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Table of Contents

MARKETING PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2

A. BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 3

B. MISSION STATEMENT ...................................................................................................... 4

C. SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 4

D. 4P ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 5

E. TARGET MARKET ............................................................................................................. 6

F. EXPECTED PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................ 6

G. MARKETING STRATEGY ................................................................................................. 7

H. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................... 9


Currently, many business businesses have developed both small and large classes.

Culinary business is one type of business that has a very rapid development. One of the

delicious culinary delights that is familiar to the community is Bakso Aci (meatball aci), now

we can easily find sellers of Bakso Aci (meatball aci), people are very familiar with this food,

apart from the affordable price, the taste is also delicious. In one serving, you will usually get

some meatball aci, cuanki, chicken claws and sukro cikur (kencur). But if you want to taste

other toppings, you can add beef mince and cuanki tofu.

From this, we have innovations in terms of the presentation of the Bakso Aci Duo

Sodara. Where, we serve a lot of small-sized meatballs like marbles, but in large quantities,

namely 30 meatballs in one portion. In addition, in the presentation, we also provide packaging

options using stand-up pouch packaging. The upright appearance using a zipper as the cover

will really help the packaged food to be durable because it can be closed again. The attractive

packaging with the addition of a zipper is certainly the main attraction because it makes it easy

to package without compromising the texture and taste, apart from the unique shape and

presentation method, we also provide various meatball flavors such as beef, chicken, fish and

shrimp flavors.

In 1 stand up pouch, customers can get 30 meatballs aci, pilus cikur, cuanki, kaffir lime,

chili sauce, dry chili, wet and dry spices. Products in this package can last 5-6 days indoors,

and in the refrigerator for 10 days (without preservatives), with an easy way of serving like

when making instant noodles (when the meatballs have floated to the top immediately turn off

the stove and serve it in bowl).



1. The vision of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara is to provide popular and favorite healthy

food in Balikpapan City

2. The mission of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara is giving a healthy and delicious food,

especially in tapioca flour for people in Balikpapan, also popularize Bakso Aci as

a healthy and delicious food mixed with tapioca flour in Balikpapan City.

3. Bakso Aci Duo Sodara as a local culinary business entrepreneur also wants to

attract consumers to look at national specialties this, so that national specialties

will grow and can advance to foreign countries.


1. Strength

There are several strengths of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara business:

a. Bakso Aci Duo Sodara has so many healthy benefits which become more

advantage for my business than the other competitors.

b. This Bakso Aci Duo Sodara is a quality product and has passed BPOM


c. Baso Aci Duo Sodara products sell products for all circles of society.

d. Is a new product in its kind.

e. New product form and unique way of presentation.

f. Made from product raw materials that are guaranteed and hygienic.

2. Weakness

There are several Weakness of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara business:


a. This Bakso Aci Duo Sodara product is a product that is easily imitated by


b. Some people don't like Aci, Could be the difficulty of getting them

interested in trying Bakso Aci.

3. Opportunity

There are several Opportunity of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara business:

a. We sell this Bakso Aci Duo Sodara product in a strategic place.

b. We have the opportunity to expand the market by selling Bakso Aci Duo

Sodara online. By packaging Bakso Aci Duo Sodara in practical packaging, we

are ready to market a Bakso Aci Duo Sodara online through marketplaces and

other online stores.

4. Threat

There are several Threath of Bakso Aci Duo Sodara business:

a. There are competitors who sell the same product at a price that is not too



1. Product

The product sold is "Bakso Aci Duo Sodara" which is a daily snack.

2. Price

The price per portion and packaging is IDR 13,000 because this price is very

affordable and relatively cheap.


3. Promotion

In promoting this product, we distribute brochures to the public with promotional

price of Rp. 11,000 for one week.

4. Place

The place chosen is on Jl A.W. Syahrani km. 2.5 Balikpapan, because this place

isstrategic where it is easily accessible by consumers.


1. Business to Business – B2B

Our Business to Business sales are not only aimed at certain people such as

students, students and office employees but we also open opportunities for resellers

to be able to market our products more, to sell and that provides an advantage for

us and the reseller. And also we accept shops that want to market our products and

many shops that already market our products in their stores. Sometimes our

products are used by companies or offices as catering to be served to invited guests.

2. Business to Customer – B2C

Our target consumers are middle to lower class consumers or regular consumers

from all walks of life. The target consumers are young people who love spicy food

who are already working or not, or office employees. More precisely, college

students and school students in the city of Balikpapan. Part of the target market for

our products are those who love spicy food.


This is the expected performance over the next 3 years and will start running on August

1st 2021.

With the price of a package of Bakso Aci DS Rp. 13.000, Meatball Aci DS x Beef

Mince Rp. 18.000, Bakso Aci DS x Cuanki Tofu Rp. 15.000

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sold Revenue Sold Revenue Sold Revenue

Bakso Aci DS 480 Rp. 6.240.000 840 Rp. 10.920.000 1.200 Rp. 15.600.000

Bakso Aci DS x
480 Rp. 8.640.000 840 Rp. 15.120.000 1.200 Rp. 21.600.000
Beef Mince

Bakso Aci DS x
480 Rp. 7.200.000 840 Rp. 12.600.000 1.200 Rp. 18.000.000
Cuanki Tofu

Rp. 22.080.000 Rp 38.640.000 Rp. 55.200.000


a. Marketing strategy

There have been many types of Bakso Aci that can be found in various

places in Indonesian. But of the many places, making more choices and less

varied because ofthe taste, the shape is less attractive. Therefore, the public must

know about the existence of our products. To that end, we have developed a

marketing strategy. The stages are as follows :

1. Product development

Bakso Aci are often found in various places in Indonesia, but we provide a

different taste and look more interesting and more unique with a new way of

serving. This Bakso Aci Duo Sodara will add a new taste in the culinary world.

With the Bakso Aci Duo Sodara, it is hoped that it will add new variations of

Bakso Aci.

2. Marketing area development

The main marketing area is around the area where we live. For example on Jl

A.W. Syahrani km. 2.5 Balikpapan. Promotion is done through brochures and

banners up digitally at a higher level.

3. Promotional activities

Promotion is part of the marketing process. Promotion greatly affects the

smoothness and success of a business. We promoted our products at an earlystage

through brochures and word of mouth. Furthermore, promotions are also carried

out through social media which are now rampant in cyberspace.

b. Production Strategy

We produce Bakso Aci that are not yet on the market. We also provide an

attractive selection of Bakso Aci flavors to consumers. We are trying to create Jl

A.W. Syahrani km. 2.5 Balikpapan a renewal in the world of food, especially Bakso

Aci. Our production process is carried out from time to time, but runs continuously

as long as the business is running.

c. Pricing Strategy

Price is a variable that has an important role in the business world. The

price level of a product is also a reference for how the product should be viewed

from the price point of view. The prices we offer here, we adjust to our target,

namely the lower middle class. Our prices are adjusted to materials and various

other variables. We willprioritize food quality, and not only focus on profit alone.

d. Production Development Plan

Our production development plans include :


1. Expanding knowledge in the field of food, especially Bakso Aci.

2. Finding and creating ways to serve Bakso Aci.

3. Expanding the variety of Bakso Aci flavors.

4. Increase production.


Bakso Aci Duo Sodara is a type of food that we make by providing a variety of

unique and new flavors and shapes. Our product is in addition to its unique shape and

presentation method, of course it is also healthy. The marketing process at the initial

stage was carried out through word of mouth and brochures, then the next stage was

carried out through social media such as blogs, facebook, twitter. The price we set is

quite affordable for the middle to lower class.

Bakso Aci Duo Sodara also provides packaged products that customers can

enjoy independently. This product also provides business opportunities for resellers

who want to work with us, so that this business can grow and continue to rise to

foreign countries. This is an original product from Indonesia. We love Indonesian


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