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February 26, 2021

Dear Research Coordinators,

Good day, thank you for accepting the role as District Research Coordinators. This is a way for
us to implement our research agenda in the division. One step at a time, let us encourage all those
school heads, teachers, and non-teaching personnel to be involved in research. For now, these are
the immediate things we need to know.
Your designation order is in its preparation phase, initially these are the roles and responsibilities
you are to undertake.

1. Assist the SDO-NE to communicate the Division Research Agenda in the district level.
2. Update the School Research Coordinators on matters relevant to research, innovation,
and income generating project.
3. Establish District Research Evaluation Committee.
4. Evaluate research, innovation, and income generating project proposals before submitting
to the division office.
5. Ensure that the research proposal conforms to the standards of Department of Education.
6. Monitor the conduct of the accepted research proposal in the district.
7. Ensure the research results are disseminated in the school and district levels.

This is the content of the Harmonized Division Research Agenda, however, the hard copy of the
memo was sent in the district. Please find time to read.


1. The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 (RA 9155) mandates that the
Department of education enacts policies and mechanisms through which the delivery of
quality basic education may be continuously improved. This is supported by Chapter 1,
Section (5) includes, among the responsibilities of DepED across all governance levels
the undertaking of “educational research and studies” that will serve as one of the bases
of necessary reforms and policy development.

2. DepEd uphold the importance of research in its policies and programs. The research
initiatives of the Department are anchored on the international, national and regional
goals and priorities as a support to development of learner to his full potentials.

Global Education Goals SDG 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and
promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Societal Goal Ambisyon Natin 2040. Represents the collective long-term vision and
aspirations of the Filipino people for themselves and for the country in the next 25 years.
Sectoral Goal PDP 2017-2022. Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All: Reducing
Inequalities in Human Development Filipinos aspire for long and healthy lives and put a
premium on education.

Organizational Goal DepED 10 Point Agenda. A set of principles and priorities

guiding the current DepED administration in providing quality, accessible, relevant and
liberating education.

Organizational Outcome DepED Strategic Directions 2017-2022. By 2022, DepED is

a modern, professional, pro-active, nimble, trusted and nurturing the institution delivering
quality, accessible, relevant and liberating K to 12 Education, enabling our learners to be
nation-loving, resilient and competent lifelong learners.

Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan Intermediate Outcomes. A package of

education intervention that will respond to basic education challenges brought about by
COVID-19. It includes intermediate outcomes, which represent what DepED endeavors
the learners to achieve in terms of access and quality during the pandemic.

Organizational Outcome DepED Region III Strategic Direction 2017-2022. By 2022,

all learners in the Region have access to inclusive, equitable, and quality basic education
through its better schools that develop their skills, critical thinking, creativity, and
character and prepare them for lifelong learning.

Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan DepED Region III. It is designed to set

strategic directions to public and private schools in Central Luzon to ensure that school
children and adult learners acquire the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
in the midst of a pandemic.

Strategic Direction of SDO-NE. All schools shall be CHILD-FRIENDLY SCHOOLS.

The teaching and learning environment shall be effective, protective, and health
promoting. These shall be reflected on quality, access, and governance.

Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan SDO-Nueva Ecija. Anchored in the Basic

Education-Learning Continuity Plan DepEd Region III. SDO-Nueva Ecija set the
strategic direction for the learners to acquire the MELCs in the midst of national health
emergency. This focuses on assessment of school readiness, determination and
description of the most appropriate teaching-learning modalities to develop the most
essential skills among learners, provision of policy guidelines in the implementation and
monitoring of learning continuity plan, provision of the transition programs of
educational leaders on the adapted teaching-learning modalities, ensure healthy and safe
school environment and strengthen partnership with stakeholders.

3. This research agenda as guided by the Harmonized Regional Basic Education Research
Agenda provides direction in the conduct of basic education research to ensure its
consonance with the vision, mission, and goals of the Department. This also guides the
public schools in SDO-NE in gathering and examining evidence that can inform the
internal and external stakeholders towards evidenced-based decision-making, policy and
program development. Consistent to the DepED Order No. 39, s. 2016, the following
principles in the conduct of basic education research shall be observed:

Excellence. Given the influence of research on education decisions and actions, quality
research is expected. Excellence demands that the inquiry is relevant and researchable;
methods applied are appropriate; and findings are logical, coherent and supported by
data. Research design may vary depending on the nature of the study, researchers must
apply rigorous and empirical methods grounded on scientific inquiry.

Integrity. The highest ethical standard shall be applied to basic education research.
Whether or not human subjects are involved, researchers must ensure that the study will
not cause people harm. Research participants should have informed consent, must be
cognizant about the general purpose of the study and should not be exposed to unusual
risk. Consistent with the principle of excellence, integrity also requires honesty and
accuracy in the collection, analysis and reporting of data.

Openness. DepED acknowledges the importance of collaboration in its work, including

in research. Openness emphasizes the need to engage more partners in basic education
research and to employ multi-disciplinary perspective. The same likewise ensures truthful
and timely dissemination of research results and data sets within the bounds of
confidentiality to DepED and other stakeholders for appreciation and application, as well
as peer evaluation.

4. The four (4) research themes stipulated in DepED Order No. 39, s. 2016 are Teaching
and Learning, Child Protection, Human Resource Development and Governance and
three (3) cross-cutting themes are Gender and Development (GaD), Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Inclusive Education.

Theme 1: Teaching and Learning. To achieve quality delivery of instruction, it guides

the researchers determine topics relevant to the process that responds to the learners’
needs. It focuses on instruction, curriculum, learners, assessment and learning outcomes.
Main topics under Teaching and Learning include, but not limited to, the following:
 Learning Delivery Modalities
 Relevance of Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
 Teaching and Learning Resources
 Strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3
 Learners’ Achievement/Competencies
 Teachers’ Content Knowledge
 Learners’ Attitude Towards Assessment
 Teaching Reading
 Teaching Numeracy
 Values
 Behaviors
 Career Paths/Tracks/Goals
 Personality Traits
 Affective/Psychological Traits
 Self-Efficacy
 ICT Applications
 School-Home Linkage
 K to 12 Graduates
 Inclusive Education Programs (IPEd, Madrasah, SPED, Special Interest
 Alternative Learning System (ALS)
 Contextualizing Learning Strategies and Modalities
 Culture, Arts and Literature
 21st Century Skills
 Flexible Learning Options
 Spiral Progression
 Assessment
 Test Construction
 Environment Awareness
 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
 Learners’ Retention/Transition
 Gender Sensitivity
Inclusive Education

Theme 2: Child Protection. Learners are the focus of educative process in the
Department. Their condition can significantly affect the learning outcomes. The
Department is committed to ensuring the well-being, particularly in situations where
harm can occur in school or disrupt their studies. The Department’s commitment
warrants a separate section on Child Protection, particularly to address reported incidents
of bullying, teenage pregnancy, addictive behaviors, and child labor. While laws and
policies are in place to address these, there is a need for in-depth studies on their
prevalence and effects. There is also a need to assess the effectiveness of previous
interventions, and the potential new approaches to better protect learners in schools. Main
topics under Child Protection include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Mental Health
 Data Privacy and Protection
 Prevalence
 Teenage Pregnancy
 Bullying
 Drugs
 Child Labor
 Gambling
Reproductive Health
Theme 3: Human Resource Development. It is geared towards nurturing its vast human
capital involved in delivering basic education. Research questions will delve into three
subthemes: teaching and non-teaching qualifications and hiring; career development; and
employees’ welfare. The primary focus is given to teachers due to their frontline role in
reaching out to learners. The topics extend to teacher education institutions, particularly
on ways to upgrade pre-service preparation and DepED role in providing continuous
quality training. Similarly, developing the support structure of DepED through its non-
teaching personnel is an important area of inquiry. Key topics under teaching and non-
teaching qualifications and hiring include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Professional Development of Teacher/School Heads for Multiple Learning
Delivery Modalities
 Mental Health
 Teaching and Non-Teaching Qualifications and Hiring
 Career Development
 Employees’ Development
 Performance Appraisal System
 Mentoring Support
 Values Orientation
 Research Aptitude
 Upskilling and Reskilling of Teachers
Gender and Development

Theme 4: Governance. The governance theme of the Research Agenda, which covers
planning, finance, program management, transparency and accountability, and evaluation
highlights the Departments’ commitment to ensure that its structure, system and
processes contribute to the achievement of basic education outcomes. Key topics under
Governance include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Managing Schools in the New Normal
 Data Management
 Finance
 Crisis Leadership
 Internal Systems and Processes
 Innovative Programs
 Program Monitoring and Evaluation
 Alternative Work Arrangement
 Program Sustainability
 Transparency and Accountability
 Evaluation
 Customer Satisfaction
 Waste Management
 Parental Engagement
 Safety and Health Management Systems
 Stakeholders Partnership and Engagement
 Procurement
 Impact Assessment
 Quality Assurance System
 Policy and Legislation Studies
 Equipment and Infrastructure
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

5. In conducting applied and action researches, three approaches may be used: quantitative,
qualitative and mixed-method.

6. Research that will be conducted should convey information on raising quality of

education. In SDO-NE, it is anchored on the Regional Office’s adherence to Sulong
Edukalidad: 1) K to 12 Curriculum review and update; 2) Improvement of learning
environment; 3) Teachers’ upskilling and reskilling; and 4) Engagement of stakeholders
for support and collaboration. The study should also contribute to the effective delivery
of K-12 Curriculum, which is measured based on the four (4) intermediate outcomes (IO)
and enabling environment outcomes (EEO):

IO 1. Learners are in school and learning centers.

IO 2. Learners access programs responsive to their needs and consistent with their
interests and aptitudes.
IO 3. Learners actively participate in a learner-friendly environment.
IO 4. Learners complete education and attain learning standards.

EEO 1. Education leaders and managers practice participative and inclusive management
EEO 2. Investments in basic education provide learners with the ideal learning
EEO 3. People, internal systems, and processes serve learners better thru continuous
improvement effort.
EEO 4. Key stakeholders actively collaborate to serve learners better.

7. Research should also adhere to RA 10533. Integration, indigenization, and localization of

the curriculum shall reflect in research undertakings. Findings shall fuel evidence-based
actions that strategically support the accomplishment of the Department’s vision and
mission as well as target outcomes of ensuring: access to complete basic education,
quality education and effective transparent and engaging governance of basic education.
The Department will be able to produce learners who are critical thinkers, creative,
skillful in terms of literacy, numeracy, interpersonal and life skills and possess
characteristics such as love of God, family, nature, and self.

8. It is the end goal of the Harmonized Division Research Agenda to inspire and guide its
internal and external stakeholders to undertake empirical studies to better understand and
advance basic education in the country. Academics and researchers can find in the
Agenda possibilities for scholarly study and discourse. For institution leaders and
administrators, the Agenda presents trends and issues that can provoke new insights and
practical solutions upon investigation. The harmonized Division Research Agenda can
give significant insights to direct policy-makers on matters that require policy actions.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation. The Planning and Research Unit (P&R) will lead the
division research management, monitor the progress and provide recommendations for
the review of the Division Research Agenda and the formulation of its next research
priorities. An annual review will be conducted to assess the progress of the Agenda. This
will be used to adjust strategies in promoting the conduct of research and to determine the
need for fine tuning and/or the development of a new Division Agenda.

Also, please remind our proponents to be guided on the following:

1. All research proposals must be anchored to research priority themes of the Department
articulated in DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2016/Harmonize Division Research Agenda.
2. Proposals must be properly evaluated by the school and district research evaluation
committee before forwarding it in the Division Office.
3. Teachers are encouraged to conduct action research while the school heads, teaching
related and non-teaching personnel may opt to conduct applied research.
4. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approach may be used in applied and action
5. Research findings should serve as agent to fuel evidence-based actions that strategically
support the realization of the vision and mission of the Department.
6. The American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style must be used in citing
7. Review of related studies used in the research proposal must be ten (10) years back and at
least minimum of 10.
8. The text of the manuscript must conform to the following:
Bond Paper Letter Size 8.5 x 11
Font Style Times New Roman
Font Size 12
Running Head Title Page and Subsequent Page
Text Spacing Double Space
Margin Left: 1.5 inches
Top, Bottom, and Right – 1 inch

Note: All research proposals should be placed in red folder.

Outline of Applied Research Proposal

Title Page

Table of Contents

Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Research Questions
Hypothesis (if the study requires only)
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations

Type of Research
Sampling Method
Sources of Data
Data Collection Procedure
Ethical Consideration
Data Analysis
Timetable/Gantt Chart
Cost Estimates (for BERF Applicants only)
Plan for Dissemination and Advocacy


Consent and Assent Letter
Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of Interest
Scanned copy of Landbank ATM (indicate branch, account number
and three (3) sample specimen signature (for BERF Applicants only)
Outline of Action Research Proposal

Title Page

Table of Contents

Context and Rationale

Research Questions
Hypothesis (if the study requires only)
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations

Type of Research
Sampling Method
Proposed Innovation/Intervention/Strategy
Data Collection Procedure
Ethical Consideration
Data Analysis
Cost Estimates (for BERF Applicants only)
Plan for Dissemination and Advocacy


Consent and Assent Letter
Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of Interest
Scanned copy of Landbank ATM (indicate branch, account number
and three (3) sample specimen signature (for BERF Applicants only)
Attachments of the Research Proposal:

I. Research Proposal Application Form and Endorsement of Immediate






only one) only one main research theme)

National Teaching and Learning

Regional Child Protection
Schools/Division Human resource development
District Governance
(check up to one cross-cutting theme
(check only one) application)
Applied Research
Action Research DRRM
Gender and Development
Inclusive Education
Others (please specify) ________________



*Indicate also if proponent will use personal funds





REGION/DIVISION/SCHOOL(whichever is applicable)




Enumerate from Bachelor’s
degree up to doctorate degree

Bachelor of Science in
Elementary Education
Master of Arts in Education



I hereby endorse the attached research proposal. I certify that the proponent/s has/have

the capacity to implement a research study without compromising his/her school/office


Name and Signature of Immediate Supervisor



Name and Signature of Immediate



Name and Signature of Immediate


II. Declaration of Plagiarism and Conflict of Interest


1. I, _______________ understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and using another’s
ideas and works and passing them off as one’s own. This includes explicitly copying the
whole work of another person and/or using some parts of their work without proper
acknowledgement and referencing.

2. I hereby attest to the originality of this research proposal and has cited properly all the
references used. I further commit that all deliverables and the final research study
emanating from this proposal shall be of original content. I shall use appropriate citations
in referencing other works from various sources.

3. I understand that violation of this declaration and commitment shall be subject to

consequences and shall be dealt with accordingly by the Department of education and
(insert grant mechanism)


PRINTED NAME:__________________________
1. I, ______________________ understand that conflict of interest refers to situations in
which financial or other personal considerations may compromise my judgment in
evaluating, conducting, or reporting research. 1

2. I hereby declare that I do not have any personal conflict of interest that may arise from
the application and submission of my research proposal. I understand that my research
proposal may be returned to me if found out that there is a conflict of interest during the
initial screening as per (insert RMG provision).

3. Further, in case of any form of conflict of interest (possible or actual) which may
inadvertently emerge during the conduct of my research, I will duly report it to the
research committee for immediate action.

4. I understand that I may be held accountable by the Department of Education and (insert
grant mechanism) for my conflict of interest which I have intentionally concealed.


PRINTED NAME: _________________________

DATE: ___________________________________

Our situation gave limitations in conducting action research, it is advised that proponents
in time of pandemic may proposed Applied Research.
Thank you very much!
Truly yours,

Mauricio F. Angeles
SEPS, Planning and Research

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