processes;

- use of creative products (developments).7
Educational competence is a set of rules in a community culture, values,
knowledge acquisition corresponding to the system of methods of acquiring
knowledge individual level of activity ”. The student has the task not only to learn the
basics of science, but also to expand and complicate the possibilities of acquiring
knowledge in the process of studying science. General competencies underlie
learning competencies. Intellectual competence is a specific type of application of
knowledge even in problematic situations, including problem solving which enables
them to make effective decisions level of competence. Intellectual-corporate
competence is "a complex psychological feature, consisting of a set of skills and
competencies, such as the optimal solution of problems by the company as a
corporate system." These include the ability to ask the right questions and conduct
pre-project research, design information technology, introduce innovative ideas, and
develop a company development strategy. Technological competence is a system of
creative and technological knowledge, skills and stereotypes used in the activities of
the existing pedagogical system, changing the objects. Socio-psychological
competence is the acquisition of scientifically based psychological methods used to
work effectively with individuals, and the level of readiness to successfully interact
with others.
It is the formation of professional competence of future teachers mental,
subject-practical and motivational factors in professional-pedagogical situations
bright with the expression of its peculiarities associated with will be However, these
factors have much in common. This is it vocational training as the results of
specialized research in the field show the professional competence of the recipients
also has a significant impact.
The quality of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers is
fundamental increase is directly related to its content, as teachers are professional
formation of pedagogical and methodological knowledge in science, education,
engineering, technology and changes in the manufacturing economy integration
serves to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. This is it and the process
is to substantiate and professionalize the content of future teacher training
makes it necessary to make certain changes in the development of competency
building technology. At present, great attention is paid to the technology of
vocational training, which is able to solve these tasks in the formation of professional
Петрова Л. М. Возрастные особенности когнитивной сферы младших школьникови подростков: Автореф.
дис. ... канд. наук. – Санкт-Петербург: 2008. – С. 15.

TJE - Thematic journal of Education
ISSN 2249-9822
Vol-6-Issue- November -2021
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5746513
UIF 2020= 7.528
IFS 2020= 7.433

competence. Teaching technologies developed and used by the teaching staff of

higher education institutions are an integral part of the educational system to
determine the professional competence of future teachers and to create a
professionally important basis for the acquisition of the profession, promotes the
gradual formation of theoretical, practical and motivational training for a high level
of professional activity.

1. Muslimov N. A. et al. Technology for the formation of professional competence
of teachers based on the modernization of the content of vocational education. -
Tashkent: Science and Technology, 2013. - P. 26-28.
2. Реан А. А., Бордовская Н. В., Розум С. И. Психология и педагогика. –
Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2010. – С. 249.
3. Зауторова Э. В. Развитие творческих способностей курсантов в процессе
4. Simpson Ray M. Creative Imagination //
5. Буторина О. В. Кросскультурное исследование креативности в
управленческом потенциале руководителя // Психология XXI века. Материалы
международной научно-практической конференции студентов и аспирантов. –
Санкт-Петербург: СПбГПИ, 2003. – С. 277.
6. Drapeau Patti. Sparking student creativity (practical ways to promote innovative
thinking and problem soving).–Alexandria –Virginia, USA:ASCD, 2014. – P. 9.
7. Петрова Л. М. Возрастные особенности когнитивной сферы младших
школьникови подростков: Автореф. дис. ... канд. наук. – Санкт-Петербург:
2008. – С. 15.


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