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Name: Elaiza E.


Section: 11 – Fidelity

Is Video Game Good or Bad?

Nowadays, many young children and teenagers tend to play most of their time in playing video
games. Video games is interactive digital entertainment, which it is an electronic game that involves
interaction with the user interface to generate visual feedback on two- or three-dimensional video
display device such as a monitor TV set, touchscreen, etc.

These games are fun, engaging and have become part of our daily lives, however video games are
mostly frowned upon by parents because they feel that their children may become violent and
might corrupt their brains to commit crimes in the future. It is true that almost of today’s popular
video games are most likely intense or extremely violent and not appropriate for young children,
and these images of violence would see to influence children and teenagers to emulate the same
lifestyle. Children who play more violent video games are more likely to have increase aggressive
thoughts, feelings, behavior, and can also affects health.

Video gaming is actually very good for gamers as it promotes physical, mental, social, and emotional
development that help gamers keep up with the ups and downs of modern life. People often play
video games for a variety of reasons, from entertainment, recreation to just to gain some insight on
certain genres. However, studies have shown that video gaming can aid gamers. It promotes basic
skills such as hand to eye coordination, motor skills, and the capacity to do things with both hands
and ambidextrous. A recent study on Australia revealed that children immersed on video games,
especially the interactive ones, tend to exhibit better control motor skills-kicking, catching, and
throwing than those who do not play video games. The study showed that enabling children to play
interactive games with their consoles entices the children to move and act out the required action,
sparking their curiosity over the motor skill being requested. Video gaming also known for its
development of a gamers hand to eye coordination as gamers would need strong concentration and
agility to enact combos and skills in the games they play. It also involves improvement of vision as
some cataract patients. The researchers observed that video games can stimulate the child’s
neuronal mechanism to bring forth positive emotions that would enable the child to face their
illnesses without worries. Physical pain can also be remedied by video games as noted by the
experts in the University of Washington since video games can serve as a distraction to improve
recovery and one’s outlook. But playing too much video game can cause problems. It’s hard to get
enough active play and exercise if you’re always inside playing video games. Also playing too much
can cause addiction.

In conclusion, video games are bad. They affect human behavior, and health. Video games are
addictive and dangerous. There are lots of deceases, such as eyestrain, sleep disorders, mental
disorders, and others caused by playing videogames. Video games can also cause violence behavior.
People influenced by videogames fight and even kill in real life. Although, there are some games
that are good and helpful, it is nothing comparing to all these popular addictive violent games
around us. People should take video games as a serious problem and take steps to avoid bad
influence, also, it’s a form of media that is often associated with negative health consequences.
However, when games are played in moderation and with mindfulness, they are a viable source of
stress relief as well as a catalyst for mental health improvement and development of social skills.

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