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A pleasant morning to all of you.

My respect to all the participants

attending this session, the ever dedicated and hardworking EPS in
charge of Sta. Elena District, Dr. Annie Lisa B. Satarain, the equally
hardworking and dedicated district supervisor of Sta. Elena, Sir Toti
Decena, and to the enthusiastic and devoted school leaders in our
district… good morning to all of you.

Welcome to the 2nd Quarter District and School Monitoring Evaluation

and Adjustment for Calendar Year 2022.

I am Jean Kayzel Rodelas, from Bulala High School and I will be your
facilitator for this activity.

To start off, may I ask for the assistance of Ma’am Princes Airesh Vecino
to present to us the national anthem followed by the invocation -via
audiovisual presentation. Ma’am Princes…

Thank you Ma’am Princes…

Once again, good morning to everyone..

Without further delay, allow me to call in Sir Ryan Sioco, the School
Head of Bulala High School to give us his welcome remarks. Let’s give
him a round of virtual applause.

Thank you Sir Ryan.

And now, to give us his message, may I call in Sir Toti S. Decena, our
Public Schools District Supervisor. Let’s give him a round of virtual

Thank you Sir Toti for that meaningful message.

Let us hear another message to be given to us by Dr. Annie Lisa B.
Satarain, the EPS 1 in Kindergarten and the EPS in charge of Sta. Elena
District, let’s give her a warm round of applause.

Thank you very much Dr. Annie for that extraordinary message..

At this point, we are going to proceed to the MEA presentations of

selected schools in Sta. Elena. To begin with, may we have Sir
Christian Estuesta, the teacher in charge of Patag Ibaba Elementary
School. Let’s give him a round of virtual applause.

Thank you Sir Christian for a detailed presentation.

The next one to present is none other than Sir Dexter Morta, the
teacher in charge of Patag Ilaya Elementary School. Let’s give him a
round of virtual applause.

Thank you for your thorough presentation Sir Dexter.

Now, we will proceed to the District MEA Presentation. May I call in Sir
Jay Ar Urgelles, principal 1 of Maulawin Elementary School to present
the report.
Thank you for that comprehensive report sir Jay Ar.

At this point, allow me to call in Sir Ryan Sioco, to give us the synthesis.

Thank you Sir Ryan for giving us a concised synthesis.

So now, may I give the platform to Sir Toti Decena--- the Public Schools
District Supervisor of Sta. Elena to decide on any agreement that he
would like to give or raise as far as this activity is concerned.
Sir.. the platform is yours po..


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