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(LLB50110/BLB90110) LEB/BA, LLB, DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2018, PittwyNineh Semester Sa MM vi. procapurs cope ax LIMITATION ACT (Regulation 2010-2011) > 7 ‘Maximum : 100 marks MON A— (6 = 4= 24 marks) 2 fer any SIX questions. Cy ne ee Re eae) ae 6. Written Statement Exparte decree 8 Caveat 16 Pleading 1%. Ais not ina position to pay Court fee and well as Logal Representative, advocate fee. He wants to fife a suit against B for SECTION B— (2 * 18 = 36 marks) recovery of some immovuble property worth one ‘Anewer any THO questions crore, Advise -\ to get exemption of fee. explain the rule of Res Judieata as laid down by 18 A filed a suit against Band got decroe against B18 me and got dismissed the decree. A .cond appeal. Can he succeed, Decide the Civil Procedure Code, Define and explain about Refer Revision, Discuss the power of Hig! Peoceedings in a civil suit. “Law of Limitation Bars the re Discuss, SECTION C2 « 20= 109 Answer any TWO of the follows ach question carries 20, A swit is banned by limitation Krishna (Plaintif) and Suda But Sudarsana did not is limitation and contested the =u Keisha. What decree the oo Eel Raat sie the first time in appeal? I circumstances? A has to file 2 suit with in lim wants to file a suit on the last day of limitation. (Op that day. i¢ was heavy rain and could not reach the court, Can he file a suit afterwards showing that his absent due to heavy rain as sufficient 2 (LLB50110/BLB90110) 3 (LLB50110/BLB90110) . (LLB50210/BLB90210) LLBUBA, LLB, DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2018. Fifth (Ninth Semester TNT See TTT Miata IMINAL PROCEDURE CODE, ICE ACT AND PROBATION OF ian 2010 ~ 2011) ‘Maximom : 100 marks A (6s 4= 24 marks) Re ee 5. Probation 6 Charge 7. Anticipatory bait ” 10 6 General Diaty : 17, ‘Na policeman entered into ‘R’ house without warrant and searched promises. He seized some Fowestigation iWegal material from B's house. What remedy is available ta'B? Suggest. Compoundable offences, PART B — (2 « 18 = 36 marks) Answer any TWO quest 18, °X was travelling in a train and committed an heft of the property of Y in the same between Tirupati and im bat detected in Vijayawada. lace of jurisdiction for complaint to be Discuss the powers and fu courts constituted under Ci Code. Under what circumstances a bbe issued by the court? Explai conducting a ‘search’ Eel ‘What is the law of confession’? confession ean be recorded? fxplain the salient features system, PART C—@x 20= 40 Answer any TWO of the followit Each question carries 20 A Police Officer warned B oral leave the) 0S) house, B ieemed it as arrest. Decide. Peer ial ry Fy ey Ej X is the second wife of ¥. X is unabie to maintain herself because of ill health. When X claimed maintenance from Y, Y refused to maintain. Decide. 2 (LLB50210/BLB90210) 2 (LLB50210/BLB90210) F i Fl E A 4 3 H (LLB50310/ BLB90310) LBB. L1.B DEGREE EXAMINATION. NOVEMBER 2018, iftiNinth Semester Reece ena) Puteh/Ninth TL LAW OF EVIDENCE 7 Expert opinion. Confession made to police officer. 4. Chief examination, 30, Estoppel PART B— (@% 18 = 36 marks) 16. A, Band © are charged with the murder of 2. wvas found abseonding after the murder. B and © fre arrested and sare puto tril A however, t= {enent to hnve made a confession to X as fullows “I, and € together planned to kil Z and we billed hhim by stabbing with a witness to prove, this crate he ceptors ORERTET AST Tenge Als this admissible agminst B and . Answer any TWO questions. sguish between “facts in issue and “relevant the difforent mode sd person, told his fawyer that he crime for which he was accused ‘ver be compelled to disclose the ‘made to him by the accused, "A) 11 Explain lending questions. Principles of examinations venve a aied for intentionally setting fire to his PART C—@ * 20= 40m vly claim insurance. In this case priuces evidence that on earlier the houses in which .\ lived were jwimed insurance. What is the nature hor Som field a suit amily property of 8 The claim ground that since the deeree of She ceased te he the wide and Sov of B, however a : 5 a Re ee ) and Double insurance: Sates me 7 Proximate ease 8. Reinstatement 9. Goneral average 10. Voyage pliey PART B= (218 36 marks) in Answer any TWO questions. explain what ts meant by a Contract of Insurance and how does it difler from an agreement by way of wager? Discuss the liability of an i Eesuranee contract, What is the risk im fibe i various kinds of fire policies Discuss the Tiability of an in Insurance for various kinds of ls PART C (2 < 20= 40 mark Answer any TWO questi © insured his life for five lakhs, regularly for a period af two yeur premium for third year within d within fieen days of such fail recourse available to the wife of ‘he insured amount? LN insured the life of his wife 8’ Later A’ divorced: hor, Ater the maturity of the policy, “A’ elnimed the proceeds of the poliey. Decide, 2 (LLB50510/BLB90510) Rei eke insured his house worth of uwenty lakhs with thece insurers for ten. five and five lakhs. tn a tive evident house was destruved to the tune of five lakhs, State the lability of insuzers. Can insured clainy entive amount from one insurer? wor, insucet! the cargo on the board ils, During the vovage, a rat made om where the cargo was placed. Sea into that room and damaged the led the insured amount, insurance cance | Raat sic eee + (L1L850510/BLB90510)

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