Mba 2017

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MBA Degree Examinations – Oct/Nov, 2017

(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-I: Strategic Management
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions from the following: 5x3=15M

1. a) Value-chain
c) Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
d) T-S frame work
e) Turn around strategy
f) Balanced Score Card
g) Divestment Strategy
h) Strategic Control Process

Answer all Questions

2. a) Define strategic management and explain its process.

b) Explain vision and mission. Write mission statement of a hypothetical company.

3. a) Discuss briefly on BCG and GE nine cell matrix.

b) Explain Porter’s 5 forces model in detail.

4. a) Explain various Corporate level grand strategies.

b) “Matching Strategy and structure is very important in strategic management”. Discuss.

5. a) What is diversification? Explain various diversification strategies.

b) Discuss Motives of mergers and acquisitions. What are its advantages?

6. a) Discuss triple bottom line approach in detail.

b) Explain the steps involved in strategy evaluation and control process.

SECTION – C 1x15=15M
Case Study (Compulsory)
7. Take a business firm of your choice and discuss its environmental threats and opportunities
‘ MBA30212
MBA Degree Examinations - Oct/Nov, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-II: Innovation Management
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions from the following: 5x4=20M

1. a) Creativity
b) Lateral Thinking
c) Radical Innovation
d) Learning systems
e) Lead user analysis
f) Innovation diffusion
g) Metrices of Innovation
h) Social Innovation

SECTION-B 5x10=50M
Answer all Questions

2. a) Discuss various drivers of innovation in a business organization.

b) Discuss various sources and types of innovation.

3. a) Explain the steps involved in the Innovation Management Process.

b) What is Innovation Life Cycle? Explain its process.

4. a) What are the various sources of New Product Ideas?

b) Define Balanced Score Card. How do we develop BSC for a business.

5. a) Explain the Innovation Diffusion Process.

b) Discuss various models of Diffusion of Innovation.

6. a) Explain the role of I.T. for innovation.

b) List out various issues and challenges involved in managing innovation related Intellectual
MBA Degree Examinations - Oct/Nov, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-III: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION A - (5x3= 15 Marks)
Answer any Five of the Following Questions
1. Write short notes on:
a) Importance of consumer behaviour b) Profile of Indian Consumer
c) Coo-hunting d) Learning
e) Reference Group f) Social Class
g) Test Marketing h) Marketing Information System
SECTION B - (5x8= 40 Marks)
Answer All Questions
2 a) Define the concept of Consumer Behaviour? What is its relation with other disciplines?
b) Discuss the characteristics of Indian Consumer to understand their needs.

3 a) What are the various factors influencing consumer to understand their needs?
b) Define perception and explain perception process.

4. a) What is Learning? Explain various theories of Learning and their applications.

b) What is the role of Family in Consumer Decision-Making process?

5. a) Elucidate the Nicosia and Howard-Sheth Models of consumer behaviour.

b) Explain the Marketing Research Process. What are the various types of Marketing Research?

6. a) Discuss the adoption Process and ites categories.

b) Explain various ethical issues involved in Marketing Research.

SECTION C - Case Study

(Compulsory) 1x15=15 Marks
Yamaha Automobile Company wants to introduce a new bike – “Facino” exclusively for young
ladies in Indian Market. The company wanted to conduct a survey in A.P. to understand and analyze
Consumer behaviour towards this bike. You are asked to prepare a questionnaire to collect the
opinions of prospective consumers. Prepare a questionnaire to elicit information from consumers on
price, quality, fuel efficiency and service etc. of the proposed bike.
MBA Degree Examinations - Oct/Nov, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-IV: Product and Brand Management
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION A - (5x3= 15 Marks)
Answer any five of the following questions
1. Write short notes on:
a) Product Levels b) Product Life Cycle
c) Brand equity d) Brand Leverage
e) Product Vs Brand f) Brand Portfolio
g) Brand Positioning h) Brand Loyalty
SECTION B - (5x8= 40 MARKS)
Answer All Questions
2 a) Discuss various new product development and Launching Strategies.
b) Explain various product levels and product classifications.
3 a) What is Product Positioning? Discuss various product positioning methods and strategies.
b) Define Brand. Explain various types of brands.
4. a) Define Brand Equity. Briefly discuss models of Customer based Brand Equity (CBBE).
b) Define Brand Management. Explain the key elements of Brand Management Process.
5. a) Write a detailed note on Brand Extension and Brand Image Building.
b) Explain various methods of Brand Equity and Brand Performance.
6. a) What are various strategies used for Brand Success? Explain the role of packaging for Brand Success.
b) “Building Global Brands is not an easy task” – Do you agree? What factors need to consider to build
global brands.
SECTION C — Case Study (Not Exceeding 300 Words)
(Compulsory) 1X15= 15 Marks
Founded in 2003, Patanjali began as an Ayurvedic Products Manufacturer and later forayed into FMCG.
Riding on a wave of Nationalism, the company has scaled business targets with ease, which others took
years or decades to achieve.
Yoga Guru Ram Deve Babas FMCG Co. “Patanjali” would become the world’s largest FMCG brand and it
will overtake uniliver and other similar companies by 2020-21. Baba Ram Dev said that his Rs.10,000 crore
Patanjali group will have his successor of a team of nearly 500 sadhus trained by him. The Yoga Guru along
with his associates has created a massive FMCG group ‘Patanjali’ within a short span of time, outlined his
future plans while indicating that his group would soon start selling Jeans, Trousers, Shirts, Sportswear and
Yogawear. Ramdev who called for a boycott of Chinese and Foreign goods, but pushed for export of Indian
goods to other countries in the same vein.
In the light of the above details you are asked to answer the following questions:
1) Who is the brand ambassador of Patanjali group?
2) How he became the Brand Ambassador for that group?
3) How Patanjali could position its Brand in the Market?
4) What is the brand portfolio and brand image of Patanjali?
MBA Degree Examinations - Oct/Nov, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-V: Services Marketing
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION A - (5x3= 15 Marks)
Answer any five of the following questions
1. Write short notes on:
a) Product Vs Service
b) Service Market Environment
c) Zone of Tolerance
d) Service Marketing Mix
e) Technology and Service Strategy
f) CRM
g) Service Innovation
h) Service Audit
SECTION B - (5x8= 40 MARKS)
Answer All Questions
2 a) Explain the concept of Service Marketing and disucss its significance in the present day world.
b) What is Service Marketing Triangle and what are its implications in business?
3 a) Critically examine recent trends, opportunities and challenges in Service Marketing.
b) Discuss various factors influencing customer expectations of service.
4. a) Critically examine the Consumer Behaviour Model (3 stage model) applied to services.
b) What are the various factors influencing customer perception of service? What strategies
are used by the Marketers to influence Customer Perception?
5. a) Explain various pricing strategies used for services.
b) “Physical Evidence is essential for Service” Discuss.
6. a) What are the determinants of Customer Satisfaction? Explain various methods of measuring
customer satisfaction.
b) Discuss the reasons for service failure and service deficiencies. Suggest remedies and measures
to overcome service failures.

SECTION C — Case Study

(Not Exceeding 300 Words)
(Compulsory) 1X15= 15 Marks
By taking a hypothetical company of your choice and a product of that company, you are required to
prepare a questionnaire to collect information on customer satisfaction of that product. Your questionnaire
may consist of 20 to 25 questions on various aspects of that product or service of your choice. Your
questionnaire is intended to measure the customer satisfaction.
MBA Degree Examinations - October, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-III: Financial Markets and Services
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70

SECTION – A (5x3=15 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following

1. (a) Commercial Paper Market

(b) Derivatives
(c) Purchase services
(d) Scope of non banking financial companies
(e) Pherwani Committee recommendations
(f) Significance of Credit Market
(g) Deep Discount Bonds
(h) Credit rating agencies

SECTION – B (5x8=40 marks)

Answer ALL questions

2. (a) Explain in detail the role and structure of Indian Financial System.
(b) Discuss the nature and importance of Commercial Bill Market and Treasury Bill Market.
Explain the recent initiatives taken by RBI to develop these markets in India.

3. (a) What are mutual funds? State various types of mutual fund schemes.
(b) Discuss about the SEBI guidelines on issue of global depository receipts.

4. (a) Differentiate between Hire Purchase Services and Leasing Services.

(b) Explain the role of financial services in economic development.

5. (a) What is merchant banking? Illustrate the structure of Indian Merchant Banking Industry.
(b) Elaborate the RBI regulations on non banking financial companies.

6. (a) Explain in detail about the corporate governance in Indian financial sector.
(b) Discuss Securities Contracts Act 1956.

SECTION – C (1X15=15 marks)

Case Study (Compulsory)

7. A company wants to lease Rs.10 lakh equipment. The lessor requires eight annual end –of- year lease
payments of Rs.1,75,000. The company’s marginal tax rate is 35 percent. If it buys the equipment, it
can write off the written-down cost of asset at 25 percent. The company’s borrowing rate is 15
percent. Should the company lease the equipment? Use equivalent loan method to answer the
MBA Degree Examinations - October, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-IV: Working Capital Management
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION – A (5x3=15 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following
1. (a) Optimum working capital
(b) Letter of credit
(c) Credit investigation
(d) Objectives of inventory management
(e) Monetary system in India
(f) Pipeline Inventories
(g) Trade Credit
(h) Cash planning
SECTION -B (5x8=40 marks)
Answer ALL questions
2. (a) Explain the term working capital. What are the various classifications of working capital?
(b) Distinguish between Profitability and Liquidity in working capital decisions.
3. (a) Write a note on commercial paper as a source ofshort-term finance and discuss the process for issuing
commercial papers.
(b) What are Inter-Corporate Deposits (ICDs)? Explain their main characteristic features?
4. (a) Explain the purpose and philosophy behind the following models:
i) Baumol model ii) Beranek model
(b) Explain the role of cash forecasting in cash management. Describe briefly the
methods of cash forecasting.
5. (a) What is the nature and purpose of ABC analysis? Differentiate it with VED analysis.
(b) What is the need for holding inventory? Explain the role of financial manager in
inventory management.
6. (a) Explain the norms suggested by Tandon Committee for providing bank credit. How did the
recommendations ofChore Committee bring modifications to then existing norms?
(b) Illustrate new trends in financing of working capital by banks.
SECTION -C (1xI5=15 marks)
Case Study (Compulsory)
7. A company's requirements of an item costing Rs. 10 per kg unit are 6,300 units. The ordering cost
per order is Rs. 10 and the carrying cost per unit is Re. 0.26. The following is the discount schedule
applicable to the company:
Order Size % Discount
1-999 0
1,000-1,499 0.10
1,500-2,499 0.15
2,500-4,999 0.30
5,000-above 0.50
Determine the economic order quantity without discount and with discount.
MBA Degree Examinations - October, 2017
(Regulation 2012-13)
(Examination at the end of III Semester)
Paper-V: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Time : Three hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION – A (5x3=15 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following
1. (a) Objectives of Investment
(b) Bond Risks
(c) Japanese Candlesticks
(d) Efficient Frontier
(e) Formula Plans
(f) Utility Analysis
(g) Constant Growth Model
(h) Dow theory

SECTION – B (5x8=40 marks)

Answer ALL questions
2. (a) What do you mean by the term Investment? Explain different types of Investors?
(b) The return on the equity stock of X ltd and the market portfolio over 10 year period are
given below:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X ltd 15 -6 18 30 12 25 2 20 18 24
Market Return 12 1 14 24 16 30 -3 24 15 22
How will you calculate the Beta of the Stock?

3. (a) Elaborate how discount rate is applied to Share valuation model.

(b) Explain the different bond pricing theorems in detail.

4. (a) ‘Economic forecasting is the heart of economy analysis.’ Comment and briefly explain
various techniques of economic forecasting.
(b) How does technical analysis differ from fundamental analysis? What are the various charts
used by technical analyst?

5. (a) Explain forms of market efficiency. Discuss tests for various forms of market efficiency.
(b) Mr. Akash wants to build a portfolio with the following four stocks. The details of the stocks
are given below:
Company Alpha(α) Beta(β) Residual variance(σci²)
A 0.17 0.93 45.15
B 2.48 1.37 132.25
C 1.47 1.73 196.28
D 2.25 1.17 51.98

The market return is 11 percent and the market variance is 26. Calculate the portfolio return and
risk. The investment is spread equally over the stocks.
:: 2 ::

6. (a) Distinguish between CAPM and Arbitrage pricing theory.

(b) From the given data, evaluate the portfolios using Sharpe, Treynor and Jensens models.

Portfolio A Portfolio B Portfolio C

Return 20% 25% 18%
Beta 1.5 1.6 1.4
Std. Deviation 5% 6% 4%
Market return 12%
Risk free rate 7%

SECTION – C (1X15=15 marks)

Case Study (Compulsory)

7. Madhu set up Magnum Securities in 1985 as a stock broking firm, which acquired membership
of Bombay stock exchange. Till 2010, the bulk of the income of magnum securities came from
stock broking. Magnum Securities has recently set up a debt division. Madhu sees a great
potential in debt market.

After graduating from a premier business school, you have worked in a mutual fund organization
looking after its debt schemes. Recently Madhu met you at an investment conference, where, you
gave a talk on debt funds.

Mr. Madhu has requested you to use the following data on Bond A, which is currently one of the
most actively traded bonds.
Bond A
Face value Rs. 100
Coupon (interest rate) 15% payable annually
Years to maturity 6 years
Redemption value Rs. 100
Yield to maturity 18%

a. What is the duration of the bond A?

b. Calculate the modified duration.
c. What is the conceptual difference between years to maturity and duration?
d. If the yield on bond A increases by 20 basis points, what will be the percentage change in the
bond price?


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