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School of Trade and Technology

Wireless Information Networking

ELCT136 “Electronics”

Lab 4: Superposition Principle

Name : Venkatesh Patnana Section : 3

Objective: To observe the superposition principle of linear circuits containing multiple

independent sources.

- Multisim software.


Read the complete lab procedure and conclusions before starting.

1. Use the Multisim to construct the circuit having three independent sources shown in
figure 1.

2. Use the multimeter to measure the output voltage (Vo) across the resistor R2 of figure 1.

The measured output voltage (Vo) 4 V

Through the following steps we are going to determine the contribution of every
individual independent source when all other sources are cancelled, i.e. all other
independent voltage sources will be short circuited and all other independent current
sources will be open circuited.

3. Construct the circuit shown in figure 2 on Multisim to determine the contribution of the
independent voltage source 24V alone. Note that the other two sources have cancelled; i.e
the 4A current source has opened circuited and the 4V voltage source has short circuited.
4. Use the multimeter to measure the output voltage (Vo1) across the resistor R2 of figure 2.

5. Calculate the output voltage Vo1 using the following voltage divider formula:
V o 1=V 1
R 1+ R 2

6. Record the measured and calculated value of the output voltage Vo1of figure 2 in the
following table:

Calculated value Measured value

Vo1 8V 8V

7. Construct the circuit shown in figure 3 on Multisim to determine the contribution of the
independent voltage source 4V alone. Note that the other two sources have cancelled.
8. Use the multimeter to measure the output voltage (Vo2) across the resistor R2 of figure 3.
9. Calculate the output voltage Vo2 using the following voltage divider formula:
V o 2=V 2
R 1+ R 2

10. Record the measured and calculated value of the output voltage Vo2 of figure 3 in the
following table:

Calculated value Measured value

- 1.333 V - 1.333 V
11. Construct the circuit shown in figure 4 on Multisim to determine the contribution of the
independent current source 4A alone. Note that the other two sources have cancelled.
12. Use the multimeter to measure the output voltage (Vo3) across the resistor R2 of figure 4.

13. Calculate the output voltage Vo3 using the following current divider formula:
I 2=I s
R 1 + R2

V o 3 =−I 2 × R2
14. Record the measured and calculated value of the output voltage Vo3 of figure 4 in the
following table:

Calculated value Measured value

-2.666 V -2.667 V

15. Verify the superposition principle for the circuit given in figure 1 by ensuring that the
measured output voltage Vo of figure 1 is equal to the algebraic sum of measured output
voltages Vo1, Vo2 and, Vo3 of circuits given in figure 2, 3, and 4; respectively.

∑ V oi=V o 1 +V o 2 +V o 3=¿ Vo =

4.001 V

16. If there is no match between the measured output voltage Vo of figure 1 and the
algebraic sum of measured output voltages Vo1, Vo2 and, Vo3 of circuits given in figure 2,
3, and 4, revise your calculations and/or measurements.

17. Do not leave the lab until you are sure you understand the requirements and have the data
to complete the work in the Observation and Conclusion sections.


Please Complete the report (fill blank spaces) and answer all questions.

Please write your calculation in each section, if there is any in this lab report.

Submit the completed lab report with your name and section in D2L.

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