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11/7/22, 9:35 PM Introduction and Array Implementation of Circular Queue - GeeksforGeeks

Introduction and Array Implementation of

Circular Queue
Difficulty Level :
Easy ● Last Updated :
04 Nov, 2022

Prerequisite – Queues

What is a Circular Queue?

A Circular Queue is a special version of queue where the last element of the queue
DSA Array Matrix Write & Earn Strings Hashing Linked List Stack Queue Binary Tree
is connected to the first element of the queue forming a circle.

The operations are per formed based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle. It is also

called ‘Ring Buffer ’. 1/20
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In a normal Queue, we can inser t elements until queue becomes full. But once queue

becomes full, we can not inser t the next element even if there is a space in front of

queue. 2/20
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Operations on Circular Queue :

Front : Get the front item from queue.

Rear: Get the last item from queue.

enQueue(value) This function is used to inser t an element into the circular queue. In

a circular queue, the new element is always inser ted at Rear position. 

1. Check whether queue is Full – Check ((rear == SIZE-1 && front == 0) || (rear ==


2. If it is full then display Queue is full. If queue is not full then, check if (rear == SIZE

– 1 && front != 0) if it is true then set rear=0 and inser t element.

deQueue() This function is used to delete an element from the circular queue. In a

circular queue, the element is always deleted from front position. 

1. Check whether queue is Empty means check (front==-1).

2. If it is empty then display Queue is empty. If queue is not empty then step 3

3. Check if (front==rear) if it is true then set front=rear= -1 else check if (front==size-

1), if it is true then set front=0 and return the element.

Recommended: Please tr y your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the

solution. 3/20
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// C or C++ program for insertion and

// deletion in Circular Queue
using namespace std;
class Queue
    // Initialize front and rear
    int rear, front;
    // Circular Queue
    int size;
    int *arr;
    Queue(int s)
       front = rear = -1;
       size = s;
       arr = new int[s];
    void enQueue(int value);
    int deQueue();
    void displayQueue();
/* Function to create Circular queue */
void Queue::enQueue(int value)
    if ((front == 0 && rear == size-1) ||
            (rear == (front-1)%(size-1)))
        printf("\nQueue is Full");
    else if (front == -1) /* Insert First Element */
        front = rear = 0;
        arr[rear] = value;
    else if (rear == size-1 && front != 0) 4/20
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        rear = 0;
        arr[rear] = value;
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        arr[rear] = value;
// Function to delete element from Circular Queue
int Queue::deQueue()
    if (front == -1)
        printf("\nQueue is Empty");
        return INT_MIN;
    int data = arr[front];
    arr[front] = -1;
    if (front == rear)
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    else if (front == size-1)
        front = 0;
    return data;
// Function displaying the elements
// of Circular Queue
void Queue::displayQueue()
    if (front == -1)
        printf("\nQueue is Empty");
    printf("\nElements in Circular Queue are: ");
    if (rear >= front)
        for (int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
            printf("%d ",arr[i]); ▲ 5/20
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        for (int i = front; i < size; i++)
            printf("%d ", arr[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i <= rear; i++)
            printf("%d ", arr[i]);
/* Driver of the program */
int main()
    Queue q(5);
    // Inserting elements in Circular Queue
    // Display elements present in Circular Queue
    // Deleting elements from Circular Queue
    printf("\nDeleted value = %d", q.deQueue());
    printf("\nDeleted value = %d", q.deQueue());
    return 0;


// Java program for insertion and

// deletion in Circular Queue
import java.util.ArrayList;
class CircularQueue{ ▲ 6/20
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// Declaring the class variables.
private int size, front, rear;
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// Declaring array list of integer type.
private ArrayList<Integer> queue = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Constructor
CircularQueue(int size)
    this.size = size;
    this.front = this.rear = -1;
// Method to insert a new element in the queue.
public void enQueue(int data)
    // Condition if queue is full.
    if((front == 0 && rear == size - 1) ||
      (rear == (front - 1) % (size - 1)))
        System.out.print("Queue is Full");
    // condition for empty queue.
    else if(front == -1)
        front = 0;
        rear = 0;
        queue.add(rear, data);
    else if(rear == size - 1 && front != 0)
        rear = 0;
        queue.set(rear, data);
        rear = (rear + 1);
        // Adding a new element if 
        if(front <= rear)
            queue.add(rear, data);
        // Else updating old value ▲ 7/20
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            queue.set(rear, data);
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// Function to dequeue an element
// form th queue.
public int deQueue()
    int temp;
    // Condition for empty queue.
    if(front == -1)
        System.out.print("Queue is Empty");
        // Return -1 in case of empty queue
        return -1; 
    temp = queue.get(front);
    // Condition for only one element
    if(front == rear)
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    else if(front == size - 1)
        front = 0;
        front = front + 1;
    // Returns the dequeued element
    return temp;
// Method to display the elements of queue
public void displayQueue()
    // Condition for empty queue.
    if(front == -1) ▲ 8/20
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        System.out.print("Queue is Empty");
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    // If rear has not crossed the max size
    // or queue rear is still greater then
    // front.
    System.out.print("Elements in the " +
                     "circular queue are: ");
    if(rear >= front)
        // Loop to print elements from
        // front to rear.
        for(int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
            System.out.print(" ");
    // If rear crossed the max index and
    // indexing has started in loop
        // Loop for printing elements from
        // front to max size or last index
        for(int i = front; i < size; i++)
            System.out.print(" ");
        // Loop for printing elements from
        // 0th index till rear position
        for(int i = 0; i <= rear; i++)
            System.out.print(" ");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) ▲ 9/20
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    // Initialising new object of
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    // CircularQueue class.
    CircularQueue q = new CircularQueue(5);
    int x = q.deQueue();
    // Checking for empty queue.
    if(x != -1)
        System.out.print("Deleted value = ");
    x = q.deQueue();
    // Checking for empty queue.
    if(x != -1)
        System.out.print("Deleted value = ");
// This code is contributed by Amit Mangal.


// C# program for insertion and ▲ 10/20
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// deletion in Circular Queue

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
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public class CircularQueue{
    // Declaring the class variables.
    private int size, front, rear;
    // Declaring array list of integer type.
    private List<int> queue = new List<int>();
    // Constructor
    CircularQueue(int size)
        this.size = size;
        this.front = this.rear = -1;
    // Method to insert a new element in the queue.
    public void enQueue(int data)
        // Condition if queue is full.
        if((front == 0 && rear == size - 1) ||
          (rear == (front - 1) % (size - 1)))
            Console.Write("Queue is Full");
        // condition for empty queue.
        else if(front == -1)
            front = 0;
            rear = 0;
        else if(rear == size - 1 && front != 0)
            rear = 0;
            rear = (rear + 1);
            // Adding a new element if
            if(front <= rear) ▲ 11/20
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            // Else updating old value
    // Function to dequeue an element
    // form th queue.
    public int deQueue()
        int temp;
        // Condition for empty queue.
        if(front == -1)
            Console.Write("Queue is Empty");
            // Return -1 in case of empty queue
            return -1;
        temp = queue[front];
        // Condition for only one element
        if(front == rear)
            front = -1;
            rear = -1;
        else if(front == size - 1)
            front = 0;
            front = front + 1;
        // Returns the dequeued element
        return temp;
    // Method to display the elements of queue 12/20
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    public void displayQueue()

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        // Condition for empty queue.
        if(front == -1)
            Console.Write("Queue is Empty");
        // If rear has not crossed the max size
        // or queue rear is still greater then
        // front.
        Console.Write("Elements in the circular queue are: ");
        if(rear >= front)
            // Loop to print elements from
            // front to rear.
            for(int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
                Console.Write(" ");
        // If rear crossed the max index and
        // indexing has started in loop
            // Loop for printing elements from
            // front to max size or last index
            for(int i = front; i < size; i++)
                Console.Write(" ");
            // Loop for printing elements from
            // 0th index till rear position
            for(int i = 0; i <= rear; i++)
                Console.Write(" ");
        } ▲ 13/20
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    // Driver code
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    static public void Main (){
        // Initialising new object of
        // CircularQueue class.
        CircularQueue q = new CircularQueue(5);
        int x = q.deQueue();
        // Checking for empty queue.
        if(x != -1)
            Console.Write("Deleted value = ");
        x = q.deQueue();
        // Checking for empty queue.
        if(x != -1)
            Console.Write("Deleted value = ");
// This code is contributed by shruti456rawal

P ython 3 14/20
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class CircularQueue():
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    # constructor
    def __init__(self, size): # initializing the class
        self.size = size
        # initializing queue with none
        self.queue = [None for i in range(size)] 
        self.front = self.rear = -1
    def enqueue(self, data):
        # condition if queue is full
        if ((self.rear + 1) % self.size == self.front): 
            print(" Queue is Full\n")
        # condition for empty queue
        elif (self.front == -1): 
            self.front = 0
            self.rear = 0
            self.queue[self.rear] = data
            # next position of rear
            self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % self.size 
            self.queue[self.rear] = data
    def dequeue(self):
        if (self.front == -1): # condition for empty queue
            print ("Queue is Empty\n")
        # condition for only one element
        elif (self.front == self.rear): 
            self.front = -1
            self.rear = -1
            return temp
            temp = self.queue[self.front]
            self.front = (self.front + 1) % self.size
            return temp
    def display(self):
        # condition for empty queue
        if(self.front == -1): 
            print ("Queue is Empty")
        elif (self.rear >= self.front):
▲ queue are:", 
            print("Elements in the circular 15/20
11/7/22, 9:35 PM Introduction and Array Implementation of Circular Queue - GeeksforGeeks

                                              end = " ")

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            for i in range(self.front, self.rear + 1):
                print(self.queue[i], end = " ")
            print ()
            print ("Elements in Circular Queue are:", 
                                           end = " ")
            for i in range(self.front, self.size):
                print(self.queue[i], end = " ")
            for i in range(0, self.rear + 1):
                print(self.queue[i], end = " ")
            print ()
        if ((self.rear + 1) % self.size == self.front):
            print("Queue is Full")
# Driver Code
ob = CircularQueue(5)
print ("Deleted value = ", ob.dequeue())
print ("Deleted value = ", ob.dequeue())
# This code is contributed by AshwinGoel 


Elements in Circular Queue are: 14 22 13 -6

Deleted value = 14

Deleted value = 22

Elements in Circular Queue are: 13 -6

Elements in Circular Queue are: 13 -6 9 20 5

Queue is Full

Time Complexity: Time complexity of enQueue(), deQueue() operation is O(1) as there

is no loop in any of the operation. ▲ 16/20
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Applications :
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1. Memor y Management : The unused memor y locations in the case of ordinar y queues

can be utilized in circular queues.

2. Traffic system: In computer controlled traffic system, circular queues are used to

switch on the traffic lights one by one repeatedly as per the time set.

3. CPU Scheduling : Operating systems of ten maintain a queue of processes that are

ready to execute or that are waiting for a par ticular event to occur.

This ar ticle is contributed by Akash Gupta. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to

contribute, you can also write an ar ticle using or mail your

ar ticle to See your ar ticle appearing on the

GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. 

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