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TELANGANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Teflon Offi, Door. No 7-164, Sabas a= 508 2 No: 08462-297774, e-mail go-nsbsocb@telagana oovin ‘Webste: wm spcb 99 gov (issued under Rule 10 of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016) Order No.11561 PCBIRONZB/BMWM2022 -¢)) Date: 26.10.2022, 4. Wis. Anvita Hospital, Opp: Saraswathi Temple, Banswada, Kamareddy District is hereby granted an authorisation for Generation, Segregation, Colleton & Storage of Bio-Medical Waste 2, Mis. Anvita Hospital, Opp: Saraswathi Temple, Banswada, Kamareddy District hereby authorized for handling of biomedical waste as per the capacity siven below; () Number of beds of HCF: 9 Beds. (i) Quantity of Biomedical waste handled, treated or disposed: [Type of Waste Category | Quantity permed forHandling Yellow 0.5 Kg/Day Red 0.4 Kg / Day White Translucent) 0.1K Day Blue = 3. This authorisation shall be in force for a period upto 30.09.2027. 4. This authorisation is subject to the conaitions stated below and to such other conditions as may be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 ( Nizamabad, EAMRIROMEN TL ENGIEER eee TS. Pollution Control Board “CLEAN AND GREEN” TELANGANA STATE Terms and conditions of the authorizations: 1, The HCF shall provide CC Camera at waste storage area and pick up point of CBMMWTE vehicle and the recorded data shall be stored for @ period of, 3 months and available for inspection by the Board Officials 2. The authorisation shall comply withthe provisions ofthe Environmen: (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules made there under. 3. The authorisation or Its renewal shall be produced for inspection at the request of an officer authorised by the Telangana State Polltion Control Board 4. The person authorized shall not rent, lend, sel transfer or otherwise transport the biomedical wastes without obtaining prior permission of the Telangara State Pollution Control Board 5. Any unauthorised change in personnel, equipment or working conditions as mentioned In the application by the person authorised shall consttute a breach ofthis authorisation 6, tis the duty ofthe authorised person to take prior permission of the Telangana State Pollution Contol Board to cose down the faclity and such other terms and conditions, that may be stipulated by the Telangana State Pollution Control Board, 7. Any other conditions for compliance 8s per the Guidelines issued by tre MoEF & CC or ‘CPCB from time to time. 8. The Bio Madical Waste shall be disposed for treatment after disinfecion and segregation tothe following Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Fait. Mis. Sri Medicare Services. Padkal (V), Jakranpally (M), Nizamabad District. ‘SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. All the provisions of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 must be complied with 2, The HCF shall take all necessary steps to ensure that bio-medical waste is handled without any adverse effect to human health and the environment and in accordance with Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016. 3. The HCF shall make a provision within the premises fora safe, vetlcted and secured location for storage of segregated biomedical waste in colored bags or containers in the ‘manner as specified in Schedule | of the BMWM Rules, 2016. It shal be ensured that there shall be no secondary handling, piferage of recyclables or inadvertent scattering ‘oF epilage by animals and the bio-medical waste from such place or gremises shall be directy transported in the manner as prescribed in these rules to the common bio- ‘medical waste treatment facility or for the appropriate treatment and disposal, as the ‘case may be, in the manner as prescribed in Schedule | of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, 4. The HOF shal pretreat the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, bood samples and blood bags through disinfection or sterlisation on-site in the manner as prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) or National AlDs Control Organisation (NACO) {guidelines and then sent to the common biosnedical waste treatment facility for final slisposal 5, The HGF shall phase out use of chionated plastic bags, cloves and slood bags within two years from the date of notieation of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 6. The HOF shall dispose of solid waste other than bio-medical waste in accordance with the provisions of respective waste management rules made under the ‘levantlavs and ‘amends from time fo time, 7. The HCF shall not o give treated bio-medical waste with municipal sold waste. 8. Tho HGF shall establish a Bar- Code System for bags or containers containing bio- ‘medical waste to be sent out ofthe premises or place for any purpose within one year from the date ofthe notification of te Bio Madieal Waste Management Rules, 2016 ‘9, The HOF shall ensure segregaton of liquid chemical waste at source and ensure pre- {teatment or neutralisation prior to mixing wth other fluent generated from health care facies, 10.The HCF shall ensure treatment and disposal of quid waste in accordance with the ‘Water (Prevention and Control of Politon) Act. 1974 (6 of 1874). 11. The HOF shall maintain and update on day to day basis the bio-medical waste ‘management register and csplay the monthly record on its website according tothe bio- radical waste generated In terms of category and colour coding as spectied in ‘Schedule | of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 206. 12:The HCF shal inform to TSPCB immediatly in case the operator of facility does not collect he blo-macieal waste within the intended time or as par the agreed time, 18:The HOF shal establish 2 system to reviw and monitor the activites related to bio. medical waste management by forming a new committee and the Commitee shall meet ‘once in every six month and tte record of te minutes of the naeting of this ‘committee shall be submited along withthe annual report to the prescribed author 14.1 the responsibilty of the occupier of the HF that the only segregated bio-medical ‘waste as par the Schedule —| of the EMW Management Rules, 2016 shal be handed ‘vor to common bio-medical waste treatment faciiy for treatment, processing and final ‘isposal 16ilt shall be ensured that no untreated bio-medical waste shall be mixed with other ‘wastes, 16.The bio-medical waste shall be segregated into containers or bags at the point of ‘generation In accordance with Schedule | of the BMW Management waste treatment Rule, 2016 prior tis storage, transportation, treatment and disposal {11The containers or bags refered to in sub-rule (2) shall be labelec as spectied in Schedule IV of the BMI Management Rules, 2016. The bar cading and global positioning system shall be added by the Occupier and Common bi>-Medical Waste {reatment facity in one year time. 18.Unteated human anatomical waste, animal anatomical waste, soled waste and biotechnology waste shall not be kept stored beyond a period of 48 rours. Provided that in case for any reaton it becomes necessary to store such wasle beyond such a Period, the occupier shall ake appropriate measures to ensure thatthe waste does not ‘dversely affect human health and the envconment and inform the prescribed authority (TSPCB) along withthe reasons for doing so. 19.Dead Fetus below the viabilty period (as per the Metical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, amended from time to time) can be considered as human anatomical waste. Such waste should be handed over tothe operator of common bio-medical waste treatment ‘and dsposal facility In yellow bag with a copy of the official Medical Termination of Pregnancy cerificate fom the Obstetrician or the Medical Superintencent of hospital or healthcare estabishment 20.Cytotoxic drug vials shall not be handed over to unauthorized person under any ‘Gteumstances. These shall be sent back to the manufactures for necessary disposal at 2 single point. As'a second option, these may be sent for incineration at common bio- tacical waste Weatment and disposal faciily or TSDFS or plasma pyrsis 1S at temperature>12006 21.Residual or ciscarded chemical wastes, used or discarded disinfectants and chemical Sludge can be disposed at hazardous waste treatment, storage and dsposal fait. In ‘such case, the waste should be sent to hazardous waste treatment, storage and tisporal facity through operator af common bio-medical waste eatrent and disposal faciity ony 22.0n-site pretreatment of laboratory waste, microbiological waste, bicod samples and blood bags should be disinfected or steriized as per the Guidelines of World Health Organization or National AIDS Control Organization and then given to the common bio- rmacical waste treatment and disposal faci. 23.Syringes should be either mutlated or needias should be cut and or stored in tamper too, leak proof and puncture proof containers for sharps storage. 24.The HOF shall maintain records related tothe generation, collection, reception, storage ‘wansportaio, treatment, disposal or anyother form of handing of bio-medical waste. 25.The HOF shall submit an annual report tothe prescribed authority (TSPCB) in Form — IV, on ar before the 30" June of every year for the period from January to December of the preceding year. 26.The HCF shall make avalable the annual report on is website and al the healthcare facies shall make own website within two years from the date of notfeation ofthe Bio- Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016. 27.1n case of any change in the bio-medical waste generation, handing, teatment and isposal for which authorization was earler granted, the occupier of operator of HCF shall inmate to the prescribed authority about the change or vatition nthe acviy and shall submit 2 ffesh applicaton in Form Il for modification of the condiions of Authorization, 28.In case of any major accident at HCF facility or anyother site while handing biomedical waste, the authorised person shall inimate immediately to the prescribed authority ‘about such accident and forward a report within twenty-four hours inating regarding the remedial steps taken in Form 29.The HCF shall ensure occupational safety ofall its health care woikers and others involved in handling of biomedical waste by providing approptiate and adequate personal protective equipments. 30.The occupier of the HOF or an operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment facity shall be lable forall he damages caused tothe environment or the public due to improper handing of bio-medical wastes. The occupier or operator of common bio- ‘medical waste treatment facity shall be lable for action under section 6 and section 18, (ofthe Act. In ease of any velaton, 31.The HCF shall adopt the folowing treatment and disposal methods as described in the ‘Bio-Medical Waste Management ules, 2016, |. Chemical treatment using atleast 10% Sodium Hypochiotte hang 30% residual Chlorine for twenty minutes or any other equivalent chemical reagent that should demonstrate Logi reduction efficiency for microorganisms as given in Schedule- i |i. Mutlation or shredding must be to an extent to prevent unauthorized reuse 32.The HCF shall provide taining to al is health care workers and ones, involved in handling of bio matical wasta at tha time of Induction and thereafter al least once every year and the deta of taining programmes conducted, number of personne! trained {nd number of personnel not undergone any training shall be provided in the Annual Roped. 38:The fact shal immunise all its health care workers and others, involved in hancling of bio-medical waste for protection against diseases including Hepatitis Band Tetanus that are likely to be transmitted by handing of biomedical waste, in the manner 9s prescribed inthe Nationa Immunisation Policy or the guidlines of tha Ministry of Health ‘and Family Welfare issued ffom time to time. '34.The facility shall conduct health check up atthe time of induction and at least once in a ‘year for alts healthcare workers and athers involved in handling of bo- medical waste {and maintain the records forthe same. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER —7efetéevIRONMENTAL ENGINEER To, TS. Pollution Soatrol Board Mis, Anvita Hospital, Regional Office, Nizamabad. ‘Opp: Saraswathi Temple, Banswada, Kamareddy District. NB: ‘This authorization shall be exited inthe above premises and should be produced from time to time atthe request of the Inspecting Officer.

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