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Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Masters in Business Administration


Hemanth Patel N (21MBAR0185)

MBA (2021-23)

Under The Guidance of

Dr. Shalini R

No.17, Seshadri Road, Gandhi Nagar, Bengaluru – 560009, India

Tel: +91 80 4684 0400, E-mail:, Website:


This is to certify that this Summer Internship Project (SIP) report submitted to CMS Business
School, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore, by Hemanth Patel N (21MBAR0185), in
the field of Finance and Business development. This work was done by him during the
academic year 2021-22, under our guidance and supervision in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of Master in Business Administration (MBA).

This project report has not been submitted for the award of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship
or Fellowship or any other title in this University or any other University.




Date: ________________________________




I, the student of Summer Internship Project, of CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-be)
University, hereby declare that the project work entitled, “Rakvih Technology”, which is being
submitted to JAIN (Deemed-to-be) University, Bangalore for the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the Master of Business Administration (MBA), is original and independent. No
part of this work has been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any
degree or diploma.

Hemanth Patel N (21MBAR0185)

MBA (2021-23)

JAIN (Deemed-to-be University): CMS Business School


A summer internship program is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development of a

student. I consider myself lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people help in through
in the completion of this project. I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to
Mr. Vijay, head of “RAKVIH Technology” who in spite of being extremely busy with his duties,
took time to hear and guide me. I express my deepest thanks to Dr. Shalini (Internal guide /
mentor) for her guide and support. She helped all the time whenever needed and gave me the
right direction towards completion of the project.

I would like to express my profound respect, sincere gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Shalini R
who is my faculty mentor.

We would like to thank all the respondents who took out time from their busy schedule to
complete the survey as well as their superiors who gave approval for data collection for this
research. We would also like to express my pleasure and gratitude in interacting with all the
managers for their valuable time and the fruitful discussions that I had with them. We would like
to thank the faculty members for their continuous cooperation and all library staffs for their on-
time service. Our deep appreciation extends to our friends and peers and lastly, but certainly not
least of all our thanks are due to all those who, at some time or the other have helped me directly
or indirectly during our course of work.

Lastly, I express my sincere thanks and regards to all of those who supported me in any respect
during the completion of the project.

Hemanth Patel N (21MBAR0185)

Executive summary

I interned with ‘RAKVIH Technology’. It is located in Yelahanka Bengaluru which is an HR

Consultancy, involved in the activities of the recruitment process. Internship at this company,
was a great exposure to the industry. After going through summer internship, this was firsthand
experience how consultancy industry functions. The primary goal of the internship was to get a
real time insight into the working of the organization. The major accomplishment for me during
my tenure of two months internship was to recruit candidates and to learn more about
recruitment process and also in the field of finance how it is done for BPO industry in the
consultancy, who happens to be our major client. Also, I got to learn about HR consultancy
through my study.

MBA Finance course of Jain CMS B School requires student to undergo a Summer Internship
Programe with an organization followed by a report assigned by the supervisor in the
organization and endorsed by the faculty mentor. I took this opportunity to do my internship with
‘The RAKVIH Technology’ providing recruitment services in Bengaluru. Observation and
suggestion were made so as to enhance the quality of the effort taken.

Under the guidance of the CEO himself Mr. Vijay at the organization, | have conducted my study
on HR Consultancy services. My internal mentor and faculty Dr. Shalini, faculty of Jain CMS B
School also approved the topic and authorized me to prepare this report as a part of fulfilment of
internship requirement and gave me proper guidance and assistance over time.


Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................5

Introduction and Industry Overview............................................................................................................6

1.1 Industry Overview.............................................................................................................................7

Industry Outlook......................................................................................................................................8

Indian Scenario........................................................................................................................................9

The Start-up Ecosystem and Role of HR.......................................................................................13

Company Overview...................................................................................................................................15

2.1 Company Overview.........................................................................................................................15

2.2 Financial Performance.....................................................................................................................20

2.3 Services...........................................................................................................................................20

2.4 SWOT Analysis...............................................................................................................................22

2.5 Overview of different department....................................................................................................24

2.6 Future outlook.................................................................................................................................24

SIP Project Profile.....................................................................................................................................25

3.1 Purpose of the Study........................................................................................................................25

3.2 Objectives and Scope.......................................................................................................................26

3.3 Work done in the company..............................................................................................................28

3.4 Type of research.............................................................................................................................30

Key Learnings and Recommendations......................................................................................................32

4.1 Observations....................................................................................................................................32

4.2 Expectations and Achievements......................................................................................................33

4.3 Learning Outcome...........................................................................................................................33


Introduction and Industry Overview


Human resource management deals with human beings who are energy management elements. The
success of the business will depend on the abilities, strength and motivation of the people who work in it.
Human Resource management refers to a systematic approach to problems in any organization. Human
resource management deals with all aspects human resource management of the organization. According
to Likert, “Every aspect of a company's activity is determined competence, motivation and overall
efficiency of its human organization. Of central are all management tasks, the management of the human
component and the most important task because everything depends on how well it is done.” This the
quote summarizes the importance of the human component in an organization and need to manage it
effectively. Human resources are the most important asset of an organization. His goal is maintaining
better interpersonal relationships in the organization development, application and evaluation of policies,
procedures and programs related to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realization
of organizational goals. It deals with achieve better results through people working together.

1.1 Industry Overview


Management Consulting began to develop shortly after the rise of management as a unique field
of business in the late 19th century along with the Industrial Revolution. The first companies
were founded by university professors. The first management consulting firm in the late 1890s
was named Arthur D. Little after the founding MIT professor. This firm originally specialized in
technical research but later became a general management consultancy. Booz Allen Hamilton
was founded as a management consulting firm by Edwin G. Booz, a graduate of Northwestern
University's Kellogg School of Management, in 1914 and was the first to serve both industry and
government clients. This firm later changed its name to Booz & Co.

In the late 1990s, the consulting industry boomed, driven by a wide range of factors (a strong
global economy, the rise of computing power, penetration of emerging markets, privatization,
globalization, and the new practice of information technology consulting). Many established
firms were growing revenues by 20% per year or more, and new firms were popping up
everywhere. So, there was a huge demand for both undergraduates and MBAs, and companies
were recruiting extremely aggressively on campus.

The human resources field began to take shape in 19th century Europe. It built on a simple idea
by Robert Owen (1771-1858) and Charles Babbage (1791-1871) during the industrial revolution.
These men concluded that people were crucial to the success of an organization. They expressed
the thought that the well-being of employees led to perfect work; without healthy workers, the
organization would not survive.

HR emerged as a specific field in the early 20th century, influenced by Frederick Winslow
Taylor (1856–1915). Taylor explored what he termed "scientific management" (sometimes
referred to as "Taylorism"), striving to improve economic efficiency in manufacturing jobs. He
eventually focused on one of the principal inputs into the manufacturing process—labour—
sparking inquiry into workforce productivity.

Meanwhile, in England, C S Myers, inspired by unexpected problems among soldiers which had
alarmed generals and politicians in the First World War of 1914–1918, co-founded the National
Institute of Industrial Psychology (NIIP) in 1921. In doing so, he set seeds for the human
relations movement. This movement, on both sides of the Atlantic, built on the research of Elton
Mayo (1880-1949) and others to document through the Hawthorne studies (1924–1932) and
other studies how stimuli, unrelated to financial compensation and working conditions, could
yield more productive workers.[10] Work by Abraham Maslow (1908–1970), Kurt Lewin (1890–
1947), Max Weber (1864–1920), Frederick Herzberg (1923–2000), and David
McClelland (1917–1998), forming the basis for studies in industrial and organizational
psychology, organizational behaviour and organizational theory, was interpreted[by whom?] in such a
way as to further claims of legitimacy for an applied discipline.

Birth and development of the discipline

By the time enough theoretical evidence existed to make a business case for strategic workforce
management, changes in the business landscape - à la Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), John

Rockefeller (1839-1937) - and in public policy - à la Sidney (1859-1947) and Beatrice
Webb (1858-1943), Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal of 1933 to 1939 - had transformed
employer-employee relationships, and the HRM discipline became formalized as
"industrial and labour relations". In 1913 one of the oldest known professional HR associations
—the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)—started in England as the
Welfare Workers' Association; it changed its name a decade later to the Institute of Industrial
Welfare Workers, and again the next decade to Institute of Labour Management before settling
upon its current name in 2000.[11] From 1918 the early Soviet state institutions began to
implement a distinct ideological HRM focus[12] alongside technical management - first in the Red
Army (through political commissars alongside military officers), later (from 1933) in work sites
more generally (through parting posts alongside conventional managers).[13]

In 1920, James R. Angell delivered an address to a conference on personnel research in

Washington detailing the need for personnel research. This preceded and led to the organization
of the Personnel Research Federation. In 1922 the first volume of The Journal of Personnel
Research was published, a joint initiative between the National Research Council and the
Engineering Foundation.[14] Likewise in the United States, the world's first institution of higher
education dedicated to workplace studies—the School of Industrial and Labor Relations—
formed at Cornell University in 1945.[15] In 1948 what would later become the largest
professional HR association—the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)—formed
as the American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA).[16]

In the Soviet Union, meanwhile, Stalin's use of patronage exercised through the "HR
Department" equivalent in the Bolshevik Party, its Orgburo, demonstrated the effectiveness and
influence of human-resource policies and practices,[17][18] and Stalin himself acknowledged the
importance of the human resource,[19] exemplified in his mass deployment of it, as in the five-
year plans and in the Gulag system.

During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while
workforce-management specialists continued to expand their influence within organizations. In
the US, the phrase "industrial and labor relations" came into use to refer specifically to issues
concerning collective representation, and many companies began referring to the proto-HR

profession as "personnel administration". Many current HR practices originated with the needs of
companies in the 1950s to develop and retain talent.

In the late 20th century, advances in transportation and communications greatly

facilitated workforce mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as
assets. "Human resources management" consequently, became the dominant term for the
function—the ASPA even changing its name to the Society for Human Resource Management
(SHRM) in 1998.

"Human capital management" (HCM) is sometimes used synonymously with "HR", although

"human capital" typically refers to a more narrow view of human resources; i.e., the knowledge
the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Other terms sometimes used to
describe the HRM field include "organizational management", "manpower management", "talent
management", "personnel management", "workforce management", and simply "people

Current Industry Outlook

Since 2004, the consulting industry has recovered substantially – all firms are now aggressively
hiring again. Most firms were surprisingly resilient to the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009.
Currently, most consultancies are operating at full capacity and the outlook for the sector as a
whole is very positive. Top consulting firms continue to compete with investment banks and
each other for top candidates from universities and business school programs across the country,
offering highly attractive compensation packages and career opportunities. At many top business
schools, up to 1/3 of graduates sign a contract with consulting firms after graduation.

Industry Outlook

Human Resource Consulting firm

Consulting that focuses on maximizing the value created from human resources or employees in
an organization. May include topics such as compensation schemes, health and benefits
planning, recruitment processes, etc.

Companies in this industry provide advice and assistance to businesses in human resources and
personnel policy, employee compensation and benefits planning, and payroll administration.
Notable companies include Aon Hewitt and Mercer (both based in the US), Willis Towers
Watson (based in Ireland) and divisions of global consulting firms such as Accenture and

The global human resources (HR) consultancy industry generates annual revenues of $31
billion, according to The US is the largest market for consulting services
overall, but global firms are targeting growth in other industrial regions with emerging
economies. Asia/Pacific is the leading market for industry growth.

The U.S. HR consulting industry includes about 8,000 businesses (single-location companies and
units of multi-location companies) with total annual revenue of approximately $20 billion.

Coverage of the larger consulting services industry is included in a separate profile. Professional
employer organizations (PEOs) that provide outsourced human resource management services
are also included in a separate industry profile.

The HR consulting services category is poised for accelerating spending dynamics during the
forecast period. A significant share of this spending pace is attributed to the widespread adoption
of digital HR for various HR-related processes by businesses. These processes are known to
increase organizational performance and reduce expenses. Among all category segments, talent
management services accounted for about 30% of total category spend last year and are expected
to grow at a steady pace. This growth is the result of increasing outsourcing of talent
management and retention services to HR consulting firms, allowing buyers to focus on their
core operations.

Indian Scenario

HR Consulting Sector in India

The HR Advisory space in India is a fast-growing sector and is seeing steady growth every year.
Many organizations (especially multinational companies operating in India or large progressive
Indian conglomerates) outsource multiple HR functions to control overall costs to create a
strategic HR function to provide better customer service and a better HR experience to a global
workforce. Complex employment-related issues such as legal compliance and employee relations
advice are more often handled by outside consultants for the above types of companies.

In general, it can be observed that SMEs rely more on external HR consultants and use their
expertise on a "need" basis instead of hiring specialists for central functions.

However, companies operating in highly regulated environments (eg banks, pharmaceuticals,

FMCG, insurance, aviation and hospitality, etc.) usually have their own legal and employment
counsel. Organizations in the above sectors employ a huge pool of employees with offices in
various cities across India and therefore find it easier and more practical to set aside specific
departments to deal with policy issues, ER issues or compliance issues. However, the external
liaison part of compliance (dealing with government agencies) even on the part of such
companies is outsourced to private labor law practitioners. It is therefore the sector of small and
medium-sized enterprises (primarily multinational companies) that makes more use of the help
of private HR consultants and experts in the field of labor law.

Growth factors

HR Consulting in India, HR Consultants in India

The field of HR Consulting is undoubtedly seen as a high growth area. The 'Make in India' and
'Digital India' campaigns promoted by the Prime Minister Modi-led government are attracting
many global companies to invest in the country and encouraging young entrepreneurs to set up
businesses in India.

With the influx of new companies in India, more options are available to employees/candidates
to challenge their talent. This sometimes leads to high wear and tear. The "lifetime" of
employees in one particular organization has been drastically reduced, forcing progressive
organizations to re-evaluate their existing employee benefits, HR policies and practices, working
conditions and other work practices. This, of course, enabled a higher demand for HR

With tech start-ups mushrooming across the country, India's IT sector is undergoing a major
'talent shake-up'. Employee turnover is higher than ever before. In such environments,
“employee retention” is paramount, so companies experiencing high attrition rates consider
enticing their employees with attractive benefits, compelling benefits, recognition opportunities,
performance rewards, and progressive HR practices.

Companies (whether small or medium) in times of change, expansion or crisis usually look at
external interventions from the perspective of human resources, because they believe that an
external consultant would look through their lens and offer a more pragmatic, sustainable and
valuable solution in such events. This whole sequence of events worked in favor of HR Advisory
companies. Coaches and training and development specialists are experiencing a somewhat
similar boom.

The last 3-4 years have seen revolutionary changes in certain areas of HR. Some examples of
this are the amendment of the Maternity Benefit Act, the strict implementation of the Act on
Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace, the overhaul of the age-old Shops and
Establishments Act, etc. In the recent elections in India (which ended in May 2019), the
government led by Narendra Modi was elected for the second time in a row. This government,
like their first term, is expected to continue to bring more positive and sustainable change to the
world of employment.

However, the change in laws generally brings ambiguity and this leads to an increase in inquiries
directed at HR consultants. HR advisers are regularly invited to seminars or chats to contribute to
specific topics relating to new and amended employment legislation. Company representatives
who attend such seminars say they have a clearer understanding of the topic, and internal HR
teams are also enriched with the knowledge needed to address their day-to-day HR, compliance
or ER issues.

The current government is also left to deal with some basic issues of employment of the
"workers" category. Therefore, the unskilled and semi-skilled workforce is brought enhanced
social security.

Growing and expanding a business is undoubtedly one of the main goals of every entrepreneur.
Profitable growth usually means that you’re succeeding in your efforts, and the hard work is
finally paying off. Unfortunately, for many diverse reasons, not every business can thrive. When
looking for the causes, it’s essential to realize that in many cases, simply coming up with a
groundbreaking idea is not enough for a positive outcome.
Businesses have to be nourished constantly. If you want to achieve your goals as an
entrepreneur, you need to work around the clock. Among particular aspects that need to be
considered to ensure your business’s constant and steady growth are business structure and
management. Capitalizing on social media marketing might be a good idea while adopting
sustainable and green practices will help attract more customers. Things like online presence,
credibility, openness to new ideas, and clear articulation of goals will also prove beneficial. Let’s
take a closer look at these things.

Openness to New Ideas

One of the most effective ways to grow your business is by taking advantage of opportunities.
When setting up a business, there are certain things you can expect from it, but some are and will
remain, like the economy or political situation in your country. Due to this uncertain air, every
entrepreneur needs to keep an open mind to make the right decision when required. Recognizing
patterns earlier than your competitors is one of the most critical factors determining whether
you’ll achieve success.

New ideas can also mean services provided by others, which can make running your business
easier. If you’re working with international companies, for example, hiring a translation
company that owns proper translation equipment might be suitable for your needs. While
transactions keep the world moving, brands don’t have time to focus on language challenges
getting in the way of their funds.
Budgeting and Finances

How you spend your money determines whether or not you’ll achieve your goals for the next
quarter or year or even five years down the road. You need to make sure that you have a solid
financial plan that has been appropriately implemented into your operations. Your first step
should be creating a budget – outlining your expected profits for the next six months along with
possible expenditures related to marketing, advertising, payroll, office space, utilities, etc.
The second step would be deciding how much money is going towards each category as well as
writing down some basic financial principles such as using a free check stub maker to write
checks as soon as possible and avoid losing track of them. Paying bills immediately after they
arrive is also crucial, so you don’t rack up late fees. Another thing is being organized to avoid
unnecessary spendings. An organized office will save you a great deal of money over time
because you won’t lose any documents or information that might be useful later on during tax
season or when trying to figure out what happened with finances during a certain time.
Business Structure and Management

The organizational structure consists of hierarchical levels, departments, and divisions that

contribute to the business operations. As a business owner, you will need to determine how you
want it to look and who will do what. A good structure will focus on the common goals and aims
of particular departments while empowering them to take decisions on their own. The key is to
ensure that all parts of the business work in harmony while being efficient and effective.
In order to achieve success, you will need the right kind of people on board. This can be done
through good recruitment practices, but the ongoing training and development of your people is
also an essential factor to bear in mind.


A successful marketing strategy is a must if you want your company to get more recognition and
push it ahead of competitors. To get the most out of your marketing efforts, you need to make
sure you’re targeting the right audience. If you’re not getting the desired results from your
campaigns, you might want to reassess your strategy and try something else.
One of the most efficient ways to get more customers is by implementing a solid digital
marketing strategy. Social media marketing is an excellent way of getting more exposure for
your business. Regularly posting short promotional videos and visually interesting photos or
interacting with people in the comments will boost engagement and help create a bond with your
Moreover, you will need to consider the overall look of your website and its usability. The fact
that you have a good product is not enough; you need to make sure potential customers will be
able to find it. Pay close attention to the design of your website, the mobile version, and the way
you’re using social media. Confusing text, banners, pop-ups, and calls to action that don’t engage
users will only send them away.
Sustainable and Green Practices

More and more people are becoming aware of environmental issues and are making conscious
efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. It’s essential for every business that wants to grow to
adopt sustainable practices. By increasing awareness, you will be able to reach new customers –
and build their loyalty.
Moreover, eco-friendly solutions can help you cut costs while gaining profit in the long run. You
could even turn these eco-friendly practices into an opportunity for business growth by offering
products and services that promote sustainability or making it a part of your brand image.
Whether it’s a small thing like using less printing paper or focusing on creating a more energy-
efficient office space, it’s always great to do something for the environment.

Clear Articulation of Goals

Every business owner has specific goals that they want to achieve. Having clear objectives is
essential if you want your company to grow and expand its horizons. It would be best to make
sure that everyone in the company understands what you want them to do to understand their
roles and responsibilities.
You can achieve it through working on your communication skills and organizing meetings with
professionals who will help lead you and your workers. It will also allow for better cooperation
between employees and other companies involved in your business operations. If you want to
achieve the best results, you must remain realistic about your goals and expectations. This way,
you will know for sure what should be done to fulfill your intentions.
Brand Image

Creating a recognizable brand image will help you connect with the customers, and it’s essential
for businesses that want to grow and expand. By working on your brand image, you will be able
to boost your business, attract new customers, create a name for yourself, and make more sales.
As an entrepreneur, you need to make sure that the company’s brand identity is consistent across
all of its marketing channels. This applies to both online and offline marketing efforts. By
maintaining a particular look and feel of the brand, you will maximize your business growth and
create a strong reputation.

The Start-up Ecosystem and Role of HR

If your company is newly set up in India you may have many priorities before you viz, Capital
requirements, Licenses, Banking, Insurance, Real Estate, Business plan, Distribution-Agent
network, IT infrastructure and PEOPLE! Out of the other priorities, the PEOPLE factor (a.k.a.
Human Resources or HR) still remains a significant point of debate and consideration. India is
certainly a labyrinth when it comes to employment laws and statutory labor norms. While India
is shining with success stories and new milestones every day, the fact remains undisturbed that
the employment world of India is still one of the most complex environments in the world of

The role of the HR consultant

Human Resources in India, HR Consultants India. While you can focus on your core
competencies, a professionally competent HR Advisory partner will effectively guide you in HR
areas that are complex or that require better processing.

If you are running a relatively new business in India and have already set up an office here, you
may already be thinking of some of the questions below:

 Is your team a small group of professionals who are passionate about their work but lack
 Does your organization feel the need to offer a competitive compensation and benefits
 Have your employees expressed the need for a better (and friendlier) HR policy?
 Have you experienced that your senior manager's time is invested (or wasted??) in
solving problems with employees or that the team really complements their work pace?
 Do you want to see your sales managers as efficient and effective people managers?
 Is your team performing to acceptable performance standards or should they be coached
to perform?
 Have you experienced any inappropriate behavior in your company, especially
harassment or sexual harassment of a female colleague?
 Does your team see your brand the same way you want them to see it?

If the answers to most of the above questions are "YES", you probably need professional and
competent HR advice on these matters. New businesses (especially SMEs) usually do not have
the budget for a full-time HR staff and it is often seen that business managers do not have the
necessary awareness of the various applicable HR compliances and knowledge of the rapidly
changing employment issues.

In such scenarios, HR consultants can offer the platform a startup needs to attract and retain
talent, stay compliant and comply with all applicable employment laws. Changing legislation,
record keeping standards and the legal ramifications of mismanaging staff can quickly send your
organization south. Professional HR consultants can be the 'sounding boards' of CEOs of start-
ups in India as they can seamlessly mitigate the risk of employee unrest, parity issues and
potential non-compliance risks. This would also help employers focus on providing cutting-edge
services and maintain focus.

It is worth noting that the environment and cultural structure in India is full of emotions.
Therefore, it does not support the "Hire & Fire" policy. Although, if such a need arises,
professional HR consultants can best handle the situation by maintaining the necessary balance
between the task at hand and the company's goal and values, thus keeping legal trouble at bay.


Company Overview
2.1 Company Overview

Company Name – RAKVIH Technology

CEO – Vijay Kumar K

Head Office – Yelahanka Bengaluru Karnataka 560064

Website –

Email –

RAKVIH Began its Business Operation as Consulting Service to company in 2020 March & got
Registered in March 2022, Mainly Focusing on exclusively on high quality and cost-effective
business process implementation services. We are advancing in a tremendous pace with
involvement of skilled and experienced people working in the organization. RAKVIH is
currently doing business in MNC’s related to Medical Domain, Banking and other Telecom

Good Health care source & Consulting Process support Totally Service Oriented Company,
Located in Bangalore, India. RAKVIH provides one step solution for your Business process,
Sales support service industry. Depending on the size and field of your organization, we have
different solution-based services to meet your requirements. We provide the optimum and
customized solutions made for your organization.

Fact Sheet

Year of establishment – 2019

Year of registration – Mar 2022

Nature of Business – Provides one step solution for the business process, sales support service

Major market – Bengaluru, India


There’s nothing like a mission to excite and unite people n a common goal. At Rakvih, their
mission is simple; they want to be the best at helping employers achieve success through people.
At each step of the relationship with their clients and candidates, they deliver value, advice and
an expert point of view.

To accomplish this, they rely on seven core principles that guide their business strategy,
behaviors and relationships.

 No ego - Leave your ego at the door, be genuine and take a personal approach.
 Get it right - They work to find the right candidate at the right time with the right skills
and the right personality to make the placement perfect.
 Lead by example - Do what 1s right by people, your actions are what count.
 Loyalty - They value loyal customers and loyal candidates and most of all loyal
employees. They want to work with their clients for years & years & years...
 Achieving goals – TCG (Training and Consulting group) recruitment supports
candidates, clients and employees to achieve their personal goals. Supporting people to
achieve their goals is why they are in business.
 Love our employees - Their consultants are their family too.
 Have fun! - Be in the moment, smile at challenge and have fun! That’s when you do your

Rakvih recruitment strategy guarantees to

♦ Take the time to understand candidates and their needs.

♦ Refer only genuine positions which best suit their qualifications and experience.
♦ Maintain confidentiality and objective assessment of their abilities.
♦ Provide honest and constructive career guidance.
♦ Introduce them to a range of job opportunities which may never be advertised.
♦ Give professional resume advice and how best to present at interview.

The benefits of registering with Rakvih recruitment include:

 There is no fee as the employer pays for this service.

 Their consultants are market aware and often will discuss job opportunities that are not
advertised or are in areas that one may not have previously considered.
 The major part of their time is spent interviewing candidates, in helping people to set at
tamable goals and determining each candidate’s potential in terms of responsibility and
 They can give one positive advice on how one should conduct itself during an interview
and their resume preparation that can give them the winning edge.

 They can save one’s valuable time in the preparation of job applications, letters,
photocopying resumes as they look for the job for candidates.

Rakvih commitment to candidates:

Company’s recruitment is committed to a code of professional conduct and we ensure the highest
professional standards and protection of your interests. For instance:

 They will not advertise in a misleading manner. You will know from the advertisement
or as soon as you inquire about a position advertised, that you are dealing with a
recruitment consultancy.
 If you are referred to an employer for interview, it will be a genuine job opening, which
has been authorized by an employer.
 Referral to an employer ensures that, as a result of their interviewing techniques, you
have been selected for short-listing on the basis of qualifications, experience and ability
to meet the specifications of the position.
 You will always be provided with full details of the prospective position including key
responsibilities, career prospects, hours of work, conditions of employment, salary etc.
 Your identity and employment details will not be disclosed to a prospective employer
without your permission.
 They will treat your enquiry with the strictest confidence and will ensure the security of
your current position whilst the search for a new one 1s undertaken.

Who We Are

RAKVIH has several clients using its array products. The team members have the distinguished
experience and associated with different national and international organization in different

sectors. Example Omega Healthcare, Paytm, Mobi Kwik, Global Healthcare, Flat world, Logics,
Kraft BPO Solutions, Amazon, ANZ, etc.


A fully computerized network environment with sophisticated software for database maintenance
and access.

 Friendly and healthy working environment with telephone lines, internet and email
 There is a good job page on the website where the requirements are posted immediately.
 Dedicated team of recruiters who believe in the right people position.


The goal is to ensure that they always respond to your ideal job. With an ethos that focuses on
the needs and aspirations of each individual candidate, instead of just filling jobs, they make sure
they understand what they want first before discussing any relevant career options. Their
consultant is on hand to guide you through options to match candidates to their ideal job.

Their goal is to offer their clients the best consulting services. This means that provide clients
with complete consulting services from the identification of relevant candidate, to close the
position in a short time. They have tie up with many companies in BPO industry for voice
process. Their access to approach candidates 1 through manly job portals and job portals. They also have a candidate referral database.

2.2 Financial Performance

Company is not willing to disclose the financials performance of it.

But the approximate turnover is around 10 – 12 LPA

2.3 Services
 Job opportunities for freshers and experienced candidates.
 Coordinating interviews and debriefing.
 Job offers and salary negotiation.
 Requisition management.
 Offer letter and new hire paperwork.
 Position and candidate profiling management.
 Sourcing resumes.
 Writing and placing job postings.
 New hire check-in surveys.

Organization structure of Rakvih technology

Every firm has a structure of its own which includes the employees working there under the head
officer who guides and directs them. Big organizations have a structure which may be complex
but small firms don't have such complexity but uniformity should be there in order for smooth
working of the firm.

In case of our company, since it is small consultancy as well as new start-up also, that is the
reason it does not have much employees and hence total workforce there are 13 including me.
Mr. Vijay Kumar K (CEO) heads the recruitment team and operations. The organizational
environment is quite conductive for working and each member worked with co-ordination and
co-operation with one another.


Looking for a good employee is as difficult as searching for a good employer. When the
recruitment process extends over the national boundaries and borders, finding the perfect
candidate are a real challenge. At Rakvih they know that good quality employees that help

business grow. To ensure a streamlined process and quality service for clients, the recruitment
process is the same for every applicant they refer. This also provides the candidates with a
consistent level of exceptional service from the Rakvih Recruitment Team.

Job Specification

The first step is to take a detailed job description from the clients to determine their key needs
and requirements. For existing clients, it is normally conducted via telephone and email.

For new clients, they prefer to discuss their requirement in person so as to develop rapport and
become familiar with the organization and the environment.

If an appointment cannot be made straight away, they will search from the job specification
received via telephone and have resumes ready for their client’s consideration at their
introductory meeting. The preferred information required for their job specification includes:

 Qualifications / experiences required.

 Role description and key responsibility.
 Opportunities for career progression.
 Software experience required / preferred.
 Hours / days of position, additional flexibility required.
 Salary expectations
 Start date and / or duration of appointment (temp positions only).

2.4 SWOT Analysis

The purpose of SWOT analysis is to support strategic decision-making. A SWOT analysis can be
critical for smaller consulting firms to cover all the bases when making business decisions. This
process can be an exhaustive and thorough group effort. It can also be quickly used by
individuals for less critical decisions. Involving other team members can help identify factors
that individuals might overlook.

The most obvious answer would be the head of a startup, which is not quite right. As a leader,
one need to be at the forefront of creating a SWOT; however, you should not do this alone.

Remember how analysis can help you see different perspectives? How can that happen if you do
it yourself? What you need are fresh eyes and a fresh mind. As this is a brainstorming process,
gather the organization's stakeholders. You can even bring in an outside person, such as your
business consultant or another startup leader who knows your business.


No much office space required- because the company is a new venture started 3 years before i.e.,
on 2020 there are around 15 – 20 employees working.

Minimal number of employees – As mentioned above the company has around 15 – 20

employees and some of them are working from home, each employee has an ease to work for the
company and equal opportunities are given to them by the employer.

Sole Proprietor – All the profits will be enjoyed by a single person.

Adding freelancers – The company smartly hired freelancers to do their part of the work so that
it can reduce the intake of the employees.

Team Chemistry – Since the intake is less, there is a proper bonding between the employees and
the employer so that the company can perform well.


Sole Proprietor – Even all the losses will be borne by a single person.

Handful Companies – Since RAKVIH is a startup it does not have lot of companies to Participate
and the team is trying hard to do the necessary things which are use full to the company.

Lack of Capital – This a minimal issue in this company because there is a shortage of capital,
even though the company is thinking to establish and move forward, but this shortage plays a
vital role in stopping the growth.

Lack of marketing – Only few know about the company because there is a lack in the marketing
aspect and the company is not focusing on that aspect.

Maintenance problem – The website will be in maintenance once in a while that has to be taken
care of, because it will be a problem to the applicant when he is trying to reach out the team. If
one applicant feels bad about it, then there will be a negative review on company.


Talents are inclined to work with startups – Increasingly, a trend is being observed where several
mid-level officials are also leaving jobs in large firms to work for startups. Moreover, a survey
conducted by the Economic Times magazine confirmed that the number of students getting
involved in startups and e-commerce companies has increased considerably.

Government initiatives – Government is providing lot of new opportunities for startups and new
schemes are also launched so that the companies can make a maximum utilization of them.

Training – Since most of the freshers needed to be trained for the interview and other things, the
company’s team will train them and teach them how to negotiate and talk with the interviewer
and other necessary things will be briefed.


Changing Laws – The laws and the guidelines will be keeps on changing, so it will be difficult to
track the laws.New entrants – Now a days startups are increasing like anything, but only few
sustain in the market. And this company was established 3 years back. So, it will be difficult to
compete in the market.

Existing competitors – Already existing companies are the major problems because they have
already acquired a major portion of the market and also, they have tie-ups along with different
partners but RAKVIH has hardly 6 – 7 companies.

2.5 Overview of different department

Business Development Operations

In most cases, consulting firms are revenue-generating businesses, and financial goals play a key
role in the overall structure of the organization. Because these types of organizations are often
affected by different and specific economic conditions, they often adapt by providing new
services to continue operating and generating revenue.

The organizational structure allows the firm to continue to expand by adding business units to
supplement failing or non-performing business units while still meeting the firm's financial
needs. Consultants in other units may be trained to fulfill the responsibilities of the new business
units and may be moved laterally within the organizational structure.

Talent Acquisition

Consultancy organizations often have an established method, strategy or product. Therefore,

according to e Financial Careers, the business structure must provide room for employees to
grow within the organization as they become more skilled in the business applications or
processes that the advisory firm uses and sells to clients. Employee retention can be key to the
success of a consulting firm.

General management

This department develops and implements overall business strategies. Responsible for the entire
organization. General management is concerned with determining overall business strategies,
planning, monitoring the execution of plans, making decisions and leading the workforce, and
maintaining punctuality and disciplinary matters.

2.6 Future outlook

Future look of the company is to expand itself and to market more by using all the means. It is
also focusing on

The future of the company is directly tied to the quality of people company can recruit, grow
and retain on the team, which means that talent acquisition, talent development and retention
should be a key strategic goal of the business.


SIP Project Profile

3.1 Purpose of the Study

Gain experience.

Freshers usually lack in experience and this is the only way to get it. The best experience comes
from internships because you get to do a little bit of everything! person will see and experience
the different roles people play in certain companies and see working life from different
perspectives. This is a good thing to take with you into the working world as you will
occasionally be asked to do different tasks involving different elements of the company. That
way you would have already tried things out and understood how to multitask.

To understand better.

An internship allows people to spend time understanding the role, tasks and industry. Internships
want you to leave knowing more than you came in with, and that's most likely the result. Taking
the opportunity to understand every task which is given and every new tool you use. Write things
down, ask questions, and do things repeatedly to make sure you are doing everything with 100%

Be able to learn and follow.

During the internship, you can learn from the best. People will watch over and work closely on
projects so you have someone to look up to and a goal to work towards. People may learn new
skills and new things about the industry and life from these people that you didn't know before.
Communication and interaction are key, so ask lots of questions and not to be afraid to suggest
new ideas.

Get the ability to put new things into practice.

Internships are a time for experimentation, and the people who hired you for this internship know
that. They expect you to learn from your mistakes and use it as motivation to get better at things
you weren't so great at before! Take these new ideas and skills into your next job and find a way
to incorporate them into whatever assignments you are given.

Whether it's public speaking, presentations or simply coming up with new ideas, internships will
boost your confidence, allowing you to grow as a worker and as a person. Confidence is key
because if you don't believe in yourself... who will? There is a fine line between confidence and
arrogance, so don't cross it because no one likes an arrogant worker! Internships will help you
build confidence through practice, which will also help in your personal growth. After all,
practice makes perfect.

To get a feel for different industries.

Internships are usually for 3-6 months. This allows you to get a feel for different industries in a
short period of time. If you spend 3 months in PR and 3 months in marketing, you will know the
difference in content, how they work and why they work. This will help you in your overall
career path if you are not sure what to do in the future or are stuck between two options.
Working in different industries will also give you a wider range of skills that will make you more
attractive to employers and hiring managers!


Internships require you to work both independently and in a team. You will learn to
communicate in new ways to build professional working relationships with people of all ages.

This is great because it allows you to be open to other people's ideas and be creative in a team to
build better ideas and ultimately build a better company.

3.2 Objectives and Scope

Communication skills

speaking, writing, presentation, customer service, interpersonal, teamwork, leadership and

listening as practiced in the professional world.

Professional behavior and knowledge

To learn the employee’s expectations of workplace behavior and obtain knowledge of a specific
company/industry; learn specific routine job functions such as: marketing, management,
customer service, accounting, production, design, training, IT, research etc.; connect classroom
learning with its application in the workplace.

Computer/technology skills

To improve skills with specific applications or social media; understand how certain
technologies are used in specific industries/companies and getting certified in a specific technical

Building specific skills

To improve skills, confidence, competence in specific areas related to the academic field or
specific area of the professional interest.

Project related skills

To develop skills in research, analysis, organization, time management, teamwork coordination

of multiple tasks, initiative, adaptability, and project completion.

Activities increasing employability

To gain experience to add to my resume and also expand my network of business or industry
contacts, get a work reference to vouch for my performance.

 To study and understand the structure of the consultancy.
 Two critically analyze the practical operations of the consultancy.
 To understand and analyze the challenges faced during running the consultancy.
 To suggest suitable measures to improve the quality of work.
 To identify major areas of improvements if any, unprovided valuable suggestions
improving the efficiency of the consultancy.
 To analyze the findings and suggestions of the study

Scope of the study

 To help them differentiate between the practices and the theories regarding start up and
working of the HR firm.
 to understand the consultancy industry, their mechanism of action and their role in
 to suggest any measures recommendations based on observations made during occasional
training at Rakvih for the betterment of the consultancy.

Limitations of the study

The limitations are the mandatory part of any project, this project is also not an exception to this.
The study is subjected to the following limitations.

 The main limitation of the study was collection of the information as the firm has been
opened recently and it is a small firm that is the reason to have very less data about it.
 The study is based on the data provided by the company, so the limitations of the
company are equally applicable.
 data is collected from the company record and discussion with CEO only.
 Limited to recruiting industry only.

3.3 Work done in the company

When I joined the company, my major role was in finance but later when I met the teammates
and other employees in the company it made me very comfortable. my role in the company was
in the field of finance and business development. Even though the company is a start up on the
revenue was not up to the mark so a chose in the field of business development too. In business
development Even they give me the opportunity to give suggestions before that the company did
not disclose their financials because of their confidentiality but in business development Even I
connected the company to certain colleges which I have studied before because when we move
to colleges there will be opportunities to grab the freshers.

And in financial field I suggested them to invest some of the money in another field. Because
when the company diversifies its revenue then they can generate some sort of income from other
sources. Apart from these even I used to receive the clients calls because when we post
something on social media platform or in the website people used to call to know the details of
the jobs. I was not receiving each and every call the HRR and the manager there were the two
persons who were receiving but when they were busy, they used to tell me how to connect with
those people and how to speak with them with proper information.

The first step is to obtain a detailed job description from clients to determine their key needs and
requirements. For existing clients, this is usually done by phone and email. With new clients,
they prefer to discuss their requirements in person to build a relationship and get to know the
organization and the environment. If an appointment cannot be arranged immediately, they
search by order of order received by phone and have resumes ready for their client's
consideration at the initial meeting. Preferred Required Information their job specification

 Qualifications / experience required.

 Role description and key responsibilities.
 Opportunities for career advancement.
 Software experience required / an advantage.


The company has an existing database of candidates / job seekers who have registered with the

The registration process includes:

 Shortlisting of candidates
 Interview — Meet each applicant personally; determine their requirement and suitability
for available positions.
 Skills Testing — Bespoke skills testing software designed by requirements.

When starting a new position, they check all currently registered applicants registered according
to the contract specification in order to determine any preliminary matches.

This can speed up the process of selecting potential employers (and their applicants). They are
contacting all matching applicants to inform them of the new one position, find out their interest
and, if interested, send their CV to our clients for consideration.


After conducting a thorough screening and interview process, they pass on applicant's CV to
their clients for review, clients can nominate candidates they are interested in meeting and their
consultants will arrange interview times suitable for both client and applicant. The company’s
recruitment ensures that the candidate does not waste time. If they only have two eligible
applicants, will provide only these two applications. They will not provide unsuitable applicants
just to make up the numbers as their clients and the candidate's time is also valuable 1s. Once the
interviews are done and a candidate is selected, they will make an offer position for the
applicant. Company's Recruitment will also notify the unsuccessful applicants. All placements
will be confirmed in writing prior to commencement.

Placements follow-up

All permanent placements are guaranteed for three months. During this time, they will keep in
touch with their clients and the successful applicants to ensure their suitability and the
satisfaction of their client.

3.4 Type of research
The type of research used to generate this project is:

Qualitative research

It represents collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by what people say and do. It refers to
the meanings, definition, characteristics, symbols, metaphors and description of things. It is
much more subjective and users very different methods of collecting information, mainly
individual, in-depth interview and focus groups. it generates mainly non numeral data and
focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. gathered information is
then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, or even more diagnostic. the nature of this
type of research this exploratory and open-ended.

I did qualitative research in this project and the method used to collect information was informal
discussion with Mr. Vijay Kumar CEO of Rakvih technology

Research design

Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study. a
research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner
that aims to combine relevance to their search purpose with economy in procedure.

research design is broadly of three types

 Exploratory research design.

 Descriptive research design.
 Explanatory research design.

Exploratory research design

it has the following characteristics:

 Gather preliminary information.

 Define problem with more clarity.
 Use of secondary data and qualitative research.

Those studies which are concentrated with describing the characteristics of particular subject. it
is defined as the initial research into a hypothetical or theoretical idea. this is where a researcher
has an idea or has absorbed something and seek to understand more about it and explanatory
research project is an attempt to lay the groundwork that will lead to future studies, all to
determine if what is being observed might be explained by a currently existing theory.

in this report, explanatory research method is used

Data collection method

The data has been collected from both the primary source and secondary source to generate the

Primary data

primary data means data that are collected by different techniques like questionnaire, depth
interview, survey, schedules etc. in this project primary data has been collected through informal
discussion with professionals and observation made while working in the firm.

secondary data

secondary data means data are available I.e. the refer to the data Which have already been
collected and analyzed by someone else. this secondary data involved in this project has been
gathered from website, Internet and going through the company records and other relevant

personal observation

I have actively participated in the normal procedure of the company. so I'm able to get find
experience of recruitment and other business development process and also some features
relating to finance unable to recognize easily the pitfalls that are prevalent in recruitment
procedure at the company.


Key Learnings and Recommendations

4.1 Observations
The company's consultancy strength lies in its experienced and dedicated workforce manpower.
The strength in recruitment comes from the manpower it has a belief in right people at right

The company's financial performance is consistent with its mission, objectives and
organizational environment. The organization embraces the idea of dedication towards
organizational excellence. this includes improvement of company, services and employees. the
recruitment industry is changing fast to survive one to prosper involves expanding its verticals
apart from BPO and IT enabled services only. this means that the consultancy has to think ahead
tie up with more companies and something to generate good revenue but involves fewer risk.
huge sums must be invested in hiring best recruiters and developing the infrastructure of the
company. as the company expands its verticals there must be mindful of changes caused by it.
the competitive environment creates challenges and opportunities for any company with equal
importance for the communities in which they reside.

the study offers new insight into what is the recruitment process as a consultancy. it helped to
learn about the structure and operations of the companies and what and all activities they

perform while hiring the candidates it also identifies the challenges faced during starting new
recruitment firm and the steps involved in starting recruitment form as an entrepreneur.

Here are some things to remember when starting an employment staffing agency:

 Plan on how you get clients away of your recruitment and human resource services

Among the challenges of job placement agencies is finding clients who will avail the different
human resource service that they offer. it is therefore best that you identify how you are going to
have employers and companies avail off your placement agency services. for example, send
letters to companies and tell them about the services that you offer. it is the best however that
you are able to persuade them to avail of your employment recruitment agency services by
telling them about the advantages and benefits that they can avail when they are taking
advantage of recruitment agencies. employers and companies for example will find its cost
effective to outsource the screening and interview to applicants for their company. this is for
reason that having a specialized recruitment department among many companies can prove to be
very prohibitive. make sure that you also tell prospective clients why you are the best recruitment
agency for them.

For example, one of your healthcare recruitment agencies specializes in recruiting healthcare
workers like nurses and midwives you are the best staffing agency to handle the human resource
need of hospitals and healthcare institutions.

 Learn how to effectively find the best employees for a particular job

To be competitive in the recruitment agency business you must know how to get the best and
most qualified workers to apply in your temporary employment agency. Many employment
staffing agencies generally take advantage of advertising to get job hunters and career shifters to
apply in their employment agencies. Your international recruitment agency can also make use of
this strategy so you will have a pool of qualified workers that can fit in the qualifications needed
by your clients. Giving your clients the best available workers will help your HR recruitment
agency become a reputable and efficient employment agent.

4.2 Expectations and Achievements
The main challenges for recruitment firm comes from three areas. First, they must deal with
competition from market. Secondly, they must manage within a world of price control that
dictates a wide range of prices from place to place. Thirdly, companies must be constantly work
on improving their policies and recruitment procedure with time.

In the starting as every businessman has to face difficulty. Likewise, this consultancy named
Rakvih also had to face some issues. Some of the challenges faced by consultant there are:

 Finding new business in a competitive market.

 Getting to grips with social media – does it hold the key?
 Understanding how to shift from marketing to targeted marketing.
 Re – marketing and ‘Staying in touch ‘.
 Does their website sell their business effectively?
 Knowing how to effectively grow their profile within the industry.

4.3 Learning Outcome

The company's financial performance is consistent with its mission, objectives and
organizational environment. The organization embraces the idea of dedication towards
organizational excellence. this includes improvement of company, services and employees. the
recruitment industry is changing fast to survive one to prosper involves expanding its verticals
apart from BPO and IT enabled services only. this means that the consultancy has to think ahead
tie up with more companies and something to generate good revenue but involves fewer risk.
huge sums must be invested in hiring best recruiters and developing the infrastructure of the
company. as the company expands its verticals there must be mindful of changes caused by it.
the competitive environment creates challenges and opportunities for any company with equal
importance for the communities in which they reside.

Government license required to start business

If any company is not yet registered till now the registration work is in progress having said that
the company would be required to fill a certain document which are necessary to perform the
business activities.

♦ Get registration from registrar of the companies.
♦ Now registration is also done through underline process if you have all the necessary
♦ CA of the company handles the registration process and get it's registered.

The process of establishing a new business he's preceded by the resolution to select
entrepreneurship as an occupation. This calls for recognizing creative business idea upon a
Meticulous valuation of the entrepreneurial prospects. Creation of business idea is not sufficient
there must be tested on technological economic and authorized viewpoints.

Below is the sequence of standard format which should be followed while planning for a new

 Background of the business.

 Customers profile.
 Long- and short-term corporate objectives.
 To perform a viability assessment of the proposed new business idea in terms of
marketability, technical feasibility, financing and authorities.
 To be able to prepare relevant business plan.
 To recognize fundamental startup issues.

 Market analysis
 Brief discussion on the type of market, chief influencers, players etc.
 Market description.
 Reasons for starting business in a particular market.
 Target clients.
 Advantages of the services offered by the new business.
 Market consumption patterns.
 Pause turn existing supply location.
 Production prospects and limitations.
 Export and imports.

 Price structure.
 Flexibility of demand.
 Supply network and marketing rules formulated by the government.
 Government and technical limitations imposed on the promotion of the product.

 Financial assessment
 Investment expenditure and value of the entire project.
 Methods of investment.
 Anticipated productivity.
 Money flows off the project report.
 Investment value evaluated in context of different point of merit.
 Estimated financial ranking.

 Marketing assessment
 Product.
 Price.
 Place.
 Promotion.

 Operational Plan
 Business models.
 Production of goods and services.

 Financial Plan
 Management structure.
 Business structure (Ownership, staff etc.,)

 SWOT Analysis
 Significant success aspects depending on strength, weakness, opportunities and threats to
be faced by the firm in future.

 Appendices
 Break-Even assessment.
 Profit and loss Synopsis.
 Fund flow Summary.


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