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Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 1 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL): Ant and Dove

An ant went to the river to get a drink . The water rushed so

fash that he washed off from the bank into the river.
“I shall drown” he cried. “Help! Help! Help!,but his voice was
so tiny that it couldn’t be heard.
A dove was sitting on the tree hanging over the water. She saw
the ant struggling and quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the
water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down the river until the leaf
was washed upon the bank of the river.
The ant called out in its tiny voice. “Thank you, kind dove, you
have saved my life”, but of course the dove couldn’t hear him.
Several days after ward, the dove was again sitting on the tree, a
hunter crept carefully up to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove
and he was about to shoot, whenhe was bitten in the leg by an ant.
He cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the
dove, and she flew away. “tank you , kind ant” cooed the dove. The ant
heard it and happy that he could help her.

What does the text (generally) tell us about?

A. The ant and the dove.
B. The ant near the river.
C. The dove on the tree
D. The hunter and the dove.

Materi/Teks: Pembahasan:
Narrative Dari teks bentuk cerita narrative dapat di ketahui lebih banyak menceritakan “The
ant and the dove”
Indikator SKL
informasi tertentu

Indikator soal
Disajikan sebuah teks
narrative berbentuk
fable , siswa dapat
informasi tertentu
dari teks tersebut
dengan tepat.

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :9
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 2 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL): Ant and Dove

An ant went to the river to get a drink . The water

rushed so fash that he washed off from the bank into the river.
“I shall drown” he cried. “Help! Help! Help!,but his
voice was so tiny that it couldn’t be heard.
A dove was sitting on the tree hanging over the water.
She saw the ant struggling and quickly nipped off a leaf and let
it fall into the water. The ant climbed upon it and floated down
the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of the river.
The ant called out in its tiny voice. “Thank you, kind
dove, you have saved my life”, but of course the dove couldn’t
hear him.
Several days after ward, the dove was again sitting on
the tree, a hunter crept carefully up to the tree. His gun was
pointed at the dove and he was about to shoot, whenhe was
bitten in the leg by an ant.
He cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This
frightened the dove, and she flew away. “tank you , kind ant”
cooed the dove. The ant heard it and happy that he could help

Why did the hunter cry out with pain?

A. His gun was dropped
B. His gun was
C. His leg was bitten by
the ant.
D. His head was bitten
by the dove.

Pembahasan :

Pada paragraph terakhir diceritakan tentang the hunter cried out with the
pain because his legs was bitten by the ant.

Indikator SKL
Menganalisis Informasi

Indikator soal

Disajikan sebuah teks

narrative yang sama ,
siswa dapat
menentukan informasi
rinci dari teks tersebut
dengan tepat.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 3 Kunci Jawaban:

Lulusan (SKL): B

The Legend of Lake Batur

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant like creature
named Kbo Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was
everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was satisfied with
the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a
thousand men. Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns
were almost empty and the new harvest was still a long way off.
This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he
destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the
Balinese turn to rage. So, they came together to plan steps to
oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity. They asked Kbo
Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig
deep hole. One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the
hole. The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and the villagers
began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the
hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher
until at last it over flowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of
earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

What was Kbo Iwo?

A. Temple
B. Giant
C. Mount
D. Balinese people

Pembahasan : Di dalam bacaan siswa dapat membaca sekilas dan

dapat menentukan jawaban pada paragraph awal.

Indikator SKL
Menganalisis informasi

Indikator soal
Disajikan sebuah teks
narrative berbentuk
legend , siswa dapat
informasi tertentu
dari teks tersebut
dengan tepat


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 4 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL): The Legend of Lake Batur

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant like creature
named Kbo Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was
everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was satisfied with
the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a
thousand men. Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns
were almost empty and the new harvest was still a long way off.
This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he
destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the
Balinese turn to rage. So, they came together to plan steps to
oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity. They asked Kbo
Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig
deep hole. One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the
hole. The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and the villagers
began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the
hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher
until at last it over flowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of
earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

From the story above, we know that Kbo Iwo … by the people of the
A. was thrown to the river
B. was thrown to the deep well
C. was killed
D. was created

Pembahasan : Dengan membaca tiap paragraph maka dapat

diketahui bahwa apa yang dilakukan Kho Iwa.


Indikator SKL

Menganalisis informasi

Indikator soal
Disajikan sebuah teks
narrative yang
sama , siswa dapat
informasi rinci dari
teks tersebut dengan


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 5 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL): The Legend of Lake Batur

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant like
named Kbo Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was
everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was satisfied with
the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a
thousand men. Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns
were almost empty and the new harvest was still a long way off.
This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he
destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the
Balinese turn to rage. So, they came together to plan steps to
oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity. They asked Kbo
Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig
deep hole. One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the
hole. The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and the villagers
began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the
hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kbo
Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and
higher until at last it over flowed and formed Lake Batur. The
mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount

3. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’ t be a lazy creature
B. Don’t be stupid
C. Greediness is a source of disaster
D. Don’t underestimate to other people

Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama maka dapat

disimpulkan “ Greedlines is a source of disaster”


Indikator SKL

Menyimpulkan pesan

Indikator soal

Disajikan sebuah teks

narrative yang
sama , siswa dapat
menentukan pesan
moral dari teks
tersebut dengan


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMPTerbuka 10 Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum :
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 6 Kunci jawaban : A

Lulusan (SKL): Rumusan
Butir Soal

After the movie was over, I left the cinema
quickly. My watch showed 11.30 p.m. as I got on to my
bicycle. I pedalled hard on my bicycle and was soon
speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I
had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember
Recount (scary) clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacked
by a monster. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in
my mind and I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. As I approached a
graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. I was
frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came
nearer and nearer. Then, I heard a familiar voice
calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate.
He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He
Both of us laughed out loud over our behaviour.

Indikator SKL
Menyimpulkan informasi

Indikator soal
Disajikan teks recount 6. What is the second paragraph about?
berbentuk scary, siswa A. The writer heard a frightening sound.
dapat menyimpulkan B. The writer looked back and saw Hadi.
informasi tertentu dari C. The writer met his classmate.
teks tersebut dengan D. The writer laughed out loud.
Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama maka dapat disimpulkan “ The writer heard
a frightening sound”


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP Terbuka 10 Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum :
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 7 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL): Rumusan
Butir Soal
After the movie was over, I left the cinema
quickly. My watch showed 11.30 p.m. as I got on to my
bicycle. I pedalled hard on my bicycle and was soon
speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I
had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember
clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacked
Recount (Scary) by a monster. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in
my mind and I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. As I approached a
frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came
nearer and nearer. Then, I heard a familiar voice
calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate.
He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He
had cycled after me so that he would not be alone.
Both of us laughed out loud over our behaviour.

Indikator SKL

informasi rinci

What made the writer scared?

A. The graveyard.
Indikator soal B. The dark and quiet road.
Disajikan teks recount C. The frightening sound.
yang sama, siswa D. The frightful scene of the movie.
dapat menentukan
informasi rinci dari Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada paragraph 2 baris 2 dan 3 dapat
teks tersebut dengan disimpulkan yang membuat penulis takut adalah “The frightening sound.”


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP Terbuka 10 Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum :
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 8 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):
Butir Soal

After the movie was over, I left the cinema

quickly. My watch showed 11.30 p.m. as I got on to my
bicycle. I pedalled hard on my bicycle and was soon
speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I
had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember
clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacked
by a monster. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in
my mind and I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. As I approached a
graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. I was
Materi/Teks: frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came
nearer and nearer. Then, I heard a familiar voice
(Scary )
calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate.
He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He
had cycled after me so that he would not be alone.
Both of us laughed out loud over our behaviour.

Indikator SKl :
informasi tersirat
Why did the writer and his friend laugh out loud over?
A. because he heard familiar voice
B. because of their silly behaviour
C. because he saw Hadi, his classmate
D. Because they were frightened

Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada paragraph 2 baristerakhir dapat

disimpulkan yang membuat mereka tertawa adalah tingkah laku mereka tolol
(because of their silly behavior)
Indikator soal:
Disajikan teks recount
yang sama, siswa dapat
menyimpulkan informasi
tersirat dari teks
tersebut dengan tepat.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP Terbuka 10 Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum :
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 9 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL): Rumusan
Reading Butir Soal

When I was in the 2nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I went to Bali.
We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.
First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise
together. It was great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared
ourselves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not
Materi/Teks :
only domestic but also foreign tourists.
(Unforgettable) Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many
water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu Island to
see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy.
In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the
beautiful wave.
Indikator SKL: The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady
Mengidentifikasi forest. There were so many monkeys. They were so tame but sometimes they could be
informasi rinci naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati
market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and
In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing
so many amazing memories of Bali.
The text mainly tells us about….
A. Spending the days in Bali.
B. Spending holiday in Bali.
C. Beautiful sunrise at Sanur Beach.
Indikator soal : D. Amazing memories in the evening in Bali.
Disajikan teks recount
berbentuk Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks
unforgettable, siswa tersebut menceritakan tentang menghabiskan liburan di Bali (Spending holiday in Bali)
dapat menentukan
informasi rinci dari teks
tersebut dengan tepat.

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP Terbuka 10 Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum :
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 10 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL): Rumusan
Reading Butir Soal

When I was in the 2nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I went to Bali.
We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.
First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise
together. It was great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared
ourselves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not
only domestic but also foreign tourists.
(Unforgettable) Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played so many
water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyu Island to
see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy.
In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the
beautiful wave.
The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady
forest. There were so many monkeys. They were so tame but sometimes they could be
naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati
market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and
In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing
so many amazing memories of Bali.

“We could make close interaction with them” (paragraph 4).

Indikator SKL :
The underlined word refers to….
Menjelaskan rujukan
A. Turtles
B. Snakes
C. Sea birds
D. Monkeys

Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata
“them” mengacu pada “ monkeys” pada kalimat sebelumnya

Indikator soal:
Disajikan teks recount
yang sama, siswa dapat
menentukan rujukan
kata dari teks tersebut
dengan tepat.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan No. Soal 11 Kunci Jawaban: D

(SKL): Rumusan
Butir Soal
Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna dalam An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a
wacana tertulis pendek baik strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and
teks fungsional maupun esai backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white
sederhana berbentuk deskriptif tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.
(descriptive, procedure,
maupun report) dan naratif The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has
(narrative dan recount) dalam various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift
leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves
the elephant as a long am and hand. An elephant looks very
Materi/Teks: clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
Report text ( animal )
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence
combined with its great strength makes it a very useful
Indikator SKL
Disajikan sebuah teks report servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways
tentang animals, siswa dapat such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.
menentukan gambaran umum
teks tersebut dengan tepat.
The text tells us about….
(A). the Elephant’s peculiar feature                     
(B). useful servant
(C). strange looking animal                                 
(D) an elephant

Indikator soal Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada seluruh paragaraf
siswa dapat menentukan focus membahas gajah
gambaran umum teks tersebut
dengan tepat.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL): No. Soal 12 Kunci Jawaban: D

Reading (Membaca) Rumusan
Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis Butir
pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai Soal
sederhana berbentuk deskriptif
(descriptive, procedure, maupun report) An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is
dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. and backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes,
long white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has

various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk
and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It
can also lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In
fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long am and
hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and
yet it can move very quickly.
Report text ( animal ) The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its
intelligence combined with its great strength makes it
a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to
serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt
for tigers and even fight.
Indikator SKL
Disajikan sebuah teks report yang sama The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that....
siswa dapat menentukan pikiran utama (A) elephants are strong
suatu paragraf dengan tepat. (B) elephants can lift logs
(C) elephants are servants
(D) elephant are very useful 

Pembahasan : Dengan membaca secara seksama pada

Indikator soal paragaraf 3 membahas gajah berguna dari kata It’ very
sama siswa dapat menentukan pikiran
utama suatu paragraf dengan tepat


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL): No. Soal 13 Kunci Jawaban: B

Reading (Membaca) Butir
Memahami makna Soal
dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik
teks fungsional maupun esai An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a
sederhana berbentuk deskriptif strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and
(descriptive, procedure, maupun backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white
report) dan naratif (narrative dan tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.
recount) dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari. The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has
various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and
can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift
Materi/Teks: leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves
Report text ( animal ) the elephant as a long am and hand. An elephant looks very
clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence

combined with its great strength makes it a very useful
servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways
Indikator SKL such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.
Disajikan sebuah teks report yang
sama siswa dapat menentukan
rujukan kata dengan tepat. 11. “The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature....
The underline word close in meaning to ....
(A) large
(B) strange 
(C) tough
(D) smooth

Indikator soal
siswa dapat menentukan rujukan Pembahasan : sinonim dari kata peculiar ada strange
kata dengan tepat (aneh)


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL): No. Soal 14 Kunci Jawaban: D

Reading (Membaca) Rumusan
Memahami makna dalam wacana Butir
tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional Soal
maupun esai sederhana berbentuk
deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a
maupun report) dan naratif strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and
(narrative dan recount) dalam backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has

various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk
and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It
can also lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact
the trunk serves the elephant as a long am and hand. An
Materi/Teks: elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can
Report text ( animal ) move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence

combined with its great strength makes it a very useful
servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various
ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even
Indikator SKL fight.
 Disajikan sebuah teks report
yang sama siswa dapat
menentukan rujukan kata
ganti ( pronoun ) dengan The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can
squirt it all over its body like a shower bath (paragraph
   The underlined word refers to….
    (A). a shower bath    
    (B). elephant’s body
    (C). a shower                  
Indikator soal     (D). elephant’s trunk
siswa dapat menentukan rujukan
kata ganti ( pronoun ) dengan tepat. Pembahasan : acuan kata ‘it” adalah “elephant’s trunk”
teradapat pada kalimat sebelum


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL): No. Soal 15 Kunci Jawaban: A

Reading (Membaca) Rumusan
Memahami makna dalam wacana Butir
tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional Soal
maupun esai sederhana berbentuk
deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is
maupun report) dan naratif (narrative a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides
dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan and backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes,
sehari-hari. long white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has

various uses. The elephant draws up water by its
trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower
bath. It can also lift leaves and puts them into its
Materi/Teks: mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long
Report text ( animal ) am and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and
heavy and yet it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its

intelligence combined with its great strength makes it
a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to
Indikator SKL serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt
Disajikan sebuah teks report yang sama for tigers and even fight.
siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci
dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
Which of the following is NOT part of the
elephant described in the first paragraph ?
(A) It looks strange 
(B) It is heavy
(C) It is wild
(D) It has a trunk

Indikator soal Pembahasan : Yang bukan deskripsi dari gajah

siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci adalah “It looks strange”
dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :9
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 16 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL): Rumusan Butir

Memahami makna The Smartphone
dalam wacana
tertulis pendek A smartphone is a mobile phone with highly advanced features. A typical
smartphone has a high-resolution touch screen display, WiFi connectivity,
baik teks Web browsing capabilities, and the ability to accept sophisticated applications.
fungsional The majority of these devices run on any of these popular mobile operating
systems: Android, Symbian, iOS, BlackBerry OS and Windows Mobile.
maupun esai
sederhana A smartphone is expected to have a more powerful CPU, more storage space,
more RAM, greater connectivity options and larger screen than a regular cell
berbentuk phone.
deskriptif High-end smartphones now run on processors with high processing speeds
(descriptive, coupled with low power consumptions. That means, they’ll allow you to play
procedure, 3D games, browse the Web, update your Facebook account, call, and text
much longer than you used to.
maupun report)
In addition to the features mentioned earlier, smartphones are also equipped
dan naratif with innovative sensors like accelerometers or even gyrscopes. Accelerometers
(narrative dan are responsible for displaying screens in portrait and landscape mode, while
gyroscopes make it possible for games to support motion-based navigation.
recount) dalam
The earliest touch screen smartphones used resistive touchscreen displays,
konteks which required the use of slender pointing objects known as styli (or stylus in
kehidupan singular form). Most of the later models however, like the iPhone and most
sehari-hari. Android phones, employ capacitive displays, which feature multi-touch finger

Materi/Teks: What is a smartphone

a. A smartphone is expected to have a more powerful CPU
b. A smartphone is a mobile phone with highly advanced features.
c. A typical smartphone has a high-resolution touch screen display
Descriptive d. Smartphones are also equipped with innovative sensors like
accelerometers or even gyrscopes

Indikator SKL Pembahasan : Jawaban jelas ada di paragraf 1 baris 1

Indikator soal

Disajikan sebuah teks

descriptive tentang
family, siswa dapat
menentukan gambaran
umum dari teks
tersebut dengan tepat.

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd)

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 17 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):
Rumusan Butir Soal
LEVEL 2 For Grade 7 and Grade 8 students
February has come. It is a special month. The story telling
competition will be held as usual. Go and get it. Join now.
There are interesting prizes for the three best winners.
Practice your English and enroll for the competition soon.
Mr Suryaono (Administration Office)
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday to Friday, Before February 20.

What is the purpose of the text above?

A. Explain to the readers about how to join a story telling competition
B. Ask the readers to advertise a story telling competition
C. Inform the readers about a story telling competition
D. Tell the readers about the prizes for the winner

Pembahasan : Tujuan teks ini adalah memberi informasi tentang “ a story telling

Indikator SKL

Menjelaskan tentang
announcement school

Indikator soal

Disajikan sebuah teks

announcement terkait
dengan school activity,
siswa dapat
menjelaskan informasi
dari text dengan tepat

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan No. Soal : 18 Kunci Jawaban: B


Reading For Grade 7 and Grade 8 students

February has come. It is a special month. The story telling competition will be held as
usual.Go and get it. Join now.
There are interesting prizes for the three best winners.
Practice your English and enroll for the competition soon.
Mr Suryaono (Administration Office)
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday to Friday, Before February 20.

Indikator SKL

Menyimpulkan makna text From the text we can conclude that the competition is held........
announcement secara A. Biweekly
keseluruhan B. Annualy
C. Monthly
D. Weekly

Pembahasan : Kompetisi tersebut diadakan setiap bulan Februari berarti tiap

tahun (annualy)

Indikator soal
Disajikan sebuah teks
announcement yang sama,
siswa dapat
menyimpulkan informasi
yang terdapat pada text
tersebut dengan tepat.

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 19 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):
Sudirman Street 205 Jakarta 23rd August,
Memahami makna teks
tulis fungsional dan
eseipendek sederhana Dear Dony,
yang berkaitan dengan As you know I have been applying for various universities in USA. And after two
lingkungan sekitar. years, I have finally been accepted and have received my admissions letter as well
as my visa. I am scheduled to leave in just three days. I am ever so excited, but so
sad to be leaving you. This is actually what I’ll tell you, my best friend.
We have been best friends for twenty years and have understood each other. We
usually played badminton or climbed a mountain together, etc. One thing which is
very important in my life is that you always helped solve my problems. As you
always came to solve my problems whenever I needed, I then feel so close to you.
I realized you were very kind when you were always on my side and patiently
helped take care of my father two days before he passed away. You stayed in the
hospital outside the ICCU room in which my father should have a specific
treatment. You brought food and drink, too. And this makes me feel that you are
really my best friend. The friendliness of your sister, Tanti, and your little brother,
Fajar, always makes me remember you and your family. The kindness of your
parents makes me feel as if I were part of your family. And now I have to leave
and our country for the sake of my future.
I wish you all the best for the future. You already have my email address, and I
send you my new address and new cell phone number as soon as I have them.
Please promise to always keep in touch. Please share what you have in mind, and
make me feel that distance will not separate us. Again, please always keep in touch
with me.
I am leaving. C.U.


What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?

A. To give information about his university.

B. To tell his friend his past experience.
C. To say goodbye to his old friend.
D. To remind his friend to study.

Pembahasan :
Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat ….but so sad to be leaving you (sedih


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal : 20 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL):
Memahami makna teks
tulis fungsional dan esei Sudirman Street 205 Jakarta 23rd August, 2015
pendek sederhana yang
berkaitan dengan Dear Dony,
lingkungan sekitar
As you know I have been applying for various universities in USA. And after two
years, I have finally been accepted and have received my admissions letter as well
as my visa. I am scheduled to leave in just three days. I am ever so excited, but so
sad to be leaving you. This is actually what I’ll tell you, my best friend.
We have been best friends for twenty years and have understood each other. We
usually played badminton or climbed a mountain together, etc. One thing which is
very important in my life is that you always helped solve my problems. As you
always came to solve my problems whenever I needed, I then feel so close to you.
I realized you were very kind when you were always on my side and patiently
helped take care of my father two days before he passed away. You stayed in the
hospital outside the ICCU room in which my father should have a specific
treatment. You brought food and drink, too. And this makes me feel that you are
really my best friend. The friendliness of your sister, Tanti, and your little brother,
Fajar, always makes me remember you and your family. The kindness of your
parents makes me feel as if I were part of your family. And now I have to leave
and our country for the sake of my future.
I wish you all the best for the future. You already have my email address, and I
send you my new address and new cell phone number as soon as I have them.
Please promise to always keep in touch. Please share what you have in mind, and
make me feel that distance will not separate us. Again, please always keep in touch
with me.

I am leaving. C.U.


From the text we know that Indra ....

A. is still in Jakarta
B. has arrived in USA
C. has a sister named Tanti
D. D. is looking for a new university

Pembahasan :

Dari kalimat I am scheduled to leave in just three days (Saya dijadwalkan

berangkat dalam waktu tiga hari) bisa disimpulkan kalau Indra masih
berada di Jakarta.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX/Genap (UN)
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 21 Kunci Jawaban:

Lulusan (SKL):
Wanted for big restaurant.
Applicants must be friendly and able to speak English.
Age 16 - 20.
Experience unnecessary.
Excellent pay.
All applications must reach to our office no later than two
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Jl. Gajah
Mada 108, Yogyakarta

Yogya Post / 3rd March 2017



From the text we know that the deadline of the applications is ... 2017
Indikator SKL       A. 3rd March
B. 17th February       
C. 7th February
Menganalisa informasi
tentang Application
D. 17th March

Pembahasan :

Dari kalimat “All applications must reach to our office no later than
two weeks” berarti batas akhirnya tanggal 17 Maret. 1717th March
Indikator soal
Disajikn teks berbentuk
advertisement tentang
Application, siswa dapat
infomasi dari Application
dengan benar.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX/Genap (UN)
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 22 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL):
Wanted for big restaurant.
Applicants must be friendly and able to speak English.
Age 16 - 20.
Experience unnecessary.
Excellent pay.
All applications must reach to our office no later than two
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Jl. Gajah
Mada 108, Yogyakarta

Yogya Post / 3rd March 2017



How can we apply the job?

      A. By mail                                                          
B. By e-mail                                                       
C. By phone
Indikator SKL D. on line
Menjelaskan informasi
tentang Application Pembahasan :
Dari kalimat “Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT” berarti pengiriman
dengan surat (by mail)

Indikator soal
Disajikan teks berbentuk
advertisement tentang
Application, siswa dapat
menentukan infomasi
dari Application dengan


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX/Genap (UN)
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 23 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):

From the label above we know that....

Materi/Teks: A. this medicine is only for adult
LABEL” B. this medicine is in the form of syrup
C. stomachache can be cured with this medicine
D. children under 12 cannot take this medicine

Pembahasan : Label diatas tentang obat dalam bentuk sirup

Indikator SKL
Menganalisa informasi
tentang “Medicine”

Indikator soal
Disajikan teks berbentuk
Label tentang
Medicine, siswa dapat
meyimpulkan informasi
dari Medicine dengan


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX/Genap (UN)
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Standar No. Soal 24 Kunci Jawaban: B
Lulusan (SKL):


Who must consult to the doctor before taking this medicine?

Materi/Teks: A. Adult
LABEL B. children under 6 years
C. children 12 years and over
D. children 6 to under 12 years

Pembahasan : yang harus konsultasi ke dokter adalah anak di bawah 6 tahun ( children
under 6 years)
Indikator SKL

Indikator soal

Disajikan teks
Label tentang
Medicine, siswa
informasi dari
dengan benar.


JenjangPendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : BahasaIggris TahunPelajaran: 2019/2020
BahanKelas/Smt. : IX / Genap
Kurikulum : 13
BentukSoal : Pilihan Ganda
Standar KompetensiLulusan No. Soal 25 KunciJawaban: D

Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence.

the set we a near campfire river have

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 3-2-1-6-5-8-4-7
B. 3-2-8-1-6-5-3-7
C. 3-8-4-6-5-1-2-7
Jumbled Words
D. 3-8-2-4-6-5-1-7

Pembahasan : Jawaban :D
Susunan kata yang paling tepat secara gramatika adalah We have set
a campfire near the river.

Indikator SKL

Menentukansusunan kata-kata
menjadi sebuah kalimat tunggal

Indikator Soal :

n kata-kata menjadi sebuah
kalimat tunggal dengan tepat..


JenjangPendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : BahasaIggris TahunPelajaran: 2019/2020
BahanKelas/Smt. : IX / Genap
Kurikulum : 13
BentukSoal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar No. Soal 26 Kunci Jawaban: A

(SKL): RumusanButirSoal

Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentences.

ends football teams the match play because in a draw the extra time two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Materi/Teks: A. 8-10-2-4-9-5-3-1-6-7
B. 8-9-4-10-2-5-1-3-6-7
C. 8-9-1-6-7-5-10-2-4-3
D. 8-2-4-6-7-5-10-2-1-9
Jumbled Words

Pembahasan ; Jawaban A
Jawaban B, C, D tidak tersusun secara logis dan gramatikal.

Indikator SKL

Menentukan susunan
kata-kata menjadi
sebuah kalimat
majemuk setara

Indikator Soal :

Disajikan kata-kata
acak siswa dapat
menentukan susunan
kata-kata menjadi
sebuah kalimat setara
dengan tepat


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan No. Soal : 27 Kunci

(SKL): Jawaban: C

Writing Rumusan Butir Soal

Tornado is a violently rotating column of air which is in contact with
both a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, a cumulus cloud base and
Materi/Teks: the surface of the earth.Tornadoes come in many sizes but are typically
Report in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end ( … ) the
Natural Phenomenon earth and is often encircled by a claud of debris.
(Tornado) Most tornadoes have wind speed of 110 mph(177 km/h) or
less, are about 250 feet (75 m) across, and travel a few miles (several
kilometers) before disappears. Some reach wind speeds more than 300
mph(480 km/h), Stretch more than a mile (more than 100 km )
Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent
except Antartica,most occur in the united States.They also occur in
Southern Canada, south central Africa,North-western and central Europe,
Indikator SKL

Menentukan kata yang tepat

untuk melengkapi text

Indikator soal

Disajikan teks report tentang

natural phenomenon dengan A.hold
3 rumpang, siswa dapat B. nudge
menentukan kata kerja yang C.touches
tepat untuk melengkapi teks D.put
tersebut dengan tepat

Pembahasan : Kata kerja yang tepat adalah menyentuh (touch)


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan No. Soal : 28 Kunci Jawaban: C

Rumusan Butir Soal

Tornado is a violently rotating column of air which is in contact with

Materi/Teks: both a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, a cumulus cloud base and
Report the surface of the earth.Tornadoes come in many sizes but are typically
Natural Phenomenon in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end touches
(Tornado) the earth and is often encircled by a claud of debris.
Most tornadoes have wind ( … ) of 110 mph(177 km/h) or
less, are about 250 feet (75 m) across, and travel a few miles (several
kilometers) before disappears. Some reach wind speeds more than 300
mph(480 km/h), Stretch more than a mile (more than 100 km )
Indikator SKL Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent
except Antartica,most occur in the united States.They also occur in
Menentukan kata yang tepat Southern Canada, south central Africa,North-western and central Europe,
untuk melengkapi text Italy,Western and south-eastern Australia, and New Zealand.
Indikator soal
A. Shape
Disajikan teks report B. Long
tentang natural C. Speed
phenomenon dengan 3 D. Depth
rumpang, siswa dapat
menentukan kata benda
yang tepat untuk
melengkapi teks tersebut Pembahasan : Kata yang tepat adalah kecepatan angin (speed)
dengan tepat


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX
Kurikulum : K-13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan No. Soal : 29 Kunci Jawaban: C

Rumusan Butir Soal
Writing Tornado is a violently rotating column of air which is in contact with
both a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, a cumulus cloud base and
the surface of the earth.Tornadoes come in many sizes but are typically
Materi/Teks: in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end touches
Report the earth and is often encircled by a claud of debris.
Natural Phenomenon Most tornadoes have wind speed of 110 mph(177 km/h) or
(Tornado) less, are about 250 feet (75 m) across, and travel a few miles (several
kilometers) before disappears. Some reach wind speeds more than 300
mph(480 km/h), Stretch more than a mile (more than 100 km )
Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent
except Antartica,most occur in the united States.They also.occur ( … )
Indikator SKL Southern Canada, south central Africa,North-western and central Europe,
Italy,Western and south-eastern Australia, and New Zealand.
Menentukan kata yang tepat
untuk melengkapi text

Indikator soal A. at
B. on
Disajikan teks report C. in
tentang natural D. between
phenomenon dengan 3
rumpang, siswa dapat
menentukan preposisi
yang tepat untuk Pembahasan : Preposisi yang tepat adalah in karenadiikuti oleh bagian negara atau
negara (Southern Canada, south central Africa,North-western and central Europe,
melengkapi teks tersebut
Italy,Western and south-eastern Australia, and New Zealand.)
dengan tepat


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : IX/2
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. 30 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground
Writing after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. ( … ) , we
built our tent next to a small river.

It was getting darker and colder, so we built a camp fire. The next day, we spent
our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals.

In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night,
we held an exciting camp fire night. Cheerfully we sang, danced, read poetry,
played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

Recount/UNF On Monday, we packed our bags and went home feeling happy
(cloze procedure)
A. after
B. then
C. firstly
D. finally

Pembahasan :
Kata penghubung yang paling tepat disini adalah then (kemudian)

Indikator SKL
Menentukan kata yang
tepat untuk melengkapi
text rumpang

Indikator soal
Disajikan teks recount
tentang unforgettable
dengan 3 rumpang, siswa
dapat menentukan kata
penghubung yang tepat
untuk melengkapi teks


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : VIII/2
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 31 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL): Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping
Writing ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot.
Then, we built our tent next to a small river.

It was getting ( … ) and colder, so we built a camp fire. The next day, we
spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing

In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night,
we held an exciting camp fire night. Cheerfully we sang, danced, read poetry,
played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
Recount /UNF
(cloze procedure) On Monday, we packed our bags and went home feeling happy
A. clearer
B. darker
C. hotter
D. nicer

Kalimat …..so we built a camp fire (jadi kami membuat api
unggun) menunjukkan kalau hari sudah gelap/dark.
Indikator SKL

Menentukan kata yang

tepat untuk melengkapi
text rumpang

Indikator soal
Disajikan teks recount
tentang unforgettable
dengan 3 rumpang, siswa
dapat menentukan kata
sifat yang tepat untuk
melengkapi teks tersebut


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. : VIII/2
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 32 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL): Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground
after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. Then, we
Writing built our tent next to a small river.

It was getting darker and colder, so we built a camp fire. The next day, we spent
our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals.

In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night,
we held an exciting camp fire night. Cheerfully we sang, danced, read poetry,
played magic tricks, and even some of us ( … ) a standing comedy.
On Monday, we packed our bags and went home feeling happy
(cloze procedure)
A. heard
B. played
C. disliked
D. performed

Pembahasan :
Kata kerja yang paling berkaitan dengan standing comedy adalah

Indikator SKL

Menentukan kata yang

tepat untuk melengkapi
text rumpang

Indikator soal

Disajikan teks recount

tentang unforgettable
dengan 3 rumpang, siswa
dapat menentukan kata
kerja yang tepat untuk
melengkapi teks tersebut


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 33 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

What is the text written for?

A. To describe a music show.
B. To promote an event.
C. To congratulate someone.
D. To inform about an exam.
Indikator soal

Pembahasan :Kata congratulations di dalam teks menunjukkan bahwa

tujuan teks ditulis untuk memberi selamat kepada Seza karena lulus
ujian musik.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 34 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

Who is the card for?

A. Mom and Seza.
B. Seza.
C. Dad.
D. Mom and dad.

Indikator soal
Pembahasan :Berdasarkan teks dapat diketahui bahwa greeting
card tersebut ditujukan kepada Seza.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar No. Soal 35 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

What makes Arifia give emotional arguments?

A. She is disappointed.
B. She is happy.
C. She is busy.
D. She is tired.

Pembahasan :Penulis menyebutkan bahwa penyebab dia bersikap emosional

adalah karena kelelahan.
Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar No. Soal 36 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

From the text we can conclude that...

A. Arifia felt sorry.
B. Chacha is emotional.
C. Chacha usually acts rudely.
D. Arifia did not want to to be Chacha’s friend

Pembahasan :Dari pernyataan penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis merasa

bersalah dan meminta maaf.
Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 37 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

Where can the students have lunch?

A. In the reception.
B. In the classroom.
C. In the dining room.
Indikator soal D. In the activity room.

Pembahasan :Dari jadwal dapat diketahui bahwa siswa menyantap makan

siangnya di ruang resepsionis.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 38 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

What is the text written for?

A. To describe the dance.
B. To retell about the fundraising.
C. To inform someone about the dance.
D. To invite somebody to a fundraising event.

Pembahasan :Teks tersebut berupa undangan, jadi tujuan komunikatifnya

adalah untuk mengundang.
Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 39 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

What should we do to make a confirmation?

A. Contact the United Dance Association.
B. Come to the event before Wednesday.
C. Call 661.333.1234.
D. Pay USD 50.

Pembahasan :Kita dapat melakukan konfirmasi dengan cara menelpon

nomor yang tertera.
Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 40 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

What is the text about?

Indikator soal A. The opening of a school garden.
B. The launching of GIS sports academy.
C. The detail of the sports academy program.
D. The integration of the recreational sports program.

Pembahasan :Teks tersebut membicarakan tentang peluncuran program

GIS sport academy.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 41 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):


Indikator SKL

When will the launching of GIS Sports Academy be conducted?

A. In an exciting time.
B. In September 2013.
C. After all students are ready.
D. After the replacement of recreaional program
Pembahasan : Peluncuran program GIS sport academy dilaksanakan
Indikator soal September 2013.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 42 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):



Indikator SKL

How long will the sale last?

A. Two days.
B. A week.
C. Three weeks.
D. A month.

Pembahasan :Berdasar teks dapat diketahui bahwa sale berlangsung

selama tiga minggu.
Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 43 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL):



Indikator SKL

On what item does the shop give the most discounts?

A. School bags.
B. Exercise books.
C. Deanna Mary Jane shoes.
Indikator soal D. Kids’ school clothing.

Pembahasan :Potongan harga terbesar diberikan untuk Kids’ school clothing.


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 44 Kunci Jawaban: B

Lulusan (SKL):



Indikator SKL

“4 pack licensed briefs.” The underlined word means....

A. wellknown
B. certified
C. various
D. cheap

Pembahasan :Kata licensed sama maknanya dengan certified

Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar No. Soal 45 Kunci Jawaban: A

Kompetensi Dear Swastika,
Lulusan (SKL): How’s life? Thanks for the letter telling about your holiday activities.
Last Lebaran holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to
release the baby sea turtles from the Goa Cemara shore.
Goa Cemara is located in Patihan, Gadangsari, Bantul. The walk to the beach
was pretty far, but very shady. It felt like we're in the Twilight movie
scene, a great for photo shoots! We only adopted 5 baby turtles, each
turtle cost 10.000 rupiahs. The baby turtles were just hatched. I thought
they were cute. I chose my turtle and named him Timothy. My sister
Emma also chose one and named it Dora. Timothy and friends were very
Materi/Teks: skittish in the box, then right when we set them in the sand, they
immediately got still.
We entered Timothy in the race. We were told by our guide, that before the
race began, we should face the little babies south, so that when they came
out to shore at night, they would remember which way to go. Cool, isn't it?
And the race began. I could see how energetic they were. What I noticed
was that when they hit the water and were pushed back by the waves, the
turtles ran faster, as if knowing what’s ahead of them. They're just about to
get swept away by the ocean. I really hated to watch them leaving. It was
my unforgetable experience with the baby sea turtles.
Best wishes,

Indikator SKL What is the text about?

A. Releasing turtles from Goa Cemara beach.
B. Buying baby turtles at Goa Cemara.
C. The beautiful Twilight movie scene.
D. The race on the beach.

Pembahasan : Secara umum, teks tersebut menceritakan tentang pelepasan

penyu dari pantai Goa Cemara.

Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar No. Soal 46 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL):

Reading Dear Swastika,

How’s life? Thanks for the letter telling about your holiday activities.
Last Lebaran holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to
release the baby sea turtles from the Goa Cemara shore.
Goa Cemara is located in Patihan, Gadangsari, Bantul. The walk to the beach
was pretty far, but very shady. It felt like we're in the Twilight movie
scene, a great for photo shoots! We only adopted 5 baby turtles, each
turtle cost 10.000 rupiahs. The baby turtles were just hatched. I thought
Materi/Teks: they were cute. I chose my turtle and named him Timothy. My sister
Emma also chose one and named it Dora. Timothy and friends were very
skittish in the box, then right when we set them in the sand, they
immediately got still.
We entered Timothy in the race. We were told by our guide, that before the
race began, we should face the little babies south, so that when they came
out to shore at night, they would remember which way to go. Cool, isn't it?
And the race began. I could see how energetic they were. What I noticed
was that when they hit the water and were pushed back by the waves, the
turtles ran faster, as if knowing what’s ahead of them. They're just about to
get swept away by the ocean. I really hated to watch them leaving. It was
my unforgetable experience with the baby sea turtles.
Best wishes,
Indikator SKL Bella

What is name of the the writer’s turtle?

A. Bella.
B. Emma.
C. Dora.
D. Timothy.

Pembahasan :Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa “I chose my turtle and named him

Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 47 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL): Dear Swastika,
How’s life? Thanks for the letter telling about your holiday activities.
Last Lebaran holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to
release the baby sea turtles from the Goa Cemara shore.
Goa Cemara is located in Patihan, Gadangsari, Bantul. The walk to the beach
was pretty far, but very shady. It felt like we're in the Twilight movie
scene, a great for photo shoots! We only adopted 5 baby turtles, each
turtle cost 10.000 rupiahs. The baby turtles were just hatched. I thought
they were cute. I chose my turtle and named him Timothy. My sister
Materi/Teks: Emma also chose one and named it Dora. Timothy and friends were very
skittish in the box, then right when we set them in the sand, they
immediately got still.
We entered Timothy in the race. We were told by our guide, that before the
race began, we should face the little babies south, so that when they came
out to shore at night, they would remember which way to go. Cool, isn't it?
And the race began. I could see how energetic they were. What I noticed
was that when they hit the water and were pushed back by the waves, the
turtles ran faster, as if knowing what’s ahead of them. They're just about to
get swept away by the ocean. I really hated to watch them leaving. It was
my unforgetable experience with the baby sea turtles.
Best wishes,
Indikator SKL
Why should we face the baby turtles to the south?
A. Because the race would begin soon.
B. Because they were very energetic.
C. To make them know their way.
D. To make sure they were swept away.

Pembahasan :Dalam paragraf terakhir disebutkan bahwa kita harus

menghadapkan penyu ke selatan agar penyu tahu harus berjalan ke mana.

Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 48 Kunci Jawaban: A

Lulusan (SKL):



5. The above caution means ....

A. we should not drink the water
B. we should stay near wetted surfaces
C. the water is clean and fresh to drink
D. the fountain is not for recirculating water

Pembahasan :Caution tersebut memperingatkan pembaca bahwa air dari air

mancur tersebut tidak untuk diminum.

Indikator SKL

Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 49 Kunci Jawaban: D

Lulusan (SKL):
 Steven Spielberg is an American film director, screen writer, and
Reading producer. He is one of the most talented and successful film makers
Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 8th, 1946.
His full name is Steven Allan Spielberg. He is the son of Leak Adler, a
computer engineer. Spielberg is very interested in reading, studying
films and television show and talking with other film makers. He,
however, dislikes parties. He says that whenever he comes to a party he
will be guy at the corner.
Steven Spielberg has four luxurious houses in different places: in
Pacific Palisades- California, in New York, in East Hampton-New
York, and in Naples-Florida. Forbes magazine places his net wealth
at  3,1 billions.
Steven Spielberg married Kate Captshaw and they have seven children
in their home. Besides, there are several pets, including dogs, in his
house. One of them is Mikhaila that started in several of his films.

What is the text about?

A. The career of a film director.
B. The success of Spielberg’s film.
C. The houses of the successful director.
Indikator SKL D. The description of Steven Spilberg.

Pembahasan :Teks tersebut berisi tentang deskripsi Steven


Indikator soal


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs Penyusun : Ida Romyani,S.Pd

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Bahan Kelas/Smt. :
Kurikulum : K13
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda

Standar Kompetensi No. Soal 50 Kunci Jawaban: C

Lulusan (SKL):


 Steven Spielberg is an American film director, screen writer, and

producer. He is one of the most talented and successful film makers
Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 8th, 1946.
His full name is Steven Allan Spielberg. He is the son of Leak Adler, a
Materi/Teks: computer engineer. Spielberg is very interested in reading, studying
films and television show and talking with other film makers. He,
however, dislikes parties. He says that whenever he comes to a party he
will be guy at the corner.
Steven Spielberg has four luxurious houses in different places: in
Pacific Palisades- California, in New York, in East Hampton-New
York, and in Naples-Florida. Forbes magazine places his net wealth
at  3,1 billions.
Steven Spielberg married Kate Captshaw and they have seven children
in their home. Besides, there are several pets, including dogs, in his
house. One of them is Mikhaila that started in several of his films.

What is the main idea of paragraph three?

Indikator SKL A. Steven likes reading and dislikes parties.
B. Steven married Kate Captshaw and has a happy family.
C. Steven has four luxurious houses in different places.
D. Steven Spielberg is an American film director.

Pembahasan :Pikiran utama paragraf ketiga adalah Steven memiliki rumah

mewah di tempat yang berbeda-beda. Jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Indikator soal

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