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Reaction Paper

Donal Daly defined sales effectiveness as the actions the sales team are doing
towards increasing the key metrics that measure their success : their win rate and the
sale cycle they manage. sales effectiveness is not necessarily the amount of acquired
client within a week or within a month, it is how the sales team progress not just in the
number of deals they accomplished, but also how they are improving as a salesperson.

Essentially Daly identified that sales effectiveness can be created by the

organization to provide the sales team the most opportunity and capability to capture a
sale: Through training, technology, and tools that will help them maximize their sales
velocity and have an edge against their competition.

Moreover, Daly expounded that the organization must isolate the leading
behavior that will benefit them and work around it by understanding and measuring that
particular idea, so they can increase the sales effectiveness for the whole organization.
Daly also stated that the company should primarily focus on the leading indicators
rather than the lagging indicators in order to predict the sales effectiveness of the

In addition, Daly also stated that measuring the revenue, the number deals, the
win rates, and the sales cycle and improving upon it just by 10% the overall sales
velocity will increase by 48%. This indicates that small moves and small changes can
have a bigger impact in the macro side of the business.

What I’ve learned from Daly’s presentation, is that macro success could only be
achieved through micro-observation. To put it in another way, a sales organization must
look beneath the organizational numbers and observe the micro data that each
salesperson brings in for them. With a micro focus, that will develop each salesperson
to be capable of making and creating opportunities to make sales. Will impact the
company’s overall turnover.

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