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Idling Mythology (post from CBSocialMarketing website)

January, 24 2007 at 04:32 AM posted by David Wilcoxen 7 comments We are attempting to develop an Idling Campaign for the university campus. Can anyone provide information dispelling common idling myths such as: 1.) idling is better for engines because it reduces wear and tear from repeated startups. 2.) idling saves fuel because more fuel is consumed to start the engine than is used during idling. Additionally, most of the information on idling campaigns pertains to large buses or diesel engines. Any information about the economic, environmental and health effects of idling ordinary vehicles that burn unleaded fuel? Many Thanks! David B. Wilcoxen Associate Director, Division of Safety & Compliance University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1501 S. Oak St. MC 821 Champaign, Illinois 61820 Tele: 217-333-3655

1 "Buckner, Terri \(Sustainability Office\)" View Profile Posted on January, 24 2007 at 08:24 AM Have you seen the Union of Concerned Scientists Green Tip on idling: Terri 2 "Avis,Wendy [PYR]" View Profile Posted on January, 24 2007 at 10:00 AM Hi Terri, Natural Resources Canada has a great website on Idling at It includes a section on myths. Cheers, Wendy Wendy Avis Manager, Climate Change Section 604.666-8140 Strategic Integration Division Pacific & Yukon Region Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5

3 "sarablenkhorn"

View Profile Posted on January, 24 2007 at 10:00 AM Hi David, The City of Vancouver, BC, Canada has just passed an Idleing by-law and we have addressed a lot of these mythes on our website-"" Sara Blenkhorn, City of Vancouver, Sustainbility office, Engagement Coordinator (604) 871-6921

"Courtney Forrester"

View Profile Posted on January, 24 2007 at 03:43 PM Hi DavidThe State of Massachusetts also has an anti-idling law. Here is some specific information: Am I causing more pollution by stopping and starting the engine? No. Once the engine has warmed up, an idling engine causes more pollution by running than by stopping and starting up again. Studies indicate that the trade-off for lightand medium-duty gasoline powered vehicles is about 10 seconds (i.e. the vehicle will produce more pollution idling longer than 10 seconds than it will by shutting down and restarting the engine). The time trade-off on medium- and heavy- duty diesel engines is about 30 seconds. Won't I wear out my starter if I keep stopping and starting the engine? Fleet managers of companies with strict anti-idling policies report that they do not replace starters in their vehicles more frequently than vehicles that are left running for extended periods. In fact, more damage occurs to engines that are left idling over long periods of time. For more resources, check out the MassDEP website (it's a zipped file): or Good luck! Courtney Forrester Solid Waste Manager Newton Department of Public Works 617/796.1499

5 "McChesney, Carrie" View Profile Posted on January, 24 2007 at 03:44 PM Wow - talk about synchronicity - I just compiled a list of no idle program links this morning - these are US-oriented programs, case studies, calculators, current and pending legislation on a state-by-state basis, and toolkits for starting a no idle program and/or clean diesel school bus program in your community.

Enjoy! Carrie McChesney Environmental Sustainability Coordinator PNM Resources (NYSE: PNM) T: 505.241.0827 Clean School Bus programs: This is a link to a 2001 case study NRDC did about the health effects of diesel school buses in California. The emissions comparison metrics are going to be somewhat dated, but it is still a good resource The Union of Concerned Scientists have a tremendous amount of data, case studies and emissions avoidance calculators, as well as a national-level program called Clean School Buses, Healthy Kids campaign hoolbuses.html Adopt-a-schoolbus program (Texas) How to develop a no-idle zone program (info and toolkit) The EPA also has a Clean School Bus campaign - here is a link to the state-level programs participating Texas State Energy Conservation Office program site: Maine's Bureau of Air Quality: EPA's New England region: This site lists all of the state Clean School Bus programs on one page, along with the current and pending legislation for school bus diesel emissions: No-Idle Programs 6700511a6e/4de5480cc70817b88525720b00686966!OpenDocument No-idle program newsletters

ork_news.pdf Stories and articles (how they developed their own programs)

6 "Lorrie & Carl Lisek" View Profile Posted on January, 25 2007 at 05:24 AM David, Please see or Also you can work with the Chicago Area Clean Cities Coordinator who would be happy to assist you on this endeavor ON MYTHS ON IDLING. Ms. Samantha Bingham Another Contact in your area is Mr. Darwin Burkhart of the IL EPA in Springfield, Il He is also the Chair for the Chicago Area Clean Cities Program His number is 217-557-1441 A program to place on your calendar will be 5/11/07 and held in Willowbrook, Il and will feature breakout sessions on idling and EPA/DOE approved technologies, and funding opportunities in the Midwest. This program will be Conducted by Chicago Area Clean Cities, Wisconsin Clean Cities and also South Shore Clean Cities in conjunction with US EPA Region V and the Midwest Clean Diesel Leadership Group. Carl Lisek Legacy Environmental Services, Inc. 219-365-4289 7 "dianeszoller" View Profile Posted on January, 26 2007 at 04:33 AM In followup to the inquiry from Wilcoxen, David B, I have participated in the development of a municipal bylaw in London, Ontario and delivered a number of seasonal campaigns on behalf of the Health Unit who enforces the bylaw and local NGOs over a period of time. This includes business fleets, traffic congestion sites, family physicians, schools to establish no idling zones, day cares, gas stations, potentially strip malls and property managers this spring. If you wish to followup, please email me. Thanks, Diane Szoller,

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