Beam To Beam Bolted Moment End Plate Connection - Sample Calculation (As 4100)

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Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M. EMECK 2/8/22


General connection details

Types of beam axis; Inclined
Haunch included; Yes
Type of edge / cut (Table 9.6.2); Machine flame cut, sawn or planed edge
Angle of inclination of supported to supporting sect; θ = 12 deg
Design actions on beams
Design bending moment on connection; M∗ = 150.00 kNm
Design vertical shear force on connection; V∗ = 50.00 kN
Design axial force on connection; N∗ = 0.00 kN
Left beam details
Grade of section; 300
Section; 460x67.1 UB
Yield strength of section (web); fycw = 320 MPa
Yield strength of section (flange); fycf = 300 MPa
Tensile strength of section; fuc = 440 MPa
Depth of section; dc = 454 mm
Width of section; bfc = 190 mm
Thickness of web; twc = 8.5 mm
Thickness of flange; tfc = 12.7 mm
Plastic section modulus; Sxc = 1479000 mm
Right beam details
Grade of section; 300
Section; 460x67.1 UB
Yield strength of section (web); fybw = 320 MPa
Yield strength of section (flange); fybf = 300 MPa
Tensile strength of section; fuw = 440 MPa
Depth of section; db = 454 mm
Thickness of web; twb = 8.5 mm
Thickness of flange; tfb = 12.7 mm
Plastic Section modulus; Sxb= 1479000 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M. EMECK 2/8/22

Connecting section detail

Grade of connecting section; 350
Yield strength of connecting section; fyi = 340 MPa
Tensile strength of connecting section; fui = 450 MPa
Depth of plate section; di = 900 mm
Width of plate section; bi = 225 mm
Thickness of plate section; ti = 25 mm
Haunch details
Depth of haunch; Dh = 700 mm
Length of haunch; Lh = 1000 mm
Properties of beam with haunch at end plate
Gross area; Ag = 12947 mm
Neutral axis from tension flange; yg = 367 mm
Moment of inertia; Ixg = 904595856 mm
Elastic section modulus; Zxg = 2464579 mm
Bolt details
Type of bolt threads; Threads included in shear plane
Category of bolt; 8.8/S
Prying factor; kpr = 0.30
Number of bolts at tension zone; ntw = 4
Number of bolts at compression zone; ncw = 2
Type of bolt; M20
Diameter of bolt; df = 20 mm
Diameter of bolt hole (Sect 14.3.5); dh = 22 mm
Single shear value; φVf = 92.60 kN
Axial tension value; φNtf = 163.00 kN
Weld details
Nominal tensile strength of weld metal; fu_weld = 430 MPa
Category of weld; GP (General Purpose)
Flange weld details
Weld type; Fillet
Size of fillet weld (equal leg); tweld_f= 6 mm
Web weld details
Weld type; Fillet
Size of fillet weld (equal leg); tweld_w = 6 mm
Connection geometry
Minimum edge distance; amin = 33 mm
Bolt gauge; Sg = 100 mm
Distance from bolt centre line to face of flange; af = 75 mm
Bolts in tension
Distance from bolt centre line to edge of plate; ae_t = 75 mm
Pitch of bolt in bolt group (Sect 9.6); Sp_t = 150 mm
Bolts in compression
Distance from bolt centre line to edge of plate; ae_c = 100 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M. EMECK 2/8/22

Minimum design actions (Cl 9.1.4)

Minimum design bending moment; M∗min = 0.5 × 0.9 × fybw × Sxb = 212.98 kNm
Unsatisfied, minimum design moment is more than actual design moment
Minimum design vertical shear force on connection; V∗min = 40 kN
Satisfied, minimum design shear is less than actual design shear
Minimum design axial force on connection; N∗min = “NIL“
Revised design action for derived design action
Design bending moment on connection; M∗ = 212.98 kNm
Design vertical shear force on connection; V∗ = 50.00 kN
Design axial force on connection; N∗ = 0.00 kN
Calculation of kw and kmw
Depth of web; d1 = (Dh - 2 × tfb) = 675 mm
Total depth of beam; dg = d1 + 2 × tfb = 700 mm
Area of flange; Aflange = 2 × bfb × tfb = 4826 mm
2 2
Area of web; Aweb = d1 × twb + 0.4292 × rb = 5790 mm
3 2
Second moment of area of flange; Ifb = (2 × bfb × tfb / 12) + (2 × bfb × tfb × ((d1 + 2 × tfb) / 2 - tfb / 2) )
Ifb = 569992892 mm
3 2 2
Second moment of area of web; Iwb = (d1 × twb / 12) + (2 × 0.4292 × rb × (d1 /2 - 0.223 × rb) )
Iwb = 229960114 mm
Area of web / total cross section area; kw = Aweb / (Aflange + Aweb) = 0.55
Prop of design bending mmt transmitted by web; kmw = Iwb / (Iwb + Ifb) = 0.29
Derived design action for flange and web weld
N∗tm = abs((1- kmw) × M∗ / (dg - tfb)) = 220.80 kN
N∗cm = N∗tm = 220.80 kN
N∗f = N∗ × (1 - kw) / 2 = 0.00 kN
Total tension design force in flange; N∗ft = abs(N∗tm + N∗f) = 220.80 kN
Total compression design force in flange; N∗fc = abs(N∗cm - N∗f) = 220.80 kN
Actual force carrying capacity of flange; N∗f_act = 0.9 × fybf × bfb × tfb = 651.51 kN
Safe, design force carrying capacity of flange is adequate
Distance of flange from neutral axis; yft = d1 / 2 + tfb / 2 = 344 mm
Total bending moment on the web; M∗w = abs(kmw × M∗) = 61.22 kNm
Total design axial force on the web; N∗w = abs(kw × N∗)= 0.00 kN
Total design shear force on web; V∗w= abs(V∗) = 50.00 kN
Flange weld capacity (Fillet weld)
Strength reduction factor for weld; φ = 0.6
Design capacity of weld per unit length; φvw = φ × 0.6 × fu_weld × tweld_f / √(2) = 656.76 kN/m
Length of weld across flange; Lw = bfb = 190.0 mm
Design axial capacity of fillet weld; φNw = 2 × Lw × φvw = 249.57 kN
Safe, design capacity of fillet weld for flange is adequate
Web weld capacity (Fillet weld)
Strength reduction factor for weld; φ = 0.6
Length of weld across web; Lw = d1 = 674.6 mm
Design shear force of fillet weld parallel to z-axis; v∗z = (N∗w / (2 × Lw) + (3 × M∗w / Lw )) = 403.60 kN/m
Design shear force of fillet weld parallel to y-axis; v∗y = V∗ / (2 × Lw) = 37.06 kN/m
2 2
Resultant shear force of fillet weld; v∗ = √ (v∗z + v∗y ) = 405.29 kN/m
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M. EMECK 2/8/22

Design capacity of weld per unit length; φvw = φ × 0.6 × fu_weld × tweld_w / √(2) = 656.76 kN/m
Safe, design capacity of fillet weld of web is adequate
Derived design actions for bolt, end plate and stiffeners (Ref book, Table
Total tension design force; N∗ft = abs(abs(M∗) × cos(θ) / (dg - tfb) + (N∗ / 2) × cos(θ) + V∗ × sin(θ) / 2)
N∗ft = 308.30 kN
Total compression design force; N∗fc = abs(abs(M∗) × cos(θ) / (dg - tfb) - (N∗ / 2) × cos(θ) - V∗ × sin(θ) / 2)
N∗fc = 297.90 kN
Design shear force; V∗vc = abs(V∗ × cos(θ) + N∗ × sin(θ)) = 48.91 kN
Design capacity bolts in tension flange
Design capacity of bolts in tension flange; φNtb = ntw × φNtf / (1 + kpr) = 501.54 kN
Safe, design capacity of bolts in tension flange is adequate
Design capacity bolts in compression flange
Design shear force at end plate - support interface; V∗vc = 48.91 kN
Minimum vertical end distance; aey = ae_c = 100 mm
Design capacity related to tearout in end plate; φVbi = min(0.9 × 3.2 × df × ti × fui, 0.9 × aey × ti × fui) = 648.00 kN
Design cap related to tearout in supporting sect; φVbc = min(0.9 × 3.2 × df × tfc × fuc, 0.9 × aey × tfc × fuc) = 321.87 kN
Design capacity of bolts in single shear; φVdf = min(φVf, φVbi, φVbc) = 92.60 kN
Design capacity of bolts in compression flange; φVfb = ncw × φVdf = 185.20 kN
Safe, design capacity of bolts in compression flange is adequate
End plate flexure check
Effective value of af; afe = af - df / 2 = 65 mm
Design capacity of plate in bending; φNpb = 0.9 × fyi × bi × ti / afe = 662.02 kN
Safe, design flexural capacity of end plate is adequate
End plate shear check
Design capacity of plate in shear (horizontal); Vph = 0.9 × 0.5 × fyi × bi × ti = 860.63 kN
Safe, design capacity of plate in shear (horizontal) is adequate
Design capacity of plate in shear (vertical); Vpv = 0.9 × 0.5 × fyi × di × ti = 3442.50 kN
Safe, design capacity of plate in shear (vertical) is adequate

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