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A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t



In the Philippines, there are different kinds of taxes that we pay. These various

kinds of taxes were classified into two main categories, the National Taxes, and the Local

Taxes. The National Taxes are those that we pay directly into the Bureau of Internal

Revenue (BIR) based on the Tax Reform Act of 1997 (Republic Act 8424) and the Local

Taxes are those implemented by the local government units based on the Local

Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act 7160). (Lopez, Bitlanders, 2017)

The amount generated from the collection of taxes as revenue. This amount is

allocated for government projects such as the construction of bridges, roads and other

infrastructures that would benefit the people. This is also the fund that is distributed to the

local government units in the Philippines as part of their share from the National revenue

of the country, which is called Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). (Lopez, Bitlanders,


Generally, taxes are computed and paid annually, which means that we need to pay

our tax for the previous year on or before the 15th of the month April of the following

year. Other businesses are required to pay on a quarterly basis. Being a government

employee, income tax is automatically deducted from our monthly salary. We call this as

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withholding tax because before we could receive the salary, it has been deducted of the


tax. Then on the following year, that would be the time that we prepare our income tax

return to be submitted to the BIR. It would be the duty of agency concerned to remit the

amount with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). This process is being done on a

monthly basis. In other offices, the employees would be the one to pay their taxes

annually. (Lopez, Bitlanders, 2017)

Just recently, a revision of the tax law has been the subject of debates in our two

major law-making bodies in the country, the Lower House or the Congress and the Senate.

This is because of the proposed revisions to some provisions in the tax law which they

believe would benefit the whole nation.

The Tax Reform and Acceleration Inclusion (TRAIN) Law aims to lower the

income tax rates for minimum wage earners in the country and fund the socio-economic

agenda of the government. However, there are adjustment in the excise rates of petroleum

products to account for the effect of inflation. Restructuring of the excise tax of

automobiles to enhance progressivity of the tax and address the negative externalities.

(Lopez, bitlanders, 2018). Hence, this study aims to ascertain the effects of TRAIN Law to

the income among Teachers and Police Officers since they are affected by the TRAIN law.

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Sstatement of the Problem

This study aims to ascertain the effects of TRAIN Law among Teachers and


Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age;

b. Position; and

c. Sex?

2. What are the effects of Train Law to Teachers and Police Officers when grouped

according to select demographic variables?

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following.

Teachers/Police. Aas a subject of the study, they earn more money and find out if

the train law is good in their life.

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Researchers. The study helps them to know the bad and good effects of the train

law in life of professionals.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on train law of the professional at Angadanan Isabela. The

respondents of the study focuses on Police Officer and Teacher. Data were gathered

through a modified questionnaire, which use to determine the effect of train law to the

professionals (Teachers and Police Officers).

Research Paradigm

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Based on the paradigm, teachers and police officers can provide and handle all their

expenses through their salary. They can also manage their budgeting skill on their daily


Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually.

TRAIN Law. It refers to the initial package of the Comprehensive Tax Reform

Program (CTRP) that was signed into law by President Rodrigo Duterte on December 19,

2017. The prominent feature of the tax reform is that people who earn P250, 00 annually

or P22,000 monthly and below are exempted from paying personal income tax (PIT). This

includes minimum wage earners, who were also exempted in the former tax system. On

the other hand, those earning over P250, 000 have tax rates following a set PIT schedule.

(wikipedia, n.d.)

Tax. It is a mandatory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed upon a

taxpayer (an individual or other legal entity) by a governmental organization in order to

fund various public expenditures. (Merriam-webster, n.d.)

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A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
Teachers. Is a person who teaches, especially in school. Provider of knowledge

and insights, one who inspires, motivates, and open up minds in order to achieve our goals

as their students. (vmveronica5, 2013)

Police Officers. Is a person who have responsibility to keeping our country peace.

Police officers put their lives on the line to protect people. (OneBadAsp, 2006)



Theoretical Framework

Division of Labor:

The rate of economic growth is determined by the size of productive labor and

productivity of labor. The productivity of labor depends upon technological progress

of a country and which, in turn, depends upon the division of labor. This division of

labor becomes the true dynamic force in Adam Smith’s theory of growth. The only

remarkable feature of Smith’s account of division of labor is pointed by Prof.

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Schumpeter as “nobody, either before or after Adam Smith ever thought of putting

such a burden upon division of labor. With Adam Smith it is practically the only

factor in economic progress”.

Division of labour increases the productivity of labour through specialization of tasks.

When a work is sub-divided into various parts and the worker is asked to perform

small parts of whole job, his efficiency increases as now he can focus his attention

more carefully. Thus, the concept of division of labour means the transference of a

complex production process into number of simpler process in order to facilitate the

introduction of various methods of production.

Adam Smith concentrated upon the social division of labour which emphasized the co-

operation of all for satisfaction of the desires of each. It is the process by which different

types of labour which produce goods to satisfy the individual needs of their producers are

transformed into social labour which produces goods for exchanging them for other goods.

(Debasish, n.d.)

Related Literature

TRAIN Law. There is no doubt about it. Tax Reform Acceleration and (TRAIN),

Inclusion Law shifts the tax burden away from income into consumption. While the Law,

reduces the income tax burden of the Filipino earning, recalibrating the brackets with the

intention of increasing the disposable income after taxes. In theory, the disposable income

consumption spur was increases. Train Law is not just for drive growth, but also generate
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government revenues and shifted the taxes into consumption of goods and services.

(Contreras A. , 2018)

While the law targets specific goods, such as sweetened beverages and vehicles, it

also has increased the taxes for fuel. We know that the latter would lead to increases not

only in transportation costs, but will have an effect in the prices of practically all

commodities. The idea is that whatever is lost in tax revenues from personal income is

compensated by the taxes on the purchase of goods and services. (Contreras A. , 2018)

One could argue that the taxes on vehicles would have positive environmental

benefits, even as the taxes on sweetened beverages would have positive health benefits. In

addition, one can also argue that taxes on vehicles will only affect the upper classes, and

not the poor. (Contreras A. , 2018)

However, the fuel taxes will have an effect that will cut across income classes. And

for the poor, this would even be costlier, since their pre-TRAIN levels of earnings, if any,

are not taxed anyway, and hence any change in the tax rates would not have an effect in

their disposable incomes. Thus, any increase in prices of transportation fares and

commodities will certainly hit the poorer classes of society harder. (Contreras A. , 2018)

This is precisely why there is a subsidy component to the TRAIN Law, which is

going to be implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

through the unconditional cash transfer (UCT) program (Contreras A. , 2018).

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Over the years, the Philippine tax system has been described as ‘unfair’, ‘corrupt’, and

‘complicated’ among other distressing adjectives. Congress has put forth numerous bills

and exchanged multiple arguments to revamp the prejudiced Tax Reform Act of 1997, but

it was only in December 2017 that it finally passed a new bill that promised to change the

lives of the Filipino people no matter what state of living they currently belong to.

In an attempt of President Rodrigo Duterte to drastically change the Philippine tax

system, Republic Act 10963, better known as Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion

(TRAIN), emerged as the first package of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program which

seeks to provide a higher amount of take-home pay by reducing the income tax of

taxpayers and families alike. In addition, the law envisions an increased economic activity

in proportion to the internal revenue system since greater excise tax on daily commodities

will also be imposed. (Yasmin Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Dr. Tereseo Tullao Jr., the University Fellow and Director of the Angelo King

Institute for Economic and Business Studies. Was Interviewed by The LaSallian to break

down TRAIN’s benefits and aftermath following its initial implementation.

Notable imposed changes of TRAIN law. The TRAIN law demands changes

among the following fields: Personal and passive income, sweetened beverages, estate,

fuels, tobacco products, coal, vehicles, aesthetic cosmetic procedures, value-added tax,

penalty interest, and donations. Notable changes are observed in the following:

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As for the change in personal income, this will be most beneficial for families with

an annual taxable income of P250,000 since they will be exempted from income tax.

Furthermore, bonuses and thirteenth-month pay are tax-exempt if they amount to P90,000.

Albeit under the old tax code, sweetened beverages were not taxed, the TRAIN now

imposes for caloric and non-caloric sweeteners to be charged P6.00 per liter while high-

fructose corn syrups will be charged P12.00 per liter.

Another commodity affected is fuel. While it is true that oil price hike is caused by

an increase in demand, decrease in supply, or dictated by the global market, the TRAIN

law imposes P1.50 charge per year for gasoline and P1.00-2.00 charge per year for diesel.

Because of TRAIN, estate taxes and donor’s taxes seemed to have lowered the rate of

estate tax to a flat rate of six percent instead of the five percent of twenty percent of the

deceased person’s estates. Last but not least, the imposed changes on tobacco tax will

follow after the 2012 sin tax law, with an increase of P2.50 in the succeeding years.

Experiencing post-TRAIN changes

Though the Duterte administration had noble intentions in mind with the

implementation of TRAIN, some citizens remain wary of the changes it has brought about.

One of the foremost concerns in the aftermath of the law’s implementation is centered on

the sudden surge of fuel prices and its implication on the fares of fuel-reliant public

transportation methods like jeepneys and buses.

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For Joshua Layos (2018), commuters like him will feel the impact of TRAIN on

the transportation sector the most. “Assuming that all else are constant, if the price of

gasoline goes up, the drivers of public transportation vehicles will be forced to increase

their fare in order to compensate for the increase in the price of gasoline,” he explains. His

sentiments are echoed by fellow student Kyla Deonoso (II, OCM-MKT), whose daily

commute to and from Novaliches involves the use of the FX and tricycle, which may be

subject to potential fare hikes. “This means that I will have to explore cheaper yet more

time-consuming methods for transportation to be able to stay within budget or settle for

less food to save up for transportation,” she lamented.

According to Dr. Tullao (2018), the concerns of commuters like Layos and

Deonoso are to be expected as the rising price of fuel products can be grounds for fuel-

reliant public utility vehicle (PUV) operators to file for an increase in fare, though it will

still subject to government regulation. On another note, he does see this as an opportunity

for vehicles using alternative energy sources to emerge in the market. “This is an avenue

where the electric cars may substitute inefficient cars and jeepneys,” adds Dr. Tullao.

With regard to the other objective of TRAIN to promote healthier choices among Filipino

consumers by taxing certain sweetened beverages and tobacco products, varied sentiments

have been expressed as to whether or not higher pricing is enough to discourage

consumers from purchasing these products. Research has shown that while consumers are

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sensitive to price changes, they also account for other factors in ultimately deciding to

purchase a product.

As Brian Chan (YEAR) argues, the government should not stop at increasing

prices of “sin products” if it truly aims to improve healthcare among citizens. “I think the

imposition of higher pricing is a start towards the right direction, [but] the government

must be able to emphasize [working] towards better health services and programs for

people to be healthier citizens,” he expounds.

TRAIN Law focus. Discourses have been exchanged as social media is

bombarded with questions on whether the TRAIN law is meant to generate income for the

government or for the betterment of the Philippine economy. Coming from an economic

perspective, Tullao (2018) reveals there is indeed an underinvestment in infrastructure,

education, and other key areas. “The Philippines is known for underinvesting in

everything. Name it, we’re underinvesting whether it’s sports, whether it’s music, whether

it’s research on volcanology but of course the government should list the priority of

projects,” Tullao enumerates. “Initially, the spending on infrastructure projects will have a

multiplier effect and in the long run, the capacity of the economy is improved because of

the enhanced and improved infrastructures. Second, they can use the tax revenues to fund

improvements in the human capital—education,” Tullao adds on how the government

should prioritize allocating the generated income from TRAIN law.

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In reality, the government revealed that the income from TRAIN law would be for

the funding of the “Build, Build, Build” program and other projects uncited. In context,

infrastructure plans including flood control and urban water systems, airports, railway

investments, road networks, and public transports are believed to be part of the “Build,

Build, Build” program which had been foreseen to drive gross domestic product (GDP)

growth this 2018. (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Is it really anti-poor? Various figures over the country, be it from the religious

sector, the academe, or even the regular ton have conducted whether this law is actually

for the benefit of obtaining a positive and radical economic growth or not. Bishop

Broderick Pabillo of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on the Laity Chairman at Manila

Auxiliary claims that the TRAIN law is “the biggest calvary” to the poor. He reasoned out

that the decrease in income taxes does not compensate for the increase in value-added

taxes (VAT). (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

It can also be observed likewise in the University of the Philippines-Diliman

(UPD) as its students rallied in hopes of junking the law. Excise taxes have been imposed

inside the university as meals and drinks went up for as much as five pesos more than the

regular prices. (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Statistics have also been provided by IBON Foundation, an independent research

group which aims to inform Filipinos about socio-economic implications in Philippine

context. They found that 15.2 million Filipino families will not enjoy the same benefits as

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compared with the remaining 7.5 million taxpayers; reasoning out that the former are just

minimum wage earners with inconsistent income. (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

As for Dr. Tullao (2018), he believes that the newly imposed bill is not anti-poor.

For him, TRAIN law precludes everyone to have equal benefits regardless of what state of

living they currently belong to. Employees with fixed rate of income will still “receive the

same income but the tax rate of the commodities they consume [will increase].” Bottom-

line, the TRAIN law benefits the employed ton and does otherwise for the unemployed

and those with fixed income.

Related Studies

The study entitled “UM study finds younger workers favour TRAIN”. Through

survey questionnaires, they conducted their studies in Davao City. Their respondents were

1,200 Dabawenyos surveyed across the three congressional districts, the majority age

group believing that the law is good for the country in the long run, they reported that they

still felt the brunt of the tax reform law’s effects; their first concern was the higher price of

goods (62%), while the benefits like higher take home pay (23%) and the lower income tax

is (20%) were the next concerns respectively, and only 16% of those surveyed were

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concerned about the effects of TRAIN law had on Gas and Oil prices. It is further

conclude that the information campaign of the government was also able to reach a

majority of Dabawenyos, as 8 in 10 people surveyed said they were aware of the

affectivity of the law and what it stipulated, but being aware did not mean that all were

necessarily in favor of it. (University of Mindanao, 2018)

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Research Design

The descriptive method of this study is Checklist Questionnaire with regards to the

impact of train law among teachers and police officers. Descriptive method of research is a

purposive process of gathering, classifying, analyzing and tabulating data gathered from

the respondents. This chapter is showing how the researcher came to the necessary data for

this study, and how these data were analyzed, interpreted and presented in the easiest way


Research Respondents

Researchers choose the Police Officer and Teachers at Angadanan Isabela. A total

of thirty (30) respondents. Six (6) teachers and twenty four (24) police. The researchers

believe that these thirty (30) respondents have a great contribution for the success of the


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Research Environment

This study was conducted in Angadanan police headquarters and Angadanan

National High School Campus located at Centro 1 Angadanan, Isabela. The respondents of

the study are the randomly selected: 6 teachers and 24 police officers.

Research Instrument

The researchers made used of a modified questionnaire coming from different

authors. The survey included Angadanan National High School Teachers and the

Angadanan Police Officers. In the survey questionnaire, there are fifteen (15) questions

and it has four (4) Likert Scale which is 4 is very true, 3 is true, 2 is not true and lastly 1 is

not at all.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data of the study, researchers collected data through the following procedures:

Asking Permission. Having permission of the Police Officer and have a cooperation of

other Police Officer from the Angadanan Police Station and teacher, the researchers were able to

collect the data.

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Preparation of the Instrument. Questionnaire is the important tool in gathering data. The

researchers made a questionnaire that we must consulted to our adviser so that our survey tool is

reliable and valid.

Floating the Questionnaire. The researchers personally administered the questionnaire to

the respondents in school and in the police station of Angadanan.

Data Treatment Plan

Data that collected were treated and analysed through the aid of SPSS version 2.1

Frequency counts were used for the demographic profile of the respondents. Comparative

mean was used for the effects of TRAIN law to teachers and police officers.

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A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t


Table 1.Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents

based on their Sex.


MALE 24 80


T OTAL 30 100

It can be seen on table 1 the demographic profile of the respondents based on Sex. It

can be noted that there are 24 male respondents or 80% of the total respondents. While the

female respondents are 6 with a percentage of 20.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents

based on their Age.


24-28 7 23
29-33 9 30
34-38 8 27
6 20

TOTAL 30 100

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The table above is the demographic profile of the respondents based on Age. In the

age of 24-28, there are 7 respondents with a percentage of 23.3, in the age of 29-33 there

has 9 respondents with a percentage of 30, and in the age of 34-38 there has 8 respondents

with a percentage of 26.7 and lastly in age of 29 and above there has 6 respondents with a

percentage of 20.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Profile of the Respondents

based on their Position.



TOTAL 30 100

In the 3rd table is the demographic profile of the respondents based on Position.

Respondents are Police Officers and Teachers. There are 24 respondents who are Police

Officers with a percentage of 80. While there are 6 Teachers with a percentage of 20.

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Table 4: Comparative Mean on the effects of TRAIN law among Teachers and Police
Officers grouped according to Age.
Indicators 24- DI 29- DI 34- DI 39 DI
28 33 38 Above
1. Due to Train Law I can buy 2.29 NT 2.11 NT 2.13 NT 2 NT
more products.
2. Due to Train Law I develop 3.14 T 2.22 NT 2.57 T 3 T
budget management skill.
3. Due to Train Law I can buy 2.13 NT 2.38 NT 1.88 NT 2.5 T
stock goods.
4. Due to Train Law I can buy 2.57 T 2.11 NT 2 T 2.67 NT
needs of my child.
5. Due to Train Law I always 1.75 T 2.22 T 1.75 T 2.5 T
think before I buy my wants.
6. Due to Train Law I can pay 2.71 T 2 NT 2.29 NT 2.17 NT
the utilities on time.
7. Due to Train Law I have 2.14 NT 1.89 NT 2.29 NT 2.67 T
good habitat and place.
8. Due to Train Law I make 2.86 T 2.11 NT 2.43 NT 2.67 T
decision right where we want to
9. Due to Train Law I can 2.71 T 2.22 NT 2.71 NT 2.17 NT
increase the needs of our livings.
10. Due to Train Law I can buy 2.71 T 2 NT 2.57 T 1.5 NT
expensive things for my child.
11. Due to Train Law I 2.29 NT 1 NT 2.29 NT 3 T
financially support my child

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12. `Due to Train Law I can buy 2.43 NT 1.60 NT 2.43 NT 2.5 T
my needs and wants.
13. Due to Train Law I can 2.43 NT 2 NT 2 T 2.17 NT
enrolled my child in private
14. Due to Train Law I can go to 2.29 NT 1.89 NT 2 NT 1.67 NT
the mall whenever I want.
15. Due to Train Law I can buy 2.29 NT 1.89 NT 2 NT 2.17 NT
enough medicine necessary.
OVERALL MEAN 2.45 NT 2.05 NT 2.22 NT 2.36 NT

Legend: 1: 0-1.49 Not At All (NAA) 2: 1.50-2.49 Not True (NT) 3: 2.50-3.49 True (T) 4:
3.50-4 Very True (VT)

In the 1st Table above shows that the Mean of Tax among Professionals towards Train

Law when the grouped according to Age. In the Age of 24-28 is the highest overall mean

of 2.45 and in the Age of 29-33 is the lowest overall mean of 2.05 with a quantitative

description of Not True in a Four point Liker Scale.

The foregoing table shows that the effect of Train law in Professionals, in the age of

24-28 has the overall mean of 2.45 which is true that the professional workers can handled

the tax towards train law.

Joshua Layos is a commuter. According to him, he feel the impact of train law in the

transportation sector the most. Just like him, teachers and police are feel the train law too.

In this age, they’re too young to take the train law but it is natural because their salary

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 22

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
higher than P22, 000 other teachers are exempted from train law because their salary are

less than P22, 000. (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Table 5: Comparative Mean on the effects of TRAIN law among Teachers and Police
Officers grouped according to Sex.
Indicators Male DI Female DI
1. Due to Train Law I can buy more 2.17 NT 2.00 NT
2. Due to Train Law I develop budget 3.71 VT 3.33 T
management skill.
3. Due to Train Law I can buy stock goods. 4.13 VT 2.5 T
4. Due to Train Law I can buy needs of my 3.46 T 2.33 NT
5. Due to Train Law I always think before I 2.29 NT 3.17 T
buy my wants.
6. Due to Train Law I can pay the utilities 2.08 NT 3 T
on time.
7. Due to Train Law I have good habitat 2.17 NT 2.5 T
and place.
8. Due to Train Law I make decision right 2.25 NT 3 T
where we want to go.
9. Due to Train Law I can increase the 2.17 NT 2.83 T
needs of our livings.
10. Due to Train Law I can buy expensive 1.96 NT 2.83 T
things for my child.
11. Due to Train Law I financially support 2.17 NT 3 T
my child education.
12. Due to Train Law I can buy my needs 2.08 NT 2.5 T
and wants.

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 23

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13. Due to Train Law I can enroll my child 2.04 NT 2.5 T
in private school.
14. Due to Train Law I can go to the mall 1.86 NT 2.33 NT
whenever I want.
15. Due to Train Law I can buy enough 1.92 NT 2.67 T
medicine necessary.
Legend: 1: 0-1.49 Not At All (NAA) 2: 1.50-2.49 Not True (NT) 3: 2.50-3.49 True (T) 4:
3.50-4 Very True (VT)

In the Table above shows that the Mean of Tax among Professionals towards Train

Law where grouped according to Sex. It can be seen on the table that the effect of train law

to the Professionals with an overall mean of 2.42 and 3.11 with a quantitative description

of Not True and True in a Four point Liker Scale.

The Foregoing table shows that the effect of Train law in Professionals, they can

buy stock goods and they develop their budgeting skills according to male respondents.

However, female respondents they develop their budgeting skills too and they think before

buy their wants.

According to Dr. Tullao, he believes that the newly imposed bill is not anti-poor. For

him, TRAIN law precludes everyone to have equal benefits regardless of what state of

living they currently belong to. Employees with fixed rate of income will still “receive the

same income but the tax rate of the commodities they consume [will increase].” The

teachers and police, they receive the same salary but the goods they purchased will

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 24

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
increases the price because in that way they help the development of our country.

(Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Table 6: comparative Mean on the effects of TRAIN law among Teachers and Police
Officers grouped according to Position.
Indicators Police DI Teacher DI

1. Due to Train Law I can buy more 2.17 NT 2 NT

2. Due to Train Law I develop budget 3.71 VT 3.33 T
management skill.
3. Due to Train Law I can buy stock 4.13 VT 2.5 T
4. Due to Train Law I can buy needs 3.46 T 2.33 NT
of my child.
5. Due to Train Law I always think 2.29 NT 3.17 T
before I buy my wants.
6. Due to Train Law I can pay the 2.08 NT 3 T
utilities on time.
7. Due to Train Law I have good 2.17 NT 2.5 T
habitat and place.
8. Due to Train Law I make decision 2.25 NT 3 T
right where we want to go.
9. Due to Train Law I can increase the 2.17 NT 2.83 T
needs of our livings.
10. Due to Train Law I can buy 1.96 NT 2.83 T
expensive things for my child.
11. Due to Train Law I financially 2.17 NT 3 T
support my child education.

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 25

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
12. Due to Train Law I can buy my 2.08 NT 2.5 T
needs and wants.
13. Due to Train Law I can enroll my 2.04 NT 2.5 T
child in private school.
14. Due to Train Law I can go to the 1.86 NT 2.33 NT
mall whenever I want.
15. Due to Train Law I can buy enough 1.92 NT 2.67 T
medicine necessary.
Legend: 1: 0-1.49 Not At All (NAA) 2: 1.50-2.49 Not True (NT) 3: 2.50-3.49 True (T) 4:
3.50-4 Very True (VT)
In the last table above shows that the Mean of Tax among Professionals towards

Train Law where grouped according to Position. It can be seen on the table that the effect

of train law to the Professionals with an overall mean of 2.42 and 3.11 with a quantitative

description of Not True and True in a Four point Liker Scale.

The Foregoing table shows that the effect of Train law in Professionals, according

to Police Officers they can buy their stocks goods for them and they develop their

budgeting skills. Therefore, most of the Teachers before they buy their wants they think

about it and also they develop their budgeting skills too.

According to Dr. Tullao, he believes that the newly imposed bill is not anti-poor. For

him, TRAIN law precludes everyone to have equal benefits regardless of what state of

living they currently belong to. So that we are all equal in benefits when it comes to train

law. (Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer, 2018)

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 26

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t



Summary of Findings

This study determined the effects of TRAIN Law among Professionals. This was

conducted with the purpose of understanding as used for gathering data. The questionnaire

served as the instrument in gathering data. There were 6 selected teachers from Angadanan

National High School and 24 Police Officer from Angadanan were the respondents. The

enquiry was conducted during the school year 2018-2019.

In the Age of 24-28 has a highest overall mean of 2.45, which is the professional

workers can handled their allowance or salaries when it comes to Taxation

In the Sex, female respondents has a highest overall mean of 3.11 and the male

respondents has an overall mean of 2.42. According to Male Respondents, they develop

their budgeting skills. However, Female Respondents think carefully before buying their


Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 27

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
In the Position, teachers has a highest overall mean of 3.11 while the police officers

has an overall mean of 2.42. Both teachers and police officers developed their budgeting


Teachers and Police officers are all affected in TRAIN Law and this is the way for

them to know how to budget because all commodities and goods are increasing.


Based on the findings the following were concluded:

Age, Sex and Position. All of them are aware in TRAIN law. They know how to

manage their budgeting skills, how to be thrifty, and mostly they think before they buy

their wants.

Age, Sex and Position. All of them are affected in TRAIN law, even the teachers

who has a salary of P22,000 below are affected too because of their daily expenses.


The following were recommended based on the findings/results of the study.

Professionals. Police officers and teachers need to have a program about train law

and to explain to them that the train law is not the cause of increasing price of goods. Also

some of the teachers are exempted in tax because their salary is less than 22, 000. They

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 28

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
included in tax because the price of commodities are rising and there have a lot of


Future researchers. Future researchers must be aware on their research study and

should have interest for these so that their research study are reliable too. More so, future

researchers might consider it in a qualitative form adding other professions.


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(n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-webster:
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Contreras, A. (2018, january 30). Retrieved from Manila times :
Contreras, A. (2018, january 30). The Manila Times. Retrieved from
Debasish. (n.d.). economic discussion. Retrieved from
Lopez, S. (2017, september 23). Bitlanders. Retrieved from
Lopez, S. (2017, september 23). Bitlanders. Retrieved from

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 29

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Lopez, S. (2017, september 23). Bitlanders. Retrieved from
Lopez, S. (2018, december 5). Retrieved from bitlanders:
OneBadAsp. (2006, october 20). Urban Dictionary. Retrieved from
vmveronica5. (2013, september 11). Urban Dictionary. Retrieved from
Yasmin Cariño, Maxine Ferrer. (2018, february 22). The Lasallian. Retrieved from
Yasmin Cariño, Maxine Ferrer. (2018, February 22). TheLaSallian. Retrieved from
thelasallian Website:
Yasmine Cariño, Maxine Ferrer. (2018, february 22). The LaSallian. Retrieved from

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 30

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t



This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the

pages of the research paper entitled “TAX AMONG TEACHERS AND POLICE

OFFICERS TOWARDS TRAIN LAW” by Dennis L. Justo, Shiela Mae C. Padilla,

Claire Ann A. Siyang and Cris C. Fariñas, aligned with the set of structural rules that

govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in the English language.

Signed this ___________ of _____________________ at


Signature over Printed Name
Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 31
A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t

Appendix 2

Letter to Conduct Study

Division Of Isabela
Centro I, Angadanan, Isabela

October 16, 2018

Angdanan Police Station

Warmest greetings from the Research and Planning Team of the Senior High
School Department!
The K-12 Curriculum highlights the Basic Education Program to develop
learner competencies and values in pursuing further education through research
writing. As a springboard to this, all students, in order to fulfill all academic
requirements in the senior high school, must undergo a major research activity in
his/her chosen field. Corollary to this research is the questionnaire in vouching the
proficiency of our work.
Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 32
A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
Anent this, we, the undersigned is asking your good office to please allow us to
utilize our time on Friday (October 16, 2018) to float questionnaires. Together with us
is our Practical Research Teacher to supervise us in doing the said activity.

Thank you as we anticipate your favorable response to our request.

Respectfully yours,


ABM 12- Student Researcher ABM 12- Student Researcher


ABM 12- Student Researcher ABM 12- Student Researcher

Noted by:


SHS- Teacher II/PR2 Teacher

Recommending Approval:

MT I (SHS)/SHS Focal Person

Approved by;

Secondary School Principal II

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 33

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t

Appendix 3
Research Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,
asks for your kind cooperation through checklist that we are going to administer as a
AND POLICE OFFICERS TOWARDS TRAIN LAW”. The information collected for
the survey will be kept confidential.
Thank you very much for your willingness and cooperation to participate in the survey.
Name: (optional) ______________________________________ Sex: Male ( )
Female ( )
Position: Teacher ( ) Police ( ) Age: _______
Direction: Put a Check (√ ) in the column provide that corresponds to your answer.

Indicators 4 3 2 1

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 34

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
Due to Train Law I can buy more products.
Due to Train Law I develop budget management skill.
Due to Train Law I can buy stock goods.
Due to Train Law I can buy needs of my child.
Due to Train Law I always think before I buy my wants.
Due to Train Law I can pay the utilities on time.
Due to Train Law I have good habitat and place.
Due to Train Law I make decision right where we want to go.
Due to Train Law I can increase the needs of our livings.
Due to Train Law I can buy expensive things for my child.
Due to Train Law I financially support my child education.
Due to Train Law I can buy my needs and wants.
Due to Train Law I can enroll my child in private school.
Due to Train Law I can go to the mall whenever I want.
Due to Train Law I can buy enough medicine necessary.

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 35

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t

Appendix 4

A S O E.
G E N. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
E Q Q 1 1 1 1 1 1
E. X. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S. 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2.8
2 1 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2.87
3 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2.8
4 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2.6
5 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 2.6
6 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.3
7 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2.27
8 4 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 2.87
9 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.01
10 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1.8
11 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.87
12 4 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.07
13 4 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 2.47
14 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.07
15 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2.67
16 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1.53

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 36

Angadanan N a ti o n a l H i g h School - Senior High School Department
17 3 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.07
18 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.07
19 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.93
20 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.13
21 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.07
22 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.93
23 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.13
24 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.2
25 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.93
26 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1.67
27 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6
28 2 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.07
29 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1.8
30 2 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.07
. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1 2 1 1 9 0
OVERALL MEAN 13 63 3 17 3 27 23 4 3 3 3 7 3 7 7  

Master Data

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 37

A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t

Appendix 5


Claire Ann A. Siyang, 18 years of Age, She was born

in Centro 2, Angadanan Isabela on December 22, 2000

and she is the first daughter of Mario Siyang and Daisy

Siyang. She have only one sibling, her younger sister

Hazel Mae Siyang. She took her elementary level at

Angadanan Central School in the year of 2011-2012. She currently studying in Angadanan

National High School under Accountancy Business and Management (ABM). During her

Junior High School she became a member of the Kalayaw dance troupe and now, she is

graduate as a Senior High School Student and now she will going to continue studying as a

College Student.

Dennis L. Justo, 19 years of age. He was studying at

Angadanan National High School and he is a graduate

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 38
A n g a d a n a n N a ti o n a l H i g h S c h o o l - S e n i o r H i g h S c h o o l D e p a r t m e n t
under Accountancy Business and Management (ABM). And during his junior high school

he was a member of dance group called Kalayaw. Dennis Justo was born in San Juan City,

Manila on September 17, 1999. His father is Heherson Justo and his mother is Rosalie

Longakit. Until now he continue his studying in college level.

Shiela Mae C. Padilla, is the youngest child of Rolly

G. Padilla and Rodelyn C. Padilla. Living in Centro

Uno, Angadanan Isabela and She was born on

December 21, 2000. And now she’s 18 years of age

and studying in Angadanan National High School as

Grade 12 student under Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). She is

graduating student of Senior High school and she will going to continue her college level.

Cris C. Fariñas, is living in Ezperanza, Angadanan Isabela. He is 18 years old.

Currently studying at Angadanan National High School. And now he is graduate as a

Senior High School Student under Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). Until

now he will continue her college level.

Tax among Teachers and Police Officers towards TRAIN Law 39

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