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Project Job Ref.

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M. EMECK 4/7/22


In accordance with AS4100-1998 incorporating Amendment No.1 - 2012

Geometry (m) - Steel (AS4100)

Strength combinations - Moment envelope (kNm)

Strength combinations - Shear envelope (kN)

Project Job Ref.

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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Capacity factors (φ) for strength limit states - Table 3.4

Capacity factor; φ = 0.90

Beam design
Section details
Section type; 610x101 UB (AISC 1994)
Steel grade; 300
From table 2.1: Strengths of steels
Thickness of material; t = max(tf, tw) = 14.8 mm
Yield stress; fy = 300 N/mm
Tensile strength; fu = 440 N/mm
Modulus of elasticity; E = 200000 N/mm

Lateral restraint
Top flange has full lateral restraint
Bottom flange has lateral restraint at supports only
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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Consider Combination 1 - 1.2D + 1.5I + 1.5Ir (Strength)

Section slenderness for major (x-x) axis - Section 5.2.2
Flange slenderness; λef = (bf - tw) / (2 × tf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 8.046
Flange yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λeyf = 16; λef / λeyf = 0.503
Web slenderness; λew = (d - 2 × tf) / tw × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 59.154
Web yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λeyw = 115; λew / λeyw = 0.514
Section slenderness; λs,x = 59.154
Section plasticity limit - Table 5.2; λsp,x = 82
Yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λsy,x = 115
Section is compact for major axis flexure
Members subject to axial compression - Chapter 6
Design compression force; N∗ = 25 kN
Cross-sectional area of holes; Ah = 0 mm ;
Net area of cross-section - cl.6.2.1; An = Ag = 12980 mm
Nominal section capacity - Section 6.2
Flange slenderness; λef = (bf - tw) / (2 × tf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 8.046
Flange yield slenderness limit - Table 6.2.4; λeyf = 16
Effective width of flanges - cl.6.2.4; bef = min(λeyf / λef, 1) × (bf - tw) / 2 = 108.7 mm
Web slenderness; λew = (d - 2 × tf) / tw × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 59.154
Web yield slenderness limit - Table 6.2.4; λeyw = 45
Effective width of web - cl.6.2.4; bew = min(λeyw / λew, 1) × (d - 2 × tf) = 435.4 mm
Effective area of section; Ae = Ag + 2 × (2 × bef - bf) × tf + (bew - d1 + 2 × tf) × tw = 11528 mm
Form factor - cl.6.2.2; kf = Ae / Ag = 0.888
Nominal section capacity in compression - cl.6.2.1; Ns = kf × An × fy = 3458.5 kN
Design section capacity in compression; Nsc = φ × Ns = 3112.6 kN
N∗ / Nsc = 0.008
PASS - Design section compression capacity exceeds design compression
Nominal member capacity in major (x-x) axis - Section 6.3
Effective length for buckling - cl.6.3.2; Le,x = 1.0 × Lm1_s1 = 8000 mm
Modified compression member slenderness; λn,x = Le,x / rx × √(kf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 34.114
Compression member factor; αa,x = 2100 × (λn,x - 13.5) / (λn,x - 15.3 × λn,x + 2050) = 16.082
Member section constant - Table 6.3.3(2); αb = 0
Slenderness ratio; λx = λn,x + αa,x × αb = 34.114
Compression member imperfection factor; ηx = max(0.00326 × (λx - 13.5), 0) = 0.067
2 2
Compression member factor; ξx = ((λx / 90) + 1 + ηx) / (2 × (λx / 90) ) = 4.214
Member slenderness reduction factor; αc,x = ξx × (1 - √(1 - (90 / (ξx × λx)) )) = 0.928
Nominal member capacity in compression - cl.6.3.3; Nc,x = min(αc,x × Ns, Ns) = 3209.6 kN
Design member capacity in compression; Ncc,x = φ × Nc,x = 2888.6 kN
N∗ / Ncc,x = 0.009
PASS - Design member compression capacity exceeds design compression

Check design at start of span

Design for major (x-x) axis bending moment - Section 5.1
Unequal moments factor; cm = 1.000
2 2
Member elastic buckling load - cl.4.6.2; Nomb = π × E × Ix / (ke,x × Lm1_s1) = 23471.2 kN
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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Moment amplification factor - cl.; δb = max(cm / (1 - (N∗ / Nomb)), 1) = 1.001

Design bending moment;; M∗x = δb × 112.3 kNm = 112.4 kNm
Section moment capacity for bending about a principal axis - Section 5.2
Effective section modulus - cl.5.2.3; Ze,x = min(Sx, 1.5 × Zx) = 2897000 mm
Nominal section moment capacity - cl.5.2.1; Ms,x = fy × Ze,x = 869.1 kNm
Nominal section moment capacity with axial force - cl.8.3.2
Mr,x = min(Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Ns)) × (1 + 0.18 × (82 - λew) / (82 - λeyw)),
Ms,x) = 869.1 kNm
Design section moment capacity; Mrc,x = φ × Mr,x = 782.2 kNm
M∗x / Mrc,x = 0.144
PASS - Design section moment capacity exceeds design bending moment
Segments with full lateral restraint - Section 5.3.2
End moment ratio; βm = -0.800
Maximum segment length - cl.; Ls,max = ry × (80 + 50 × βm) × √(250 N/mm / fy) = 1735 mm
Segment length; Lm1_s1_seg1_B = 8000 mm
Segment is not considered to have full lateral restraint
Member capacity of segments without full lateral restraint - Section 5.6
Moment at quarter point of segment; M∗2 = 209.9 kNm
Moment at center-line of segment; M∗3 = 317.3 kNm
Moment at three quarter point of segment; M∗4 = 209.9 kNm
Maximum moment in segment; M∗m = 317.3 kNm
2 2 2
Moment modification factor; αm = min(1.7 × M∗m / √(M∗2 + M∗3 + M∗4 ), 2.5) = 1.241
Twist restraint factor - Table 5.6.3(1); kt = 1.000
Load height factor - Table 5.6.3(2); kl = 1.000
Lateral rotation restraint factor - Table 5.6.3(3); kr = 1.000
Effective length; Le = kt × kl × kr × Lm1_s1_seg1_B = 8000 mm
2 2 2 2
Reference buckling moment - eq.; Mo = √((π × E × Iy / Le ) × (G × J + (π × E × Iw / Le )))
Moa = Mo = 354.1 kNm
Slenderness reduction factor - eq.; αs = 0.6 × (√((Ms,x / Moa) + 3) - (Ms,x / Moa)) = 0.330
Nominal member moment capacity - eq.; Mb,x = min(αm × αs, 1) × Ms,x = 355.8 kNm
Nominal in-plane member moment capacity - cl.
Mi,x = Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Nc,x)) = 861.6 kNm
Nominal out-of-plane member moment capacity - cl.
Mo,x = Mb,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Ns)) = 352.9 kNm
Design member moment capacity; Moc,x = φ × Mo,x = 317.7 kNm
M∗x / Moc,x = 0.354
PASS - Design member moment capacity exceeds design bending moment
Shear capacity of webs - Section 5.11
Design shear force; V∗x = 214.8 kN
Depth of web panel; dp = (d - 2 × tf) = 572.4 mm
Depth to thickness ratio check - cl.5.11.2; dp / tw <= 82 / √(fy / 250 N/mm )
Nominal shear capacity of the web shall be taken as the nominal shear yield capacity
Gross sectional area of web; Aw = d × tw = 6381 mm
Nominal shear yield capacity - cl.5.11.4; Vw,x = 0.6 × fy × Aw = 1148.6 kN
Nominal shear capacity - cl.5.11.2; Vv,x = Vw,x = 1148.6 kN
Project Job Ref.

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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Nominal shear capacity with bending - cl.5.12.3; Vvm,x = Vv,x = 1148.6 kN

Design shear capacity; Vvmc,x = φ × Vvm,x = 1033.8 kN
V∗x / Vvmc,x = 0.208
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds design shear force

Check design 4000 mm along span

Design for major (x-x) axis bending moment - Section 5.1
Unequal moments factor; cm = 1.000
2 2
Member elastic buckling load - cl.4.6.2; Nomb = π × E × Ix / (ke,x × Lm1_s1) = 23471.2 kN
Moment amplification factor - cl.; δb = max(cm / (1 - (N∗ / Nomb)), 1) = 1.001
Design bending moment;; M∗x = δb × 317.3 kNm = 317.6 kNm
Section moment capacity for bending about a principal axis - Section 5.2
Effective section modulus - cl.5.2.3; Ze,x = min(Sx, 1.5 × Zx) = 2897000 mm
Nominal section moment capacity - cl.5.2.1; Ms,x = fy × Ze,x = 869.1 kNm
Nominal section moment capacity with axial force - cl.8.3.2
Mr,x = min(Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Ns)) × (1 + 0.18 × (82 - λew) / (82 - λeyw)),
Ms,x) = 869.1 kNm
Design section moment capacity; Mrc,x = φ × Mr,x = 782.2 kNm
M∗x / Mrc,x = 0.406
PASS - Design section moment capacity exceeds design bending moment
Member capacity - Section 8.4
Nominal in-plane member moment capacity - cl.
Mi,x = Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Nc,x)) = 861.6 kNm
Design member moment capacity; Mic,x = φ × Mi,x = 775.4 kNm
M∗x / Mic,x = 0.410
PASS - Design member moment capacity exceeds design bending moment

Consider Combination 2 - 1.0D + ψlI + 1.5Ir (Service)

Check design 4000 mm along span

Deflection check x-x axis
Maximum deflection; δx = 8.6 mm
Allowable deflection; δx,Allowable = Lm1_s1 / 250 = 32 mm
δx / δx,Allowable = 0.27
PASS - Allowable deflection exceeds design deflection

Column design
Section details
Section type; 410x53.7 UB (AISC 1994)
Steel grade; 300
From table 2.1: Strengths of steels
Thickness of material; t = max(tf, tw) = 10.9 mm
Yield stress; fy = 320 N/mm
Tensile strength; fu = 440 N/mm
Modulus of elasticity; E = 200000 N/mm
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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Lateral restraint
Both flanges have lateral restraint at supports only

Consider Combination 1 - 1.2D + 1.5I + 1.5Ir (Strength)

Section slenderness for major (x-x) axis - Section 5.2.2
Flange slenderness; λef = (bf - tw) / (2 × tf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 8.843
Flange yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λeyf = 16; λef / λeyf = 0.553
Web slenderness; λew = (d - 2 × tf) / tw × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 56.747
Web yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λeyw = 115; λew / λeyw = 0.493
Section slenderness; λs,x = 8.843
Section plasticity limit - Table 5.2; λsp,x = 9
Yield slenderness limit - Table 5.2; λsy,x = 16
Section is compact for major axis flexure
Members subject to axial compression - Chapter 6
Design compression force; N∗ = 217.7 kN
Cross-sectional area of holes; Ah = 0 mm ;
Net area of cross-section - cl.6.2.1; An = Ag = 6889 mm
Nominal section capacity - Section 6.2
Flange slenderness; λef = (bf - tw) / (2 × tf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 8.843
Flange yield slenderness limit - Table 6.2.4; λeyf = 16
Effective width of flanges - cl.6.2.4; bef = min(λeyf / λef, 1) × (bf - tw) / 2 = 85.2 mm
Web slenderness; λew = (d - 2 × tf) / tw × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 56.747
Web yield slenderness limit - Table 6.2.4; λeyw = 45
Effective width of web - cl.6.2.4; bew = min(λeyw / λew, 1) × (d - 2 × tf) = 302.3 mm
Effective area of section; Ae = Ag + 2 × (2 × bef - bf) × tf + (bew - d1 + 2 × tf) × tw = 6289 mm
Form factor - cl.6.2.2; kf = Ae / Ag = 0.913
Nominal section capacity in compression - cl.6.2.1; Ns = kf × An × fy = 2012.6 kN
Design section capacity in compression; Nsc = φ × Ns = 1811.3 kN
N∗ / Nsc = 0.12
PASS - Design section compression capacity exceeds design compression
Project Job Ref.

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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Nominal member capacity in major (x-x) axis - Section 6.3

Effective length for buckling - cl.6.3.2; Le,x = 1.0 × Lm2_s1 = 4500 mm
Modified compression member slenderness; λn,x = Le,x / rx × √(kf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 29.428
Compression member factor; αa,x = 2100 × (λn,x - 13.5) / (λn,x - 15.3 × λn,x + 2050) = 13.566
Member section constant - Table 6.3.3(2); αb = 0
Slenderness ratio; λx = λn,x + αa,x × αb = 29.428
Compression member imperfection factor; ηx = max(0.00326 × (λx - 13.5), 0) = 0.052
2 2
Compression member factor; ξx = ((λx / 90) + 1 + ηx) / (2 × (λx / 90) ) = 5.419
Member slenderness reduction factor; αc,x = ξx × (1 - √(1 - (90 / (ξx × λx)) )) = 0.945
Nominal member capacity in compression - cl.6.3.3; Nc,x = min(αc,x × Ns, Ns) = 1902.7 kN
Design member capacity in compression; Ncc,x = φ × Nc,x = 1712.4 kN
N∗ / Ncc,x = 0.127
PASS - Design member compression capacity exceeds design compression
Nominal member capacity in minor (y-y) axis - Section 6.3
Effective length for buckling - cl.6.3.2; Le,y = 1.0 × Lm2_s1_seg1 = 4500 mm
Modified compression member slenderness; λn,y = Le,y / ry × √(kf) × √(fy / 250 N/mm ) = 126.024
Compression member factor; αa,y = 2100 × (λn,y - 13.5) / (λn,y - 15.3 × λn,y + 2050) = 14.765
Member section constant - Table 6.3.3(2); αb = 0
Slenderness ratio; λy = λn,y + αa,y × αb = 126.024
Compression member imperfection factor; ηy = max(0.00326 × (λy - 13.5), 0) = 0.367
2 2
Compression member factor; ξy = ((λy / 90) + 1 + ηy) / (2 × (λy / 90) ) = 0.849
Member slenderness reduction factor; αc,y = ξy × (1 - √(1 - (90 / (ξy × λy)) )) = 0.39
Nominal member capacity in compression - cl.6.3.3; Nc,y = min(αc,y × Ns, Ns) = 785.4 kN
Design member capacity in compression; Ncc,y = φ × Nc,y = 706.9 kN
N∗ / Ncc,y = 0.308
PASS - Design member compression capacity exceeds design compression

Check design at start of span

Shear capacity of webs - Section 5.11
Design shear force; V∗x = 25 kN
Depth of web panel; dp = (d - 2 × tf) = 381.2 mm
Depth to thickness ratio check - cl.5.11.2; dp / tw <= 82 / √(fy / 250 N/mm )
Nominal shear capacity of the web shall be taken as the nominal shear yield capacity
Gross sectional area of web; Aw = d × tw = 3063 mm
Nominal shear yield capacity - cl.5.11.4; Vw,x = 0.6 × fy × Aw = 588.1 kN
Nominal shear capacity - cl.5.11.2; Vv,x = Vw,x = 588.1 kN
Design shear capacity; Vvc,x = φ × Vv,x = 529.3 kN
V∗x / Vvc,x = 0.047
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds design shear force

Check design at end of span

Design for major (x-x) axis bending moment - Section 5.1
Unequal moments factor; cm = 1.000
2 2
Member elastic buckling load - cl.4.6.2; Nomb = π × E × Ix / (ke,x × Lm2_s1) = 18345.3 kN

Moment amplification factor - cl.; δb = max(cm / (1 - (N / Nomb)), 1) = 1.012
Design bending moment;; M∗x = δb × 112.3 kNm = 113.6 kNm
Project Job Ref.

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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Section moment capacity for bending about a principal axis - Section 5.2
Effective section modulus - cl.5.2.3; Ze,x = min(Sx, 1.5 × Zx) = 1058000 mm
Nominal section moment capacity - cl.5.2.1; Ms,x = fy × Ze,x = 338.6 kNm
Nominal section moment capacity with axial force - cl.8.3.2
Mr,x = min(Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Ns)) × (1 + 0.18 × (82 - λew) / (82 - λeyw)),
Ms,x) = 335.1 kNm
Design section moment capacity; Mrc,x = φ × Mr,x = 301.6 kNm
M∗x / Mrc,x = 0.377
PASS - Design section moment capacity exceeds design bending moment
Segments with full lateral restraint - Section 5.3.2
Segment start moment; M∗start = 0 kNm
Segment end moment; M∗end = 112.3 kNm
End moment ratio; βm = M∗start / M∗end = 0.000
Maximum segment length - cl.; Ls,max = ry × (80 + 50 × βm) × √(250 N/mm / fy) = 2729 mm
Segment length; Lm2_s1_seg1_B = 4500 mm
Segment is not considered to have full lateral restraint
Member capacity of segments without full lateral restraint - Section 5.6
Moment at quarter point of segment; M∗2 = 28.1 kNm
Moment at center-line of segment; M∗3 = 56.2 kNm
Moment at three quarter point of segment; M∗4 = 84.3 kNm
Maximum moment in segment; M∗m = 112.3 kNm
2 2 2
Moment modification factor; αm = min(1.7 × M∗m / √(M∗2 + M∗3 + M∗4 ), 2.5) = 1.817
Twist restraint factor - Table 5.6.3(1); kt = 1.000
Load height factor - Table 5.6.3(2); kl = 1.000
Lateral rotation restraint factor - Table 5.6.3(3); kr = 1.000
Effective length; Le = kt × kl × kr × Lm2_s1_seg1_B = 4500 mm
2 2 2 2
Reference buckling moment - eq.; Mo = √((π × E × Iy / Le ) × (G × J + (π × E × Iw / Le )))
Moa = Mo = 237.7 kNm
Slenderness reduction factor - eq.; αs = 0.6 × (√((Ms,x / Moa) + 3) - (Ms,x / Moa)) = 0.491
Nominal member moment capacity - eq.; Mb,x = min(αm × αs, 1) × Ms,x = 302 kNm
Nominal in-plane member moment capacity - cl.
Mi,x = Ms,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Nc,x)) = 296.1 kNm
Nominal out-of-plane member moment capacity - cl.
Mo,x = Mb,x × (1 - N∗ / (φ × Nc,y)) = 210.3 kNm
Design member moment capacity; Moc,x = φ × Mo,x = 189.2 kNm
M∗x / Moc,x = 0.600
PASS - Design member moment capacity exceeds design bending moment
Shear capacity of webs - Section 5.11
Design shear force; V∗x = 25 kN
Depth of web panel; dp = (d - 2 × tf) = 381.2 mm
Depth to thickness ratio check - cl.5.11.2; dp / tw <= 82 / √(fy / 250 N/mm )
Nominal shear capacity of the web shall be taken as the nominal shear yield capacity
Gross sectional area of web; Aw = d × tw = 3063 mm
Nominal shear yield capacity - cl.5.11.4; Vw,x = 0.6 × fy × Aw = 588.1 kN
Nominal shear capacity - cl.5.11.2; Vv,x = Vw,x = 588.1 kN
Nominal shear capacity with bending - cl.5.12.3; Vvm,x = Vv,x = 588.1 kN
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M. EMECK 4/7/22

Design shear capacity; Vvmc,x = φ × Vvm,x = 529.3 kN

V∗x / Vvmc,x = 0.047
PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds design shear force

Consider Combination 2 - 1.0D + ψlI + 1.5Ir (Service)

Check design 2593 mm along span

Deflection check x-x axis
Maximum deflection; δx = 2.3 mm
Allowable deflection; δx,Allowable = Lm2_s1 / 125 = 36 mm
δx / δx,Allowable = 0.064
PASS - Allowable deflection exceeds design deflection

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