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The Scholars Academy

Taleem Bhi, Tarbiyat Bhi

Mid Term Examination 2021-2022

Subject: Social Studies Max Marks: 75

Class: Four Total Time: 3 hours

Q.No.01 Write down the meanings of the following words. (30)

1) Continent 2) Boundary 3) Atlas 4) Features 5) Forest 6) Conquer
7) Province 8) Spread 9) Ruler 10) Pirates 11) Invasion 12) Looted
13) Defeat 14) Tactics 15) Troops

Q.No.02 Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks. (25)
i) What are the four important elements of a map?
ii) Differentiate between a globe and a map.
iii) Why is it important to have a title on a map?
iv) What were the main reasons for Mohammad bin Qasim’s success?
v) Who was Raja Dahir?
vi) What was the age of Mohammad bin Qasim when Muslims attacked Sindh?

Q.No.03 Draw a compass. (10)

Q.No.04 Fill in the blanks. (10)

i) ________ was the governor of Iraq.
ii) Raja Dahir failed to control the ________.
iii) Mohammad bin Qasim established a ________ system in Sindh.
iv) The tax that non-Muslims had to pay was called ________.
v) Mohammad bin Qasim was only ________ years old when he attacked Daibal.

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