Interpersonal Skills

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12th October 2022

Objective: To ask for Medicine from Wellness

What went wrong: There was a miscommunication about the severity of my condition that led to a
nurse, who was unwell herself, coming to aid me at my block and provide me with medication.
However, as the conversation was happening on the text about my illness, while I typed the
messages in high fever without the afterthought of what might get conveyed, it seemed that I am so
ill that I am unable to leave bed and may need immediate attention. When in reality, I only needed
common cold medication as I couldn’t leave my bed because of weakness but no immediate
attention was required. A panic was created even though I was able to receive my medication.

Outcome: I did receive my medication but the interaction left a bitter taste in my mouth when I
learned that the nurse was also in fever and had to come to my room in a rush to check up on me.
13th October 2022

Objective: To confess my feelings to my crush

What went wrong: I am impressed by a guy and wanted to convey my sincere feelings to him but
was afraid of doing so and ruining our friendship. High on fever, I made an emotional decision to
confess to him on chat. While trying to find the right time to confess, he said he would find me a guy
who would deserve someone as amazing as me. This made me very frustrated and angry because I
thought “if I was as amazing as he thought then he wouldn’t be saying this”, as I had already given
him ample hints about my feelings towards him. I ended up confessing my feelings upfront to get a
direct answer. He initially said he was not sure but later gave pleasant replies to my confession
which I interpreted as his affirmation to enter into a relationship with me. This was a confirmation
bias on my end as I only saw his positive responses but did not look at the things that were left

Outcome: I got a boyfriend at the end of the day. But he didn’t tell his feelings or confess in clear
14th October 2022

Objective: To find out more about the guy I like

What went wrong: As the guy had neither clarified about his feelings nor said anything to further tell
that he regrets the idea of what I implied last night, I continued on my assumption from the day
before that, just like me he is happy about the situation but hesitant to ask anything further. Or he
may want some time to digest the new changes.

So my focus shifted to the next most important thing, I realized that I don’t know the guy well. I had
assumed that I would just get to know him more after letting him know about my true feelings but
later understood that knowing someone would take a lot more effort and conversations (which I am
not so good at). I quickly called up the guy and started asking him questions to know him better.

Outcome: I learned a bit about the guy from my conversation which was the goal but my greater
learning was that people can’t be made comfortable impromptu to let others know everything
about them. People would only show vulnerability after a considerable amount of trust is built
through conversations over time.
15th October 2022

Objective: To find out more about the true feelings of the guy I like

What went wrong: As I went about my day, I realized the lack of clarity in our conversation from last
night where he simply agreed with whatever I had said. On not being able to have a face-to-face
conversation the whole day, On the basis of the little I could talk on text, I concluded that if things
seem normal, they must be. I took this as a clear sign that the guy is on the same track as me and
may be feeling the same things as me. Even in a lack of conversation and clarity, I concluded that this
is the same for the other side as well and waited for him to initiate a conversation for some clarity.

While writing this I realized that I should take charge of the situation and instead of leaving things
hanging on unclear grounds, I should find clear answers to my questions about where we stand.

Outcome: I was still not able to understand what he thinks. As it was too late in the night, I decided
to talk to him the next day about this dilemma.
16th October 2022

Objective: To clarify the status of my relationship with the guy I like

What went wrong: I was very distracted throughout the day and couldn’t handle doing simple tasks
just because I lacked clarity about the situation I am in with the guy. I started overthinking and
reached every possible negative conclusion. After realizing my unproductiveness and bad state of
mind, I decided to call and be upfront about my problem and how it is affecting me.

However, as soon as I called and told him my wish to meet him face to face and have a serious
conversation, he said I should rest well before all that as I was still ill for the past few days and
missing my classes and asked rhetorically asked, ‘What’s the rush?’. As I was ashamed to admit that
it was indeed a rush for me as it affected me deeply, I let the talk die without achieving my goal.

Outcome: I could not score a conversation or the clarity I wanted because I was not ready to show
any vulnerability to the other side even if it affected my mental peace
17th October 2022

Objective: To set up a place and time to meet with the guy I like

What went wrong: I decided to be upfront with the guy and let him know that having a serious
conversation about where we are and what he wants is a need for me. We established that letting
our friends know would be foolish when we lack clarity about what is going on. So meeting him
became even tougher but we decided on a time.

However, as I went to meet him, I realized he wasn’t alone and it was not a meeting for just us two
but our whole friend circle. Needless to say, I couldn’t really have my intended conversation.
Instead, it gave me the clarity that his actions definitely meant that I was the only one being this
adversely affected.

Outcome: Even without a conversation, by observing I was able to conclude that my confession was
a bad decision and all the warning signs I had ignored thinking the guy was too shy to confess were
actually his inability to say no to my advances. This could’ve been avoided if I had confessed to him
face-to-face because then I would’ve been able to understand the unspoken cues better
18th October 2022

Objective: To break up with the guy I like

What went right: After my observations from the day before, I gave myself some time to think and
know for sure that I am reaching a level-headed decision. I concluded that the guy and I are not in
the same boat in our relationship even though he calls me his girlfriend. So, I decided to end the
relationship without hurting his feelings in the process.

To do so, I decided to be straightforward and said that I didn’t see us going anywhere with our
relationship and I did not have an interest in anything meaningless.

But even after this he reacted in an adverse way and told me I needed to see a therapist because I
am anti-social and it’s not normal. And I initially tried to explain to him my side but later closed the
conversation when I realized he was saying hurtful things that were unrelated to the topic of our
relationship or break up, maybe just to hurt me or have the last say.

Outcome: I was able to break up but it was not without me getting hurt by his reaction. So, I
conclude that sometimes, conflict is unavoidable. And in times like these, we must choose the path
with the least amount of conflict, which I did.
19th October 2022

Objective: To request my live project to start a day late

What went right: I was not well and as a result, could not meet the deadline for my daily task. I felt
highly unprepared for the start of my live project as a content writer. Due to feeling ill, I got
unproductive, and because of being unproductive, I got demotivated. Because I was so demotivated,
I lost my will to do anything and ended up doing nothing and becoming even more depressed.

I talked to my manager and asked her to grant me a day as I wanted to prepare. When I saw
(through the pauses in her voice) that she was being hesitant, I understood that it was indeed
possible to get a day off but she just needed a more concrete reason. So, I recounted all the tasks I
had due from college on the same day and assured her that I would consistently deliver once the
work starts by giving examples of my previous live projects.

Outcome: I was able to get my live project to start a day late by convincing my manager
20th October 2022

Objective: Finding closure after break-up with the guy I liked

What went right: The guy kept on saying sorry for the way he behaved and I saw him being very low.
So, I felt the need for a much-needed talk that was due from the very start and had never really
happened face-to-face. So, I had a conversation with him where I told him about the problem I faced
earlier, of being very distracted and not knowing where our relationship stood and he told me about
his problem of pushing people away before they would push him first.

He told me he miscalculated, thinking he was ready for a relationship when he really wasn’t. I asked
for his feedback and he told me he genuinely didn’t like me. I remained calm as much as possible in
front of him and dealt with the negative thoughts about my self-image through some retrospection
and speaking with friends and my stress-busting activities so that this does not let my self-esteem

Outcome: I was able to find closure about what he did and why he did it without getting too stressed
to handle and I was able to handle rejection in a non-negative way.

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