Snake and Ladder Game Report

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Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Snake and ladder game is a classical game which young and
old all persons can play. I have developed it in android. It is
LAN based application with Multiplayer option. In the game
there are hundred indexes. You have to start from 0 index
and reach the 100 indexes by rolling the dice to win the

1.2 How Application Works

The game starts with a login, create your login in the game
and start playing. Now after login you go to menu there is a
start button when you click it the game will start. First there
will be a start board it means that there will be
hurdles(snakes) and advantages(ladder) will be placed on it.
The other boards will have different design but the difference
will be that you can put as the snakes and ladders with your
own choice. After selecting the board you can select from
player you want to go to multiplayer or want to go against
the computer. You can go to the Lan and send friend request
to them to play with you. After selecting you can roll the dice
and start playing.

1.3 Current Work

Snake and ladder is fun game which most of us has played
on Ludo’s back. This is the Android version of the game. A
really cool and stress releasing game.

1.4 Project Overview

Snake and ladder is a game none like other. It is a very cool
and stress releasing game. It gets the user the excitement
that they want and let them enjoy endless fun.

1.5 Objectives
Though I am developing this system during learning process
but I am doing my best to make this application a
professional one.

Following is the important objectives of this project

 To make it user friendly.

 To be able to entertain the user.

 To facilitate the user simply registration in the application.

 To be able to function in Multiplayer.

 Easily manage game details.

Chapter 2 – Literature Review

2.1 Mobile Technology
It is the technology used for cellular communication. Mobile code division multiple
access technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this
millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-
way paper to being a mobile phone. Mobile computing by way of tablet computing is
becoming more popular. Tablets are available on 3G/4G networks and Wi-Fi Networks.

2.2 Android
An Android OS, also written as Android, is a collection of related
applications, including multimedia content utilities and productivity apps,
typically identified with a common name, and published on Google Play
Store. An android may be accessible via any Smart Phone which supports
Android OS. All Smart Phones which supports Android OS are collectively

known as Android Phones and are easily available in Markets. More than
60% of population using Android Phones all over the world.

Chapter 3 – Tools and

3.1 Introduction to Android Application
In computing, an Android application or App is a client-server software
application in which client runs application in Android OS.

Android applications are popular due to the uniqueness of Android Based

Smartphones and the convenience of using an Android OS as a client to
update and maintain application, as is the inherent support for multi-
platform compatibility.

3.2 Introduction to Android Application in

Android studio
Android Studio allows you to create applications that leverage the power of
the Android Application. Android provides a rich application framework that
allows you to build innovative applications and games for mobile devices in
Java language environment.

3.3 Introduction to Web Services

A web service is a web application which is basically a class
consisting of methods that could be used by other
applications. It also follows code-behind architecture such as
the ASP.NET web pages, although it does not have a user
interface. There are three aspects of web service

 Creating the web service

 Creating a proxy

 Consuming the web service

3.4 SQL Server Management Studio

The SQL Server Management Studio tutorials introduce you
to the integrated environment for managing your SQL Server
infrastructure. SQL Server Management Studio presents a
graphical interface for configuring, monitoring and
administering the SQL Server. It also allows you to deploy,
monitor and upgrade the data-tier components used by your
applications, such as databases, SQL Server Management
Studio also provides Transact-SQL , MDX, DMX and XML
language editors for editing and debugging scripts.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is one of the

important tools use with SQL Server. It provides a user-
interface for common database tasks, although not
comprehensive, here are few of the more common tasks:

 Create databases.

 Design tables and other database objects.

 Add, Update, Delete data from databases.

 Backup and Restore databases.

 Run queries

3.5 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)


A data flow diagram is graphical representation of the flow of

data through an information system, modeling its process
aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create
an overview of system, which can later be elaborated.

3.5.1 DFD LEVEL 0

Request Request

Response Response

Use Applicati

` 1
3.5.2 DFD LEVEL 1 Databa

Login info Login

Player Respon
Single/Multi player

Board Respon
info 3

Selecting Board


Placing Objects

Chapter 4 – Implementation
Following are the screen shot of the proposed system. These
are for understanding different features of the application.

4.1 Launch Screen


4.2 User Login


4.3 Menu

4.4 Board selection


4.5 Game View


4.6 Database

In this project create a database with the name of snake

and ladder game and its tables are

 User_Registration_Table

Chapter 5 – Conclusion
This Android Application is for the students and teachers of
BIIT. The application is tested very well and errors are
properly debugged. Snake and ladder App is an Android
application developed in java. Snake and ladder app was
previously being made with such features and it was a big
challenged to create a simple and attractive view of Social
using java sources (Android).

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