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Pretty good. ust getting ready to put... Shoot. I's on backwards. Bree? You sure you're OK? Pm fine. Fine. Its just been a very stressful day. Desperate Housewives, ode. 7-02 You Must Meet My Wife (2010) How is Juanita? — Jak sie czuje Juanita? Is she O1? ~ Czy wszystko znia w porzadku? Thank you or asking. ~ Dziekuie, ze pytasz. Thank God. ~ Dzigki Bogu. How are you doing? — Jake ciebie?™ pretty good — inf le I'm fine. ~ Wszystko w porzadku. “Two men aretalkingin front of ahouse.One of them is alding a box of beer. A woman approaches them, ‘Mona, Morgan, Morgan, Mona. Well, hello. Hi. It’s good to meet yo Nice to meet you, too. Nice boots there Listen, ust so you don’t think ?m gonna drink allthis by myself, 'm ‘having a bunch of friends over tonight for a party. You two are welcome to come. The Lake House (2008), ‘Mona, Morgan. Morgan, Mona, ~ Poznajce si, to Morgan, a to Mona. I's good to meet you. ~ Mito cig poznaé. Nice to meet you, too. ~ Ciebie tez mito poznaé. Not everyone enjoys meeting new people. It can be a rather awkward situation, because sometimes it’s hard to talk about yourself with strangers, That's why people rarely go to parties on their own. If you goand don’t know anyone there, and it’s not easy to make new friends, you won't even have anyone to talk to. ‘And it seems to be such a simple subject - talking about yourself 10 , How are you doing?" moina tet w niktSrych sytuaciach praw- tHumacae jako ak atm wtedy jst racze poadrowieniem tli jak, Siem" nie wymaga odpowieds ‘| Dostownie: Mono, to Morgan. Morgane, to Mona” Kiedy przedstawiamy Sobie wzajemnie die noweosoby, tak wasnie ‘maana to zrobié. Napier zwrécé sig do ede} po iment po- wide imie tel drug) Mona, Morgan), patem adwrotnie. “2 Weym zwrocie stowo yourself™ moze ig zmienié w inne w 2aleznoici od tego, 0 jake osobie mowa, np. MBwig 0 sobie” Be) (¢ BLOG ‘meeting new people ~ poznawanie nowych ludzi ‘rather awkward situation ~ dosé niezreczna sytuacia tall about yourself - méwié 0 sobie® strangers ~ nieznajomi ‘on their own = sami ‘make new friends ~ znalesé nowych znajomych ‘not have anyone to talk to ~ nie mieé 2 kim pogadaé to I talk about myse, Ona mow o sob" to ,She tals about herself a Oni méwia o sobie" to ,They tak about themselves" ‘Orych sowach zakofezonych na, sli seles* napisalam ‘w moje| poprzednie|ksigice czy Gram tone drama’, Ww tozdziale 94. Smiako do niego zara, jel sprawiaja Ci opot 1 Tutajznowu zmieni sig oscbazaleznieod tego, okim méwiny, np. ,estem sam" tom on my own, On est sar to He's on his ‘own, 2,Jestesmy sami"to We're on our own? ezese | 1 for starters ~ na poczateke Introduce yourself - praedstawie sig ‘name = imig, nazwisko, imig i nazwisko What's your name? ~ jakemasz na imig? Jaksignazywasz? frst name ~ img fullname ~ imigi nazwisko ‘middle name ~ drugie mig ‘given name ~ img Christian name ~ imig last name ~ nazwisko name him ~ nazwaé go, nadaé mu imig because their first and last names are the same. | have an uncle whose full name is Ro Roman — first name Roman, last name Roman, too. fm still not sure if it was 2 g: For starters, it's definitely a good idea to introduce yourself which means to say what your name is. When I learned the English word ‘name’, | was struck by how ambiguous it Your name can be Lisa Simpson, just Lisa, or just Simpson Then how should | know what someone wants to hear w they ask me, “What's your name? If you're at a party or in ‘schoolyard, by “name” they probably mean your first name soit’ safe to just say "Lisa it's a more formal setting, the city hall or at a new job, they're probably asking abo: your full name, which may include your middle name. T say ‘Lisa Simpson” or “Lisa Marie Simpson’. Fortunately, © need be, they can specify it by requesting your “frst name ‘aka "given name’ or “Christian name’, your "last name’, your “full name" Phew! Some people don't have this problem decision on his parents’ part to name him that. state your name ~ podaj swoje imigi/lub nazwisko sfowly and clearly ~ powolii wyragnie ‘hurriedly and carelessly ~ spiesznie i niedbale ‘obvious ~ aczywisty spell ~ praeiterowat, zapisaé pronounce ~ wyméwié forthe firs time ~ pierwszy raz ‘soften mispronounced ~ cagsto jest praekrgcane, ‘dle wymawiane "ve been called. ~ nazywano mnie. mail addressed to..— poceta zaadresowana do. double T ~ podwéjna litera T ‘warped into_ ~ preeinaczone w. worth asking ~ warto zapytaé Where are you from? ~ Skad pochodzisz? What do you do? ~ Czym sie zajmujesz? Where cid you get this tie? - Skad mase ten kravat? How do you know - Skad znasz solenizanta? the birthday boy? How de you know the groom? ~ Skad znasz pana mlodego? conversation starter = temat do rozmowy How did you guys meet? — Jak sie poznai {fist time we met ~ gdy sie poznalgmy Itsimportant to always state your name slowly and clearly: Itmay seem like a sill tip, but many people say their nar hurriedly and carelessly —for them it’s obvious what the name is, isn’t it? But names can be difficult to spell or pro- ‘ounce, so bear in mind that the person you're talking probably hearing this name for the first time. | know wha! it's like because my name is often mispronounced. Instea of ,Arlena’ I've been called Arieta, Aneta, Aniela, Arn Marlena, and, once, | also received mail addressed to 2 ‘Adam. Even though my last names short, | usually need t= either spellit, or atleast mention that it has a double T. Ana here, as well,,Witt* will be warped into Wit, Bitor Kwit.S as you can see for yourself, it's rather important to say your rrame slowly and clearly. But what should we talk about? Strangely enough, many people like talking about themselves, so it’s always worth asking, “Where are you from?", "What do you do?" or "Where did you get this tie, or bag, or wig, because it make: them look fabulous! Yés, compliments work great, too. At birthday parties or at weddings you usually know only ‘a handful of people. Sometimes just one person. Everyone els= isa stranger. A good way to find a common topic isto talk about the people who are celebrating, For example, “How do. you know the birthday boy or “How do you know the ‘groom?’, and the response can be a good conversation, starter. IFthey say they know him from work, you goon abo: work. If you'r talking to a couple, a good question is “How did you guys meet?" — people usually love telling the story of the first time they met, ‘And when they ask you about you, it's helpful to have a couple of ready-made answe: referring to your job, family or interests. | usually try to keep it short: My names Arlen= 20 1 | cxese | teach English on YouTube, | wrote a non-boring book ‘on English grammar, and lke people, language and facts. {ive in Warsaw, but | come from Silesia in the south of Poland. | was born and raised in Zabrze. | also lived in Gdansk for7 years. fi'm speaking toa foreigner, | usually skip the Silesia part, because they tend not to know where thatis, However, they often have heard of Gdansk. If they ask about my family, | say that Pm married. And if my husband happens to be standing next to me, lintroduce hhim to them by saying, “Meet my husband, his name is ‘Wojtek, but you can call him Wojt (pronounced: Voyt) for short | sometimes add that ! haveno kids, but do havea black cat, and also a younger brother and parents, who all still five in my hometown. Not my cat. He lives with me Ifafter these 15 seconds that person's attention i stil in the room, | say that | basically ive on the Internet, like social media, and I don't have to get up early in the morn- ing. Usually one of these bold statements brings about an enthusiastic reaction. It's mostly that | have it easy, beep it short ~ méwié zwigile Hive in.. ~ Mieszkam w. | comefrom...~ Pochodze 2. ‘was born and raised in. ~ Urodzitam sig chadzitam. do szkoty w.. 1 also lived in_ ~ Mieszkatam tez w.. skip ~ pominaé ‘Ym married. ~ Mam meéa. ‘introduce him = praedstawié go ‘Meet my husband. ~ Poznaj mojego mea. His name's. - Mana imig.. You can cal him . for short. ~ Méw do niego krétko: . Thave no kids. ~ Nie mam dzieci. ‘younger brother ~ mtodszy brat still ive in my hometown ~ nadal mieszkaja w moje) rodzinnej miejscowosci ‘an enthusiastic reaction ~ zywiolowa reakcja 1 don't mind it. ~ Nie praeszkadza mi to. and then goes the bid for whose life is harder. | usually lose this competition, but don’t mind at all, ‘When I take my water bottle out of my bag for a sip, someone usually asks me about it, too. And that’s when we move to talking about hydration, the healthy lifestyle or the environment, React to what's developing and the way the conversation is going, It’s easier you are actually interested in the other person. If you're not, don’t force reactto.. - reagowaé na.. Don'tforceit. ~ Nic na site, with «bit ofluck ~ prey odrobinie szczeScia find a new friend ~ znalesé nowego kolege it. Just be yourself, ask about what's interesting to the other person, and talk about what you're interested in. That way nobody pretends to be someone they're not. ‘And with a bit of luck, you just might find a new friend, AQ Jesli nie zapamigtasz ztegorozdziatunic —-My first name is spelled: innego, zapamigtaj chociag te 3 zwroty, \etére na pewno sig Moje imie pisze si przydadza. 1 Doslowniesased" znaczy wychowana’, slew wyrazenu born and raised race) chods oto, ge spedaito se deco, a wige taken gz chodzito sg do szkoly. 15 Tu wpise wielkimi iterami swoje mina gl prastvice lterowanie go, Naucz sig iterowaé je plynnie. W raze probleméw as “4 You can call me Mitte. Nice to see you! Méw mi Mike. [Mito cig znéw widziec. _znazwaniem iter alfabetu madeszoberasé mo} fm na YouTube © angielskim alfabecie-ma tytut Angas alfabet to banal | Po CCudzeru #3% ale jel w wyszukivarke na youtube.com wpisresz Po cudzomu aifaber to tego maldziesz czese | 5 a

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