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National Movements

And the new States

1. "The Wal Wal incident was primarily responsible for the outbreak of the italo- Ethiopian crisis".


2. Account for the nationalisation of the Suez canal in 1956

3. Account for the rise of Afrikaaner nationalism in south Africa

4. Account for the delay in the attainment of independence in German South West Africa

5. Account for the increased agitation for multi - party democracy in africa since 1990

6. Explain the role of kiswahili in forging national unity in Tanzania

7. Assess the achievements of the East African community between 1967 and 1977

8. Assess the contribution of foreign aid to the development of any one country in africa

9. Assess the impact of military rule in any one post Independent african state

10. Examine the causes and effects of the 1975 military coup in Nigeria

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