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The Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) helps provide emotional

and psychological support for the PDL by playing a dual role of therapist and client. As

PDL, the program itself is a treatment environment wherein the interactions of its

members (PDL) are designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that

require for each to play the dual role of client-therapist. At a given moment, one may be

in a client role when receiving help or support from others because of a problem

behavior or when experiencing distress. At another time, the same person assumes a

therapist role when assisting or supporting another person in trouble.

The TC operates in a similar fashion to a functional family with a hierarchical structure

of older and younger members. Each member has a defined role and responsibilities for

sustaining the proper functioning of the TC. There are sets of rules and community

norms that members upon entry commit to live by and uphold. This provides the

member as a sense of family and structure during her confinement inside the facility. It

also provides needed psychological introspection that will aid them become appreciative

in their achievements and strive to change their shortcomings.

The “therapist” and teacher under the TCMP is the community itself which is consist of

the PDL and the BJMP personnel and staff, who, as role models of successful personal

change, serve as guides in the recovery process. It believes that TC is a place where:

One can change – unfold; the group can foster change; individuals must take

responsibility; structures must accommodate this; Act as if – go through the motion.

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