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Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3

Week 3
Data Visualization
Student Workbook
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 1

Exercise 1
Your employer, a retail clothing company, is looking to analyze their sales for the first quarter
change in Sales Volumes in the last three months. Present the data below to your employer in
sales volumes between January and February, as well as February and March for each of the
biggest positive and negative change in sales

1a) Calculate the Percent Change from January to February and the Percent Change from Febru

Region Jan Sales Feb Sales Mar Sales

Northeast 1,240 1,430 1,849
West 1,100 1,452 1,450
Southeast 2,400 2,342 2,532
Southwest 1,800 1,760 1,634
Midwest 1,309 1,480 1,560

1b) Build a column chart using the data set above and highlight any key findings

Place your chart here!

their sales for the first quarter to determine which regions had the biggest
data below to your employer in a manner that shows the change in
uary and March for each of the regions. Highlight the regions with the

e Percent Change from February to March

% Change from Jan to Feb % Change from Feb to Mar

y key findings
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 1

Exercise 1
Your employer, a retail clothing company, is looking to analyze their sales for the first quar
change in Sales Volumes in the last three months. Present the data below to your employ
sales volumes between January and February, as well as February and March for each of
biggest positive and negative change in sales

1a) Calculate the Percent Change from January to February and the Percent Change from Fe

Region Jan Sales Feb Sales Mar Sales

Northeast 1,240 1,430 1,849
West 1,100 1,452 1,450
Southeast 2,400 2,342 2,532
Southwest 1,800 1,760 1,634
Midwest 1,309 1,480 1,560

1b) Build a column chart using the data set above and highlight any key findings

Percent Change in Sales from Jan-Feb a



20% Place your chart here!


10% 8%


Northeast West Southeast
-5% -2%

% Change from Jan to Feb % Change from Feb to M

Key findings:
1 Percentage change in sales of Feb-Mar has increased as compared to its previous month
2 After having a 32% revenue increase for Jan-Feb in West region, the sales remain stagna
3 Southwest region has a declining sales trend with -2% and -7% change in sales for Jan-Fe
their sales for the first quarter to determine which regions had the biggest
data below to your employer in a manner that shows the change in
uary and March for each of the regions. Highlight the regions with the

e Percent Change from February to March

% Change from Jan to Feb % Change from Feb to Mar

15% 29%
32% 0%
-2% 8%
-2% -7%
13% 5%

y key findings

s from Jan-Feb and Feb-Mar



Southeast Southwest Midwest

-2% -2%


o Feb % Change from Feb to Mar

pared to its previous month for Northeast and Southeast regions

n, the sales remain stagnant for the month Feb-Mar
change in sales for Jan-Feb and Feb-Mar respectively.
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 2

Exercise 2
Your analysis has brought to your attention that you need to further analyze the decrease in s
that in March of 2015, a competitor introduced a new product similar to your company's flagsh
new product is cannibalizing the sales of the flagship product.

You pull the sales data for the flagship product in the Southwest region for 2014 and 2015 to
2014 (before the new product was launched) and 2015 (after the new product was launched).
of the new product and the sales of the Southwest's flagship product?

2a) Calculate the 'Difference from 2014 Sales' and the 'Cumulative Difference'

2014 Sales 2015 Sales Month

1,440 1,628 Jan
1,408 1,641 Feb
1,307 1,350 Mar
1,380 1,325 Apr
1,480 1,375 May
1,450 1,368 Jun
1,780 1,687 Jul
1,625 1,480 Aug
1,579 1,475 Sep
1,687 1,425 Oct
1,701 1,397 Nov
1,750 1,387 Dec

2b) Build a Combo Chart to show the Variance from 2014 and the Cumulative Difference through

Place your chart here!

to further analyze the decrease in sales for the Southwest region. You realize
uct similar to your company's flagship product. You are worried that this

hwest region for 2014 and 2015 to analyze monthly sales. Compare the sales in
ter the new product was launched). Is there a correlation between the introduction
hip product?

ative Difference'

Difference from 2014 Sales Cumulative Difference

the Cumulative Difference throughout the year

Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 2

Exercise 2
Your analysis has brought to your attention that you need to further analyze the decrease
that in March of 2015, a competitor introduced a new product similar to your company's fla
new product is cannibalizing the sales of the flagship product.

You pull the sales data for the flagship product in the Southwest region for 2014 and 2015
2014 (before the new product was launched) and 2015 (after the new product was launch
of the new product and the sales of the Southwest's flagship product?

2a) Calculate the 'Difference from 2014 Sales' and the 'Cumulative Difference'

2014 Sales 2015 Sales Month

1,440 1,628 Jan
1,408 1,641 Feb
1,307 1,350 Mar
1,380 1,325 Apr
1,480 1,375 May
1,450 1,368 Jun
1,780 1,687 Jul
1,625 1,480 Aug
1,579 1,475 Sep
1,687 1,425 Oct
1,701 1,397 Nov
1,750 1,387 Dec

2b) Build a Chart to show the Variance from 2014 and the Cumulative Difference throughout t

Sales Variance between

Difference from 2014 Sales



0 Place your chart here!

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
t (55)
(100) ke (82)
ar (105) (93)
(200) te
r en
t ito
(300) om


Difference from 2014 Sales C


Difference from 2014 Sales C

Key findings:

1 Company faces a cumulative loss of $1049 for the year 2015 due to the competitor entry
2 Company's sales reduces after March 2015 which shows that the competitor's product has
to further analyze the decrease in sales for the Southwest region. You realize
uct similar to your company's flagship product. You are worried that this

hwest region for 2014 and 2015 to analyze monthly sales. Compare the sales in
ter the new product was launched). Is there a correlation between the introduction
hip product?

ative Difference'

Difference from 2014 Sales Cumulative Difference

188 188
233 421
43 464
(55) 409
(105) 304
(82) 222
(93) 129
(145) (16)
(104) (120)
(262) (382)
(304) (686)
(363) (1,049)

mulative Difference throughout the year

s Variance between 2014 and 2015


Cumulative Difference


May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(82) (93)
(105) (104)
(145) (600)

(304) (1,000)

(363) (1,200)

Difference from 2014 Sales Cumulative Difference

(363) (1,200)

Difference from 2014 Sales Cumulative Difference

015 due to the competitor entry

that the competitor's product has cannibalized the sales of the flagship product

Cumulative Difference







Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 3

Exercise 3
You presented your findings regarding the impact of the introduction of a new product in the S
they want to better understand the composition of product sales for the last quarter. You pull t
want to present management with a clear graph highlighting the decrease in sales for the flag

3a) Calculate the Total Sales for each of the month in the last quarter.

July August
Product 1 (Flagship) 987 935
Product 2 108 125
Product 3 87 97
Product 4 85 95
Product 5 75 88
Product 6 (New) 58 75
Total Sales

3b) Use percentages to determine the distribution of sales across all Product categories for each

July August
Product 1 (Flagship)
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 6 (New)
Total Sales

3c) Build a stacked column chart to show how the Flagship product compares against the other p

Place your chart here!

oduction of a new product in the Southwest region to management and now
ales for the last quarter. You pull the sales data for the Southwest region and
the decrease in sales for the flagship product.


s all Product categories for each of the months from the last quarter


uct compares against the other products over the last quarter.

r chart here!
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 3

Exercise 3
You presented your findings regarding the impact of the introduction of a new product in the S
they want to better understand the composition of product sales for the last quarter. You pull t
want to present management with a clear graph highlighting the decrease in sales for the flag

3a) Calculate the Total Sales for each of the month in the last quarter.

July August
Product 1 (Flagship) 987 935
Product 2 108 125
Product 3 87 97
Product 4 85 95
Product 5 75 88
Product 6 (New) 58 75
Total Sales 1,400 1,415

3b) Use percentages to determine the distribution of sales across all Product categories for each

July August
Product 1 (Flagship) 71% 66%
Product 2 8% 9%
Product 3 6% 7%
Product 4 6% 7%
Product 5 5% 6%
Product 6 (New) 4% 5%
Total Sales 100% 100%

3c) Build a stacked column chart to show how the Flagship product compares against the other p

Comparison of % sales across all Product categories over


62% 8%
80% 8% 8%

Place your chart here!

50% 66% 9%
7% 7%


20% 71% 8% 6% 6%


50% 66% 9%
7% 7%


20% 71% 8% 6% 6%

Product 1 (Flagship) Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 P

July August September

Key findings:

1 Product 6 (New) has gained sales momentum over the last quarter with sales increasing from
2 The flagship product has lost sales share over the last quarter due to the introduction of the n
oduction of a new product in the Southwest region to management and now
ales for the last quarter. You pull the sales data for the Southwest region and
the decrease in sales for the flagship product.


s all Product categories for each of the months from the last quarter


uct compares against the other products over the last quarter.

ll Product categories over last quarter

8% 7%

r chart here!

7% 6%

6% 5%
7% 6%

6% 5%

Product 4 Product 5 Product 6 (New)

ugust September

quarter with sales increasing from 4% to 9% of the total sales share

er due to the introduction of the new product
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 4

Exercise 4
Management has tasked you with analyzing the top 6 products sold in stores across the coun
categories are important to each of the regions. Create a heatmap to demonstrate which prod
certain regions.
(Reference the data in the 'Exercise 4 Data' tab)

Total Sales
Northeast Midwest Southwest


Household Items
Office Supplies

4a) Create a pivot table that groups the data from the Exercise 4 - Data tab as shown in the table

4b) Use conditional formatting and custom number formatting to complete the heat map above
in stores across the country to determine which product
o demonstrate which product categories are crucial for

al Sales
Southeast West

Higher Product Revenue
Lower Product Revenue

tab as shown in the table above

te the heat map above

Store Region Product Category Sales
Store 1 Northeast prod01 Furniture 16,178
Store 1 Northeast prod20 Clothing 19,074
Store 1 Northeast prod29 Household Items 16,087
Store 1 Northeast prod10 Electronics 17,159
Store 1 Northeast prod15 Office Supplies 17,425
Store 1 Northeast prod03 Furniture 15,515
Store 1 Northeast prod07 Groceries 18,478
Store 1 Northeast prod09 Groceries 16,411
Store 1 Northeast prod17 Office Supplies 15,956
Store 1 Northeast prod18 Office Supplies 17,002
Store 1 Northeast prod23 Clothing 14,527
Store 1 Northeast prod12 Electronics 16,474
Store 2 Northeast prod29 Household Items 19,613
Store 2 Northeast prod19 Office Supplies 10,960
Store 2 Northeast prod02 Furniture 19,523
Store 2 Northeast prod25 Clothing 13,243
Store 2 Northeast prod11 Electronics 10,322
Store 2 Northeast prod18 Office Supplies 11,177
Store 2 Northeast prod26 Household Items 14,903
Store 2 Northeast prod12 Electronics 12,512
Store 2 Northeast prod22 Clothing 12,899
Store 2 Northeast prod25 Clothing 15,943
Store 3 West prod26 Household Items 14,873
Store 3 West prod16 Office Supplies 10,449
Store 3 West prod30 Household Items 12,092
Store 3 West prod06 Groceries 10,361
Store 3 West prod06 Groceries 11,962
Store 3 West prod01 Furniture 16,718
Store 3 West prod19 Office Supplies 10,712
Store 3 West prod26 Household Items 14,769
Store 3 West prod04 Furniture 14,294
Store 3 West prod07 Groceries 16,217
Store 4 West prod22 Clothing 10,660
Store 4 West prod08 Groceries 14,093
Store 4 West prod11 Electronics 19,603
Store 4 West prod13 Electronics 11,898
Store 4 West prod17 Office Supplies 16,956
Store 4 West prod03 Furniture 15,963
Store 4 West prod25 Clothing 11,196
Store 4 West prod03 Furniture 19,344
Store 4 West prod12 Electronics 10,508
Store 4 West prod15 Office Supplies 15,445
Store 5 Southeast prod24 Clothing 14,734
Store 5 Southeast prod13 Electronics 14,051
Store 5 Southeast prod28 Household Items 10,231
Store 5 Southeast prod09 Groceries 11,884
Store 5 Southeast prod01 Furniture 15,847
Store 5 Southeast prod12 Electronics 18,799
Store 5 Southeast prod17 Office Supplies 17,807
Store 5 Southeast prod03 Furniture 11,321
Store 5 Southeast prod20 Clothing 14,762
Store 5 Southeast prod21 Clothing 15,077
Store 6 Southeast prod23 Clothing 17,428
Store 6 Southeast prod26 Household Items 19,314
Store 6 Southeast prod27 Household Items 11,250
Store 6 Southeast prod16 Office Supplies 11,174
Store 6 Southeast prod16 Office Supplies 17,056
Store 6 Southeast prod19 Office Supplies 14,317
Store 6 Southeast prod02 Furniture 19,041
Store 6 Southeast prod23 Clothing 12,342
Store 6 Southeast prod27 Household Items 13,001
Store 6 Southeast prod10 Electronics 14,359
Store 7 Southwest prod14 Electronics 14,904
Store 7 Southwest prod20 Clothing 17,800
Store 7 Southwest prod29 Household Items 13,097
Store 7 Southwest prod18 Office Supplies 14,211
Store 7 Southwest prod02 Furniture 19,251
Store 7 Southwest prod29 Household Items 18,334
Store 7 Southwest prod09 Groceries 15,567
Store 7 Southwest prod11 Electronics 12,620
Store 7 Southwest prod18 Office Supplies 14,185
Store 7 Southwest prod02 Furniture 15,546
Store 8 Southwest prod26 Household Items 18,394
Store 8 Southwest prod26 Household Items 14,304
Store 8 Southwest prod05 Groceries 16,273
Store 8 Southwest prod26 Household Items 15,037
Store 8 Southwest prod05 Groceries 12,651
Store 8 Southwest prod10 Electronics 10,090
Store 8 Southwest prod16 Office Supplies 15,221
Store 8 Southwest prod18 Office Supplies 12,201
Store 8 Southwest prod21 Clothing 14,535
Store 8 Southwest prod26 Household Items 18,708
Store 9 Midwest prod13 Electronics 15,880
Store 9 Midwest prod03 Furniture 18,484
Store 9 Midwest prod22 Clothing 17,462
Store 9 Midwest prod06 Groceries 19,013
Store 9 Midwest prod02 Furniture 14,206
Store 9 Midwest prod24 Clothing 15,736
Store 9 Midwest prod25 Clothing 18,548
Store 9 Midwest prod25 Clothing 14,940
Store 9 Midwest prod12 Electronics 12,520
Store 9 Midwest prod06 Groceries 17,569
Store 10 Midwest prod09 Groceries 11,729
Store 10 Midwest prod18 Office Supplies 17,233
Store 10 Midwest prod20 Clothing 15,947
Store 10 Midwest prod22 Clothing 16,028
Store 10 Midwest prod23 Clothing 13,230
Store 10 Midwest prod05 Groceries 10,045
Store 10 Midwest prod23 Clothing 19,851
Store 10 Midwest prod26 Household Items 16,925
Store 10 Midwest prod05 Groceries 11,420
Store 10 Midwest prod06 Groceries 15,058
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 4

Exercise 4
Management has tasked you with analyze the top 6 products sold in stores across the countr
categories are important to each of the stores' regions. Create a heatmap to demonstrate whi
for certain regions. Give two takeaways from the heatmap.
(Reference the data in the 'Exercise 4 Data' tab)

Total Sales
Northeast Midwest Southwest


Household Items
Office Supplies

4a) Create a pivot table that groups the data from the Exercise 4 - Data tab as shown in the table

Sum of Sales Region

Category Northeast Midwest Southwest Southeast
Clothing 75,686 131,742 32,335 74,343
Electronics 56,467 28,400 37,614 47,209
Furniture 51,216 32,690 34,797 46,209
Groceries 34,889 84,834 44,491 11,884
Household Items 50,603 16,925 97,874 53,796
Office Supplies 72,520 17,233 55,818 60,354

4b) Use conditional formatting and custom number formatting to complete the heat map above

Total Sales
Northeast Midwest Southwest


Household Items
Office Supplies
Key findings:

1 Clothing is crucial to the Midwest region with the highest sales of $75.7K (43% of total sales i
2 Groceries and Household items have more sales deviation across the regions as compared to
in stores across the country to determine which product
eatmap to demonstrate which product categories are crucial

Total Sales
Southeast West

Higher Product Revenue
Lower Product Revenue

a tab as shown in the table above


lete the heat map above

Total Sales
Southeast West

Higher Product Revenue
Lower Product Revenue
$75.7K (43% of total sales in that region)
the regions as compared to Electronics and Furniture
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 5

Exercise 5

Your manager is looking to create a high level project plan in a Gantt Chart for an upcoming m
The dates and durations are subject to change and he would prefer you deliver the Gantt cha
given the below preliminary information. Present your manager with a high level Gantt chart u

Initiative Start End Length

Perform Market Research 6-Jan-17 15-Jan-17 9
Define Channels Of Distribution 10-Jan-17 31-Jan-17 21
Design Marketing Campaign 17-Jan-17 7-Feb-17 20
Gain Budget Approval 2-Jan-17 6-Jan-17 4
Evaluate Marketing Goals 23-Jan-17 27-Jan-17 4
Mobilize Team 1-Feb-17 17-Feb-17 16

5a) Build a Gantt chart based on the table above

Place your chart here!

Gantt Chart for an upcoming marketing campaign in the Southwest region.
efer you deliver the Gantt chart in Excel to allow for quick changes. You are
with a high level Gantt chart using an Excel chart.

Completed % Days Completed Remaining Days

25% 2.25 6.75
50% 10.5 10.5
10% 2 18
0% 0 4
60% 2.4 1.6
75% 12 4
Data Driven Decision Making - Course 3
Week 3
Data Visualization
Exercise 5

Exercise 5

Your manager is looking to create a high level project plan in a Gantt Chart for an upcomin
The dates and durations are subject to change and he would prefer you deliver the Gantt
given the below preliminary information. Present your manager with a high level Gantt cha

Initiative Start End Length

Perform Market Research 6-Jan-17 15-Jan-17 9
Define Channels Of Distribution 10-Jan-17 31-Jan-17 21
Design Marketing Campaign 17-Jan-17 7-Feb-17 20
Gain Budget Approval 2-Jan-17 6-Jan-17 4
Evaluate Marketing Goals 23-Jan-17 27-Jan-17 4
Mobilize Team 1-Feb-17 17-Feb-17 16

5a) Build a Gantt chart based on the table above

Marketing Campaign Project P

6-Dec-16 16-Dec-16 26-Dec-16 5-Jan-17 15-Jan-17

Perform Market Research 2.25 6.75

Define Channels Of Distribution 10.5

Place your chart here!
Design Marketing Campaign 2

Gain Budget Approval 0 4

Evaluate Marketing Goals

Mobilize Team

Start Days Completed

Key findings:

1 "Gain Budget Approval" activity, which was supposed to start on 2nd Jan, has not been st
2 "Design Marketing Campaign", which is a major activity in marketing campaign has been c
Gantt Chart for an upcoming marketing campaign in the Southwest region.
efer you deliver the Gantt chart in Excel to allow for quick changes. You are
with a high level Gantt chart using an Excel chart.

Completed % Days Completed Remaining Days

25% 2.25 6.75
50% 10.5 10.5
10% 2 18
0% 0 4
60% 2.4 1.6
75% 12 4

ampaign Project Plan

5-Jan-17 15-Jan-17 25-Jan-17 4-Feb-17 14-Feb-17 24-Feb-17

2.25 6.75

10.5 10.5

2 18

0 4


12 4

t Days Completed

n 2nd Jan, has not been started yet.

eting campaign has been completed only 10%

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