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• Theodor Boveri
DISCOVERY OF THE CHROMOSOME o Began to shed light on the events that take
• Mendelian “Factors” place in the nucleus during cell division and
o 1903, rediscovered by Theodore Boveri and their implications.
Walter Sutton. • Some thirty-five years later:
o Eventually called Chromosome Theory of o Significance of Mendel's work was
Inheritance. emphasized by Walter Sutton.
• Discovery of sex chromosomes and association o Observations of chromosome behavior
between specific genes and specific chromosomes. during cell division and gamete formation
o 1910: Thomas Hunt Morgan were consistent with Mendel's findings.
o 1916: Calvin Bridges o Basis for chromosome theory and the field
of cytogenetics was created.
• 1860s: Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin WALTHER FLEMMING DESCRIBES CHROMOSOMES
o Began to explore possible mechanisms of • Middle of 19th Century
heredity. o Scientists understood that cells derived from
• Walther Flemming, Theodor Boveri, and Walter other cells and that the hereditary
Sutton information was located in the nucleus.
o Made a series of significant discoveries o Physical nature of the hereditary material
involving chromosomes. remained unknown.
§ What these structures looked like. o Microscopes of the time provided very poor
§ How they moved during mitosis. resolution of living cellular structures,
§ What role they likely played in the making it necessary for investigators to treat
transmission of genetic fixed cells with various stains to enhance the
characteristics. contrast of their contents.
• Early 20th Century: Thomas Hunt Morgan • Walther Flemming
o Researchers were finally able to directly link o German anatomist.
the inheritance of genetic traits to the o Innovative microscopy techniques and
behavior of chromosomes, thereby providing painstaking precision.
concrete evidence for what became known o Chromatin or “Stainable Material”
as the Chromosome Theory of Heredity. § Fibrous network within the nucleus.
§ Coined a few years later by
• 1865 was marked by two profound biological § Greek word for thread.
breakthroughs: § During cell division, the chromatin
o Mendel's publication of his experiments in formed threadlike bodies.
plant hybridization. o Correctly deduced the sequence of
o Darwin's provisional hypothesis chromosome movements during mitosis.
of pangenesis. § Based on many observations of
• Mendel speculated that cells contained some type of cells in various stages of division.
factor that carried traits from one generation to the § Confirmed decades later by
next. microscopy of live dividing cells.
o Made the important observation that
• Darwin proposed that traits could be passed down via
chromosomes split along their length during
units he termed “gemmules,” which he believed
traveled from every body part to the sexual organs,
o Correctly hypothesized that the split
where they were stored.
chromosomes were partitioned into different
• Because these first attempts to explain the
daughter cells at the end of mitosis.
mechanisms of heredity lacked any scientific support,
o Recognized that chromosomal movement
their profound importance went unrecognized by the
during mitosis offered a mechanism for the
scientific community for decades.
precise distribution of nuclear material
• Mendel and Darwin's work laid the foundation for during cell division.
formulating a testable, research-based theory of o Provided an invaluable description of the
heredity. initial mechanisms underlying the process of
cell division.


o Helped paved the way for the discovery of o Near the dawn of 20th Century.
hereditary mechanisms. o Working independently.
o American graduate student.
AND HEREDITY o Confirmed and expanded upon Boveri's
• End of the 19th Century observations using a superior cytological
o Marked by advancements in cytological model.
techniques and microscopy. o Made the serendipitous discovery that it was
• Theodor Boveri possible to distinguish individual
o German embryologist. chromosomes in cells undergoing meiosis in
o Took Flemming's findings to the next level the testes of the lubber
by providing the first evidence that grasshopper, Brachystola magna.
chromosomes of germ cell lineage provide o Classic paper published in 1902:
continuity between generations. § Described the configurations of
o Found evidence for this hypothesis through individual chromosomes in cells at
his research of early development in the various stages of meiosis.
roundworm species Ascaris o Able to identify:
megalocephala (now known as Parascaris § 11 pairs of chromosomes that could
equorum). be distinguished by their sizes.
o Ascaris embryos provided an excellent § Accessory singleton presumed to
experimental model for Boveri's be a sex chromosome.
observations: • Apparent lack of a partner.
§ Large, clear cells of • Sorted into only half of the
the Ascaris embryo have only two sperm cells.
pairs of chromosomes. • Remaining half never
§ Embryos develop distinct somatic received a copy.
cell and germ cell lineages during o Though the accessory chromosome was
the first few cleavage divisions. unpaired, it still replicated and entered
o Able to trace the fate of the chromosomes in stages of mitosis in the same manner as all
individual cell lineages with great precision. other chromosomes = “true chromosome”
o Made surprising observation that the full and not simply an accessory.
complement of chromosomes was retained o Postulated that all chromosomes have a
only in the Ascaris germ cell lineage, the stable structure, or “individuality”.
source of future gametes. § Maintained between generations.
o Chromosomes in somatic cells underwent a § Used this property to follow the
curious process of fragmentation and behavior of individual
elimination known as chromosome chromosomes through the various
diminution. stages of meiosis,
§ Chromosome diminution does not including synapsis.
occur in mammals. o Recognized that his observations were
o Recognized that chromosome number was consistent with Mendel’s whose findings
reduced in the gametes. had only recently been rediscovered.
o In Ascaris eggs: § Closed his 1902 paper with the
§ Meiosis does not statement, “I may finally call
occur until fertilization is complete. attention to the probability that the
§ Able to observe the behavior association of paternal and
of egg and sperm chromosomes maternal chromosomes in pairs and
following fertilization. their subsequent separation during
o Noted that Ascaris eggs retained only two the reducing division as indicated
chromosomes after the polar body formed, above may constitute the physical
and that the normal number of four basis of the Mendelian law of
chromosomes was restored following fusion heredity.”
of the sperm and egg pronuclei. § Articulated the chromosomal
o Provided one of the first descriptions of theory of inheritance.
meiosis. o Went on to explain the basis for the ongoing
variation among heritable traits.
WALTER SUTTON FINDS EVIDENCE FOR o Position of each chromosome at the midline
MENDEL’S PRINCIPLES during metaphase was random.
o There was never a consistent maternal or
• Walter Sutton
paternal side of the cell division.
o Each chromosome was, therefore, o Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues at
independent of the others. Columbia University identified hundreds
o When they separated into gametes, the set of of Drosophila genes and made many pivotal
chromosomes in each daughter cell could discoveries about genetic transmission.
contain a mixture of the parental traits, but o Cytological examination showed
not necessarily the same mixture as that of that Drosophila possesses four pairs of
other daughter cells. chromosomes, including a pair of sex
o Newly discovered chromosomal chromosomes.
independence during meiosis meant that the § Female = two identical X
number of possible chromosomal chromosomes.
combinations for each gamete could be § Males = single X chromosome and
calculated based on the number of smaller gene-poor Y chromosome.
chromosomes in the organism. o Sex in fruit flies is determined by the
o Specifically, there are 2n possible number of X chromosomes, rather than by
combinations of chromosomes in gametes. the presence of the Y chromosome.
§ “n” = number of chromosomes in • One day, Morgan’s associates discovered a male fly
the gamete. with unusual white eyes in their cultures.
o Considering all the possible pairings of one o Breeding experiments quickly established
gamete with another, the variation in zygotes that the white eye color was caused by
is (2n)2, which results in some fairly large a recessive mutation in the gene responsible
numbers. for normal red eye color.
o Provided examples of the potential variation o Gene was probably located on the X
among hypothetical organisms with gamete chromosome.
chromosome numbers ranging from 1 to 19. o Chromosome Theory:
§ Male flies would always display the
eye color encoded on their single X
§ Female flies would develop white
eye color only when they inherited
two mutant versions of the eye
color gene.
o Rare occasions:
§ “Exceptional” white-eyed females
among the progeny of a
heterozygous female fly and a
normal male.
• Lilian Vaughn Morgan
o Thomas Morgan’s wife.
o Had the insight to recognize that these
“exceptional” females might have an
o Correctly assumed that there was more than unusual chromosome composition.
one trait present on each chromosome, so o Females had two X chromosomes as well as
the actual total variation was even higher a Y chromosome.
than any of those included in the table. § XXY females resulted from defects
o This observation of potential variation added in meiosis that caused a high
strength to Sutton’s assertion that he had frequency of nondisjunction.
discovered the physical basis for Mendel's § Failure of chromatids to separate
principle of independent assortment. during the second meiotic division.
o Still lacking was definite proof. o When eggs containing two nondisjoined X
o Scientists needed an experimental system in chromosomes, each of which carried the
which the inheritance of genetic traits could mutant white gene, were fertilized by a Y-
be linked directly to the behavior of bearing sperm, the product was an XXY
chromosomes. female with white eyes.
§ Distinct mutation in the fruit o Rather than disproving the chromosome
fly Drosophila melanogaster. theory, these “exceptional” females actually
provided strong experimental support that
THOMAS HUNT MORGAN EXPERIMENTALLY genes were in fact located on chromosomes.
• Early years of the 20th Century WHAT IS A CHROMOSOME?
• Rod shaped filamentous structures.
• Threadlike structures or “colored bodies” DNA COILING
o Chroma = color; strong affinity to dyes.
o Soma = body
• Made of protein and a single molecule of DNA
• Factors that distinguish one species from another
• Different living organisms have various number of
• Only visible during cell division using a light
• Not visible in active nucleus due to their high water


• Enable transmission of genetic information from one
generation to the next.
• In Mitosis
o Ensure daughter cell retains its own
complete genetic complement.
• In Meiosis
o Enable each mature ovum and sperm to
contain a unique single set of parental genes.
• Vehicle that facilitates reproduction and maintenance
of species.

• 44 autosomes
• 2 sex chromosomes
o XX (female)
o XY (male)
• 23 pairs • To package all of this DNA into a tiny cell nucleus,
• Extra-chromosomal DNA it is coiled at several levels.
o Other DNA materials found in • First, the DNA is wound around a histone protein
mitochondria. core to form a nucleosome.
• About 140 to 150 DNA bases are wound around
each histone core.
• 20 to 60 bases form a spacer element before the
next nucleosome complex.
• Nucleosomes in turn form a helical solenoid;
each turn of the solenoid includes about six
• Solenoids themselves are organized into chromatin
loops, which are attached to a protein scaffold.
• Each of these loops contains approximately 100,000
base pairs (bp), or 100 kilobases (kb), of DNA.
• End result of this coiling and looping is that the
DNA, at its maximum stage of condensation, is
only about 1/10,000 as long as it would be if it were
fully stretched out.

• Replicated condensed chromosome with sister
• Can be counted easily during the mitotic metaphase


o Highly diverse.
o Largest class is the transcription factors that
regulate gene expression.
o Other examples are the non-histone proteins
in the centromeric kinetochores that function
in chromosome movement during cell
division and the structural proteins of the
nuclear matrix and supporting scaffold of
condensed chromosomes.
• At a third level of compaction, the 30-nm fibers are
hypothesized to attach as radial loops to filaments of
the dynamic network of proteins that make up the
nuclear matrix.
o These looped domains of between 25,000 bp
and 200,000 bp in size are anchored to the
matrix filaments by other kinds of non-
histone proteins.
• Matrix-attachment regions (MARs) or scaffold-
attachment regions (SARs) are dispersed at intervals
throughout the genome.
o This results in a further 200- to 250-fold
shortening of the chromosomes to a total of
about 10,000-fold above the naked DNA.

• In contrast to other cell organelles, the size of
chromosomes shows a remarkable variation
depending upon the stages of cell division.
• Interphase:
• The mechanism for packaging this DNA in the
nucleus is critical to maintaining its integrity and o Chromosome are largest and thinnest.
organization. • Prophase:
• Packaging also influences gene expression. o Progressive decrease in length.
o Increase in thickness.
• Basic element of chromosome structure is the
nucleosome. • Anaphase:
o Chromosomes are smallest.
o Repeating unit composed of double-stranded
DNA wrapped almost twice around a • Metaphase:
complex of histone proteins. o Chromosomes are the most easily observed
o Compacts DNA by reducing its length about and studied during metaphase when they are
7-fold. very thick, quite short, and well spread in
o Nucleosome’s protein core the cell.
§ Composed of two molecules of
each of four different histone MORPHOLOGY OF CHROMOSOME
proteins, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. • Chromatids
§ Contain a large number of lysine o Two identical strands which are the result of
and arginine amino acids, making DNA replication.
the protein core highly basic. o Sister chromatid = 1 chromosome.
§ This helps it bind to the negatively- • Centromere
charged phosphate groups in DNA. o Central region.
• Short unbound stretch of linker DNA is found o Region where two sister chromatids of a
between consecutive nucleosomes. chromosome appear to be joined or held
• A fifth histone, H1, binds to the linker DNA and may together.
help connect adjacent nucleosomes during early o Also termed as Primary Constriction where
chromosome compaction, although there are sister chromatids are linked.
competing models of the resulting 30-nm fiber. o Consists of several hundred kilobases of
o This shortens DNA length another 7-fold, to repetitive DNA.
a total of almost 50-fold over the initial o Responsible for chromosome movement at
DNA molecular length. cell division.
• In addition to these histone proteins, there is a large o When chromosomes are stained:
non- histone protein component in a chromosome. § dark stained region = centromere.


o During mitosis, the centromere that is shared CHROMOSOME TYPES
by the sister chromatids must divide so that • Based on centromere position:
the chromatids can migrate to opposite poles o Metacentric
of the cell. § Middle.
o During the Meiosis I, the centromere of SC § Yielding arms of roughly equal
remain intact. length.
o During the Meiosis II, the centromere act § Centromere is centrally located.
like in the mitosis. § 5 pairs in humans.
o Important structure for chromosome o Submetacentric
segregation. § Off-center centromere.
o Divides the chromosome into: § “q” arm is longer.
§ Short arm: designated as p (petite) § Unequal length of chromosome
§ Long arm: designated as q (queues arms.
or “g” = grande) o Acrocentric
§ Acro = peak.
§ Very close to one end.
§ Yielding a small short arm.
§ Often associated with small pieces
of DNA called satellites, encoding
§ 5 pairs in humans.
o Telocentric
§ V-shaped.
§ Centromeres at the terminal end.
§ Not found in humans.
§ Common in animals (house

• Kinetochore
o Organelle located at the centromere region.
o Actual location where the attachment occur.
o Composed of both DNA and protein.
o DNA sequence within this region is called
the CEN DNA.
o Acts as the microtubule organizing center.
o Facilitates spindle formation by
polymerization of tubulin dimers to form
microtubules in early mitosis.

• Based on arms ratio:

o 1964, Levan et al.
o Determine the ratio of p and q arms for each
chromosome type.
o Important in chromosomal aberrations.
• Comes from the Greek words for color (chroma) and
body (soma) = strongly stained by some colorful dyes
used in research.


• Keeps DNA tightly wrapped around spool-like
proteins, called histones.
o Without such packaging, DNA molecules
o Subtelocentric would be too long to fit inside cells.
§ Centromere closer to the end than • Key part of the process that ensures DNA is
to the center. accurately copied and distributed in the vast majority
§ Mas malapit sa center yung of cell divisions.
submetacentric. • Changes in the number or structure of chromosomes
in new cells may lead to serious problems
• Reproductive cells containing the right number of
chromosomes and have the correct structure is
o If not, the resulting offspring may fail to
develop properly.


• Chromosomes vary in number and shape among
living things.
o Most bacteria: one or two circular
o Humans, animals and plants: linear
chromosomes that are arranged in pairs
within the nucleus of the cell.
• Telomere • Reproductive Cells or Gametes
o Tip/end of each chromosome. o Only human cells that do not contain pairs
o Forms a T-loop. of chromosomes.
o Tandem repeats of the hexameric sequence o Carry just one copy of each chromosome.
‘TTAGGG’. o When two reproductive cells unite, they
o Required for the replication and stability of become a single cell that contains two copies
the chromosome. of each chromosome.
o Functions in preserving chromosome o Cell divides and its successors divide
stability: numerous times = mature individual with a
§ Preventing abnormal end-to-end full set of paired chromosomes in virtually
fusion of chromosomes. all of its cells.
§ Protecting the ends of • Circular chromosome
chromosomes from degradation. o Found in mitochondria.
§ Ensuring complete DNA o Structures located outside the nucleus that
replication. serve as the cell’s powerhouses.
§ Having a role in chromosome o In the past:
pairing during meiosis. § Mitochondria were free-living
bacteria with the ability to convert
CHROMOSOMES FACT SHEET oxygen into energy.
§ When these bacteria invaded cells
WHAT IS A CHROMOSOME? lacking the power to tap into
• Thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of oxygen’s power, the cells retained
animal and plant cells. them, and, over time, the bacteria
• Made of protein and a single molecule of evolved into modern-day
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). mitochondria.
• Passed from parents to offspring, DNA contains the
specific instructions that make each type of living WHAT ARE CENTROMERES?
creature unique. • Constricted region of linear chromosomes.
• Help to keep chromosomes properly aligned during
the complex process of cell division.
• As chromosomes are copied in preparation for o Women with only one X chromosome.
production of a new cell, the centromere serves as an § Turner Syndrome
attachment site for the two halves of each replicated § Very short.
chromosome, known as sister chromatids. § Usually do not undergo puberty.
§ some may have kidney or heart
• Repetitive stretches of DNA located at the ends of
• Protect the ends of chromosomes in a manner similar • Late 1800s
to the way the tips of shoelaces keep them from o First observed chromosomes.
unraveling. o Nature and function of these cell structures
• Lose a bit of their DNA every time a cell divides. were unclear.
o When all of the telomere DNA is gone, the • Early 1900s
cell cannot replicate and dies. o Researchers gained a much better
• White blood cells and other cell types with the understanding of chromosomes through
capacity to divide very frequently have a special Thomas Hunt Morgan’s pioneering studies.
enzyme that prevents their chromosomes from losing o Made the link between chromosomes and
their telomeres = generally live longer than other inherited traits by demonstrating that the X
cells. chromosome is related to gender and eye
• Play a role in cancer. color in fruit flies.
o Chromosomes of malignant cells usually do
not lose their telomeres. CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS
o Fuel the uncontrolled growth that makes • Aberrations = abnormality.
cancer so devastating. • Abnormal structure or number of chromosomes.
• Chromosomal abnormalities represent changes in
HOW MANY CHROMOSOMES DO HUMANS HAVE? chromosomes (46 in human somatic cells) or their
• Humans = 23 pairs of chromosomes = 46. structural modifications.
• Fruit fly = 4 pairs. • Certain genomic mutations explain chromosomal
• Rice plant =12 pairs. number abnormalities, while there are chromosomal
• Dog = 39 pairs. aberrations that explain chromosomal structure
HOW ARE CHROMOSOMES INHERITED? • Chromosomal disorders form a category of human
• One copy of each chromosome is inherited from the genetic disease that are manifested by developmental
female parent and the other from the male parent. and reproductive abnormalities, as well as playing an
important role in the pathogenesis of malignancy.
• Pattern of inheritance is different for the small
circular chromosome found in mitochondria. • Depending on the nature of aberration, it can lead to
o Only egg cells keep their mitochondria severe birth defect or defects incompatible with life.
during fertilization. • Diagnosis: by doing karyotyping.
o Mitochondrial DNA is always inherited • Chromosomal abnormalities may be produced by:
from the female parent. o Mitosis deregulating factors that produce
o Humans: some forms of hearing impairment DNA tears or affects replication
and diabetes have been associated with o Chemical factors
DNA found in the mitochondria. § Teratogen: agent or factor which
causes malformation of an embryo.
DO MALES HAVE DIFFERENT CHROMOSOMES o Physical factors (e.g. ionizing radiation)
o Biological factors (e.g. viruses)
o Mother advanced age
• Differ in sex chromosomes:
§ Increased aneuploidy risk.
o Females = two X chromosomes. o One of the parents is carrier (e.g.
o Males = one X and one Y chromosome. translocation)
• Inheriting too many or not enough copies of sex o Chromosomal rearrangements (e.g. unequal
chromosomes can lead to serious problems. crossing-over – nondisjunction of
o Females who have extra copies of the X chromosomes)
chromosome: • What clinical presentations would lead one to suspect
§ Usually taller than average. a chromosomal abnormality?
§ Some have mental retardation. o Infertility
o Males with more than one X chromosome:
§ Not being able to get pregnant
§ Klinefelter Syndrome despite having frequent unprotected
§ Tall stature. sex for at least 1 year.
§ Impaired fertility.
§ Not always a direct result of a o Part of a chromosome breaks off and
medical procedure. attaches to another nonhomologous
o Sterility chromosome.
§ Inability to create offspring because
of a certain procedure.
§ Vasectomy, tubal ligation,
o Intersexes
§ Hermaphrodites
• Both ovaries and testes are
§ Pseudohermaphrodites
• Born with one
chromosomal or gonadal
sex but he or she has
developed some secondary
characteristics of the other.
o Multiple Congenital Malformations STRUCTURAL ABERRATIONS
• Ways by which a chromosome can be structurally
o Too much or too little genetic material
§ Balanced
• If the amount of genetic
material is normal.
• All the genetic
information is present in
the right amount but it is
placed in a wrong location
or different order.
• Usually does not lead to
phenotypic abnormality
(hindi masyado nakikita).
§ Unbalanced
• If there is an excess or a
deficient amount of
genetic material or DNA
• Lost or gain of a
o Mental Retardation chromosome content.
• Variations in the chromosome number • Phenotype of carrier is
o Aneuploidy abnormal.
§ Addition or loss of one or more o Stretch of DNA is inverted or moved and
chromosomes. stuck onto a different type of chromosomes.
§ Trisomy (2n + 1) § Chromosome structure
§ Monosomy (2n – 1) chromosomes variations may result
o Polyploidy from chromosome breakage.
§ Addition of chromosome sets. § Broken piece of chromosomes tend
§ Triploidy (3n) to re-join; if there is more than one
§ Tetraploidy (4n) break, rejoining usually occurs at
• Alterations in the chromosome structure random and not necessarily with
o Deletion the correct ends.
§ Lost a part of a chromosome. • Four common types:
o Duplication o Deletion or Deficiency
§ Segment of a chromosome is o Duplication or Repeat
repeated. o Inversion
o Inversion o Translocation
§ Part of a chromosome is oriented in • Example:
the reverse of its usual direction. o Consider a normal chromosome with genes
o Reciprocal Translocation in alphabetical order: a b c d e f g h i
o Deletion: part of the chromosome has be o Majority of deficiencies detected are
removed: a b c g h i intercalary type within the chromosomes.
o Duplication: part of the chromosome is • Generally produce striking genetic and physiological
duplicated: a b c d e f d e f g h i effects.
o Inversion: part of the chromosome has been • Homozygous
reinserted in reverse order: a b c f e d g h i o Lethal because most genes are necessary for
o Translocation: parts of two non-homologous life.
chromosomes are joined. o Zero copies.
§ If one normal chromosome is a b c o Resulting in zygotic loss, still births or
d e f g h i and the other infant deaths.
chromosome is u v w x y z, then a • Heterozygous
translocation between them would o Genes on the normal homologue are
be a b c d e f x y z and u v w g h i. hemizygous.
o Only one copy.
• Crossing-over is absent in deleted region of a
chromosome since this region is present in only one
copy in deletion heterozygotes.

• Characterized by chromosomal fragment lost.
• Loss of a chromosome segment.
• First structural aberration detected by Bridges in
1917 from his genetic studies on X chromosome of CRI-DU-CHAT (CAT CRY SYNDROME)
Drosophila. • Other names:
• Terminal Deletion o Lejeune’s syndrome
o Produced by one point chromosomal tearing o Chromosome 5p deletion syndrome
followed by terminal fragment lost. o 5p monosomy
• Interstitial/Intercalary Deletion o 5p minus syndrome
o Produced by chromosomal tearing in two o 46,XX5p- or 46,XY5p-
points followed by intercalary fragment lost. • Identified by Jérôme Lejeune in 1963.
• Rare genetic syndrome due to chromosome deletion
on chromosome 5.
• Chromosome deficiency is in the short arm of
chromosome 5.
• French term (“cat cry” or “call of the cat”) referring
to the characteristic cat-like cry of affected children.
• Name came from a catlike mewing cry from small
weak infants with the disorder.
• Patients die in infancy or early childhood.
• Clinical Presentation
o Characteristic cat-like cry due to
underdeveloped larynx.
• Can result to terminal deficiency or intercalary o Microcephaly (small head due to
deficiency. underdeveloped brain)
o A single break near the end of the o Round “moon-like” face
chromosome would be expected to result in o Micrognathia
terminal deficiency. § Condition wherein the lower jaw is
o If two breaks occur a section may be deleted undersized.
and an intercalary deficiency created. § Mandibular hypoplasia.
o Terminal deficiencies might seem less § Interferes with breathing and
complicated. eating.


o Hypertelorism • Intellectual disability and seizures.
§ Increased distance between organs
or body parts.
§ Orbital Hypertelorism
• Most common.
• Condition wherein the
distance between the inner
eye corners and distance
between the pupil is
greater than normal.
• Other characteristics:
o Broad face and saddle nose
o Physical and mental retardation

• Condition caused by a loss of genetic material that
occurs at the end (terminus) of the long (q) arm of
chromosome 11.
• Also known as 11q Terminal Deletion Disorder.
• Delayed development (e.g. speech, motor skills)
• Cognitive impairment and learning difficulties
• Behavioral problems
o Compulsive behavior.
• Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
o Short attention span.
• Impaired communication and socialization skills
o Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Hypertelorism
• Features: • Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
o Cat-cry • Macrocephaly (large head)
o Feeding problem • Epicanthal Folds
o Low BW and poor growth o Mongoloid folds/Epicanthic folds.
o Severe cognitive, speech, motor delays o Skin folds covering the inner corners of the
o Behavioral problems (hyperactive, tantrums, eyes.
• Trigonocephaly
o Unusual facial features
o Skull abnormality which gives the forehead
§ Hypotonia (low muscle tone)
pointed appearance.
§ Microcephaly
§ Strabismus (eyes do not align)
o Single palmar crease • Prader-Willi Syndrome
o Cardiac defects o 15q11−13
o Significant intellectual disability o Discovered by Andrea Prader and Heinrich
o Initial feeding difficulties
• 4p16.1
§ As they age = hyperphagia
• Caused by partial deletion of the short arm of (overeating, constantly hungry) =
chromosome 4. leads to obesity and type II diabetes
• Distinctive facial features: mellitus.
o Broad flat nasal bridge and high forehead = o Obesity of face, trunk, and limbs (after first
“Greek warrior helmet” appearance. year of life)
o Short philtrum (distance between nose and o Prominent forehead
upper lips) and downturned mouth. o Almond-shaped eyes
o Micrognathia and poorly formed ears (small o Triangular upper lips (thin upper lips)
holes/pits or flaps of skin). o IQ 20-80
o Widely spaced and protruding eyes. o Short stature
• Delayed growth and development. o Small hands and feet
o Hypoplasia of external genitalia
o Tendency of diabetes mellitus

• Angelman Syndrome *Dolichocephalic: head is longer than what is expected

o 15q11−13 relative to its width.
o “Happy Puppet Syndrome” = because of *Remember: mahilig magsuck si Angel!
happy appearance and hypertonia.
o Hypertonia DUPLICATION
§ Increased muscle tone. • Presence of an additional chromosome segment, as
§ Stiff = difficulty to walk. compared to that normally present in a nucleus.
o Ataxic gait • In a diploid organism, presence of a chromosome
§ Unsteady walk. segment in more than two copies per nucleus is called
§ Nauuna yung heels before yung duplication.
o Characteristic arm posture
o Prominent jaw
o Deep set eyes
o Happy appearance
o Laughter
o Absent speech
o Learning disability
• Four types:
o Tandem Duplication
§ Extra chromosome segment maybe
located immediately after the
normal segment in a precisely same
o Reverse Tandem Duplication
§ Gene sequence in the extra segment
of a tandem is in the reverse order.
o Displaced Duplication
§ Extra segment is located in the
same chromosome but away from
the normal segment.
o Translocation Duplication
§ Addition chromosome segment that
is located in a nonhomologous
*UPD = Uniparental Disomy: two copies of chromosome chromosome.
come from same parents.
*UBE3A = Ubiquitin Protein Ligase E3A


• Duplication of one arm but lacks the other.
• Deletion of one and duplication of the other.
• Abnormal chromosome formed by two short arm or
two long arms.
• Breakage of a chromatid with fusion above the
centromere or transverse division.
• Transverse division or transversal cleavage of the
• Isochromosomes of most autosomes are lethal, but
those of the X chromosome [46,X,I(Xq)] can yield a
phenotype similar to that seen in Turner syndrome.

• Result from breaks near both telomeres of a
chromosome, which aberrantly repair to form a ring,
CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE TYPE 1A with the regions distal to the breaks being lost.
• Extra copy of the PMP22 gene on chromosome 17. • If a ring has a centromere, it will be passed down to
o PMP22: Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 generations in mitosis.
• Autosomal dominant. • Appear after chromosomal tearing in two points of
• Affects the peripheral nerves. different shoulders followed by terminal segment loss
• Experience weakness and atrophy of the muscles in and the joining of the ends to form a ring structure.
the lower leg during adolescence.
• Sensory loss.

• When a segment of chromosome is oriented in the
reverse direction.
• First detected by Strutevant and Plunkett in 1926.
• Occur when parts of chromosomes become detached,
turn through 180º, and are reinserted in such a way
that the genes are in reversed order.
• Duplication of the band 16A of X chromosome of
Drosophila produces Bar eye.
• Believed to originate due to unequal crossing over
between the two normal x chromosome.

• Classified into two types:

o Paracentric Inversion
§ Does not include centromere.
o Pericentric Inversion
§ Includes centromere.


exchange of chromosome section between
o Segments reciprocally transferred.
o Most frequent.
o Best studied.

• When a portion of one chromosome is transferred to
another chromosome.
• Integration of a chromosome segment into a
nonhomologous chromosome.


• Also called Ph1.
• Results in one chromosome 9 longer than the normal
and one chromosome 22 shorter than the normal.
• This translocation is designated t(9;22).
• Causes chronic myelogenous leukemia.
• Simple Translocation
§ Breakpoint Cluster Region Protein
o Involve a single break in the chromosomes
§ Chromosome 22
and the transfer of broken piece of this
o ABL1
chromosome to the end of another.
§ Abelson Murine Leukemia Viral
o Rare.
Oncogene Homolog 1
o A terminal segment of chromosome is
§ Chromosome 9
integrated at one end of a nonhomologous
o Highly sensitive test for chronic
myelogenous leukemia.
• Shift
o 95% of the cases are positive for BCR-
o Involve three breaks and the transfer of a
ABL1 gene.
two break section of one chromosome
• Chromosome abnormality not found in any
within the break produced in a
nonleukemic white blood cells, nor in any other cells
nonhomologous chromosome.
of the patient’s body.
o An intercalary segment is integrated with a
nonhomologous chromosome.
• Reciprocal Translocation or Interchanges
o Produced by a single breaks in two
homologous chromosomes, followed by an
• Down Syndrome Carrier: t(14;21)
• Produced by two acrocentric chromosomes pairing at
the centromere followed by a long arm fusion and a
short arm lost.
• A portion of, or an entire, chromosome 21 fuses with
one chromosome 14.
• Individual is phenotypically normal, but could have
children with Down Syndrome.
o Gametes may be produced that contain one
21 and the abnormal 14 (fused with 21).
o If fertilized, these would lead to Down
• Only occur in chromosome 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22.

• Reciprocal translocation = t(9;22)

• The fusion of the two genes (red and green dots) in
the Philadelphia chromosome is what eventually
causes the leukemia.
• This is because it forms a new protein that causes
uncontrollable cell division of cells in the bone PLOIDY
marrow that give rise to WBC. • Basic chromosome set or the exact multiples of that
set represented by n.
• Euploid
o A somatic cell with the normal number of
chromosomes for that species.
o Organisms with one complete set of
o Applies to haploid and diploid organisms.
• Polyploid
o A cell with one or more extra sets of
o Group.
• Aneuploidy
o Presence of additional chromosome or
missing individual chromosomes.


o Variation in the number of individual § Trisomy
chromosomes but not the total number of • One additional.
sets of chromosomes. • (23x2) +1 = 47
o The discovery of aneuploidy dates back to § Monosomy
1916 when Bridges discovered XO male and • One less.
XXY female Drosophila which had 7 and 9 • (23x2) – 1 = 45
chromosomes respectively instead of normal

• Syndromes resulting from Aneuploidy:

o Trisomy 13
o Trisomy 18
o Down Syndrome
o Turner Syndrome
o Klinefelter Syndrome
o XYY Syndrome


• Trisomies may result from the failure of separation
(“non-disjunction”) of homologous chromosomes at
meiosis I or from failure of separation of chromatids
in meiosis II.
o Non-disjunction: chromosomal or chromatid
• Nullisomic segregation error during cell division.
o Loss of one chromosome homologous pair. • Monosomies may result from non-disjunction or from
• Monosomic anaphase lag (delay in the movement of one
o Loss of single chromosome. chromosome from the metaphase plate during
• Double Monosomic anaphase, resulting in the loss of the chromosome).
• Trisomic • Polyploidy arises as a result of fertilization by two
o Extra chromosome. sperm or ovum due to failure in meiosis.
• Tetrasomic
o Extra chromosome pair.
• Double Tetrasomic
• Chromosomal Variations
o Polyploidy
§ Triploidy
• Three sets.
• 23x3 = 69.
§ Tetraploidy
• Four sets.
• 23x4 = 92.
o Aneuploidy


• Best known and most common chromosomes related o Protruding Tongue
syndrome. o Macroglossia
• Formerly known as “Mongolism:. § Large tongue.
• In 1866, physician John Langdon Down published an o Short neck
essay in England in which he described a set of o Brushfield spots
children with common features who were distinct § Small white or grayish-white spots
from other children with mental retardation he on the periphery of the iris.
referred to as “Mongoloids”. o Congenital heart defects
• One child in every 800-1000 births has Down o Excessive space between large and 2nd toes
Syndrome. o Broad head
o 40 years old: 1 in 100 births. o Very round face
o 45 years old: 1 in 40 births. o Mental retardation
• Chromosome 21: smallest human chromosome.
• Trisomy G
o G group refers to small acrocentric
chromosomes which includes 21, 22, and Y.
• Patients with Down Syndrome:
o Short in stature (four feet tall)
o Epicanthal fold
o Broad short skulls
o Wild nostrils
o Large tongue
o Stubby hands
• Some babies may have:
o Short necks
o Small hands
o Short fingers
• Characterized as low in mentality.
• Results if the extra chromosome is number 21.


• Three copies of chromosome 13.
• Trisomy D: group D
• Chromosome nomenclature: 47, +13
• Chromosome formula: 2n+1
• Clinical syndrome: Trisomy-13
• Estimated frequency birth: 1/20,000
• First reported by Klaus Patau.
• Main phenotypic characteristics:
o Mental deficiency
o Deafness
o Minor muscle seizures
o Cleft lip
o Cardiac anomalies
• Features:
• Features of Down Syndrome o Polydactyly or extra fingers
o Microgenia § Most commonly seen.
§ Small or deformed chin. o Microcephaly
o Mongoloid Fold § Undeveloped brain.
o Hypotonia o Incomplete cleavage of the embryonic
§ “Floppy baby syndrome” forebrain/holoprosencephaly
o Flat Nasal Bridge o Scalp skin defects/aplasia cutis


o Hypertelorism o Ullrich-Turner Syndrome
o Gonadal Dysgenesis
o Monosomy X
o 45 X0 or 45 XO
• Chromosome nomenclature: 45, X
• Chromosome formula: 2n-1
• Clinical syndrome: Turner
• Estimated frequency birth: 1/25,000 Female
• Main phenotypic characteristics:
o Female with retarded sexual development
o Usually sterile
o Short stature
o Webbing of skin in neck region
EDWARDS SYNDROME (TRISOMY 18) o Cardiovascular abnormalities
• Second most common chromosome aberration. o Hearing impairment
• Trisomy E: group E • Features:
• Chromosome nomenclature: 47, +18 o Short stature
• Chromosome formula: 2n+1 o Swelling, broad chest
• Clinical syndrome: Trisomy-18 o Low hair line
• Estimated frequency birth: 1/80,000 o Low set ears
• First described by John Hilton Edwards o Webbed neck
• Main phenotypic characteristics: § Congenital skin fold that runs along
o Multiple congenital malformation of many the sides of the neck down to the
organs shoulders
o Malformed ears § Pterygium colli
o Small mouth and nose with general elf in o Gonadal dysfunction and Amenorrhea
appearance § Incompletely developed ovaries.
o Brown spots (Nevi)
• 90% die in the first 6 months.
o Congenital Heart Disease, Hypothyroidism,
• Features:
o Rocker bottom feet
o Vision and hearing problems
§ Very rigid foot deformity.
o Cognitive deficits
§ Resembles a rocking chair.
o Hypertelorism
o Microcephaly
o Prominent back portion of the head
o Low set malformed ears
o Narrow eyelids
o Widely spaced eyes
o Ptosis
o Underdeveloped nails
o Absence of radius
o Undescended testicles

• Monosomy of sex chromosome.
• Only one X present.
• First described by Henry Turner.
• Also called:
• Features:
o Infertile male
o Microorchidism
§ Testicular atrophy.
§ Azoospermia: produce semen but
don’t produce functioning sperm.
§ Male reproductive organ is very
small in size.
o Lanky; weak muscles
§ Tall with weak muscles.
o Gynecomastia
§ Breast development.
o Hypogonadism
§ Decrease testicular hormone.
§ Low testosterone level but high
FSH and luteinizing hormone.
o Body similar to female
o More severe:
§ High risk of tumor
§ Breast cancer
§ Osteoporosis
o Trouble using language

• Lymphedema: swelling caused by compromised

lymphatic system.

• Extra X chromosome in males.
• Discovered by Harry Klinefelter.
• Chromosome nomenclature:
o 47, XXY
o 48, XXXY
o 48, XXYY
o 49, XXXXY
o 50, XXXXXY
• Chromosome formula:
o 2n+1
o 2n+2
o 2n+3
o 2n+4
• Clinical syndrome: Klinefelter
• Estimated frequency birth: 1/500 Male
• Main phenotypic characteristics:
o Pitched voice
o Male
o Subfertile with small testes
o Developed breasts
o Feminine
o Long limbs
• Male with female characteristics.
• 47, XXX – Trisomy X Syndrome (Triple X) • XX Male
• 47, XYY – Jacob’s Syndrome • Similar appearance to males with Klinefelter
• XX Male (De la Chapelle Syndrome) Syndrome but:
o Sterile
TRIPLE-X SYNDROME o Usually shorter than average
• 47, XXX – Trisomy X Syndrome o Normal IQ
• Extra X chromosome at pair 23 in females. • Translocation of the portion of the Y chromosome
• Two barr bodies in each cell. containing the (Sex Determining Region Y) SRY
• Taller than average. gene into a X chromosome.
• No unusual physical features. • Features:
• Increased risk of learning disabilities delayed o Abnormal external male genitalia
development of speech and language skills. o Normal male adrenarchal hair pattern
• Weak muscle tone. o Normal intelligence
o Short stature
• Behavioral and emotional difficulties.
o Gynecomastia
o Infertile
o Soft and atrophic testes

• An individual that has three of every chromosomes,
that is, three haploid set of chromosomes.

• 47, XYY (Super Male)
• Extra Y chromosome.
• Not inherited by a parent.
• Occurs at a random event during sperm cell
• Most have normal sexual development and fertility.
• Features:
o Acne
o Aggression
o Tall stature
o Superior muscle strength
• Two Types:
o Reduced muscle coordination
o Molar Triploidy
§ Extra haploid set of chromosomes
of paternal origin.
o Non-molar Triploidy
§ Extra haploid set of chromosomes
of maternal origin.
• Symptoms of Molar Pregnancy
o Uterus expands faster and reaches landmarks
o More morning sickness
o Earlier signs of Pregnancy Induced
Hypertension (PIH)
o Vaginal bleeding in the 4th month
§ Most common sign.
o Discharge with grape-like vesicles.


• Process where all chromosomes of an organism are
paired and put in order, to provide a genome wide
idea (“snapshot”) of any individual’s chromosomes.
• Dividing cells are harvested during the metaphase
stage (greatest condensation).
• Laboratory technique that produces an image of an
individual's chromosomes.
• Used to study the changes in chromosome
numbers associated with various aneuploidy
PAPP-A: Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A • Detect major structural abnormalities of the
B-Hcg: Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin chromosomes.
• Source of diagnostic information for specific birth
NOMENCLATURES USED FOR defects, genetic disorders, and even cancers.
CHROMOSOMAL DISORDERS • Karyotypic analysis is usually considered in the event
• Numerical disorders are described by: of recurrent spontaneous abortion.
o Number of chromosomes o Incidents of major chromosomal
o Sex chromosomes abnormalities are much higher in the first
o + or – chromosome number trimester spontaneously aborted fetuses.
• Structural disorders are described by:
o Number of chromosomes KARYOTYPE
o Sex chromosomes • An individual's collection of chromosomes.
o Mutation (chromosomes involved)
• An organized visual profile of the all chromosomes in
o Break points
the nucleus of a somatic cell of an organism.
o Margins or regions
• Standard chart of chromosomes isolated from a cell at
o P – short arm
metaphase arranged in order by size and structure or
o Q – long arm
physical landmark.
o Examples:
o Group based on sizes and position of
§ Translocation (t)
• [46,XY,t(14,21)(q11;p10)]
§ Inversion (inv)
• [46,XY,inv(9)(p12,q14)]
• Preferred sample source
pericentric inversion
o Cells undergoing rapid cell division or
§ Isochromosome (I)
• [46,X,I(Xq)] long
§ Bone marrow samples
chromosome arm of X
• Spinal tap.
§ Duplication (dup) • First few milliliters are the
best sample for cytogenic
• [46,XY,dup(5)(q20-q30)]
laboratory because they
§ Deletion (del)
contain the highest
• [46,XY,del(15)(q11-q13)]
proportion of cells.
in Prader-Willi Syndrome
• After a the first few
§ Ring Chromosome (r)
milliliters = may blood na
• [46,XX,r(X)(p12,q14)]
which can dilute the
• Based on International Standard Chromosome sample and reduces
Nomenclature (ISCN) number of actively
dividing cells present.
KARYOTYPING • For cancer diagnosis.
• Levitsky § Product of conception i.e. chorionic
o Coined the term “karyotyping”. villus
o Referred to it as the ordered arrangement of • For prenatal diagnosis.
chromosomes. • Occurrence of
o Phenotypical arrangement of chromosomes spontaneous abortion.
only. o Cells that can be stimulated to divide in
• Determines the number and structure of culture
chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus. § Peripheral blood lymphocytes, skin
• Used to detect chromosome aberrations. fibroblasts, and amniocytes
• Involves analysis of the entire chromosome
complement through the use of a microscope.
• Puncture site: over iliac crest. • Sample of a tissue from the placenta.
• Collected using sterile syringed or vacuum tubes
containing preservatives.
• Transported at room temperature.


• Procedure in which amniotic fluid is removed from • Samples that can be stimulated to divide in culture.
the uterus.
• Can be performed as early as 10 weeks of gestation.
• 15-30 ml.
• Obtained under sterile conditions.
• Collected in a sterile container.
• Performed earlier than 15 weeks: 1 ml of fluid is
drawn for every week of gestation (3 weeks = 3 ml).
• Use an ultrasound to determine the baby’s exact


• Green tube for peripheral blood.

• Theoretically almost all specimens can be used for
chromosomal analysis depending upon the purpose.
o For cancer diagnoses: typical specimens
include tumor biopsies or bone marrow
o Amniotic fluid or chorionic villus specimens
are used as the source of cells prenatal
diagnosis and for other diagnosis.
o Karyotypes are often performed on a skin
biopsy (i.e. skin fibroblast) and from
peripheral blood specimens, namely
• Amniotic fluid lymphocytes.
o Clear yellow in appearance. • In performing karyotyping:
o Brown = prior bleeding in amniotic cavity o Observe proper collection of specimen.
which suggests fetal death or miscarriage § Sodium heparin can be used as an
o Red/bloody tap = large number of RBCs = anticoagulant.
can prevent amniocytes from settling on and o Specimen preparation varies with the type of
attaching. tissue undergoing chromosome analysis.
§ In general, the tissues are cultured
in a synthetic media supplemented
with fetal calf serum, antibiotics,
and glutamine to increase the
number of cells in mitosis available
for cytogenetic analysis.


§ Culture medium provides nutrients colony was derived from one cell
and amino acids needed for the or at most, a few cells.
growth of the cells. • Staining of Chromosomes
§ Fetal calf serum/fetal bovine serum o The most common staining treatments is G
• Contains proteins that banding where the cells are first exposed to
enhances the growth of an enzyme (trypsin or pancreatin), followed
cells. by treatment with Giemsa stain to produce G
§ Antibiotics bands.
• Suppresses the growth of o The stained metaphase chromosomes
contaminants. preparations are examined microscopically
§ Glutamine with 15-20 cells scanned to identify good
• Increase the number of chromosome spread. At least five cells are
cells in mitosis. fully analyzed and counted.
§ For mononuclear cells: o Stained slides with good chromosome
phytohemagglutinin is also added, spread are then photographed.
which is a known mitogen for
lymphocytes = induces the cells to KARYOTYPING ANALYSIS
undergo mitosis. • Like a puzzle, the pictures of the chromosomes are
o Observe correct time or duration of culture rearranged to match up pairs and arrange them by
period before harvesting for chromosome size and structure, from numbers 1 to 22, followed by
analysis. the sex chromosomes as the 23rd pair.
§ Example: blood lymphocytes are • The microphotograph also allow the chromosomes to
cultured for 48-72 hours while be vertically oriented.
amniotic fluid cells require 6-14 o Each chromosome looks like a striped straw.
days. o It has two arms that differ in length (a short
o Mitotic cells arrested at metaphase. arm (p) and a long arm (q)), a pinched-in
§ Colcemid/colchicine area between the arms called a centromere,
• Used to arrest the cells at and a series of light and dark horizontal
metaphase stage of bands.
mitosis. o The length of the arms and the location of
• Prevents spindle fiber the bands help determine top from bottom.
formation. o In doing a full analysis, each chromosome is
o At the end of the culture period, the large critically compared band-for-band with its
population of dividing cells is treated with a homolog.
drug e.g. Colcemid. • Once the chromosome photo arrangement is
o The cells are harvested and treated briefly completed, a laboratory specialist evaluates the
with a hypotonic solution (water or 0.7 M chromosome pairs and identifies any abnormalities
potassium chloride) causing swelling of their that may be present.
nuclei and separation of chromosomes from
one another.
o The swollen cells are fixed usually using a
combination of methanol and acetic acid,
which preserves the chromosomes
o Cells cultured in suspension are dropped
onto a microscope slides, dried and stained
with solutions that would produce various
banding patterns along the chromosome
arms thus each chromosome can to be
unequivocally identified.
o For tissue culture specimen, cells can be
grown attached to the surface of coverslips
or directly on the microscope slide and
processed completely in situ.
§ The in situ method provides a
relatively accurate assessment of
how many independent cells from
the original source have been
analyzed, assuming that each


• A simple cartoon of a chromosomes, often used in
genomics to show the over-all physical structure of a
• Provide a pictorial reference point used in or for
localizing the positions of individual genes on
chromosomes, as well as for identifying various
abnormalities associated with a range of
chromosomal disorders.

• Stains and dyes that are used to identify the
• Q Banding
o Chromosomes are stained with quinacrine.
• G Banding
o Chromosomes are first digested with
trypsin/pancreatin then stained with Giemsa.
o Stains the regions of DNA that are rich with
• C Banding • Group A
o Chromosomes are treated with acid and base o Chromosomes 1-3
solutions then stained with Giemsa. o Largest with metacentric chromosomes.
o Stains areas of heterochromatin (tightly • Group B
packed and contains repetitive DNA). o Chromosomes 4-5
• R Banding o Large with submedian centromeres.
o Uses olivomycin or acridine orange then • Group C
stained with Giemsa. o Chromosomes 6-12
o R: Reverse of G Banding. o Medium sized with sub-median centromere.
o Hot salt solution can also be used to treat the • Group D
cell = denatures the DNA. o Chromosomes 13-15.
• NOR-staining o Medium sized with acrocentric centromere.
o NOR: “Nucleolar Organizing Region”.
• Group E
o Silver staining method that identifies genes o Chromosomes 16-18
for ribosomal RNA.
o Short with median or submedian
• Group F
o Chromosomes 19-20
o Short with median centromere.
• Group G
o Chromosomes 21-22
o Very short with acrocentric centromere.
• Chromosome X similar to Group C.
• Chromosome Y similar to Group G.
• Majority of the chromosomes in our body is under
Group C.


• Chromosome Analysis or Karyotyping
o Essential tool for studying the genome of an
individual and for the diagnosis of genetic
• Karyotype
o Provides us with set of characteristics that
identifies and describes a particular set of
chromosomes such as its relative size,


position of centromere, length of
chromosome arms and presence of
secondary contrictions and satellite.
o All of these are translated in the resulting
• Results of karyotype are written in special notations
which can be done as follows:
o In a karyogram, chromosomes appear in
pairs, one from the paternal and the other
from the maternal chromosomes. Count the
number of pairs of chromosomes in the
karyotype. Normally there are 22 pairs of
regular chromosome or autosomes except
the last two in the set which are the sex
chromosomes. Write this number.
§ Referring to the sample karyotype
given, the number will be 46, a
characteristic of a normal human • Nucleoside = pentose sugar + nitrogen base
chromosome set. • Nucleotide = phosphate group + pentose sugar +
o Determine the sex chromosome of the nitrogen base
subject, whether they are “XX” or “XY”. If • Watson and Crick in 1953
they are “XX”, the subject is a female; o Demonstrated how the 3 components are
“XY”, the subject is a male. Write this physically assembled to form DNA.
combination next to the number after a o Double helix model – DNA is like a twisted
comma. In the given karyotype, the sex ladder with chemical bonds as its rungs.
chromosomes that are demonstrated are that o Nucleotides are joined to form a
of a female thus the notation will look like polynucleotide chain.
this “46, XX”. o Phosphodiester bonds
o Note any irregularities in the karyotype. If § Link sugar components of adjacent
the karyotype has an extra chromosome in nucleotides.
autosome number 21, then write “47, XX, o Phosphate attached to the 5’ carbon of one
+21, Trisomy-21”, indicating the subject is a sugar is linked to hydroxyl group attached to
woman with a total of 47 chromosomes and the 3’ carbon of the next sugar.
the extra chromosome is observed in the 21st o The 5’ – 3’ – 5’ – 3’ orientation of these
pair. Having three chromosomes in a pair is linkages continues throughout the chain.
called “trisomy”. If an extra chromosomes o The asymmetry of the ends of a DNA strand
occurs in the sex chromosome, write 47, is the chemical basis of its polarity:
then the sex chromosomes; for example, § One end of the strand is the 5’ end
“47, XXX”. (terminates in a phosphate).
§ Other end is the 3’ end (terminates
DNA, RNA, AND PROTEINS • Nitrogenous base pairings
o Adenine and Thymine
o Guanine and Cytosine
o In RNA: Adenine and Uracil
• 3 basic components of a DNA molecule:
• Hydrogen bonds contribute to holding the strands
o Nitrogenous bases
§ Purine bases
o A – T pair has two hydrogen bonds
• Adenine
o G – C pair has three hydrogen bonds
• Guanine
• In a DNA duplex, the 5′ end of one strand is opposite
§ Pyrimidine bases the 3′ end of the other.
• Thymine o Have opposite orientations = antiparallel.
• Cytosine • Major and minor grooves
• In RNA: Uracil instead of o Important for the attachment of DNA
Thymine Binding Proteins involved in replication and
o Pentose sugar transcription.
§ Deoxyribose in DNA
§ In RNA: Ribose
o Phosphate group


• Describes the flow of genetic information from DNA
to RNA in order to make a functional product which
is proteins.
• Replication and Transcription occurs in the nucleus.
• Translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

• Results in the duplication of nuclear DNA in
preparation for cell division. TRANSCRIPTION
• Important in duplicating the DNA so that there will • Process by which an RNA sequence is formed from a
be sister chromatids at anaphase stage and at the end DNA template.
of cytokinesis, each daughter cell would have the • Major steps:
genetic material. o Initiation
• Major steps: o Elongation
o Unwinding of the double stranded DNA o Termination
o DNA synthesis • Messenger RNA (mRNA)
o Rewinding of the double helix o Type of RNA produced by the transcription
• Proceeds in the 5’-3’ direction. process.
• Leading Strand
o Oriented in the 3’ to 5’ direction.
o Towards the replication fork.
o Formed continuously.
• Lagging Strand
o Oriented in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
o Away from the replication fork.
o Formed in short sequences of nucleotides =
“Okazaki fragments”.
• Y shape called a replication fork.
• Semiconservative Initiation:
o Half of chain is part of the original DNA 1. One of the RNA polymerase enzymes (RNA
molecule and half is brand new. polymerase II for mRNA) binds to a promoter site
on the DNA.
1. Unwinding of parental strands through helicase o Promoter – a nucleotide sequence that lies
protein binding creating a replication fork. just upstream of a gene.
2. Stabilizing the ssDNA through the single-strand o Promoter sequence determines which of
binding proteins at the replication fork. the two DNA strands will serve as the
3. Primase binding at the replication fork which template for mRNA synthesis.
attracts short complementary RNA, the RNA 2. RNA Pol pulls a portion of the DNA strands apart
primer, at the DNA template. from each other, exposing unattached DNA bases.
4. DNA polymerase binding at the DNA template 3. One of the two DNA strands provides the template
which adds DNA nucleotide at the RNA primer. for the sequence of mRNA nucleotides.
5. Adding of nucleotides by DNA polymerase in a 5’ o Antisense strand – template DNA strand;
to 3’ direction to both Parental DNA template. 3’-5’ direction.
6. The other strand produced short fragments o Sense strand – other DNA strand that
(Okazaki fragments), known as discontinuous doesn’t serve as template; 5’-3’ direction.
synthesis. Elongation:
7. DNA polymerase proofreading the newly 4. The RNA sequence is synthesized only in 5’ to 3’
synthesized DNA and replacing incorrect bases. direction.
8. Annealing helicase rewinding the DNA double o RNA Pol moves in 3’ to 5’ direction
helix and ligase sealing the sugar phosphate. along the DNA template strand while
assembling mRNA strand from 5’ to 3’.
5. Transcription continues until a group of bases
called termination sequence is reached.
6. DNA strands and RNA Pol separate from the
transcribed single mRNA strand (primary


• Process in which mRNA provides a template for the
synthesis of a protein.
• mRNA cant bind directly into amino acids, instead it
interacts with molecules of tRNA.
• tRNA are cloverleaf shaped RNA stands of about 80
• Major steps:
o Initiation
o Elongation
o Termination
• Messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and
transfer RNA (tRNA) all participate in translation.
• Ribosomes – site of protein synthesis.
o Made up of two different sized subunits,
which consist of different types of rRNA
molecules and many ribosomal specific

1. The ribosome finds the initiation site on the
mRNA sequence.
• Post-transcription Modifications o Initiation site = AUG codon (start codon)
o Modifications that occur in a primary which specifies for Methionine (usually
mRNA molecule before it leaves the removed from the polypeptide before the
nucleus. completion of the synthesis).
o RNA products of transcription are not Elongation:
necessarily functional RNAs. 2. The ribosome binds the tRNA to its surface so that
o Processes: base pairing can occur between tRNA and mRNA.
§ Splicing 3. The ribosome moves along the mRNA, codon by
§ Capping codon, in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
§ Polyadenylation 4. As each codon is processed, an amino acid is
o Splicing translated by the interaction of mRNA and tRNA.
§ Introns in the precursor mRNA are 5. The ribosome provides an enzyme that catalyzes
excised, and the exons are spliced the covalent peptide bonds between adjacent
together to form a shorter mature amino acids, resulting in a growing polypeptide.
mRNA. Termination:
o Capping 6. Termination of translation occurs when the
§ 5’ end of RNA is capped by the ribosome arrives at a stop codon on the mRNA
addition of a methylated guanine sequence.
nucleotide. o Stop codon: amber (UAG), opal/umber
o Polyadenylation (UGA), and ochre (UAA)
§ 3’ end acquires a poly(A) tail that 7. Upon completion of synthesis, the mRNA,
contains approximately 200 ribosome and polypeptide separate from one
adenine residues. another.
8. The polypeptide is released into the cytoplasm.


*Other types of RNAs have a regulatory role or are involved
in processing pre-RNAs.


• Total of 64 codons: 3 stop codons and 61 codons that
code for 20 amino acids (where one codon is the start
codon [AUG→Met])

• Post-translation Modifications
o Modifications that occur in newly
synthesized polypeptides to become
functional proteins. GENETIC MUTATIONS
o Examples: • A mutation is any heritable change in the amount or
§ Proteolytic cleavage into smaller structure of genetic material.
polypeptide units. • Classification of mutations can be based on:
§ Combination with other o Origin
polypeptides to form larger o Cell type
proteins. o Expression
§ Addition of carbohydrate or lipid o Effect on function
moieties. o Molecular change and its effects on protein
§ Modification of amino-acid side products
chains. • Mendelian disorders, complex multigenic disorders
o Osteogenesis imperfecta and chromosomal disorders are not included.
§ Disease caused by defects in the
formation of bone. BASED ON ORIGIN
§ “Brittle bone disease”. • Spontaneous
§ Post-translational modification in
o Occurs in absence of known mutagen (an
type I collagen. agent that changes genetic material).
o Statistically random, unpredictable events.
o Occurs in presence of known mutagen.
• Each gene has its rate of mutation.
o Can increase by treatment with a mutagen or


• Somatic


o Occurs in nonreproductive cells (not o Qualitatively alters the action of a gene.
passable). § Example: cause a gene to become
o Can yield a genotypic mixture (mosaic) of active in a type of cell or tissue in
normal and mutant tissue. which the gene is not normally
o Most common cancers. active.
o Can simply contribute to genetic diversity.
o Occurs in reproductive cells. • In molecular genetics, base-pair substitutions are also
o Inherited. termed point mutations.
o May be silent, may cause a disease, or • In classical genetics, point mutations denote any
generate beneficial genetic diversity. mutation small enough to be unobservable under a
• Conditional o Most common type of mutation.
o Expressed only under restrictive conditions. o Replacement of a single nucleotide by
§ Example: high temperature another.
o Effect of mutation can be turned on or off by o Transition
experimenter. § Replacement by the same type of
§ Useful for genetic analysis. nucleotide pyrimidine for a
• Unconditional pyrimidine (C for T or vice versa).
o Expressed under permissive conditions as § Purine for a purine (A for G or vice
well as restrictive conditions. versa).
• Example: a temperature-sensitive mutation can cause § Most frequent due to CpG
cell death at high temperature (restrictive condition), dinucleotides.
but might have no deleterious consequences at a § CpG dinucleotides
lower temperature (permissive condition). • Likely to be the result of
the nucleotides cytosine
BASED ON EFFECT ON FUNCTION and guanine occurring
• Loss of function (knockout or null mutation) together frequently being
o Creates a null allele. methylated in genomic
o Functionally equal to a deletion of a gene. DNA with spontaneous
o Eliminates normal function. deamination of
o Results in complete gene inactivation or in a methylcytosine converting
completely nonfunctional gene product. them to thymine.
§ Deletion of all or part of a gene. • P represents the
§ Amino acid replacement that phosphate.
inactivates the protein. • Termed “hotspots” for
• Hypomorphic (leaky mutation) mutation.
o There is some expression. o Transversion
o Reduces normal function but does not § Substitution of a pyrimidine by a
eliminate the level of expression of a gene or purine or vice versa.
the activity of the gene product.
§ Individuals may have enough
enzyme activity to “leak through”
to produce a quasi-normal
• Hypermorphic
o Over expression or over activity. • Deletions
o Increases normal function. o Involves the loss of one or more nucleotides.
o Produces a greater-than-normal level of gene • Deletion patterns:
expression. o Multiple of 3 nucleotides (codon)
§ Mutation changes the regulation of § Deletion of amino acids that may
the gene so that the gene product is affect protein function or stability/
overproduced. o Not multiple of 3
• Gain of function (ectopic expression) § Likely results to frameshift
o Ecto = out of place. mutation.
o Gene is not usually expressed. o Large deletion
o Expressed at incorrect time or in
inappropriate cell types.


§ May arise through unequal • Caused by length of a
crossover between repeat repeated section of a gene
sequences. exceeding a normal range.
§ Either: partial gene deletion or • HTTG is located on the
whole gene deletion short arm of chromosome
• Three-base deletion in the common cystic fibrosis 4.
(CF) allele results in synthesis of a protein that lacks • CAG codes for glutamine.
amino acid 508 (phenylalanine). • Chain of glutamine =
polyglutamine tract.
• Repeated part of the gene
= polyQ region.
§ Fragile X syndrome (FMR1 gene)
• CGG repeats.
• Repeats in the 5’
untranslated region of
MR1 gene.
• Insertions § Myotonic dystrophy (DMPK gene)
o Involves the addition of one or more • CTG repeats.
nucleotides into a gene. • DMPK gene/ Myotonic
• Insertion patterns: dystrophy protein kinase:
o Multiple of 3 nucleotides (codon) predominantly expressed
§ Insertion of amino acids that may in skeletal muscles;
affect protein function or stability. located on long arm of
o Not multiple of 3 chromosome 19.
§ Likely results to frameshift § Friedreich ataxia (FXN1 gene)
mutation. • GAA repeats.
o Large insertion • Autosomal recessive
§ Results from unequal crossover disorder that affects a gene
(e.g. hereditary sensory and motor on chromosome 9.
neuropathy type 1a) or the insertion • Produces frataxin
of transposable elements. (protein).
§ Either: partial gene duplication or
o Expansion of trinucleotide repeat (most • Divisions
contain C and/or G) o Synonymous Mutations
§ Amplification of a sequence of § Silent mutations
three nucleotides which prevents o Nonsynonymous Mutations
normal expression of the gene. § Missense mutations
§ Involves dynamic mutations § Nonsense mutations
wherein the repeat sequence § Frameshift mutations
becomes more unstable as it • Synonymous Mutations
expands in size. o Point mutations = miscopied DNA
§ The exact mechanism are not nucleotide that only changes one base pair in
completely understood. the RNA copy of the DNA.
§ Unstable trinucleotides repeats may o Mutation does not alter the polypeptide
be within coding or noncoding product of the gene.
regions of genes and hence vary in o Silent mutations
their pathogenic mechanisms. § Base substitution occurs but does
§ Possible causes: not change the amino acid
• Unequal sister chromatid sequence.
exchange on
nonreplicating DNA.
• Slipped-strand mispairing
and polymerase slippage
in replicating DNA.
§ Huntington disease (HTT gene)
• CAG repeats.


• Nonsynonymous Mutations
o Much greater effect. § β0-thalassemia
o Insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide • Affects the β-globin chain
sequence during transcription when mRNA of hemoglobin.
is copying the DNA. • The codon for glutamine
o Mutation leads to an alteration in the (CAG) creates a stop
encoded polypeptide. codon (UAG) as U is
o Likely to result in abnormal function, which substituted for C.
is usually associated with disease or
o Missense mutations
§ Arise from point mutations.
§ Base-pair substitutions that produce
a change in a single amino acid.
§ Change in amino acid may affect
the protein structure.

o Frameshift mutations
§ Sickle cell anemia § Framing error or reading frame
• Affects the β-globin chain shift.
§ When a mutation involves the
of hemoglobin.
insertion or deletion of nucleotides
• Substitution of glutamic
that are not a multiple of three, it
acid to valine.
will disrupt the reading frame.
§ Also alter the first stop codon.
§ Polypeptide could be abnormally
short or abnormally long and will
not be most likely functional.
§ Resulting amino acid sequence
bears no resemblance to the normal
sequence and may have an adverse
effect on its function.

o Nonsense mutations
§ Arise when a mutation in a DNA
sequence causes a protein to
terminate prematurely by changing
the original amino acid to a stop § Single-base deletion at the ABO
codon. (glycosyltransferase) locus, leading
§ Base-pair substitutions that produce to a frameshift mutation
a stop codon in the mRNA. responsible for the O allele.
§ Result in a premature termination
of the polypeptide chain.
§ Unlikely to retain normal biological
activity, especially when there is a
loss of an important functional
domain(s) of the protein.


§ Tay-Sachs disease: four-base § Growth factor receptors
insertion in the hexosaminidase A § Signal transduction molecules
gene § Nuclear transcription factors
o Normal cellular genes that can become
mutated and overexpressed to become
o If gene undergoes translocation (next to
highly expressed gene), it will lead to gain-
of-function mutations and become
• Growth factor genes
o Stimulate cells to grow by binding to growth
factor receptors and they govern the
transition of a cell from G0 to the start of the
cell cycle.
o Example: v-SIS oncogene
§ Normally encodes part of the
biologically active platelet-derived
growth factor subunit.
§ When added to cell cultures, they
are transformed, behaving like
neoplastic cells – their growth rate
increases, and they lose contact
*Mutations can range from single base substitutions, through o Example: ERBB2/HER2/NEU gene
insertions and deletions of single or multiple bases to loss or § Codes for protein that is receptor
gain of entire chromosomes. for epidermal growth factor.
*Base substitutions are most prevalent and missense mutations § Gene duplication will lead to
account for nearly half of all mutations. signaling the cell to activate
transcription of genes whose
ROLE OF CANCER GENES IN GENETIC MUTATIONS protein products stimulate cell
division and eventually causing
breast cancer.
• All cancer is a genetic disease of somatic cells
• Approximately amplified
because of aberrant cell division or loss of normal
in 20-30% of breast
programmed cell death.
• A small proportion is strongly predisposed by
• Protein product: growth
inherited germline mutations behaving as Mendelian
factor receptor located on
the surfaces of breast
• For many cancers, environmental factors are cancer cells.
etiologically important, whereas heredity plays a
• Growth factor receptors genes
lesser role.
o Encode proteins that form growth factor
receptors, possessing tyrosine kinase
MAJOR CLASSES OF CANCER GENES domains that allow cells to bypass normal
• Oncogenes control mechanisms.
• Tumor suppressor genes o Example: KIT gene
• DNA repair genes § Mutations in KIT occur in sporadic
and hereditary gastrointestinal
ONCOGENES stromal tumor syndrome (known as
• Affect cell growth or development that can cause GIST) as a result of point
cancer. mutations.
• Genes that induce a transformed phenotype when • Signal transduction genes
expressed in cells by promoting increased cell o Forms of signal transduction: proteins with
growth. GTPase activity and cytoplasmic serine
• Cancer genes. threonine kinases.
• Proto-oncogenes o Example: RAS genes
o Involved in four basic regulators of normal § Mutations lead to increased or
cell growth: sustained GTPase activity.
§ Growth factors § Excessive cell division.
o Example: BRAF genes insensitivity to anti-growth signals and
§ Mutations result in sustained or evasion of apoptosis.
increased transmission of a growth- § Eliminates the DNA checkpoint
promoting signal to the nucleus. that monitors DNA damage in G1
§ Malignant melanoma and colon and S.
cancer. o Nonfunctional in more than half of all
• Transcription factor genes cancers.
o May activate or suppress neighboring DNA • E-cadherin
sequences. o Ubiquitously expressed on epithelial cells.
o Example: NMYC gene o Acts to suppress invasion and metastasis by
§ DNA-binding protein. epithelial cells.
§ Mutations activate expression of o Inactivation is a key step in acquisition of
many genes through binding the capability for metastasis.
enhancer box sequences and o Loss of function has been implicated in
recruiting histone cancer progression and metastasis.
acetyltransferases. • RB gene
§ Mutations occur in neuroblastoma o First tumor suppressor protein discovered in
and lung cancer. human retinoblastoma.
o Functions:
§ Gatekeeper that blocks cell
§ Regulate cell division.
o Retinoblastoma protein controls the
transition from G1 to S phase by controlling
the activity of the transcription factor E2F.
o Loss of RB function frees E2F to initiate
transcription of the enzymes for DNA
synthesis at all times in the cell cycle.
§ Excessive rounds of DNA synthesis
are continuously being initiated.
• WT1 gene
o Associated with embryonic malignancy of
the kidney.
TUMOR SUPPRESOR GENES o Normally halts mitosis in the rapidly
developing kidney tubules in the fetus.
• Normally control cell proliferation and activate the
o If deleted, the congenital anomaly would
apoptotic pathway.
retain pockets of actively dividing cells that
• Genes that normally prevent uncontrolled growth. would result to tumor called Wilm’s tumor.
• If gene undergoes deletion, it will lead to loss-of-
function mutations which may induce uncontrolled
• Inherited mutations are dominant alleles at the level
of the individual (i.e., heterozygotes usually develop
the disease), but they are recessive alleles at the level
of the cell (heterozygous cells do not form tumors).
o Resolved by realizing that in individuals
who have inherited the first hit, a second hit
that occurs in any one cell will cause a
• p53 gene
o Caretake gene.
o Functions:
§ Induce apoptosis • Resolve mistakes made when DNA is copied.
§ Transcription • If a person has an error in a DNA repair gene,
§ Regulate cell cycle mistakes remain uncorrected and these become
o Loss of function of p53 results in acquisition mutations
of two characteristics of cancer cells: • Defects in DNA repair result in greatly elevated
mutation rates and genetic instability.


• Mutant cells have higher mutation rates, which FISH PROBES
promote progression toward the cancerous state. • Complementary sequences of target nucleic acids
• Defects in any gene that encode proteins involved in (DNA, RNA or nucleic acid analogs) tagged or
DNA mismatch repair cause hereditary nonpolyposis labeled with fluorophores.
colorectal cancer (HNPCC), which shows autosomal • Size ranges from 20 to 1000 base pairs.
dominant inheritance. • Direct Labeling
• Inherited breast cancer syndromes prove to be o Fluorophores are directly attached to the
associated with mutations in either of two genes, probe.
BRCA1 or BRCA2, which are involved in repair of o Less sensitive.
double-strand breaks. o Example: FITC, rhodamine, and cyanines
• Xeroderma pigmentosum cells (skin cancer) are • Indirect Labeling
defective in nucleotide excision repair; they are o Chemical conjugation of the nucleic acid
unable to repair defects such as thymine dimers that with a nonfluorescent molecule that can bind
are induced by ultraviolet light. fluorescent material after hybridization.
o Probes can be indirectly labeled via
incorporation of a hapten (such as biotin or
digoxigenin) into the DNA via nick
translation or PCR.
o Haptens
§ Attached to the probe nucleotides.
§ Detected by a secondary reaction
FLUORESCENSE IN-SITU HYBRIDIZATION (FISH) using a fluorescently labeled
• A cytogenetic technique that uses fluorescent probes antibody.
that bind specifically to a part of chromosomes o While indirect labeling has the potential for
complimentary to its sequence. generating greater fluorescence signal, it
• Useful in detecting and mapping the presence or also has the disadvantage of requiring
absence of particular DNA sequences within additional incubation steps to bind the
chromosomes. antibody and avidin reagents.
o The introduction of fluorescent antibodies
SPECIMEN TYPES FOR FISH also can increase the background
fluorescence owing to nonspecific binding
of the antibodies and avidin proteins to
extraneous cellular material on the
microscope slide, and the slide surface itself.


• Locus Specific Probe
• Alphoid or Centromeric Repeat Probe
• Subtelomeric Probe
• Whole Chromosome Probe
• Pre-natal FISH Probe


• Binds to a particular region of a chromosome.
• Used when only a small portion of a gene is isolated
and want to determine on which chromosome the
gene is located, or how many copies of a gene exist
within a particular genome.

*Fluorescently labeled DNA probes can be hybridized to cells

in both interphase and metaphase stages of the cell cycle.
*FISH can be applied to a variety of specimen types
depending upon the study of interest.
• Generated from repetitive sequences found in the
middle of each chromosome.
• Used to determine whether an individual has the
correct number of chromosomes or if there is
aneuploidy in the patient’s genome.

• Specific to the subtelomere region of chromosome.
• Useful in the detection of subtelomere deletions and


• Collection of smaller probes that bind to the whole
length of chromosome.
• Useful in the examination of chromosomal


• Comprise of different combinations of fluorophore-
labeled probes specific for chromosomes 13, 18, 21,
X, and/or Y.

1. Probe and target DNAs are denatured using high
temperature incubation in a formamide/
salt solution.
2. Probe sequences hybridize to the complementary • Two color (e.g., X and Y) counting guidelines
target sequences, and nonspecific binding is
eliminated via stringent washing.
3. The probe hybridization is detected with fluorescence


• FISH signal patterns may be scored manually by
qualified technologists, or computerized automated
“spot” counting maybe incorporated into the analysis.
• Single color FISH counting guidelines


Example: counterstained orange with propidium
• Cells are from an uncultured amniocyte preparation iodide. The arrow indicates the chromosome
that was hybridized with a locus specific probe for 13 15 with a duplicated SNRPN signal.
(green) and 21 (red). o Partial metaphase spread from a patient with
• Upper cell: 2 signals for both probes a duplication involving chromosome 11
• Lower cell: 3 signals for chromosome 21 and 2
signals for chromosome 13

o A BAC localized to chromosome 11p15.5

produced one signal on the normal
chromosome 11 and a double signal on the
duplicated chromosome 11 (arrow). The
duplication in the short arm of chromosome
APPLICATION OF FISH 11 was detected in a newborn that was large
• Detection and characterization of chromosome for gestational age. The infant also had an
abnormalities omphalocele and was diagnosed with
o Example of FISH to a single-copy target Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
using a cosmid (SNRPN) to the Prader-Willi • Detection and analysis of prenatal chromosomal
“critical region” localized to 15q11-13. abnormalities
o Prenatal ploidy assessment utilizing Abbott
Molecular AneuVysion TM analysis of
uncultured amniotic fl uid cells using unique
copy probes for the long arms of
chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y.

o (a) A metaphase in which one normal

chromosome 15 has three hybridization
signals from a centromeric control probe
(green), a distal control probe (red), and a
probe to the critical region (red). The other o The results in these interphase cells are
chromosome 15 (arrow) revealed consistent with a XY fetus with trisomy 21.
hybridization signals only for the two o Left: probes for chromosomes 13 (2 green
control probes. Thus, this chromosome was signals) and 21 (3 orange signals).
deleted for the critical region, and this o Right: probes for chromosomes 18 (2 aqua
patient was diagnosed with Prader-Willi signals), X ( green signal), and Y (orange
syndrome. Chromosomes were signal).
counterstained blue with DAPI. o Nuclei are counterstained blue with DAPI.
o (b) In this partial metaphase, a SNRPN • Study of chromosomal abnormalities associated with
probe and a control probe (both yellow) cancer
were utilized (current standards and o FISH panels for B cell disorders. Results
guidelines require the use of different from a peripheral blood sample from a
fluorochromes). Chromosomes were
patient with CLL, hybridized with the • It is not useful for detecting balanced rearrangements.
Abbott Molecular CLL probe panel with • The utility of metaphase CGH is illustrated by the
addition of an MYB probe. CGH profiles of a case with an insertion of unknown
material into the short arm of chromosome 4. The
chromosomal profiles reveal a gain of 15q
(highlighted in orange).

o Left: shows a deletion of 13q14 (single red

signal and two aqua signals for the locus on
13q34) and a normal signal pattern for the
chromosome 12 centromere probe.
o Right: shows deletion of TP53 (single red
signal), deletion of ATM (single green MULTIPLEX FISH (M-FISH)
signal), and a normal signal pattern for the • A technique that allows the investigator to view a
MYB probe at 6q23. karyotype so that each chromosome is “painted” with
o ERBB2 (HER2) analysis for carcinoma of a different color.
the breast. • Ratio-labeled probes are used to create a distinct
computer-generated false color for each chromosome.
• Useful for complex rearrangements, such as those
seen in neoplastic disorders and solid tumors.
• M-FISH of the pre-B ALL derived cell line RS4; 11
showing (A) blended colours generated by merging
the separate fluorochrome images, (B) pseudocolours
generated using the colour scheme in Fig. 1, and (C)
colour karyotype showing the t(4; 11)(q21;q23), i(7q)
and trisomy 8.

o Green signals represent the chromosome 17

centromere probe, while the ERBB2 probe
signals are red. An ERBB2:17 centromere
ratio of ³ 2.0 represents amplification of the
ERBB2 gene.
o (a) Normal cells, with two red and two green
o (b) ERBB2 amplification.



• A technique that uses DNA from the cells of interest,
rather than using a standard karyotype, for MULTICOLOR BANDING (MBAND) ANALYSIS
chromosomal analysis. • Uses chromosome-specific mixtures of partial
• This can be very useful, especially in some cancers chromosome paints that are labeled with various
when only DNA is available rather than any growing fluorochromes.
cells. • A computer program analyzes metaphase
• This technology has been used successfully for chromosome data and produces a pseudocolored,
clinical analysis, particularly with cases that have a banded karyotype with an estimated resolution of 550
low (or no) mitotic index. bands, regardless of chromosome length.


• Advantageous for the determination of breakpoints
and the analysis of intrachromosomal rearrangements
and can be particularly useful in preparations with
shorter chromosomes.
• Multicolor banding. (a) Region-specific probes
labeled with different partial chromosome paints
(PCP) and computer false color (MetaSystems’
mBAND) produces a definable number of colored
bands per chromosome, regardless of chromosome
length. (b) This example shows an abnormal X
chromosome (right homolog of each pair).


• Essentially PCR on a slide.
• Primers of interest are hybridized on a slide and then
subjected to cycles of denaturation, reannealing, and
elongation that are used to incorporate labeled
nucleotides. The labels are then detected
fluorescently, or labeled nucleotides are incorporated
during the reaction.
• Can differentiate hybridization with the alpha satellite
sequences for chromosomes 13 and 21, something
that cannot be done with traditional FISH.
FIBER FISH • Metaphase chromosomes are subjected to PRINS
with alpha satellite oligonucleotides specific for
• A technique that is almost entirely used for research.
chromosomes X, 11, and 17. Bright yellow
• It allows the chromosomes to be stretched out and
fluorescein staining is seen at the centromeres of
these chromosomes.
• The probes are applied and can be physically ordered
on the fibers.
• This provides a much higher spatial resolution and
allows for correct orientation and placement of
probes and for precise mapping of probes.
• Fiber-FISH analyzing the association of CL14 and
CL34 repeats with telomeric DNA. (a) Five
representative fiber-FISH signals derived from
probes pAtT4 (red) and CL14 (green). (b) Five
representative fiber-FISH signals derived from
probes pAtT4 (red) and CL34 (green). Only the most
proximal part of each CL14/CL34 signal was
included in each image. Note the different sizes of the
telomeric DNA and gap in the junctions, indicating
these signals may be derived from different REVERSE FISH
chromosomal ends. (c) Fiber-FISH analysis of • Used to identify material of unknown origin.
telomere (yellow), CL34 (red), and CL14 (green). • This unidentified material, such as a marker
The CL34 signals within the four images show chromosome or duplication, is flow sorted or
significantly different sizes. Only the most proximal microdissected off of a slide after G-banding. The
part of each CL14 signal was included in the image. DNA from this material is extracted, PCR- amplified
and labeled with a fluorochrome. This is then used as
a probe and hybridized to normal or patient
metaphase chromosomes to identify the origin of the
unknown material.
• Reverse FISH of a patient with an abnormal
chromosome 8 (a) G- banding suggested a
duplication of bands 8p23.1 ® p23.3. Two pairs of
chromosomes 8 are shown; arrows indicate the
additional band. This band was microdissected, and
the DNA was amplified, labeled, and used as a FISH
probe (b,c) Hybridization to normal chromosomes.
(b) The same metaphase is imaged with reverse DAPI
to approximate G-banding patterns and identify the
two chromosomes 8, and with (c) typical DAPI
staining. Arrows indicate both chromosomes 8 (d)
Hybridization back to a metaphase from the patient,
demonstrating that one chromosome 8 contains a
duplication (arrow). The reverse FISH results
confirm the initial interpretation.


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