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Daily Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education 9

Agricultural Crop Production

Week 8 Day 1

At the end of the class discussion, the students are expected to:
a. Identify the characteristic of a good service to costumer.
b. Value the importance of customer interaction.


A. TOPIC: Interacting with staff and costumer.
B. PROCESS SKILLS: Discussion, Reporting
C. C. REFERENCES: TLE - AFA (Agricultural Crops Production) Self Learning

 Preparatory Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 House rules

 Review
What are the characteristics of good customer interaction?

 Motivation
The teacher will ask questions:
1. Why is it important to interact with your costumer?
1. As a business owner how would you interact with your clients?

 Presentation
The teacher will present the topic.
1. Importance of customer interaction.

Unlocking terms
1. Undertaking - a formal pledge or promise to do something.
2. Guidelines - a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
3. Authority - the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
4. Instructions - a direction or order.
5. Horticulture - the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

 Lesson Proper
 Activity
The class will be grouped into 4.
Find for the important characteristics of a good service provider and explain it.
Write your answers in a manila paper.
Present your work in front.

 Analysis
The teacher will discuss the topic of the day. He also checks the activity of the groups.

3. Abstraction
The teacher will ask about what they have learned among the things we have discussed.
Why is it important to interact with costumers well as a business owner or sales agent?

 Application
The class will be grouped into 4.
Title: Costumer Interaction
Each group will create a role playing incorporating all the topics we have discussed for
They have 10 minutes to prepare and another 3 minutes to present.

Criteria for Scoring

5 3 1

All the parts of the Only few of the topics are Performance is not related
performance show the observed in the to our topic.
Content topics we have discussed. performance.

The activity is done Some parts of the activity The performance is a

presentable and well are not well organized. complete mess.
Performance organize.

Creativity The performance was The performance is fine. It The performance is done
fantastic. It is delivered delivers what needs to be unprofessionally.
very well. delivered.

Time Management The preparation as well as The presentation surpasses The preparation as well as
the presentation is finished the time limit while the the presentation are both
within the time allotted. preparation is just on time overtimes.

Total 20

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What are the different characteristics of a good service to clients?
2. Why is it important interact with costumers well?


Direction: Search and Answer this question.

1. How do a Customer Interaction Cycle go?

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I OIC-Principal
Daily Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education 9
Agricultural Crop Production
Week 8 Day 2

At the end of the class discussion, the students are expected to:
a. Identify how do a customer interaction flows.


TOPIC: Interacting with staff and costumer.

PROCESS SKILLS: Discussion, Demonstration

REFERENCES: TLE - AFA (Agricultural Crops Production) Self Learning Module

Quarter I – Interacting with staff and costumer.

 Preparatory Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 House rules

 Review
What are the characteristics of a good customer interaction.
Why is it important to have a good interaction with costumers.

 Motivation
Video Prestation
Title: Costumer Interaction Cycle

 Presentation
The teacher will present the topic.
Costumer Interaction Cycle
Unlocking terms
6. Undertaking - a formal pledge or promise to do something.
7. Guidelines - a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
8. Authority - the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
9. Instructions - a direction or order.
10. Horticulture - the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

 Lesson Proper
 Activity
The class will be grouped into 4.
Find for the customer interaction cycle flow.
The groups will search for the answers to the question.
They are only given 10 minutes to finish the activity and another 3 minutes to present.

 Analysis
The teacher will discuss the topic of the day.
Checks the activity of the groups.

3. Abstraction
The teacher will ask about what they have learned among the things we have discussed.
Why is it important to understand the customer interaction cycle flow?
 Application
The class will be grouped into 4.
Each group will create a role playing incorporating all the topics we have discussed for
They have 10 minutes to prepare and another 3 minutes to present.

Criteria for Scoring

5 3 1

All the parts of the Only few of the topics are Performance is not related
performance show the observed in the to our topic.
Content topics we have discussed. performance.

The activity is done Some parts of the activity The performance is a

presentable and well are not well organized. complete mess.
Performance organize.

Creativity The performance was The performance is fine. It The performance is done
fantastic. It is delivered delivers what needs to be unprofessionally.
very well. delivered.

Time Management The preparation as well as The presentation surpasses The preparation as well as
the presentation is finished the time limit while the the presentation are both
within the time allotted. preparation is just on time overtimes.

Total 20

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What are the steps in Costumer interaction cycle?
1. Why is it important to know the proper cycle of customer interaction?


Direction: Search and Answer this question.

1. What are the positive ways of costumer interaction in a workplace.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I OIC-Principal
Daily Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education 9
Agricultural Crop Production
Week 8 Day 3

At the end of the class discussion, the students are expected to:
a. Understand the positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.


TOPIC: Interacting with staff and costumer.

PROCESS SKILLS: Discussion, Demonstration

REFERENCES: TLE - AFA (Agricultural Crops Production) Self Learning Module

Quarter I – Interacting with staff and costumer.


 Preparatory Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 House rules

 Review
What are the steps of customer interaction cycles?
Why is it important to follow the steps in customer interaction cycle?

 Motivation
Videoclip Showing

 Presentation
The teacher will present the topic.
Positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.
Unlocking terms
11. Undertaking - a formal pledge or promise to do something.
12. Guidelines - a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
13. Authority - the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
14. Instructions - a direction or order.
15. Horticulture - the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

 Lesson Proper
 Activity
The class will be grouped into 4.
Find for the Positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.
The groups will search for the answers to the question.
They are only given 10 minutes to finish the activity and another 3 minutes to present.

 Analysis
The teacher will discuss the topic of the day.
Checks the activity of the groups.

3. Abstraction
The teacher will ask about what they have learned among the things we have discussed.
Why is it important to know the positive ways of customer interaction?
 Application
The class will be grouped into 4.
Each group will create a role playing incorporating all the topics we have discussed for
They have 10 minutes to prepare and another 3 minutes to present.

Criteria for Scoring

5 3 1

All the parts of the Only few of the topics are Performance is not related
performance show the observed in the to our topic.
Content topics we have discussed. performance.

The activity is done Some parts of the activity The performance is a

presentable and well are not well organized. complete mess.
Performance organize.

Creativity The performance was The performance is fine. It The performance is done
fantastic. It is delivered delivers what needs to be unprofessionally.
very well. delivered.

Time Management The preparation as well as The presentation surpasses The preparation as well as
the presentation is finished the time limit while the the presentation are both
within the time allotted. preparation is just on time overtimes.

Total 20

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What are the positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.
2. Importance of knowing the positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.


Direction: Search and Answer this question.

1. Search for the benefits of social interaction at work.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I OIC-Principal
Daily Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education 9
Agricultural Crop Production
Week 8 Day 4

At the end of the class discussion, the students are expected to:


TOPIC: Interacting with staff and costumer.

PROCESS SKILLS: Discussion, Demonstration

REFERENCES: TLE - AFA (Agricultural Crops Production) Self Learning Module

Quarter I – Interacting with staff and costumer.


 Preparatory Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 House rules

 Review
1. What are the positive ways of customer interaction in workplace?
2. Importance of knowing the positive ways of customer interaction in workplace?

 Motivation
Video Presentation:
Title: Benefits of Social Interaction

 Presentation
The teacher will present the topic.
Positive ways of customer interaction in workplace.
Unlocking terms
16. Undertaking - a formal pledge or promise to do something.
17. Guidelines - a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
18. Authority - the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
19. Instructions - a direction or order.
20. Horticulture - the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

 Lesson Proper
 Activity
The class will be grouped into 4.
Find for the benefits of social interaction in workplace.
The groups will search for the answers to the question.
They are only given 10 minutes to finish the activity and another 3 minutes to present.

 Analysis
The teacher will discuss the topic of the day.
Checks the activity of the groups.

3. Abstraction
The teacher will ask about what they have learned among the things we have discussed.
Why is it important to know the positive ways of customer interaction?
 Application
Guide Question:
Why is it important to know the know the benefits of a positive social interaction in
Are their negative impacts of interaction inside a workplace?

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What are the benefits of social interaction in work.
2. Why is it important to have social interaction in a workplace.


Direction: Search and Answer this question.

1. How to foster employee interaction in the workplace.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I OIC-Principal

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