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Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


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M.EMECK 3/9/21


In accordance with AS 3600-2009

Column state; Braced
Unsupported length of column; Lu = 3500 mm
Diameter of column; D = 450 mm
Effective height factor; k = 0.85
Number of longitudinal bars; Nlong = 8
Diameter of longitudinal bar; db_long = 24 mm
Diameter of fitments / helices; db_lat = 10 mm
Material details
Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement; fy = 500 MPa
Yield strength of fitments; fy,f = 500 MPa
Compressive strength of concrete; f’c = 32 MPa
Density of concrete; ρ = 2400 kg/m
Mean insitu compressive strength; fcmi = 35 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of concrete (cl. 3.1.2); Ec = ρ × 0.043 × √(f'cmi) = ;29910; MPa
Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement (cl. 3.2.2); Es = 200000 MPa
Ultimate concrete strain (cl. 10.6.1); εc = 0.003
Loads and moments (AS 3600 cl. 10.1.2)
Design axial force; N∗d = 1500.0 kN
Smaller end moment; M∗1 = 75.0 kNm
Larger end moment; M∗2 = 100.0 kNm
Smaller design end moment; M∗d1 = max (M∗1, N∗d × 0.05 × D) = 75.0 kNm
Larger design end moment; M∗d2 = max (M∗2, N∗d × 0.05 × D) = 100.0 kNm
Curvature of column bending; Single
Ratio of smaller to larger design moments; MRatio = -0.75
Ratio of axial dead load to total axial load; βd = 0.65
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


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M.EMECK 3/9/21

Check for area of steel (AS 3600 cl. 10.7.1)

2 2
Gross area of column; Ag = π × D / 4 = 159043 mm
2 2
Area of longitudinal steel; As = Nlong × (π × db_long ) / 4 = 3619 mm
Net area of concrete; Acg = Ag – As = 155424 mm
Minimum area of longitudinal steel required; Ast_min = 0.01 × Ag = 1590 mm
PASS - Area of reinforcement is greater than minimum required
Maximum area of longitudinal steel limited; Ast_max = 0.04 × Ag = 6362 mm
PASS - Provided longitudinal steel is less than maximum allowable
Area of steel in tension; Ast = As / 2 = 1810 mm
Area of steel in compression; Asc = As / 2 = 1810 mm
Effective cover to reinforcement; d’ = c + db_lat + (db_long / 2) = 52 mm
Effective depth of column; do = D - d’ = 398 mm
Compressive strength factor; α1 = max(0.72, min(1.0 - 0.003 × f’c/1MPa, 0.85)) = 0.850
Compressive strength factor; α2 = max(0.67, min(1.0 - 0.003 × f’c/1MPa, 0.85)) = 0.850
Rectangular stress block factor; γ = max(0.67, min(1.05 - 0.007 × f’c/1MPa, 0.85)) = 0.826
Slenderness check (AS 3600 cl. 10.5)
Maximum permissible slenderness ratio; srmax = 120
Radius of gyration; rmin = 0.25 × D = 113 mm
Actual slenderness ratio; sract = k × Lu / rmin = 26.4
PASS - Slenderness ratio is less than maximum permissible
Concrete cover
Clear cover to fitments; c = 30 mm
Exposure classification; A2
Formwork and compaction; Standard formwork and compaction
Min cover for exposure class (Table; cmin_exp = 25 mm
PASS - The cover provided is adequate for the exposure classification
Fire resistance period; FRP = 60; mins
Column exposure to fire; Assumed 'More than one side' for circular column
Load level in fire situation; N∗f/φNu = ;0.7
Min allowable column diameter (Table 5.6.3); Dmin = 250 mm
Minimum axis distance (Table 5.6.3); as = 40 mm
Minimum cover required for fire; cmin_fire = as – db_long/2 – db_lat = 18 mm
PASS - The cover provided is adequate for fire
Braced column slenderness effect (AS 3600 cl. 10.3.1(a))
Ultimate strength in compression without bending; Nuo = α1 × f’c × (Ag - As) + fy × As = 6037.1 kN
Limiting slenderness factor; αc = √[2.25 - 2.5 × N∗d / (0.6 × Nuo)] = ;1.102
Slenderness limit; sr = max[25,min(120, αc×(38 – f’c/15 MPa)×(1+MRatio))] = 25.0
sract > sr, hence column is slender

Ultimate strength in bending (Mub), when (kuo = 0.545) (AS 3600 cl 10.4.4)
NA depth factor to find ultimate strength in bending; kuo_u = 0.545
Depth of NA from extreme compression face; dn_u = kuo_u × do = 216.9 mm
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block; au = min ((γ × dn_u), D) = 179.2 mm
Angle made by compression zone; θu = 1.37 rad
Area of compression zone; Ac_u = 59041 mm
Mmt. of area of comp. zone about center of column; Acy_u = 7126051 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M.EMECK 3/9/21

Forces and moments carried by steel layers

Layer Angle; Depth Strain; Stress Force Moment
no.; (mm); (MPa); (kN); (kNm);
1; 0.0; 52; 0.002281; 456.16; 206.36; 35.70;
2; 45.0; 103; 0.001580; 316.00; 285.91; 34.98;
3; 90.0; 225; -0.000112; -22.38; -20.25; 0.00;
4; 135.0; 347; -0.001804; -360.76; -326.40; 39.93;
5; 180.0; 398; -0.002505; -500.00; -226.19; 39.13;
Moment carried by concrete; Mu_con = α2 × f’c × Acy_u = 193.83 kNm
Ultimate strength in bending; Mub = 343.57 kNm
Magnified moment for braced column (AS 3600 cl 10.4.2)
Coefficient; km = max (0.4, 0.6 - 0.4 × MRatio) = 0.90

2 2
Buckling load (cl. 10.4.4); Nc = (π / (k × Lu) ) × (182 × do × 0.6 × Mub / (1 + βd)) = ;10092; kN
Moment magnifier for individual column; δb = max (1, km / (1 - (N∗d / Nc))) = 1.06
Magnified small end moment per metre run; Mm1 = δb × M∗d1 = 79.3 kNm
Magnified large end moment per metre run; Mm2 = δb × M∗d2 = 105.7 kNm
Design magnified moment per metre run; M∗d = abs (Mm2) = 105.7 kNm
Balance point compression strength
NA depth factor to find ultimate strength in comp.; kuo_b = 0.003 / (0.003 + (fy / Es)) = 0.545
Depth of NA from extreme compression face; dn_b = kuo_b × do = 217 mm
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block; ab = min ((γ × dn_b), D) = 179 mm
Angle made by compression zone; θb = 1.37 rad
Area of compression zone; Ac_b = 59106 mm
Forces carried by steel layers
Layer Angle; Depth Strain; Stress Force
no.; (mm); (MPa); (kN);
1; 0.0; 52; 0.002281; 456.28; 206.42;
2; 45.0; 103; 0.001581; 316.24; 286.12;
3; 90.0; 225; -0.000109; -21.86; -19.78;
4; 135.0; 347; -0.001800; -359.96; -325.68;
5; 180.0; 398; -0.002500; -500.00; -226.19;
Capacity of concrete in compression; Cb_c = α2 × f’c × Ac_b = 1607.69 kN
Sum of tensile forces by steel; Tb_s = 571.65 kN
Sum of compressive forces by steel; Cb_s = 492.54 kN
Balance point compression strength; Nub = Cb_c + Cb_s - Tb_s = 1528.58 kN
Ultimate strength in compression and bending
NA depth factor to find ultimate strength in comp.; ku = 0.68000
Depth of NA from extreme compression face; dn = ku × do = 271 mm
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block; a = min ((γ × dn), D) = 224 mm
Angle made by compression zone; θ = 1.56 rad
Area of compression zone; Ac = 78868 mm
Mmt. of area of comp. zone about center of column; Acy = 7593276 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M.EMECK 3/9/21

Forces and moments carried by steel layers

Layer Angle; Depth Strain; Stress Force Moment
no.; (mm); (MPa); (kN); (kNm);
1; 0.0; 52; 0.002424; 484.72; 219.28; 37.94;
2; 45.0; 103; 0.001862; 372.38; 336.92; 41.22;
3; 90.0; 225; 0.000506; 101.18; 91.55; 0.00;
4; 135.0; 347; -0.000850; -170.02; -153.83; 18.82;
5; 180.0; 398; -0.001412; -282.35; -127.73; 22.10;
Capacity of concrete in compression; Cc_u = α2 × f’c × Ac = 2145.22 kN
Moment carried by concrete; Mcon_u = α2 × f’c × Acy = 206.54 kNm
Sum of tensile forces by steel; Ts_u = 281.56 kN
Sum of compressive forces by steel; Cs_u = 647.75 kN
Ultimate strength in compression; Nu = Cc_u + Cs_u - Ts_u = 2511.41 kN
Ultimate strength in bending; Mu = 326.60 kNm
Capacity reduction factor for Nu >= Nub
Capacity reduction factor (table 2.2.2); φbc = 0.60
Design strength of column
By iteration the position of the neutral axis has been determined at which point the axial load capacity is approximately
equal to (but slightly greater than) the design axial load. The moment capacity at this axial load has then been calculated
and is compared to the design moment.
Design strength of column in compression; N = φbc × Nu = 1506.8 kN
PASS - Column is safe in axial loading
Design strength of column in bending; M = φbc × Mu = 196.0 kNm
PASS - Column is safe in bending

Fitment requirements (AS3600 cl. 10.7.3 & 10.7.4)

Minimum diameter of fitments; db_lat_min = 10 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.


Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

M.EMECK 3/9/21

Diameter of fitments specified; db_lat = 10 mm

PASS - Size of specified fitments is adequate
Max allowable fitment spacing; sb_lat_max = min(D, 15 × db_long) = 360.0 mm
Design status
PASS - Column is safe

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