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Budget Overview Enter Expenses

Projected Balance (Projected minus expenses) 1,000.00
Actual Balance (Actual minus expenses) 1,000.00
Difference (Actual minus projected) -

Income Expenses
Income 1 9,500.00
Income 2
Extra income
Total income 9,500.00

Income 1 9,500.00
Extra income
Total income 9,500.00

Children Entertainment
6% 1%

Gifts and Char-

Food ity
9% 1%

Total Result
50% Housing

Savings or Investments Personal Care
6% 1%
Budget Summary
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Category Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference
Children 1,000.00 1,000.00 -

Entertainment 100.00 100.00 -

Food 1,500.00 1,500.00 -

Gifts and Charity 250.00 250.00 -

Housing 3,520.00 3,520.00 -

Insurance -

Loans 1,000.00 1,000.00 -

Personal Care 100.00 100.00 -

Pets -

Savings or Investments 1,030.00 1,030.00 -

Taxes -

Transportation -

Total Result 8,500.00 8,500.00 -

Monthly Expenses Budget Report

Description Category Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Actual Cost Overview
Extracurricular activities Children 500.00 500.00 -
Medical Children 500.00 500.00 -
School Supplies Children -
School Tuition Children -
Concerts Entertainment -
Live Theater Entertainment -
Movies Entertainment 100.00 100.00 -
Music (CDs, downloads, etc.) Entertainment -
Sporting Events Entertainment -
Video/DVD (Purchase) Entertainment -
Video/DVD (Rental) Entertainment -
Dining Out Food 500.00 500.00 -
Groceries Food 1,000.00 1,000.00 -
Charity 1 Gifts and Charity 50.00 50.00 -
Charity 2 Gifts and Charity -
Gift 1 Gifts and Charity 200.00 200.00 -
Gift 2 Gifts and Charity -
Cable/Satellite Housing 370.00 370.00 -
Electric Housing 300.00 300.00 -
Gas Housing -
House Cleaning Service Housing -
Maintenance Housing -
Mortgage or Rent Housing 2,750.00 2,750.00 -
Natural gas/oil Housing -
Online/Internet Service Housing -
Phone (Cellular) Housing 100.00 100.00 -
Phone (Home) Housing -
Supplies Housing -
Waste Removal and Recycle Housing -
Water and Sewer Housing -
Health Insurance -
Home Insurance -
Life Insurance -
Credit Card 1 Loans -
Credit Card 2 Loans -
Credit Card 3 Loans -
Personal Loans 1,000.00 1,000.00 -
Student Loans -
Clothing Personal Care 100.00 100.00 -
Dry Cleaning Personal Care -
Hair/Nails Personal Care -
Health Club Personal Care -
Medical Personal Care -
Description Category Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Actual Cost Overview
Food Pets -
Grooming Pets -
Medical Pets -
Toys Pets -
Investment account Savings or Investments -
Retirement account Savings or Investments 1,030.00 1,030.00 -
Federal Taxes -
Local Taxes -
State Taxes -
Bus/Taxi fare Transportation -
Fuel Transportation -
Insurance Transportation -
Licensing Transportation -
Maintenance Transportation -
Parking fees Transportation -
Vehicle payment Transportation -
Total 8,500.00 8,500.00 -
PivotTable for Budget Overview chart Lookup List for Budget Details Category
Category Cost Budget Category Lookup
Children 1,000.00 Children
Entertainment 100.00 Entertainment
Food 1,500.00 Food
Gifts and Charity 250.00 Gifts and Charity
Housing 3,520.00 Housing
Insurance Insurance
Loans 1,000.00 Loans
Personal Care 100.00 Personal Care
Pets Pets
Savings or Investments 1,030.00 Savings or Investments
Taxes Taxes
Transportation Transportation
Total Result 8,500.00

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