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山西省实验中学 九年级 Unit 2 单元测试题

Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

I. 单项选择(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
( )1. The mooncake is in the _______ of a flower. It is beautiful.
A. color B. size C. shape
( )2. They were spreading the _______ when they help the homeless people.
A. business B. warmth C. tradition
( )3. I don’t know _____ he will come tomorrow. ______ he comes, I’ll tell you.
A. if; Whether B. that; If C. whether; If
( )4. —_______ heavy the rainstorm is!
—Yes, the town has experienced the most serious flood(洪水) during the
past ten years.
A. What a B. How C. What
( )5. Jack was so sad yesterday because he found one of his rabbits _______ in the
A. useful B. haunted C. dead
( )6. —What do you think of the great Chinese writer Mo Yan?
—I think he’s talented. I really _______ him and he is my favorite writer.
A. trust B. accept C. admire
( )7. —I usually play tricks _______ others on the festival. What about you?
—I like to dress up _______ cartoon characters.
A. in; at B. of; as C. on; as
( )8. To celebrate his daughter’s birthday, James is taking her to the amusement
park as a _______
A. treat B. task C. choice
( )9. —You have changed a lot these years.
—Yes. In the last two month, I_______ a lot of weight. I’m about 20 pounds
heavier than before.
A. laid out B. got on C. put on
( )10. —I went to the Ice and Snow World. The ice lanterns were very beautiful.
—_______ . I hope to visit there someday.
A. No problem B. That’s true C. Sounds like fun
II. 完形填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
Many families in America will celebrate Mother’s Day. The 11 dates back
to May 9, 1914. A few years earlier, some people had begun 12 for the holiday.
Finally in 1914, the president made it official(官方的)on the second Sunday in
Before long, people in other countries began celebrating a(an) 13 holiday for
their mothers. Mexico celebrated the holiday on May 10, 1922. Other countries are
happy to 14 the day with the United States. Some countries also celebrated this
holiday 15 Australia, Belgium, Canada, and Japan.
Today, however, Mother’s Day is a highly popular festival. Along with giving
山西省实验中学 九年级 Unit 2 单元测试题

cards, candy and flowers, taking moms out for 16 is a very popular tradition.
America’s National Restaurant Association says Mother’s Day is the year’s most
popular day for eating out.
17 do you know why we respect our mothers? Many moms lovingly
dedicate(奉献)their lives to their children. Moms always spend their time with
their own children and try their best to 18 a great environment. With loving care,
mothers make sure that their children can grow up happily.
When we consider 19 our mothers have done for us, how can we not
respect(尊敬) them? There is no need to wait for a national holiday, 20 . Every
day is a great time to tell our mothers what they mean to us.
( )11. A. activity B. festival C. gift
( )12. A. asking B. paying C. looking
( )13. A. different B. interesting C. similar
( )14. A. provide B. share C. serve
( )15. A. except B. without C. including
( )16. A. fun B. dinner C. exercise
( )17. A. Since B. But C. Unless
( )18. A. cheat B. believe C. create
( )19. A. everything B. anything C. nothing
( )20. A. instead B. suddenly C. though
III. 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
Three students are talking about the New Year tradition of their own country.
Tony from Spain
On the last day of the year, the 31st of December, people wait till 12 pm.
Everybody must have 12 grapes to eat at midnight. At each sound of the clock, we
must eat a grape. But we can’t ever finish eating the grapes on time! Usually when
people still have some grapes in their mouths, they look at each other and start to
laugh. This tradition started in Spain long ago. One year, when there were a lot of
grapes, the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Year’s
Caroline from Britain
On New Year’s Day in Britain, people have parties. At 12 o’clock, the music
stops, and we listen to the radio. On the radio we hear Big Ben, the famous clock in
London. Then everybody sings a song about friendship and kisses their friends. We
say “Happy New Year” to each other. It’s lucky if a tall man with dark hair is the
first person to come to the house in the New Year. So I go and visit as many friends
as I can. They all give me a drink.
Jenny from Brazil
In all cities in Brazil, we have a big party on New Year’s Eve, especially in Rio
de Janeiro. People in this city go to the beaches to watch fireworks. We put flowers
in the sea and think about things we want for ourselves or others. We usually wear
white clothes for good luck during the New Year.
31. What does “This tradition” refer to in Paragraph 1?
山西省实验中学 九年级 Unit 2 单元测试题

A. Eating 12 grapes at midnight.

B. Finishing eating grapes on time.
C. Looking at each other while eating grapes.
32. What do we know from the paragraph “Caroline from Britain”?
A. Caroline can’t drink much.
B. People hear Big Ben on the radio.
C. People sing a song about good luck.
33. Why do Brazilians wear white clothes on New Year’s Eve?
A. It reminds them of their happy life.
B. They hope that can bring them good luck.
C. They think that they look beautiful in white.
34. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Have 12 grapes to eat. B. Have parties. C. Give flowers to others.
35. What does this article mainly tell us?
A. How to have parties on New Year’s Day.
B. What clothes to wear on New Year’s Day.
C. Why people have parties on New Year’s Day.
IV. 任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
Need a reason to be happy? Then you will be happy to know that March 20th is
the International Day of Happiness.
The United Nations set up the International Day of Happiness in 2016 to remind
people that happiness is a basic human goal and right.
It was celebrated for the first time in 2017. On that day, we celebrated hundreds
of “Happy Heroes”— those who did so much to bring happiness to others. 他们帮
助无家可归者过上舒适的生活。They also help the poor go to school.
The 2018 Day of Happiness actions asked people to share pictures of making
them happy. People all over the world showed their favorite pictures on the Internet
which made them happy. Joe, a senior high school student from Canada said, “It’s
excited for me to see so many people sharing photos with others. ” The 2019 Day of
Happiness actions gave attention on new subject. Modern society made more and
more people feel lonely. On that day, thousands of people all around the world
reached out to make new connections with others. They visited their neighbors, gave
calls to the doctors they didn’t know well, drove the strangers to the station for
The theme of the 2020 Day of Happiness is “Happier Together”. It encourages
people worldwide to pay attention to what they have in common, rather than what
divides them.
26. Why did the United Nations set up the International Day of Happiness?
27. Please translate the underlined sentence into English.
28. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
29. What might be the theme of the 2019 Day of Happiness? (Less than 5 words)
30. What do you always do to make the people around you happy?
V. 用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空,每空一词。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
3 / 5to be similar to
end up in need throw at refuse
lay out take out dress up wonder if wash away
山西省实验中学 九年级 Unit 2 单元测试题

31. What do you ______________ my new dress?

32. My hobbies ______________ my friend’s. Both of us like playing sports.
33. He ______________ as a Mickey Mouse at the Halloween party yesterday.
34. To show others where the place is, he _______ the map _______ on the table.
35. Children are _______ water _______ each other happily in the swimming pool.
36. In the famous play Romeo and Juliet, the touching story ______________ with
37. Drinking a bottle of hot milk before sleeping can help to ______________ all
the troubles.
38. I have asked my sister to go shopping with me for three times, but she
______________ go with me every time.
39. Before having a class, the teacher always says, “______________ your textbook
and turn to the right page.”
40. After volunteering for two months, he realizes that the truth of life is to help
people _______ _______.
Ⅶ. 词语运用(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
hot lay during last hand know own it enjoy they take complete
Thailand’s most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April
13th and 41._________ for three days. Songkran is a Thai word which means
“move” or “change places” as it is the day when the sun changes its position. It is
also 42.________ as the “Water Festival” because people believe that water will
bring 43._________ good luck.
The Thai people celebrate this festival with water. Everyone gets wet and since
it is the 44. ________ season of the year, the custom is quite 45.________. Songkran
is a Public Spring Cleaning Day, supported by the local people. Anything old or
useless must be thrown away or it will bring the bad luck to the 46.________.
47.________ the festival, young people put scented (有香味的) water into the
48. ________ of elders and parents as a kind of respect. The elders in return wish the
young people good luck. People also pour water over each other. Thailand is almost a
49. ________ agricultural(农业的) society and this has also been a perfect time 50.
________ a break from hard work. What a meaningful festival it is!
The Answer Sheet
I. 客观题(每小题 2 分,共 50 分)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

山西省实验中学 九年级 Unit 2 单元测试题

IV. 任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

26. ________________________________________________________

27. ________________________________________________________

28. ________________________________________________________

29. ________________________________________________________

30. ________________________________________________________

V. 短语填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
31. ___________ 32. ___________ 33. ___________ 34. ___________

35. ___________ 36. ___________ 37. ___________ 38. ___________

39. ___________ 40. ___________

VI. 词语运用(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)

41. __________ 42. __________ 43. __________ 44. __________ 45. __________

46. __________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. __________


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